Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 504 The scene is out of control

A final explosion wiped out nearly two-thirds of the enemy's forces, and the remaining forces were powerless to resist the Imperial advance and were quickly routed.

The Imperial Army successfully won the final victory at the Battle of Ormonburg.

But what made him depressed was that a young man who claimed to be the driver, who they searched from the explosion site, said that the mecha had exploded.

This explosion was caused by the self-detonation of the mecha.

I couldn't believe it. Although there was no mecha in the battlefield, isn't the mecha's driver a bearded and burly man like him? Why is it a little boy?

And this little white face seems to have been seen somewhere.

But his adjutants were all cheering, and the driver was indeed a young man like them, just like in the classic robot movie——

He was young, his parents died, he was weak, and he had a sad love history, such as a girlfriend who was snatched away by Huang Mao.

He failed in his career and had a difficult life. He ushered in a turning point at the most difficult time in his life. He was selected by the secret agency of the empire and became a candidate driver for the latest secret robot manufactured by the empire.

Afterwards, he, who has always been mediocre, overwhelmed the others in all the tests and ranked among the best, and finally reached 100% synchronization with the secret robot of the empire, becoming the first qualified person.

In order to prove himself and other reasons, he drove the robot to the battlefield and fought desperately.

In the end, the extreme anger in the extreme anger caused the robot to run wild, and finally wiped out the enemy army and won the victory for the empire.

This story is so perfect and deeply rooted in people's hearts, Lin Wen nodded, okay, let's use this version.

The young man cheered and looked up at the legendary lucky man with godlike eyes, but he didn't believe it, thinking that it was all a trick to deceive children.

"Let me ask you, you said the robot blew itself up, how did you survive?"

Lin Wen replied casually: "At the moment of the explosion, my AT position was fully open..."

Hearing this nonsense, Jiancheng felt that this guy regarded them all as fools, and he was determined to wrestle with Lin Wen to verify the truth by winning or losing.

As a result, Lin Wen was pushed to the ground and beaten violently.

Lin Wen only used one percent of his strength to beat him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

It's not that the civet cat's effect is still there, he really can't control it so precisely.

I haven't boasted about the establishment of the establishment, and I haven't fought in a fight. I can only comfort myself that I have been driven by a person who has a mecha. Isn't that equivalent to a mecha?

If you can't operate a mecha, you become a mecha, and at any rate, you have passed the addiction of a mecha.

Afterwards, Establishment successively reported the situation to His Majesty the Emperor and the Imperial Marshal, who had already rang his phone, briefly explained the situation of the battle, and told them that the robot's self-detonation produced a powerful explosion that severely damaged the enemy, and the Imperial Army won the final victory.

The driver also survived by luck, and he is the biggest contributor to this battle.

Only then did Li Longxing feel relieved, and there was even more excitement in the Imperial Marshal's Department. Li Linyue finally let go of her long-hanging heart, and showed a smile on her face.

Among all the people, only Lin Wen was very unhappy. This battle was a bloodbath. All the luck was used up, and the soul was exhausted. There was only a little bit left when he just cracked the fruit, and all the cards were used up.

But he only gained more than a thousand bad luck points, which were given by the pilots of those tanks and planes. Most of them are elite personnel supported by countries around the world, and it is impossible for them to be all black.

Surviving star directly became 1202/2500.

Shan Yuan only harvested more than 8,000 points, which was added by Hu Immortal's last bite.

The dead star is still sad -40013/160000.

This is particularly unfair. Their values ​​are determined according to his current supernatural powers of good and evil. Lin Wenshanyuan already has 7 supernatural powers, so the value of the death star is as high as 160,000.

Evil Karma only has 2 supernatural powers, and only 2500 Survival Stars.

After a little more than 1200 points, the survival star has risen by half, and the death star is still negative.

This battle also destroyed his No. 2 machine. It was very tiring to rub this thing by hand, and the special steel was not cheap, and there were materials for his flying sword in it.

What's more, it's blood loss to grandma's house.

Lin Wen was so depressed that he declined their invitation to stay and the celebration banquet, took the special plane sent by Li Linyue, returned to Xindengbao, and locked himself in the inner wall of the room.

The imperial army continued to advance after a short period of repair, set up a rapid counter-offensive, regained a large number of positions like a broken bamboo, and regained control of the entire Stein River area.

Even after the arrival of reinforcements from the empire, it expanded a little.

The Papal State suffered heavy losses, a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, giants and zombie troops disappeared, and the land and air forces were severely weakened.

This was originally a wonderful strategy of the Papal State. Feng Inrian skillfully mobilized the troops to form a situation where the strong attacked the weak locally.

This was supposed to be a lore to the empire, but instead it became his own grave.

The Papal State, which had lost a large number of troops, was unable to defend and was forced to withdraw from the Stan River area.

Not only that, the loss of a large number of elites also affected the overall combat power of the Papal State, and they could no longer hold back the retreating troops of the Empire.

