Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 495 Divine Might (Part 1)

Lin Wen had already forgotten about this matter.

At the beginning, he did promise to give Li Longxing a batch of ready-made Dongfeng-41 missiles to help him gain an advantage on the battlefield.

After watching the Imperial Air Force beat the Papal Air Force, I was happy to think that they didn't need it-it was free.

Unexpectedly, it turned out again at this time. He was going to save Yuanshen to dig mountains.


Lin Wen sighed slightly, "Can you give me some money?"

Li Longxing said with a smile: "We are all a family, what money are we talking about?"

The emperor's special envoy said the same thing last time.

never mind.

Lin Wen also knows that this matter is not clear now, and it is all because of Qiqiao Linglongxin, who is blindly flirting with girls everywhere.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

"Just send the missiles here, and you can stay with Linyue, she is very lonely every night..."


Lin Wen hung up the phone.

Of course he has to go, he has quite a lot of Yuanshen now, he has not used it much during this period, he has recovered to 260%, and he still has 13 luck paths.

Setting fireballs is not a problem.

But how to do it is difficult again. He can't just go to the battlefield and shoot fireballs. Then Lin Wen finally created a scientific image, won't it collapse?

If County Chief Lin is not scientific at all, how will Changshan County develop in the future?

Isn't his big plan 2.0 going to be discounted?

Lin Wen thought for a moment, and soon came up with a solution.

He ran to the military recycling station and found a scrapped anti-aircraft gun that had been withdrawn from the battlefield. It consisted of a base, a gun body and a barrel. The barrel had been blown to pieces, but the gun body and base were still intact.

Lin Wen activated [Air-Forbidden Divine Power] and [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power], decorated it with materials such as scrap steel and iron from the scene, lengthened the barrel, thickened the gun body, enlarged the base, and put all kinds of scrapped products on it.

There are tank engines, airplane wings, motorcycle handles, and even a bunch of neon lights from unknown sources. Lin Wen artistically integrated them into this anti-aircraft gun in such a way that he couldn't see the original appearance clearly.

After a series of transformations, it looks a bit unwittingly high-tech.

Then find Li Linyue and ask her to arrange for someone to send this enhanced anti-aircraft gun to the front line.

When Li Linyue learned that this strange thing turned out to be the famous Dongfeng-41 launch system, she immediately arranged heavy troops to escort it to the front line.

Afterwards, Lin Wen used [Empowerment Puppet] to newly infuse eight talisman papers.

His upper limit of soul is now as high as 420%, and he can summon eight clay figurines.

[Empowering Puppet] consumes 200% of his soul, and now only 60% of his soul is left.

This is obviously not enough to fight, Lin Wen can only point out the thirteen treasured fortunes.

This time the luck was not particularly good.

There are eleven "fairy flowers", one "bearded dragon fruit" and one "beautiful dragon fruit".

With the addition of the original "Fire Dragon Fruit", Lin Wen has a total of fourteen luck paths to restore the primordial spirit.

Fortunately, [Tao Ruoyouqing] has been strengthened, no matter how bad luck is, there is a guarantee.

should be enough.

the next day.

Li Longxing received the "Dongfeng-41 launch system" that was airlifted urgently, but no one could figure out how it works.

Li Longxing called Lin Wen again and asked him to send the professional operators quickly.

Lin Wen, who had already prepared everything, said with a smile, "It's already here."

A [Teng Yun Riding Mist] flew to the front line.

Due to the tight defense of the frontline area, Baiyun was almost mistaken for a UFO when he was flying and was hit by anti-aircraft artillery.

Lin Wen fell from an uninhabited hill, sprinkled eight talisman papers on the ground, and summoned eight clay figurines.

Lin Wen manually changed the appearance of the clay figurines, so as not to be recognized as members of the dragon group.

But he was lazy, and directly blackened the face of the clay figurine.

Then, the clay figurines split the tree on the spot and made a box in the shape of a large coffin.

Lin Wen lay down in the box and was carried into the barracks by eight clay figurines.

Li Longxing, who received Lin Wen's call, personally led a group of generals and military experts to greet him.

Everyone is waiting with great anticipation for the experts to appear, especially the military experts, who want to communicate with the experts of the legendary Dongfeng missile.

