Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 475 It's Laughing From It

The biochemical base in Changshan County is at the foot of Tuoziling in the Taixu Mountains, 120 kilometers away from the Great Wall defense line set up by the KGB at the highest point of the mountains.

The 120-kilometer buffer zone successfully bought time for Changshan County. More than 3,000 KGB fighters gathered to form a second line of defense in the middle of the mountain range.

The fighters who came later formed the third line of defense one after another.

These two lines of defense are just to delay time, waiting for reinforcements from the main force.

The special forces cannot face the main force head-on. As long as the main force arrives, the battle will be won.

Be sure to hold them back.

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself, she knew that their target must be the biochemical base.

The Changshan County Biochemical Base is now the most important and most profitable department in Changshan County, and it must not be damaged.

From the very beginning of the battle with the council in the field of cancer specific drugs, Qin Luoshuang knew that the other party would definitely attack this department.

She has made enough preparations to push forward the original cordon of more than 30 kilometers by nearly 100 kilometers.

But the Taixu Mountain Range was too deep, and the council still sent the special forces into the mountain without anyone noticing.

According to the on-site operations, they even established a headquarters in the deep mountains and provided logistical supplies and support.

They have launched many on-the-spot tactical attacks. The mortars and rockets have never been broken, and several blocking troops were defeated in one blow.

The KGB's losses were enormous.

Qin Luoshuang's heart was filled with remorse and anger. She should have been more vigilant, asked for more defense and military expenses, and insisted on establishing a reconnaissance system covering the entire Taixu Mountain Range.

But Changshan County's cash flow is relatively tight now, and money is being used everywhere. She was afraid of interfering with the development of Changshan County, so she did not use this budget.

The result is the current tragic loss.

Every agent is an elite who has been trained with great difficulty, and she will feel distressed for a long time if she sacrifices one.

Nearly a thousand people have died today, and it is foreseeable that thousands more will die in the future.

All of this made Qin Luoshuang feel like a knife piercing his heart.

But Wang Ya was even more anxious. In his opinion, this was the foundation for them to settle down.

"Miss, let's get out, we're going to lose all our capital! The biochemical base should be evacuated as soon as possible, and we'll take away what we can before it's too late!"


Qin Luoshuang immediately vetoed it.

"The time is too short, and most of the things can't be taken away. If the biochemical base is destroyed, it will take us at least several months to recover."

"That's better than annihilation!"

"Wang Ya." Qin Luoshuang said coldly: "You need to change your thinking. Look at the badge on the chest of the KGB. It kills the enemy with a sharp sword and protects the country with a large shield. What kind of agent do you want to run away from?"

After the conversation that day, although Wang Ya generally believed that the eldest lady would definitely be able to take the position, his traditional thinking was still difficult to change for a while.

In any struggle, it is their instinct to preserve the hole cards and the strength of the direct troops.


"Don't miss it. There are still tanks and helicopters in the inventory, hurry up and support the front line."

"It's... Missy."

Changshan County is fighting at home, and both the KGB helicopters and the military's armed helicopters quickly rushed to the front line.

Tanks cannot enter complex mountainous areas and can only stop at the foot of the mountain.

But the situation is still bad.

A large number of gray-clothed men charged over the landmines, and the giant was not afraid of any ordinary bullets, only armor-piercing bullets, grenades or artillery could cause damage to it.

There are also bugmen who attack from the ground. The artillery fire on the battlefield covers up the whistle that can restrain the bug people, so that they can attack everywhere without restraint.

The second line of defense quickly collapsed, and Qin Luoshuang gave the order to retreat in time to save as many fighters as possible.

The third line of defense is the last line of defense. Tanks are parked here, and helicopters have also arrived on the battlefield.

The battle was stalemate at the beginning, the tank's heavy artillery suppressed the giant, and the armed helicopter's strafing on the ground caused the deaths of the men in gray clothes. The positions arranged in advance gave great help to the agents.

They used grenades and short cannons to massacre the gray-clothed men, sniped the giants with armor-piercing bullets, and buried the sirens in the ground to prevent the bugs from attacking.

The follow-up continuous support troops also gave them the courage to fight on.

The battle situation seems to have improved somewhat.

