Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 483 Goodbye (Second)

Papal States.

Holy Fire Sacrificial Site.

The chief priest, Mo Di, was sitting in the sacred fire and praying.

A moment later, a group of special effects appeared in his hand.

Mo Zhai held the special effects in front of the camera and solemnly announced: "Fen Tianshen said that we will win after a disastrous defeat."


When the director waved his hand, all the photographers and assistants applauded together.

"Master Priest's acting skills are superb!"

"God possessed! The Pope will win!"

Mo Zhai nodded slightly, and ordered: "Cut out a piece as soon as possible, don't waste special effects."


The production of this video was done with incredible speed.

That night, the finished film was broadcast in various major military brigades, and the morale of the troops quickly recovered.

At the same time, the Overseer Army began to collect leaflets on a large scale to strictly prohibit the spread of rumors.

The Papal State's monks, mountain divisions and other ace troops also entered the battlefield one after another, and formed a larger army of warlords, and enforced stricter discipline of the warlords.

The Untouchables were forced to charge on a large scale.

They rushed to the battlefield in groups, slamming landmines, topping artillery fire, and charging machine gun positions.

Without any method of warfare, nor any reason, just like a group of beasts driven into a desperate situation.

Such actions cost them enormous casualties and are of no value.

Often thousands of people can't be exchanged for one person in the empire.

For a small position, they have to pay the price of tens of thousands of people.

The imperial army withdrew very calmly, and there was almost no price to pay except for shells.

Flesh was scattered all over the battlefield, and blood soaked the soil. Facing this meaningless death, the hearts of the untouchables began to shake again.

But the gleaming bayonet is forcing them from behind, and the beautiful life in the afterlife is tempting them from the front.

The untouchables have no hope in this life, so they can only rush to the battlefield to consume shells in order to win the glimmer of life in the afterlife.

Mo Zhai learned about the empire's spring tactics through secret information, and his choice was to attack on a larger scale, crushing the springs with extraordinary force.

And quickly consume veterans who are demoralized, fearful of war, or likely to rebel.

Replace it with recruits with high morale.

At the same time, the Papal State also began to use addictive drugs on a large scale to inspire the courage of the soldiers and make them go up to become cannon fodder without fear of death.

Under countless deaths, the Papal States pushed the battle line to the city of Liege.

This is a key strategic node, which protects the lifeline of the empire's rear transportation line, the Xipingchang area.

If the city of Liege is captured, the supply line in the Xipingchang area will be cut off, which is equivalent to cutting off one-third of the supply on the western front of the empire.

Li Longxing decided to fight back here, releasing the power of the spring.

And the Papal State has mobilized ten times more troops than before, as well as elite mountain divisions and ace field troops to join the battle, vowing to break the spring.

The war will be triggered soon.

With the city of Liege as the center, the imperial army set up a position as long as 100 kilometers.

The overwhelming artillery clusters had exhausted their inventory within two days, but the Papal State's army continued to flow.

Shang Lianshan sighed, "How many people did they send to die?"

Xu Lishan, the commander of the guards, also sighed: "Every time I think they have reached their limit, they can always come up with more people."

In the last war, the Papal States lost millions of people.

This time, in just a few dozen days since the start of the war, their death toll has exceeded the sum of the last time.

And there are still a steady stream of recruits coming from behind.

"It's just cannon fodder, come and die as many as you come."

"I always feel inhuman."

Shang Lianshan sighed softly: "War, how can anyone be humane?"

The spring plan did not achieve the expected results, and the number of participants in the Papal State greatly exceeded the limit of Li Longxing's imagination.

"It can only be head-to-head."

Li Longxing decisively issued a new order:

"The main group army went to the battlefield and fought them head-on."

"The Royal Guards attacked from the flanks, and the local troops stood by in the rear."

"Convene a staff meeting."

This time, the emperor's opinion was not blocked.

The next day, the first battle between the two countries began.

The imperial army was like a beast coming out of the cage. A torrent of steel consisting of eleven thousand tanks rolled in. The dust raised by the steel tracks covered the sky, and a battle formation composed of armed helicopters patrolled the sky. The roar of fighter jets resounded through the sky.

Compared with the Empire, the Papal States looked much shabby.

All its heavy weapons are of the IWC brand, and the tanks are of various styles. Light and heavy tanks are mixed together, which makes people feel weird, without the slightest mighty look.

The tank-tank coordination was a mess, and thousands of soldiers died under the tracks of their own tanks in one day.

The outcome of the battle was also a nightmare.

The elite imperial troops were in full swing, and all the heavy tanks under the operation of excellent drivers crushed the hodgepodge of the Papal State's miscellaneous tanks.

The fragile defense facilities and positions trembled in front of the heavy artillery of the tanks, and the flesh and blood were far inferior to the power of steel.

The air force of the Papal State was even worse. One-third of it fell to the sky alone, and the remaining two-thirds were far from the opponents of the elite fighter group of the Empire.

In the words of the captain of the air force, the technology is worse than that of elementary school students.