Then, they saw eight guys so black that they couldn't see their faces bouncing over carrying a coffin.

The first person stepped forward and bowed to salute: "See Your Majesty, I am Mr. Guang, an expert in Dongfeng missiles from Changshan County, and I am here to launch missiles."

Li Longxing took the strange feeling into his heart, and bowed slightly: "You are most welcome, everyone, please come in."

Under the leadership of Li Longxing, eight black men carried the coffin into the barracks.

The communication between the two sides along the way was very harmonious, and the clay figurines were highly intelligent, so it was not a problem at all to deal with routine communication.

Li Longxing, who was worried that it would be difficult for these crooked nuts to communicate, was slightly relieved.

After chatting for a while, the military expert couldn't bear it first, and asked, "What's in this coffin?"

The clay figurine replied, "It's a missile."


Although the military experts vaguely guessed it, they still felt unbelievable, "How many are there?"

Lin Wen controlled the clay figurines and replied, "Thousands of them."

The military experts looked at each other, and one of them said, "That means the body of Dongfeng-41 is small? The light, heat and flames it emits make it look big, isn't it?"

Lin Wen didn't care about the flickering, and let the clay figurine play freely.

Lin Wen slept in the coffin for a while, and after an unknown period of time, he was woken up by the roar of the plane, and only heard the outside talking.

"Light experts, here they come."


"That is the latest Tomcat-85 heavy fighter of the Western Federation. Its performance surpasses that of our fighters. Its maximum speed exceeds 5 times the speed of sound, and it can cruise at 2.5 times the speed of sound.

"Its aerodynamic layout is perfect, and its thrust-to-weight ratio is particularly excellent, enabling it to obtain a larger combat radius and longer range. The avionics system and weapon system are world-class. It can be called the strongest air-combat interceptor at present, and it is invincible in the field of air combat."

The sound of anti-aircraft guns sounded like a typewriter, and there were huge skimming sounds, roars, and explosions in the sky, and the sounds should be that the two sides had already started exchanging fire.

The voice of the military expert sounded again.

"There is a large group of GMI-12 fighter jets behind, as well as Typhoon-7, Rafale-9, and Griffin-11 fighter jets. They are going to grab the air again."

The sound of fierce air battles continued in my ears.

Suddenly a military expert exclaimed: "Oops! Behind us are Dreadnought bombers, Avenger bombers, and Ghost bombers... They are going to bomb our military facilities and ground targets!"

"Our air force is completely overwhelmed. This is a full-scale air strike."

The sound of bombing rang in my ears, and there was the whine of planes falling from the sky.

"Light experts! Your launch system is too late to be transported to the front line, can you fire here?"

Bald Qiang replied in a deep voice, "Yes!"

"Quick! Quick!"

With the sound of footsteps, Lin Wen felt the coffin violently bumped and suddenly tilted upwards.

With a click, the bottom of the coffin shattered, and Lin Wen fell into a dark and cold place. Looking up, there was only a small round hole left in the sky.

He was poured into the barrel.

The military expert exclaimed: "You just load the ammunition like this?"

No one paid attention to him, and the clay figurine was quickly adjusting the angle of the muzzle.

Soon, Lin Wen could see the plane in the sky.

The planes of the empire and the enemy were entangled, and the countless intertwined white smoke in the sky reminded Lin Wen of a poem.

"It should be the celestial beings who got drunk and smashed the white clouds."

Lin Wen activated [Eye of Clairvoyance], ate the "Fire Dragon Fruit", and the consumption of [Flame Technique] was halved again, only 2.5%.

Then drink [Fairy Flower] to restore half of the primordial spirit.

Lin Wen's primordial spirit instantly recovered to 370%.

Can shoot 168 times.

Lin Wen raised his finger, pointed to the sky, and said with a smile, "Here comes the angel!"


A ball of flames shot out from the fingertips and shot towards the target.

In front of the eyes of military experts, they clearly saw a ball of fire shooting out from the long muzzle, with bright and clear flames, exactly the same as what they had seen in the video before.

It flew towards the sky at a very fast speed, but it was far behind those fighter planes.

However, military experts know that the fireball will continue to accelerate, and the tracking radius is as long as two hundred kilometers. It cannot be escaped, only intercepted.

Inside the barrel.

