Unlike the last time he opened the Gundam, Lin Wen didn't have the "Yellow Dragon Fruit" that could reduce the consumption of the [Imperial Object Technique], but only one "Shoulong Fruit".

As well as the two new luck paths just obtained, "Fruit of the Horned Dragon" and "Flower of the Fairy".

"Skull Dragon Fruit": Recover 100% of the primordial spirit, enabling force field spells to lift heavier objects.

"Horned Dragon Fruit": Recover 100% of the primordial spirit and double the strength.

The "Horned Dragon Fruit" is a good thing, but the armor of the No. 2 machine is too thick.

Lin Wen, who had doubled his strength, still couldn't bear its huge weight, so he still needed the assistance of the "fruit of the bearded dragon".

It's just that Gundam can't fly as unscrupulously as last time, it's too expensive to afford.

Lin Wen's previous series of spells had exhausted his primordial spirit, and he restored his primordial spirit to full capacity only after he ate the "bearded dragon fruit", "horn dragon fruit" and "fairy flower" in one breath.

Now, he has only one luck left to recover his soul——"Beautiful Dragon Fruit".

"Fruit of the Panlong": Recover 100% of the primordial spirit, and halve the consumption of a certain summoning spell.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not consume fruits with additional effects to restore the primordial spirit.

If nothing else, this 410% Yuanshen is all his capital in this battle.

And you must be careful, observe clearly before making a move, and if you have bad karma now, it will not be washed away by a few good karma.


The big robot accurately fell into the center of Fort Ormon, trampled to death a large group of zombies the moment it landed, and stunned the imperial soldiers on the side.

In the dense night, burning flames were everywhere, and the thick black smoke was clearly visible under the night.

In such a background, the figure of the robot is like a shadow.

"This, what is this?"

This group of soldiers trapped on the isolated island looked up at the huge monster half of its body was illuminated by the flames of the battlefield, and couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's a robot!"

Suddenly one person shouted: "It's the robots from Changshan County! I've seen them on TV, they use robots to open up mountains and flatten the ground!"

The soldiers suddenly boiled up, "Is our support here?"

"Is it the legendary robot army?"

"The empire really has a mecha army! I said that "Mecha Warrior Zaku" is not a lie!"

"We are saved!"

"Long live the Empire!"

A person who looked like the captain said: "Everyone rush out after the robot, be careful not to get too close to avoid accidental injury, and don't interfere with the performance of the robot!"


"Why isn't it moving?"

"You're not stupid, are you?"

"Is it a hallucination?"

Just as he was worried, after standing still for dozens of seconds, the huge monster suddenly moved.

It dashed forward, its steel feet of more than ten square meters stomped crazily, and the ground vibrated rhythmically like a drum.

Countless gray-clothed men turned into flesh under its trampling, and in just a moment, the robot made a bloody path in the sea of ​​zombies.

The group of soldiers also escaped behind.

Subsequently, the robot made a big jump and jumped to the first half of Ormonburg.

The place has been occupied by zombies, and there are densely packed gray zombies in sight. They have no emotion, no fear, and their expressions are numb.

For the arrival of the big robots, they just raise their guns and shoot.

This gun is not a good gun. In order to save costs, the Papal State only equips them with the cheapest Binka gun, which is easy to operate, has a low failure rate, short range, and low power.

This kind of bullet hit Lin Wen's all-special steel armor several meters thick, and it didn't even tickle it.

Lin Wen started his killing journey here. The big robot rampaged in the castle, trampling crazily, and the gray-clothed zombies would not dodge, but would only attack stiffly.

In just a moment, this place is like a Shura field.

The vision on the battlefield was quickly transmitted to the Fort Ormon headquarters.

The headquarters of the Imperial Army had long been exposed to the flames of war. The zombies were charging forward, but the armored troops in the rear did not hesitate to fire.

This unreasonable behavior caused a lot of casualties to the Imperial Army.

The founding general is the commander of the battle.

He insisted on not retreating to the headquarters, and fought the enemy right here.

The headquarters has become a fortress, and a large number of soldiers are shooting at the windows.

The lights in the headquarters were flickering, and it had been bombarded many times. Fortunately, the fortifications were relatively strong and there was no major damage.

The entire headquarters was filled with the sound of gunfire and telephone calls, and the commanders ran back and forth, constantly receiving information and giving orders.

