Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 479 Betrayal and Loyalty

Li Longxing stood on the top of the castle, looking into the distance.

On the horizon, as far as the eye can see, there are all imperial soldiers ready to go.

Countless armored vehicles, tanks, and artillery are driving to the front line with the army.

In the sky, the roar of helicopters and planes never stopped.

In the rear, huge armaments flow back and forth.

This time, the empire dispatched a total of 34 armies, more than 200 divisions, tens of thousands of tanks and over 10,000 aircraft, accounting for half of the empire's regular army.

With so many troops, it only took a month and a half to assemble.

Now, as long as the spring breeze blows across the earth and the severe cold brought about by Zezhou's special terrain ends, they will attack across the board and start this battle that will determine the fate of countless people.


When Li Longxing was deep in thought, a clear voice came from behind.

Looking back, it was his precious daughter, the first princess Li Linyue.

She was unpainted, wearing a straight military uniform, with her long hair tied behind her head, the sun shone on her beautiful white face like jade, shining brightly, wearing a military uniform on her body seemed like red makeup.

"The Marshal's Department invites you to go over."

Li Longxing was a little impatient, "Let them discuss first."

Li Linyue walked up gently, took her father's arm, and said with a smile: "The generalissimo is not here, how can the generalissimo discuss it?"

The irritability in Li Longxing's heart eased a little. Looking at his daughter's fairy-like appearance, two hairs swayed on her cheeks.

Her smile was so clean and bright, it reminded him of another man.

Go back this time and arrange for them to get married.

Li Longxing thought to himself.

The triumphant emperor cannot be stopped, he will cut off all thorns, all obstacles, and reorganize this withered empire.


Li Longxing cheered up and walked towards the command room.

Li Linyue held her father's arm gently, and was able to keep up with his striding meteors, looking sassy and capable.

When she reached the command room, she put down her hands and stood behind her father.

As the door opened, a whole room of imperial generals appeared in front of them.

She didn't go in, but watched her father stride towards the chair in the middle. His broad back gave Li Linyue a strange sense of peace of mind.

When they were young, when they were in turmoil, her father hid in Tibet behind her back like this.

It was a feeling that will never be forgotten.

Li Linyue took one last look at her father, and the door closed in front of her eyes.

That man, too.

Li Linyue thought faintly.

Turning around and walking into the small room on the other side, her younger sister, little princess Li Qingyue threw herself into her arms.

"Sister, sister! I found a spy!"

Li Linyue rubbed her porcelain doll-like cheeks, and said with a light smile, "Hey, don't make trouble."

Li Qingyue puffed up her cheeks, pulled her sister to the window, pointed to an officer below and said, "That's him! I've been watching him all morning, and he just walked around in circles below without doing anything! He must be a spy."

Li Linyue glanced at it, and said with a smile: "Isn't this General Lian Yi? How could he be a spy?"

Li Qingyue crossed her small waist and said unhappily: "Stop looking down on me, this is a typical stereotyped reaction, do you understand what a stereotyped reaction is?"

"That's an animal."

Li Linyue reprimanded a little dumbfounded: "How can you compare it with others?"

"Aren't humans animals?" Li Qingyue raised her face, looking like a small researcher, "The kingdom of animals, the phylum chordates, the order of mammals, the order of primates, and the genus of the genus Homo."

"Well, you're right."

Li Linyue never quarreled with her younger sister, it would shorten her life, "What about your brother, I have something to do with him."

"Brother is going to meet Uncle Sheng's troops. Sister, hurry up and catch him. Didn't you say that there are very few people in the empire who want us to win a big victory, but there are many people who want us to return in a big defeat. They will definitely send many spies to make trouble. Then we just need to catch him, and we will win!"

Li Linyue touched her sister's head, and asked softly, "Did you overhear my sister?"

"It's not eavesdropping, I'm standing at the door, you didn't see me."

"Anyone else hear it?"