But soon another bad news came.

The clay figurines were wiped out.

They were heavily targeted, with countermeasures attacking them with liquid nitrogen and supercooled fluorine, and restraining their movement with massive steel cable nets.

The cold freezes the soils, making them more brittle and less resilient.

Although they can be reassembled when they are smashed, this will consume the duration.

Under the firepower of thousands of people, when the clay figurine was smashed to pieces for the third time, time finally ran out and it turned into a puddle of muddy water and disappeared.

More than a thousand people who were dragged by the clay figurines soon joined the battlefield.

Among the more than a thousand people, the proportion of elite giants is very large, and the gray-clothed men who are used as cannon fodder have almost died long ago.

When they joined the battle, the powerful firepower made the agent's defense line no longer able to bear the heavy pressure, and the whole line collapsed.

"It's a win!"

Military expert Zhang Dongxu said.

"Information shows that their main force is still 60 kilometers away, enough for us to completely destroy their biochemical base."

Wang Xinwei smiled and said: "The pure army can enter Changshan County to slaughter. Many backbones of Changshan County will die one by one, and they will collapse soon."

One person worried: "Will the Great Elder blame us for our brazen large-scale military attack in the empire? I heard that many projects in Changshan County have the share of the Great Elder."

"The Great Elder won't blame us." Wang Xinwei said coldly, "Because the dead are useless, we can take over the Changshan County project, and we can control the Qin Group on the front line, which is much more reliable than that little bastard."

"However, Lord Wang, we may not win yet." Another person said worriedly: "The super special combat body from Changshan County hasn't arrived yet, and we haven't seen the secret weapon that massacred 12,000 men in gray last time."

"Impossible to lose." Zhang Dongxu denied: "Last time, I was careless. Twelve thousand people were squeezed together and wiped out. This time we are scattered. Even if there is another bomb like this, it can only kill one or two thousand people at most. It has nothing to do with the overall situation."

The expert said angrily: "What about the super special combat body? Don't forget the numerous achievements of Changshan County!"

Zhang Dongxu glanced at him sideways, and said with a sneer, "Is it funny that you treat us as a third-order pure body? That strength is beyond your imagination, and it will definitely beat their special combat body!"

"Changshan County also has a variety of new weapons!"

"It's useless. The Papal State has provided so many raw materials. Our people in gray are endless. No new weapons are useful. We won 120%."

The large images uploaded from the frontline battlefield also confirm this point.

On the screen, the agents retreated like a tide, and the men in gray and giants continued to chase after them. The helicopters in the sky ran out of bullets and had to return.

The biochemical base can already be seen faintly on the screen.

"Let me tell you, I won 120 percent. If I can't win, I'll cut off my head and kick it for you."

The expert shut up.

The observer on the battlefield moved the camera up and selected a wide-angle lens in order to show the victorious scene.

"Huh?" One person suddenly asked in surprise, "Why is there a black spot in the sky?"

No one paid him any attention at first, but after a few seconds everyone noticed the black dot.

It's growing rapidly.

In the next moment, there was only a loud bang, and the whole camera shook.

When the picture was lifted again, they saw a giant robot rampaging across the battlefield. It was so bloated that it looked like a huge mountain of moving metal garbage.

But its movements are incomparably dexterous, moving and shifting, lingering and micro-stepping, soft steps like flowers, and lotuses at every step, the catwalks of the most slender beauties at the fashion show are not as light as it.

Its movements are soft and nimble but open and close, jumping and flipping three and a half times in the air, backflips and front somersaults at every turn, vigorous and swift, just like a cheetah on the Heizhou prairie.

At least thousands of tons of footsteps sometimes don't even step on a single dust. It rushes left and right on the battlefield, kicks or steps, punches hard, or spins and sweeps legs, smashing the entire formation of the army to pieces.

The men in gray were killed and wounded countless times, and their bullets hit the special steel several meters thick, and it was not even a tickle.

The giant's attack was just to the point where it was tickling.

But when the robot came to pick it up, the giant would be broken and rotten and die.

The giant army wanted to use mobility and robots to go around in circles, but the mobility of the robots was even far superior to them. They could fly hundreds of meters away with a big jump, and when they fell down, a giant team would be reimbursed.