Lin Wen adjusted his posture and began to shoot wildly towards the sky.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Groups of bright fireballs shot out from the muzzle, making it look like a strange anti-aircraft artillery.

Military experts have estimated that its rate of fire is as high as 30 rounds per minute, which is naturally far inferior to the high speed of tens of thousands of rounds per minute of standard anti-aircraft guns, but if it is regarded as a missile launch system, it is surprisingly fast.

When the sixtieth fireball was fired, the first fireball hit the target.

It was a GMI-11 fighter jet, which did not seem to notice the fireball and was hit directly.

The fighter plane burst into flames, and some small parts were blown away. After the main body descended several hundred meters with black smoke, it disintegrated in the air and exploded.

Then came the second fireball.

It hit the famous Tomcat-85 fighter jet. It made many maneuvers and used various induction bombs to interfere with the target, but none of them succeeded.

Faster and faster fireballs hit its tail, which was heavily armored, and only one engine was damaged, and it flew towards its own base trailing black smoke.

Maybe it was lucky to return home, but the pilot was too nervous and parachuted, and the plane fell to the ground dragging black smoke.

Then came the third shot, the fourth shot, and the fifth shot... In the chaotic air battle, countless planes shuttled back and forth, trying their best to maneuver, but the fireballs were not disturbed at all, and they followed their targets steadily until they hit.

Sophisticated and fragile fighters cannot withstand the force of a fireball explosion, even if it is only equivalent to a few hand grenades.

The only way to deal with fireballs is to launch interceptor missiles and knock them off.

However, there are too many fireballs.

The anti-aircraft gun fired wildly, and the eight clay figurines operated the gun body back and forth, adjusting the angle, and let fireballs shoot into the sky from the muzzle.

By the fifth minute, a hundred fireballs were flying in the sky.

The fireballs all over the sky are dazzling.

Every few seconds or tens of seconds, a plane was hit by a fireball and fell from the sky with black smoke.

If it is a large bomber, it will be lucky to be tracked by several or even dozens of fireballs.

In the sixth minute, Lin Wen swallowed the second "Fairy Flower", recovering 210% of his primordial spirit and shooting 92 fireballs.

At the eighth minute, Lin Wen licked the third "Fairy Flower".

In the tenth minute, the fireball in the sky was already like stars in the night sky. With so many heat sources flying in the sky, the fireball did not make a single misjudgment, let alone hit a friendly fighter.

At the twentieth minute, the enemy planes had exhausted all interceptor missiles, and the fireballs were still endless.

At the 30th minute, the fireball had spread far and wide, most of the aircraft had moved away and were hit by the fireball in an invisible distance.

In the next hour, there were very few enemy planes that could be observed, and the "Dongfeng-41 launch system" would only send a fireball every few minutes, flying to a distance that they could not see.

This allowed military experts to confirm that the observation capabilities of this launch system are also very advanced.

Two hours later, only friendly fighter jets were left in the sky, whistling to and fro overhead to pay their respects.

The Empire once again took control of the skies.

The military experts looked up at the clear sky, and a strong sense of sacredness welled up in their hearts, making them want to kneel down and worship.

The phone call from the front line came to them. Even through the barrel, Lin Wen could vaguely hear the strong excitement, surging passion, and boundless joy in the voice.

The phone in his pocket also rang, it was from Li Longxing, his voice was no softer than those outside, Lin Wen had to turn down the volume to avoid being discovered by others that their emperor was talking in the barrel.

After a series of friendly exchanges, the clay people declined their celebration dinner, covered Lin Wen to climb out of the gun barrel, and returned to the rear.

The Dongfeng-41 launch system was placed on the front line and existed as an artifact to suppress the sky. Li Longxing specially assigned several royal guards to guard it.

In the following years, it has always retained its final appearance - facing the southeast sky at a 45-degree angle, as if quietly waiting for the enemy plane to take off.

After this battle, the elite air forces of all countries in the world suffered heavy losses and affected their future development path. Fighters no longer develop in a faster and more flexible direction, but in a thicker and more solid direction, even if they sacrifice part of their mobility.

Moreover, whether it is air or ground, fighter jets must carry interceptor missiles.

And the instigator of all this, Lin Wen, is still heartbroken that his luck has run out.

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