Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 489 Detective Lin Wen

the next day.

As soon as Lin Wen went out, he ran into the little princess. She was wearing a pure white dress and a flowery wide-sleeve top, and handed over a lollipop.

"Big brother, here it is!"

Lin Wen took it and ate it in one bite.


Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that he had almost a bad fate, so he grabbed the remaining lollipop in her hand and said viciously: "The lollipop is good, it's all mine."

The little princess blinked her big clear eyes and looked at Lin Wen, showing no sign of crying.

"I ate it."

Lin Wen ate the lollipop in one gulp, and put the bare stick in her hand.

"Wahhaha, your lollipop has been eaten by big brother!"

"...Oh." The little princess blinked, "If big brother likes to eat, I still have a few boxes in my room..."

Lin Wen scratched his head, feeling that his evil fate had failed again.


It's really hard to get some bad karma without side effects and without deliberate effort.

never mind.

He handed her the other stick casually, put on his overcoat and walked out of the gate, waving his hand.

"Thanks and goodbye."

The little princess dragged two lollipop sticks with her jade-like hands, looked at the background of Lin Wen's departure, and whispered, "Big brother is dumb... so cute."


The Imperial Gendarmerie was waiting for him outside the door. The former captain returned to Beijing to report on his duties, and Lin Wen was the new captain.

The Imperial Gendarmerie is a very powerful law enforcement department, specializing in violations of law and discipline in the army. It is the highest military department in Zhili, but it is also under the jurisdiction of the Council.

However, since the fiasco of the last attack, Yu Zhongxian kept a low profile and never came over to disgust Lin Wen.

The three squad leaders stepped forward to salute: "Hi, squad leader! All 156 members of the gendarmerie squadron are reporting!"

Lin Wen nodded, "Very well, let's start law enforcement now."

The squadron gendarmes replied in unison: "Yes! I will follow the squadron leader's order."

"Very good." Lin Wen changed the subject, "However, you have to be strong when you strike the iron. First, we need to remove the silverfish in the team."

Everyone's heart trembled, is this a self-examination?

The squad leaders were a little anxious. Lin Wen's rumored deeds and behavior a few days ago made them have great expectations for the squadron leader, but it is very unfavorable to do such a sensitive thing as soon as he takes the position.

In case of any mistake, it will greatly shake the prestige of the new official.

But it's not okay to refute openly, the team leader can only show it with his eyes.

But Lin Wen didn't pay attention at all, the light in his eyes flashed, and he glanced slightly.

The situation of the gendarmerie is not bad, about one fifteenth is completely black, and about one tenth is more than half black.

The three small captains are very little black, which is of a good standard.

"You, you, you, come out."

Soon, the twenty-six gendarmes formed another team and stepped forward.

"This is a routine review."

Lin Wen said casually: "Please report your positions, the most frequently handled affairs, the positions where you are often active, and the time you work."


The twenty-six people did not suspect ghosts, and quickly confessed these seemingly harmless basic information.

The team leaders feel at ease, if it is just such a simple query, it may be processed within a day.

After Lin Wen collected the information, he suddenly said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

After going to the toilet for more than three hours, the gendarmes thought that their new captain had fallen into the cesspit.

After finally waiting for the captain to come back, he saw a video camera in his hand and a large bag of video tapes in the other.

It's not that the empire doesn't have digital technology, it's just that it hasn't been popularized to civilian use on a large scale.

The empire's cutting-edge technology is actually very strong, but most of it is in the military or laboratories, and it is very slow to spread.

For a while, Lin Wen could only find this antique video tape and video camera.

After obtaining their information, Lin Wen went to get their criminal evidence.

This is not in line with Lin Wen's usual style, but in order not to be hit by the imperial faction, he still did what Li Linyue said.

And the original garrison of this gendarmerie happened to be the capital of Zezhou.

It is there that most of their crimes are committed.

[Luan Zhaoshui] can only look back at the picture of one place.

Therefore, Lin Wen had to go to the place where they committed the crime—the capital of Zezhou, to obtain their criminal evidence.

Lin Wen turned on [Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist] and flew over.

After the war and massacres, the capital of Zezhou has been depressed a lot. There are ruins and ruins everywhere, and there are only patrolling soldiers on the streets.

Lin Wen was walking on the street. When all the soldiers saw the gendarmerie uniform on his body, they all stood still and saluted, not daring to stop him.

Lin Wen quickly found a suitable place and took a basin of water.

The scope of "one place" in [Luanzhaoshui] is very wide, and it almost means one city with Lin Wen as the center.

So he only needs to choose a center point to take a picture.

According to the information they gave, Lin Wen started to use the enhanced [Luan Zhaoshui] to look back at the screen.

The smoke and clouds of the past reappear before the eyes, the fog of history is pushed away by the invisible hand, and the pictures of the past appear in the clear water.

Although Lin Wen is not a professional famous detective Sherlock Holmes Conan Geralt, he has a whole world more knowledge than people in this world.

What they think is a novelty, has long since been played badly in another world.

The seemingly innocuous information they confessed is actually a deadly noose.

When Lin Wen saw their positions, the affairs they were responsible for, and the degree of blackness, he knew what they would do.

The time, place, characters, and plot are all there.

How to shoot the rest, doesn't it just depend on the technique of director Lin Da?