"Report! The 11th Battalion is wiped out! The No. 7 position is lost!"

"Report! The independent regiment is surrounded by the west gate, please help!"

"Report! The eastern position can no longer be defended..."

Bad news came one after another, but the people at the command had gotten used to it.

This has been the news all day long since the Battle of the Stein.

The staff officers urgently formulated new tactics, dispatched troops to support or retreat, re-established new positions, and tried their best to keep the front line from collapsing.

But there were too many zombies, and the elusive giant army made the situation even worse. There was also a bloody battle in a large area outside Fort Ormond.

The battle is fierce, stalemate and urgent.

At this time, General Li had just received a call back from Li Longxing.

"What? There will be a mech to support soon?"

He bit the word "immediately" emphatically. The entire headquarters had very few cards in their hands. If they could have one more new force, their situation would improve a lot.

But with a loud bang, there was only a blind tone on the phone.

The correspondent shouted: "General Cheng, the signal amplifier has been destroyed! I can't find the satellite!"

"Wipe him, why this time?"


Just as he dropped the phone on the table, it rang again.

This time it's inside.


"General! On the battlefield, there is a big robot on the battlefield!"

Established's big heart jumped violently, "Say clearly, what big robot, whose is it?"

"I, ours, it has rushed into the enemy's line."

"What?" Li Chenghe yelled, his ears went numb, "What the hell, so fast, come as soon as you say it... Hurry up, contact him quickly, let him obey the dispatch of the headquarters, and you will be shot if you act without authorization on the battlefield!"

The voice on the phone cried, "I, we don't have his contact information..."


Set up a hand to hang up the phone, and shouted: "Correspondent, quickly restore the signal! I want to contact His Majesty."

In the following period of time, the headquarters received reports about robots many times.

The reports all said that the robots were rampaging in the enemy's formation, tearing up their front lines, causing chaos in the enemy's formation, and the follow-up was weak, and they all asked them about their next move.

The headquarters was busier than ever, and everyone found a turning point. If Ormonburg could be defended, everything would still have a chance.

Established to constantly ask about the situation on the battlefield, and tried his best to command the troops to cooperate with the robot's actions.

It has to be said that this is hard work, the robot has no trajectory, no advance combat plan, it runs around, and Cheng Cheng has no idea what it will do next.

"What the hell!"

Set up a driver who frantically sends orders, changes them day and night, and crazily complains about the robot.

"You idiot, why don't you hit the east side! If we hit the east side, we will go up to the tower!"

"Why did they turn back again and take the opportunity to disperse their positions? Isn't it possible for an excellent military commander to see the best tactical results?"

"What the hell, this evil pen must have scored zero in the military academy exam! He doesn't understand the principles of tactics at all!"

"After the war, I must kill this guy! Let me drive this big thing, it must be a hundred times stronger than him!"

However, even though he was complaining crazily, everyone could tell that the commander was in a very good mood, and it was getting better and better.

Gradually, some of the staff also saw the law of action of this big robot - where there are many enemies, it will rush there.

After mastering this rule, the troops of the Imperial Army will be able to better cooperate with the robot's actions.

They quickly cleaned up the places ravaged by robots, reoccupied the battlefield, and restored contact.

This big guy's attack is mainly based on stomping, and its super high weight and huge feet are the best weapons.

But due to its large size, there are always many missed enemies, which can just be left to them to deal with.

The action of the robot on the battlefield has attracted a lot of firepower. This target is too big, and all enemies will attack it unconsciously, and it can just cover the imperial soldiers to fight.

With such efficient cooperation, the enemies in Fort Ormon were quickly wiped out.

The founder spit out, and said anxiously: "Hurry up, get in touch with that robot driver, don't let him act without authorization, let me direct him!"

The communicator hadn't repaired the signal device for a while, and established impatiently rushed out of the headquarters fortress, risking contact with the emperor with a satellite phone in the open space.

However, the signal seemed to be interrupted by something, and it was still impossible to make a call.

"What an idiot."

Established anxiously, he shouted: "Hurry up, the frontline troops contact him with loudspeakers! Let him stay in the city! Don't attack rashly! Fort Ormon was built on the hillside, and the fortifications are very strong. If you go out and be attacked by the opponent's armored forces, it will be terrible!"

However, a correspondent put down the intercom and shouted: "News from the front line, the big robot has jumped out of the city!"


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