"What sister said, you must not say it outside."

"Yeah. Sister, hurry up and catch him. Like my Xiaobai, he will lick his fur nervously when he arrives in a strange environment. He keeps licking the same place until his hair becomes bald."

Li Linyue smiled, "Okay." But she didn't care much in her heart, how can a human compare with a cat?

But when she went out, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind.

Lian Yi is from Zezhou. He has lived in Xindengbao for more than 30 years. How can he be nervous when he returns to his hometown?


Li Linyue thought quickly.

He and Wu Jingtang, the rebel governor, used to be classmates, and they were also superiors and subordinates in Zezhou.

When Wu Jingtang rebelled, he was one of the very few senior generals who successfully escaped from Zezhou.

For a moment, Li Linyue almost believed that he was a spy.

Fear and anxiety grow in the heart.

This war is very important to the empire, but losing it will not be irreversible.

For the Huang faction, it was a victory, but for them it was life and death. Before the father went out, he specially brought all the family members with him, just to protect their safety and prevent accidents.

No, I want to catch him immediately.

Li Linyue ran unknowingly, and rushed into the garrison of the members of the princess faction who came with the army.

"Liu You, immediately call Xiao Zhizhong, and send the third team of the Guards to arrest Lian Yi."

The old butler Liu You was taking a nap, when he heard this, he suddenly woke up: "Yes!"

Hastily ran out.

After a while, a large number of guards were dispatched to arrest Lian Yi who was about to escape.

At the same time, a large number of suspicious letters and telegrams were found in his residence.

Li Linyue was almost 100% sure that he was a spy, but when she was about to interrogate, the movement of her arrest alarmed the marshal's department which was in a meeting.

Imperial Marshal Fu Wenyu directly accused her of interfering in military affairs and asked the Grand Marshal to repatriate her family members.

The reason is also very upright, how can there be a leader who goes to battle to kill the enemy and bring his family?

Li Linyue felt a chill in her heart, Fu Wenyu looked at her with extremely familiar eyes, and her naked desire could hardly be concealed.

And he didn't dare to look at her like this before.

Something must have happened to make him think that the Emperor's chances of victory were dimmed.

Li Longxing naturally did not agree with him.

There is no legal question about who the Grand Marshal wants to bring with him.

However, Li Linyue still needs to explain the matter of arresting people.

When the battle is about to start, nothing can affect morale.

It wasn't a big deal at first, Lian Yi was just a middle-level general, and he was taken seriously because of his bitterness and hatred to regain his hometown.

No matter how it was handled, nothing would happen.

Unfortunately, Lian Yi committed suicide during the interrogation.

The opposition led by Fu Wenyu immediately grasped this point and clung to it, thinking that the imperial faction acted recklessly and killed generals at will.

Although it was strongly suppressed in the end, this matter has already had a very negative impact.

Li Linyue was ordered not to leave the castle, and not to exceed his authority.

To make matters worse, that night, the Imperial Eastern Front Army was raided by the Pope King's Mountain Division.

Although only one division was lost, such a thing happened before the war had a great impact on morale.

After that, with this as a turning point, everything went from bad to worse.

First of all, there are a lot of problems with the military supplies, which are damaged and damaged, and there is almost no good one in the car.

Especially midline logistics.

There are also varying degrees of problems in offline logistics.

Only the on-line logistics affiliated to the Supreme Council and the dedicated logistics affiliated to Huangpai are still normal.

With such a large army, there is actually a problem with a quarter of the material supply.

Li Longxing knew that the rear began to become unstable again.

Something must have happened.

Some people are afraid that they will go back and settle accounts.

But Li Longxing was not very anxious. If the rear of the empire was always as stable as an old dog, then he would have to worry.

"no need to worry."

Li Longxing comforted his daughters with a smile, that incompetent son didn't need to be comforted, he just needed to be beaten.

"If we don't do well and have no hope of winning, how can they disturb us with their lives? Wouldn't it be enough to just sit and watch us fail?"