[Luan Zhaoshui] can fast-forward or rewind at an infinite speed. Lin Wen usually spends two to three minutes to clearly see the trajectory of a certain person, and then quickly jumps in time to lock on to his crime scene and record it.

It usually takes four to five minutes to fully record a person's major crimes.

In order to save time, Lin Wen always plays at about ten times the speed. This is because the camera can only be adjusted to ten times the speed at most, otherwise he will open a hundred times and a thousand times the speed.

However, [Luan Zhaoshui] cannot go back indefinitely, the longer the time, the more blurred the picture will be.

The picture ten years ago was already full of smoke and dust.

Twenty years ago, only sand and dust remained.

Obviously, if you want to see pictures from a longer time ago, you need to continue to strengthen your magical powers.

But these people committed the crimes within a few years, so all the pictures were taken in high-definition.

Except for the occasional interference of water ripples, it can be described as flawless, and it cannot be reproduced by any computer technology.

Twenty-six people took a total of two hours.

[Luan Zhaoshui] There is only one hour of backtracking time, Lin Wen had to use another golden star to increase the time to two hours.

The strengthening effect of the Destiny Star is only one day, and it is not very cost-effective to use it continuously. Lin Wen only has four golden stars left, which means that he must clean up the logistics system within four days.

Otherwise, the possession of Conan and others will leave him.

"There has to be more efficiency."

Lin Wen thought to himself, and flew back to Xindengbao, Zezhou with the evidence in hand.

As soon as he returned to the gendarmerie, Lin Wen immediately shouted, "Arrest them!"

The three captains were stunned, "Why, Captain Lin?"

Lin Wen sneered and said, "While I was shitting, I suddenly found evidence of their crimes. Look, this is the crime they committed!"

The gendarmerie improvised a playback device.

In the extravagantly decorated hall, everyone finished watching the videotape selected by Lin Wenjie with pale faces.

"Catch it! Catch them all!"

The team leader was already furious, pointing at a guy covered in cold sweat and cursing: "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I said why the whistleblower suddenly lost his letter. It turned out that you had poured him into the concrete floor!"


The man was knocked to the ground with a heavy blow from his colleague, and then his hands were handcuffed.

"take away!"

"All gendarmerie members check themselves!"


Lin Wen brought a total of 12 video tapes, a total of 20 hours of video, which fully revealed the crimes of these 26 people.

After watching it, the gendarmerie members felt chills in their hearts, and at the same time wondered where the video tape came from.

For such a major crime, it is impossible for them to bring a camera by the side to give themselves a handle.

This is also the most questioned by criminals - the video is forged.

But the team leaders had already asked their colleagues from the professional technical department to verify it, and they promised that there was no sign of forgery, splicing, or alteration.

Every video is a one-shot to the end, with high-definition pixels, and even a blurred cross-section cannot be found.

No technology can do this.

And Lin Wen's answer to this is: "The sky net is extensive, and it is sparse but not leaky. If you want people to know, you have to do nothing."

Although the team leaders believed that Lin Wen was not telling the truth, they deduced a possibility based on Lin Wen's direct arrest behavior:

Captain Lin must have obtained these evidences early in his tenure.

As soon as the new squadron leader arrived on the scene, he directly ordered twenty-six people, none of whom were too many.

How could it be so accurate if we didn't know the evidence long ago?

"Maybe it's some kind of the latest technology of the empire, which can record the images of the past." A team leader put forward his guess.

"It's possible, I heard that the empire's quantum technology has made a breakthrough, maybe it's quantum technology."

"Don't talk nonsense, it may have been photographed accidentally by some enthusiastic people. If the empire wants to dig deep into a person's crimes, it will definitely be able to dig out, it's just the difference in how much power it uses."

But speculation is always speculation, which does not prevent them from handling the case.

The video must be real, and the biggest reason they believe it is because it fits a missing piece of some past cases.

Counterfeiting is also impossible to this extent.

Under the overwhelming evidence, the psychological defense of the twenty-six people quickly collapsed, and they confessed all their crimes.

After they were publicized, they were quickly shot by court-martial.

The half-black ones were also shot, the most stringent law of the immortal law, as long as there is a slight possibility, it will not reach the point of death.

But under military law, they should have died long ago.

They were executed because of Lin Wen, and Lin Wen has no bad karma, this is the best way to kill half-black people.

After cleaning up the black sheep, the entire gendarmerie was in awe of Lin Wen, and they truly experienced the magic power of the legendary Sheriff Lin.

Afterwards, Lin Wen led the team that barely reached the passing line, and began to clean up the logistics.


On the front line, Li Longxing captured Maharis, the border city of the Papal State, and extended the supply line of the Western Front Army to 200 kilometers.

The Papal State retreated another 100 kilometers to avoid the front and repair its troops.

The war exhaustion and dissatisfaction of the cannon fodder army has reached a very high level. The promises made by the priests before the war were shattered like a cloud of smoke. The cruel reality made them suspect that everything was a lie.

Even among regular and elite troops there was some discontent.

Although the Eastern Front of the Papal State has achieved certain results with the help of various countries, this cannot conceal the huge failure of the Western Front.

At this time, Yu Zhongxian's special envoy secretly came to the holy fire sacrificial ground and made a suggestion to the first priest Mo Zhai.

The gloom on Mo Di's face dissipated instantly.


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