On the battlefield, planes from the Papal State dropped almost every minute.

Before the sun set, the empire had taken over the sky, and the sky was full of imperial fighter planes.

The troops of the Papal State not only have to face the ravages of tanks, but also face the bombing of fighter planes.

Not only that, the imperial army also discovered that as long as they give priority to destroying their warlord troops, the cannon fodder troops in front will naturally collapse.

As a result, under the precise strike of the air and ground, the Papal State suffered the biggest defeat in history. Thousands of cannon fodder were thrown away, and countless people were trampled to death.

In one day, the imperial army advanced more than 60 kilometers, took back all the lost positions, and occupied some positions of the Papal State.

There was joy in the Marshal's Department.

The generals of the central army who had previously been silent even if they agreed with the emperor's opinion, are now all loudly praising His Majesty's wise strategy.

The generals of the imperial faction have become hot new stars from the state of Goubuli.

The ban on not allowing Li Linyue to attend the meeting on the grounds that she has no official military position was also ignored, and the first princess appeared in the marshal's department grandly.

Everyone became more respectful as they complimented her fiercely.

Even the little princess received an unusual treatment, and the gifts brought in every day almost filled the bedroom.

What's more, they are already trying to marry the little princess.

Just as the morale of the imperial army was soaring, and when they wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, they found that the tank was out of gas.

If there is no oil in the torrent of steel, it will become a lump of steel.

Although the empire has always been short of crude oil, for this spring campaign, it still stored a lot of special oil for tanks.

The two large oil depots behind Xindengbao cannot be used up so quickly.

Li Longxing quickly sent someone to find out that it was the poor logistics management of the oil depot that caused five million liters of oil to disappear.

The logistics warehouse manager was shot on the spot, and the relevant responsible persons pulled out more than 700 people in one go, and all of them were handed over to the court-martial.

But things are not that simple, five million liters is a huge number, and no fuel rat can steal so much fuel.

Li Linyue's people quickly found out the truth of the matter.

Imperial Marshal Fu Wenyu used an empty fuel truck as a full fuel truck, replaced the input pipeline with an output pipeline, and directly stole fuel from the oil depot.

Then it was transported by river on the Lane River and sold to the Papal State.

The council has put in a lot of effort during this process, otherwise they would not be able to pass the smuggling test.

Although the matter is clear, but Li Linyue has no evidence, so she can only send her own people to take over the oil depot to avoid similar things from happening again.

The empire's new oil supply will arrive soon, and the remaining oil in the oil depot will last for a while.

It should be in time.

But things don't go as smoothly as she thought.

The next day, trains transporting oil derailed or exploded in Zezhou.

None of the six trains arrived.

Now Li Longxing had no choice but to get out of his busy schedule and deal with this matter exclusively.

After only half a day of investigation, the Marshal's Department came to the conclusion that it was an attack from the Papal State's special forces.

Therefore, the Marshal's Department specially mobilized troops to defend, but still failed to stop the second attack.

Li Longxing immediately knew what was going on.

It must be the special forces of the council.

Railway transportation is often thousands of kilometers, and it is impossible to use heavy troops along the way.

A special warfare unit with strong individual combat power, small targets, high mobility, and coming and going without a trace is the best choice.

The best way to deal with special forces is special forces.

Of course, Li Longxing has a special warfare unit in his hands. The Royal Guard is the strongest special warfare unit in the entire empire except for the imperial guardian.

This time, he deliberately brought all his family members with him in order not to distract the royal guards.

Li Longxing had long been guarding against the darkness in the empire to face his revenge. The royal guards were firmly guarding Xindengbao, protecting the safety of the head of the imperial army, the marshal's department and his family.

Facts have also proved that his worries are not unfounded. The attack of the previously unknown giant army on the main castle is the best proof.

Never overestimate the enemy's bottom line.

This is the truth that Li Longxing has summed up after so many years of ups and downs in the empire.

But the task of the royal guards is heavy. In addition to protecting them, they also have to protect every imperial general. There are not enough manpower to complete the existing tasks, and it is impossible to allocate more manpower to guard the train.

what to do?

Subconsciously, Lin Wen's face appeared in Li Longxing's mind.

It was rumored outside that County Chief Lin's super special forces were sent by the emperor, but apart from the four royal guards, Li Longxing did not give him any other special forces.

Li Longxing asked Changshan County about this.

The second-in-command of Changshan County told him that it was bought from the Black Sea.

Can this kid get a super special combat body from outside the empire?

Isn't the way too wild?

This was the thought that echoed in Li Longxing's mind at that time.

But in any case, there is no doubt that Changshan County's special warfare forces are very strong.

Should be able to help, right?

Li Longxing thought to himself.

This time the fuel is going through our special line, as long as he can defend the attack in the special warfare field, the fuel may arrive smoothly.

Li Longxing pushed open the door, just in time to see his precious daughter standing outside the door, looking at him with bright and clear eyes.

The father and daughter understood each other and smiled at each other.

Changshan County.

Lin Wen: "Huh?"

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