During this period of time, Lin Wen turned himself into Niu Jiang Ai Jiang to conduct scientific research in person. His superb scientific research methods and top-notch experimental techniques made Amers, the top expert in the empire, so happy that he was almost insane.

But what made An Mosi's three views burst even more was that his behavior comparable to that of a primary school student could actually produce some practical results.

The cost of Enzyme 281 has dropped a little more.

Although each unit still needs 18,000 yuan, it is far from reaching the planned cost of 5,000 yuan.

But at least it's a little better than before.

As a result, Amers had to allow Lin Wen to be his first assistant, agreeing that he would guide the direction at a certain stage of the experiment.

Through this method, Lin Wen split a big goal into countless specific small goals, which greatly reduced the consumption of [Ask in the Sky] and made more reasonable use of human wisdom.

As long as time passes, the cost of new cancer drugs will be reduced, which will become a long-lasting good fortune for Changsan-gun.

However, Lin Wen had to re-invest in learning the laws of the physical world, which made him a little painful.

But for the sake of more good karma, these pains can also be endured.

Lin Wen went to the old Mr. Yu's place to make a special visit to the autumn wind. Using Xiang Zijing's subtle means, he successfully moved back a lot of raw materials, which greatly saved expenses.

A large number of raw materials for the council disappeared inexplicably during the transportation process, which made the medical group, which was already suffering huge losses, even worse.

Yu Zhongxian almost recovered from the stroke.

Although no evidence can be found, this kind of thing can only be done by Changshan County.

The Council frantically dispatched insects to attack Changshan County many times in a row, or maliciously dropped viruses, or engaged in spies to sabotage.

But Qin Luoshuang, who had experienced many battles, withstood all the attacks of the council.

The reinforced Great Wall line of defense accurately stopped all the bugmen, and a team of four from the dragon team quickly supported them, and cooperated with the countermeasures to destroy these monsters, and the corpses were dragged to the biochemical base for specimen research.

The newly established disease prevention and control center in Changshan County operates 24 hours a day in all directions to monitor any signs of disease. Once discovered, precise isolation + rapid treatment will quickly turn disaster into invisible.

The KGB successfully united with the Women's Mutual Aid Association and implemented Lin Wen's ocean strategy, causing the spies who came to Changshan County to throw themselves into the net.

The council and the KGB were now at odds. The two sides fought fiercely in the field of special warfare, and Qin Luoshuang had the upper hand most of the time.

Once there is a sign of instability, she will quickly call Lin Wen to save the day.

In short, Changshan County is relatively stable now, and all developments and projects have not been disturbed.

New drugs are also produced as usual, and they still compete with the council at extremely low prices, and there is no loss.

Every few days, Lin Wen can receive a lot of good fortune generated by the new medicine.

The main body of Shanyuan is Changshan County, but the council also occupies a part.

Although there are not so many good fortunes gained through this indirect method, the advantage lies in the large size of the council.

Lin Wen even thought of selling the formula of the new drug to drug dealers all over the world, and let all the medical groups around the world work for him.

But that's for later.

The first thing Lin Wen has to do is to conduct research in person to reduce the actual cost.

Otherwise, one day Mr. Yu passed away, wouldn't his good fortune be ruined?

On this day, while Lin Wen was doing scientific research, he suddenly received a call from the First Princess whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Xiaowen, do you still have shells?"

Fortunately, Lin Wen held back the words "Who are you?" in time.

This is the first princess of the empire.

Although Li Linyue had never met Lin Wen formally, Lin Wen felt her presence all the time in the empire, and had dealt with her a lot in the air.

During the Battle of Shizhou, the first princess helped a lot, and later formed an online relationship with Qiqiao Linglongxin.

In Yaojing, Lin Wen indirectly used the first princess to help him establish his prestige, and even prostituted her a lot of clothes for free.

But it is a pity that Lin Wen's act of selling the original clothes of the first princess suffered a disgraceful failure, and everyone thought he was a shameful counterfeit dealer.

In the end, Lin Wen had to give all of them to Qin Luoshuang.

Unexpectedly, she actually called at this time.

Lin Wen didn't open the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

He is ready to end this bad relationship, otherwise sooner or later it will bring him a lot of bad luck, and it will be even worse if there are any uncontrollable consequences.


Lin Wen quickly asked [Immortal Guidance] a question.

[What does the first princess hate the most? 】

Consumption: 5%.

Answer: [Royal Joke]

OK, done!

He doesn't know how to chase girls, but he is proficient in how to reject girls.

Just keep doing things she hates.

"Of course, why don't men have shells?"

"how many?"

"Hundreds of millions."

"Can it be shipped?"

Lin Wen scratched his head and found that things were not simple.

He thought for a moment and asked, "Are you short of shells on the front line?"

Li Linyue briefly explained the matter.

From her point of view, Lin Wen is already her husband. She is very satisfied with her husband. He is capable and interesting. He is undemocratic in the territory.

Almost everything fits her needs.

She firmly believes that they can learn from each other's strengths and achieve higher achievements together.

And it was Lin Yabo and Yu Zhongxian who hindered them from being together.

There is no need to hide the internal affairs of the Huangpai from him.

"...So, once my father returns home in triumph, he will have the ability to reorganize the Imperial Diet, and Yu Zhongxian's days at large will come to an end. Once the Council loses control, the crimes of Lin Yabo and others will be liquidated one by one."