"This proves that we have done a good job so far, the strategy is correct, and there is a great glimmer of hope. They are afraid, and they will desperately interfere with us when they are afraid."

After the words fell, Li Linyue's heart warmed up, and she became more stable.

Younger brother Li Yuchen shouted; "That's right, let's dispatch troops to conquer the Pope's kingdom, and then go back and sweep those cowards hiding in the shadows!"

"Shut up!" The majestic eldest sister reprimanded: "Listen to father."

Li Yuchen pursed his lips, but he didn't bark anymore.

The little princess has been sitting quietly, listening to her father speak.

Li Longxing looked at the big family and said with a smile: "So, what we have to do is to firmly follow our path and let them talk. Insults, slanders, rumors, these cowardly actions will be crushed before the indiscernible victory."

The last trace of fear in Li Linyue's heart was also dispelled, and she smiled sweetly: "Father, what should we do?"

Li Longxing said with a smile: "You stay here well, and firmly restrain your subordinates. Live and eat as usual every day, just like traveling."

Li Linyue had an exquisite mind and understood immediately.

"I will, father, and they will see true royalty. We shall prevail!"

Li Longxing gave the children a confident smile.

But when he went out, his face darkened.

A royal guard said softly: "Your Majesty, it has been found out that Elder Lin Yabo is behind the central logistics."

Li Longxing nodded, and immediately held a meeting, requesting to supervise the logistics of the central line throughout the process, send special personnel to follow the process, and set up inspection checkpoints in every process.

Unsurprisingly, this proposal was met with strong opposition. Imperial Marshal Fu Wenyu said coldly: "The divisions are clearly defined. If there is a problem, they can check it on their own. If they go overboard everywhere, won't this be a mess?"

In the final vote, the central army and the local army, which accounted for the majority, overwhelmed the royal guards and some imperialist or neutral generals.

Although Li Longxing could guess the ending, he still felt angry.

The generals of the imperial faction were also furious.

Li Yongsheng, the old marshal and pillar of the Three Kingdoms who accompanied the army, said: "For the current plan, we can only supplement the missing part with our own dedicated line."

A general asked: "Is the capacity sufficient?"

Li Yongsheng smiled slightly bitterly: "Adding money is naturally enough."

Li Longxing nodded: "For the time being, this is the only way."

A snub-nosed one said angrily, "Then there's nothing we can do about the center line? With so much junk, the Empire's General Logistics Affairs Department still pays for it! I can't swallow the anger of letting those dogs steal money like this."

Li Longxing shook his head slightly. Without the support of the Supreme Council, it would be very difficult to deal with this kind of shit. Going to war would only kill a few scapegoats in the end, and it would be meaningless.

"His Majesty."

At this time, a young general said, "I have a way to combat their arrogance."

Li Longxing turned his head to look, and immediately smiled, "Guo Feng, tell me."

The young general said: "We can reject the central line freight, refuse to unload the goods, refuse to sign on the manifest, and return the central line freight goods intact."

A horse face said angrily: "Guo Feng, what's the use of this? The money was given before delivery."

Guo Feng said: "This is a fact we have created: we did not use the materials of the central logistics, and when we settle accounts after the fall in the future, we will have stronger confidence."

"This is also a threat: our sword has been drawn. Even if Elder Lin is not afraid, what about his subordinates? What about his subordinates?"

"Every time we win a game, this threat becomes stronger. Sooner or later, the center line logistics will be distracted, causing delays in supplies. At this time, the Imperial Political Supervisory Council will have an excuse to intervene in the investigation."

Li Longxing's eyes lit up, "Yes, this is a very good way."

The beauty of it is that it only takes a win or two and it can pose a substantial threat.

However, on the second day after this action was implemented, the Weishanling position on the western front was attacked by the Papal State, and the two divisions were completely wiped out.

The Empire has lost one of its most important tusk positions.

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