Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 502: The Gods Come Down to Earth

joint command.

On the green radar screen, patches of light spots suddenly appeared on the eternally revolving transverse wave, and the radar operator immediately shouted: "Missile! The Empire has launched a missile!"

"How much?" Feng Inrian asked briefly.

"A lot, hundreds of pieces, countless!"

"They're in a hurry." The green hair said.

"It's unreasonable to use missiles here," said the beer bottle.

Mo Di's face was livid, and he asked, "What should I do?"

Feng Inrian was silent for a moment, then said, "Missiles are not enough to destroy all troops."

"Continue to reinforce. We still have three ground troops and armed helicopters. The last batch of newly produced zombies can also arrive on the battlefield."

Mo Zhai's face was embarrassed. This battle has bet on the family property of the Papal State, and the elite weapons aided by various countries have also been thrown in sevens and eights.

If you can't win, then you will lose to your ancestors' old graves.

But he couldn't stop at this time, Mo Zhai gritted his teeth and issued an order: "All teams, immediately reinforce the front line!"

on the battlefield.

The war was at its most intense, and the collision of the torrent of steel shot out the most intense sparks. The steel troops of both sides quickly changed from clashing into a fierce melee.

The Papal States were flanked on three sides and the center blossomed, but their troops were far outnumbered by the Imperial Army, especially the infantry.

Countless infantry tides absorbed a large amount of firepower, and these gray-clothed zombies charged in the most basic scattered formation.

There are so many of them, when they disperse, they seem to cover mountains and plains, and when they charge, they seem to overwhelm mountains and seas, and the power of their numbers is fully displayed at this time.

Giants are mixed in here, they carry mortars or bazookas, and they specialize in attacking fortified positions or threatening targets.

The east and west imperial armies were blocked by the large number of zombies and giants, and they could not support the main battlefield for a while.

However, the tanks of both sides are the core of this war.

All the remaining 700 tanks in the empire were thrown into the battlefield, but the number of opponents was more than twice that of the empire.

The firepower gap is huge, and the battle situation is precarious. The number of the imperial army is far less than that of the enemy army. It is all thanks to the robots to withstand the battle situation with their own strength, and will not collapse.

It rushed directly into the opponent's tank group, and while absorbing a lot of firepower, it was also frantically harvesting the tanks.

The shimmering foggy long blade gallops across the battlefield. The 20-meter-long blade is invincible, and even the thickest armor can be cut through instantly like a hot knife peeling butter.

The way the robot charged was full of tank corpses.

Some of them had their tracks cut off, some had their turrets cut off, and some were chopped off in half. Thick pieces of steel were covered all over the road, and there were burning flames and billowing smoke everywhere.

However, the situation in the empire is still slipping into the abyss of deterioration.

There are too many enemies, and Lin Wen can also feel that the duration of the avatar is rapidly shortening——

It didn't have much left, and the train defense battle consumed more than half of its time. When it was transformed into a command spell and stored on the back of the hand, there were only more than two hours left.

After the first round of artillery fire, there was less than an hour left in these two hours.

The avatar consumes both defense and attack. A direct hit of a 150mm sabot shell can blow it up for more than five minutes, and an indirect hit or being blocked by the fog shield that comes with the avatar will also reduce the time by about half a minute.

Lin Wen used up all his primordial spirits to keep it alive, but he still couldn't stop the decline of the war.

The opponent has also found a way to fight against the robot, that is distance.

As long as they keep a distance, the damage to the robot can be minimized and the damage to the robot can be maximized.

Lin Wen was deeply trapped in the torrent of steel. The opponent's armor group was too deep, and there were almost endless tanks behind him.

At his speed, it's nearly impossible to take out most of the tanks before the avatar disappears.

The friendly forces were also gradually unable to hold on, the gap in firepower was too great, and Lin Wen even saw that some positions were occupied by zombies.

At this moment, a missile dragged a long white smoke from the sky and crashed into the opponent's tank group.