Even the bugman couldn't escape its pursuit. It jumped hundreds of meters high, turned around in the air for three and a half weeks, and landed on all fours.

That loud noise made people feel like the mountain was collapsing, and the bugman hiding in the ground couldn't be flattened anymore.

The worm's counterattack was even more ridiculous. The sharp scythe couldn't pierce the thick special steel at all. It was an ant under the giant's feet.

When the giant pressed it with his backhand, it turned into a puddle of meat.

The entire command center was silent, but the clear sound of countless glasses could be heard in the souls of everyone.

That was the sound of their three views bursting.

Robots they can accept.

After all, Changshan County has demonstrated it twice before and after, and the empire also has related weapon research.

But they can't accept this kind of robot, it seems to have mastered gravity, it is light and heavy.

When it was young, it went straight up to the sky like a feather.

When it is heavy, it hits the earth like a meteor.

And its dexterity, which is completely opposite to its bulky body, is even more shocking to people's senses. They feel that even if the world gymnastics champion competes with it on the field, it must rely on the referee to win.

If the referee is not trampled to death by it.

The droids had completely broken up their formation, drawing most of the firepower, and the agents behind immediately made a comeback to wipe out the scattered stragglers.

The situation fell instantly.

"Let me tell you, let me tell you!" The expert suddenly yelled, "You still said you won 120%! I told you to be careful if you don't listen!"

"Hehe!" Zhang Dongxu sneered: "You know what, this is a 200% war, and there is an 80% chance of losing! The war is dangerous, who dares to say that 200% can win?"


"Shut up!" Wang Xinwei yelled angrily, "You're still fighting at this moment, so think about what to do?"

A close aide whispered: "Master Wang, the Qin Group also secretly assisted us with a batch of military helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. We can destroy that robot."

Wang Xinwei hesitated, attacking with biochemical special warfare and attacking with regular military weapons are not the same concept, the latter is suspected of declaring war.

The Qin Group was obviously uneasy and kind, and hoped that they and Changshan County would lose both. Wang Xinwei didn't plan to use it at first, otherwise he would most likely be thrown out and blamed.

But if the raid fails, this month's hard work will be in vain, and there will definitely be no good fruit to eat when going back.

"Use it!" Wang Xinwei hesitated for a long time before giving the order.

Twenty-five armed helicopters immediately took off from the secret base in the mountains and flew towards the frontline battlefield.

Soon, the pilot saw the giant robot killing the ground.

"Radar lock!"

"Using infrared rays, the robot must be a huge heat source with high precision!"

However, there was nothing on the infrared radar but themselves.

"What? Is it cold?"

The helicopter captain wanted to pick out his eyeballs.

"Then where does it get its energy from?"

"Captain, change to a normal radar! It seems to have spotted us!" In the channel, a pilot shouted in panic.

"What are you panicking about? We are more than 500 meters above the ground, how could it still fly up... Damn it!"

On the ground, the big robot rose into the sky and rushed towards them!

"Launch! Launch the missile!"

Twenty-five Hellfire missiles flew towards the robot trailing white smoke, but the robot flipped all the missiles away in mid-air before doing a nimble handstand.

The guidance systems of the missiles were overwhelmed, and they collided with each other and exploded.

The robot approached instantly, and with a wave of his hand, five helicopters were reimbursed.

"Quick, pull up!"

The helicopters scattered like a swarm of frightened mosquitoes.

But the giant was much faster than them, catching up in the blink of an eye, and slapped them off one by one like slapping mosquitoes.

In the secret base, the last picture on the big screen is the robot hovering in mid-air, holding the detonated helicopter in its hand, looking in their direction, seemingly thinking.

Then the screen went black and I couldn't see anything.

Wang Xinwei turned his head and left without saying a word. Several experts kept up with the pace, but most of them didn't realize what happened. They didn't realize that the chief had run away until they heard the whine of the helicopter outside.

They also wanted to run in a hurry, but only heard a loud noise, the whole ground trembled, and half of the fortress that took a month to build collapsed in an instant.

On the collapsed wall, the majestic figure of the big robot was revealed.

It looked at the experts in this place and seemed to be smiling.

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