"That's why they're trying so hard to hold us back. It's a battle of life and death."

"For some reason, the Supreme Council changed its original attitude of supporting the father and changed to a neutral position."

"Lin Yabo and Yu Zhongxian's gang have influenced the Imperial General Logistics Department through some means, and they control a quarter of the logistics supply, resulting in an unexpected shortage of shells on the western front."

"Xiaowen, you must have a way, right?"

Lin Wen smiled.


He readily agreed.

This is a good way to completely kill the council. The council has completely blocked the rapid development of Changshan County and has become a stumbling block on Lin Wendeng's road to immortality.

Qin Luoshuang's previous failure to fight back against the council completely confirmed what Li Longxing said to him before the expedition.

The council is a tumor rooted in the empire, and power is the root of its existence.

It is necessary to fight magic with magic and assist Li Longxing to gain greater power in order to clear it.

But for Lin Wen, directly intervening in the war is not acceptable.

Unless it is an army that has committed atrocities, it will be full of bad luck.

Intervention can only be as indirect as possible, the more indirect the better.

Providing cannonballs is a very indirect act, and it is also a very legitimate act.

There are as many as five million people in Changshan County relying on cannonballs for a living. This is their own livelihood, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong. Lin Wen is not selling cannonballs for his own self-interest.

There is no enmity in public war, and there is no good or evil.

There are plenty of cannonballs in Changshan County. The production capacity of the factories in the new area is increasing every day, and the workers are studying how to reduce costs and increase production capacity every day.

Now they can produce 40 million to 50 million shells a month.

As for this month's shells, the Imperial General Logistics Department has not yet come to buy them.

He sends it over first, and then collects the money.

The only problem is shipping.

But there are ways around that too.

"Where is the handover?" Lin Wen asked.

Li Linyue thought for a moment, "The Xipingchang area of ​​Zezhou, I will arrange someone to receive the supplies there."


Lin Wen hung up the phone directly.

Came to the warehouse of the new factory area.

More than 50 million shells have been stored here.

If it is transported by train, about 100,000 carriages are needed.

But Lin Wen didn't spend that money.


Supreme will.

The sudden war between the Empire and the Papal State caused many consequences. There were signs of instability inside and outside the Empire, and a large number of suppressed demons and ghosts emerged one after another.

Even in the eastern part of the empire, which has always been stable, there have been many dissidents attacking the empire under various banners.

The Great Elder focused on suppressing and dealt with the opposing forces who dared to take the lead with a thunderous force.

Appease undisclosed dissatisfaction with a gentle hand.

With thunder in one hand and rain and dew in the other hand, this huge empire can be bumpy and unbreakable.

At this time, the emperor's personal letter was presented by the captain of the royal guard himself.

"Your Excellency, please take a look."

The captain of the royal guard bowed respectfully, ignored the imperial guards who were standing behind him, turned and left.

The Great Elder read it quickly.

"How to deal with it?"

"The Huairuo area is extremely unstable, the Anuo people are making troubles everywhere, and the Sui Shen religion is also restless. The industrial bases of the empire are all in the north, and Lin Yabo can't move."

"Dozens of cults are under the rule of the Council, and the highly influential Soul Ascension Cult and Control Cult are also restricted by him."

"Ren Zhengqing's military emperor faction is cleaning up the lineage again, and the security of the Qin Group is somewhat abnormal. Yu Zhongxian can't move."

"But their behavior has crossed the bottom line, and the interests of the empire are being damaged."

"Order the highest military headquarters to form a war monitoring team, go to the front line, and strictly investigate all spies and traitors in the military camp."

"The guardian of the empire, hold our dragon gold scepter to supervise."

"The Ministry of Information and Information of the Empire sent reporters to follow up and interview the whole process."

"What about the supplies?"

"The royal faction has a way."

"any idea?"

"Ask Lin Wen."

The conversation with the Great Elder ended here.


The Xipingchang area is a plain in Zezhou, and it is also the most important node in the transportation route of the Huangpai special line.

Li Linyue chose this place specially to facilitate his logistics and transportation.

Lin Wen called to say that the goods would arrive at 5:00 p.m., and Li Linyue brought a large number of people here at the risk of being attacked by the imperial marshal Fu Wenyu for violating the ban.

But it was almost five o'clock, and there was no news of the arrival of the train.

The confidant Liu You said dissatisfiedly: "Sheriff Lin is too unreliable!"

The maid Chang Ling even said directly: "Men have no good things, and they never keep their promises."

Li Linyue stopped her chief maid's actions.

"Maybe something happened to him."

"Something happened, don't you know how to ask for instructions and report?" The maid Chang Ling said very unhappy: "He didn't take His Highness seriously."

Li Linyue was a little confused and worried.

You won't really encounter something, will you?

After a while, five o'clock passed, and there was no shadow.

Liu You asked the operator, who shook his head helplessly.

Ling started to complain again. She had great opinions on the husband appointed by the first princess, and she never said a good word about him.

When everyone was at a loss, someone suddenly shouted: "Why is it so dark?"

Li Yuchen looked along his fingers, and the expression on his face suddenly lost control.

"My God! Look, look!"

The little boy's exclamation made everyone turn their heads.

Then one by one their jaws broke free from the jawbone.

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