The fireball produced by the huge explosion was more than 50 meters long, and the powerful shock wave sent a tank flying.


Lin Wen cut the flying tank in half, and the split tank exploded behind him.

Lin Wen turned his head to look at the sky, and saw countless missiles dragging long white smoke across the sky, crashing into the ocean of enemy tanks like a meteor shower.

Violent explosions appeared one after another, huge fireballs soared into the air, and countless fragments scattered in all directions.

The high-explosive explosives mixed with Hesso, Trinitroethylbenzene, Hexanitrohexaazane, and Octanitrocubane produced intense heat that melted the steel, and the scorching rain formed by splashing metal droplets fell in this area.

The explosion caused by more than 600 missiles lasted for more than three minutes.

The tank troops of the Papal State, as well as the zombie and giant troops mixed in it, were devastated.

The firepower on Lin Wen's body dropped sharply. He stood where he was, looking at the burning hell-like scene from a distance.

The mist on the robot's body was already very dim, and the avatar had reached its limit.

Lin Wen's whole body is only left with the "Fruit of the Beautiful Dragon" and the final spell of good fortune.

Imperial missiles destroyed most of the armored groups, but hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles remained on the battlefield, as well as a large number of zombies and giants.

Although this was only a draw from a huge disadvantage to the Imperial Army, the war could finally see the dawn of victory.

The established general in the distance saw everything with a telescope, and his face was also dignified with joy.

The joy is naturally to get a turn for the better with the help of the empire.

But what is worrying is that the empire has run out of cards here, but they may not be able to win yet.

"Boy, you must survive."

Establishment muttered to himself, he couldn't see the whole picture of the main battlefield here, so he could only pray for him silently.

Lin Wen rushed into the enemy line again at this time, and he planned to destroy some tanks before the avatar completely collapsed, so as to establish a victory for the imperial army.

The imperial army also launched a charge one after another.

The enemy was hit hard by this, and he didn't recover for a while. Lin Wen even chopped down several tanks, but he didn't receive a counterattack.

When he was in the middle of the day, suddenly [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] started to call the police. Lin Wen looked up, and two missiles were shot towards him.

The robot raised its hand to support the fog shield, and the missile hit the fog shield and exploded.

In the violent explosion, the fog shield shattered at the sound, and then the fog light all over his body dissipated, and the avatar finally reached its limit, turning into countless star lights and dissipating in the air.

The blue-gray robot body was exposed.

Lin Wen looked up and saw swarms of armed helicopters in the sky, they flew from the sky like a swarm of wasps.

On the distant horizon, in the morning mist that was not polluted by gunpowder smoke, a large number of tanks roared in, and countless armored personnel carriers dragged full of zombie soldiers and galloped across the wasteland.

There are also a large number of giants accompanying them on the side, and they keep pace with the main force at a speed of fifty kilometers.

The remaining enemy troops on the battlefield immediately launched a counterattack, and the earth-shattering sound of shelling rang in my ears again.

Lin Wen was at a loss for a moment, as if all his efforts were just useless struggles, like being immersed in a boundless nightmare, and he couldn't get out no matter what.

[Body without colorful phoenix]'s alarm sound woke him up. Lin Wen looked up, and the armed helicopter in the sky fired missiles at him again.

Lin Wen wanted to escape, but found that he could not move.

The avatar disappeared, and the primordial spirit was exhausted, and he was no longer able to manipulate this huge body.

In a crisis, Lin Wen could barely raise his arms to block in front of the blown-out chest armor.

There is the core operation warehouse where Lin Wen himself is located.


Under the violent explosion, a battered arm was blown off, revealing the huge but simple mechanical structure inside.

The broken arm of the robot hangs down weakly, and the scars all over its body make it look like it is on the verge of being scrapped.

joint command.

Huge cheers dispelled the long-pressed atmosphere, and the generals of the Papal States were elated and even danced a special dance.

The military experts from all over the world also breathed a sigh of relief. This monster, a robot that does not conform to common sense at all, gave them enormous psychological pressure.

And the missile attack just now proved that it is not invincible.

As long as the firepower is enough, it can be destroyed.

The green-haired man let out a long sigh of relief: "I thought I was going to have a nightmare when I went back."

The beer bottle said with a smile: "This time it must be finished, it won't suddenly light up again."

Mo Zhai's nostrils were dilated with excitement, and the thick black and thick nose hairs were clearly visible. He shouted, "I'll give the order! I'll personally give the order to destroy this monster!"

Feng Yinlian reminded: "Master Priest, destroy it as soon as possible, and then put the armed helicopter formation into the frontal battlefield. Our time is running out, and the loss is also great. It is not sure whether we can stop the large troops on the southern front."

Mo Di had blocked his long-winded words, and shouted into the communicator: "Now, the supreme leader of the Papal State, the chief high priest, the supreme Mo Di, orders you to destroy that monster!"

The reply from the captain of the helicopter formation came from the communicator: "Yes! My lord priest!"

on the battlefield.

The nine armed helicopters close to the robot fired missiles at the same time, and the nine missiles rushed towards the dilapidated robot.

Are you going to die?

Such an idea came to Lin Wen's mind, but he immediately denied it.

He can still run, and if he eats the "Beautiful Dragon Fruit", it is no problem to save his own life.

He also has good luck to cast spells, and he can even use [Thunder, Fire and Flame] in the enemy army before leaving.

However, it doesn't help that the empire is sure to lose.

They rushed out of fortifications and positions to engage the enemy in a decisive battle, and there was no danger to defend.

Once defeated, the Stan River will completely fall, and the Imperial Army will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Li Longxing's triumphant return to Beijing will be delayed for a long time, and Yu Zhongxian can still dance for a long time.

The most important thing is that Changshan County's take-off will be much later, even after he piled up the dead stars, he hasn't started to take off yet.

Didn't he lose a lot of good fortune?

Wouldn't it be a huge regret that the big plan died before it even started?

This is more than just unreasonable.

There is not much time left for Changshan County.

This failure was his great setback and Huangmao's victory.

what to do?

A violent flame appeared, the robot protected its chest with one arm, and the missile directly hit the immobile big guy.

The explosion not only blew off the arm, but also lifted its thick armor.

When Lin Wen inspected all his luck paths again, he suddenly saw the whole row of "Fox Fairy" series of luck paths that had been silent for a long time.

Robot sky.

More gunships flew over.

They flew so close that the pilot could be seen through the glass window.

Huang Mao was sitting in the cockpit of the helicopter at the front.

The excited expression on his face was clearly visible, as if the hunters were cautiously approaching the dying prey that was about to be captured.

What the hell are you!

Lin Wen's heart exploded with anger, and he desperately swallowed these eleven fox fairy luck.

[Fox Fairy Comes to the World], which had been forgotten in his spell list for 10,000 years, lit up slightly.

However, eleven fox fairy luck paths are still not enough to activate it.

Later, Lin Wen strengthened the fifth magic power [Tao if there is love], forcing him to only obtain luck related to the primordial spirit, thus avoiding some fox fairies.

what to do?

More helicopters approached, and with the flashes of fire, many more missiles than before shot towards the robot.

[Body without a colorful phoenix] started a severe danger alarm, this is an absolutely fatal attack.

At this last moment, Lin Wen turned his attention to the "Fruit of the Beaulieu Dragon".

"Fruit of the Panlong": Recover 100% of the primordial spirit, and halve the consumption of a certain summoning spell.

That's all for you.

Lin Wen quickly swallowed his last luck path. For the first time, the list of luck paths on the fifth supernatural power was empty, and there was no luck path at all.

[Fox Fairy Comes to the World] is fully lit up, showing that it is ready to use.

Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion completely covered the robot.

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