The deadliest thing is that the zombie production base in the Papal State was destroyed by an explosion from an unknown source.

This cut off the main source of troops for the Papal Kingdom. The zombie army is currently performing extremely well on the battlefield. They can understand orders, use simple weapons, and maintain a simple formation. They are not afraid of life and death, have no morale, and only obey orders. They are simply the best soldiers in the general's dream.

A steady stream of zombie soldiers has caused great trouble to the empire. The Papal State uses them to charge, mine, die, consume ammunition, and occupy positions. It is almost invincible.

If it is replaced by recruits, it will be too bad.

They moved around, didn't obey orders, and scattered when they were damaged, and the governor's army couldn't stop them. Mo Zhai's lies had been shattered, and almost no one believed that the Great Immortal could bring them victory.

But Mo Zhai didn't admit defeat yet. He tried his best to gather high-ranking generals to fabricate a perfect lie, brainwash these recruits crazily, and urgently rebuild the biochemical base.

If it can be delayed until the completion of the biochemical base, then there is still hope.

However, Li Longxing led a large force back to Fort Frank safely, where he rested, replenished ammunition supplies, consolidated the position, and stabilized the rear line of defense and material delivery line.

The Empire sent in massive supplies with unprecedented efficiency.

A large amount of ammunition, medical supplies, food, protective equipment, fortification construction equipment, etc., are endless.

Endless supplies rushed to the front line like a tide. The supplies that were scarce in the past are not lacking now, even the shells are enough.

All the bad things in the logistics disappeared, and the inspectors who used to be blind were suddenly possessed by Conan Holmes. The laws of the empire suddenly became notarized and strict, and the officials of the empire suddenly became clean and clear.

The logistics are unprecedented in guaranteeing 100% purity from start to finish.

What is even more incredible is that the high-ranking officials of the empire suddenly became extremely patriotic, and they frantically bought war bonds that no one cared about before.

Before, the Supreme Council had yelled for several months, and the war bonds were only sold for more than 100 billion yuan, and almost all of them were bought by civilians.

Now, in just a few days, war bonds have been sold to 3 trillion yuan, all purchased by the empire's dignitaries, princes, and upper elites.

The huge amount of money quickly squeezed the more than 100 billion yuan of civilians into oblivion.

Supreme will.

The elders discussed briefly for a while.

"Li Yongxing's victory really brought a huge amount of money."

"But there are too many funds, which have seriously exceeded the needs of the war. Do you want to stop?"

"No, there is a rare opportunity, when the empire is short of money."

"There will be a lot of pressure to convert bonds in the future."

"It doesn't matter, we can use this money to create greater benefits, enough to exceed its return. And..."

The elder showed a faint smile.

"When we pay back the money, we can release the water."

"Okay." The three elders all agreed with this opinion.

Subsequently, the Supreme Council stepped up the promotion of war bonds and allowed materials to be used to convert bonds into purchases.

At this moment, the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the empire almost took out their wealth, major groups donated supplies one after another, and the empty warehouses of the empire piled up like a mountain in an instant.

Then it was quickly transported to the front line.

This time, no one dared to engage in petty tricks anymore. It was all the money of the old men. They paid it out of their own pockets, and they pointed to the front line to win a big victory to get rich returns.

Whoever dares to profit at this time is the public enemy of the entire bureaucratic elite group of the empire.

Marshal Department.

The main central army, the royal guards, and the local army were united in an unprecedented way, and all forces were twisted into one rope. Li Longxing's authority was unshakable, and even the first princess became extremely dignified.

No one dared to deny the princess' opinion anymore, no matter where Li Linyue went, people would bow to her.

When she entered the Marshal's Department to issue orders, everyone obeyed, as if facing the great emperor.

The princess faction is in full swing, and countless people flock here to curry favor.

The old marshal Fu Wenyu became uninterested, and someone even suggested that he be punished for molesting the princess's personal maid.

Only Lin Wen was locked in the room alone.

Li Linyue invited him to come to public places and stand under the spotlight many times, but Lin Wen refused.

Li Linyue originally wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Wen, who was obviously not happy, but now that there are so many things to do, the Princess faction is obviously in a critical historical period, which is the time to rapidly expand its influence.

She takes up a lot of time every day just meeting people from all walks of life, handling various affairs, and making various decisions.

Li Linyue had no choice but to postpone this matter temporarily.

After she has been busy for a while, she will come to talk to Lin Wen and discuss how to deal with their marriage.

On the front line, the imperial army has received sufficient supplies, and the troops have been repaired and are ready to go at any time.

Although the victory was obvious, Li Longxing still did not dare to be careless, and called a meeting before the battle to discuss the next strategy with the generals.

Most of the generals believed that the Papal States had no power to resist, and they should move forward quickly and destroy them with thunderous force.

It is not easy to delay and prevent them from rebuilding the biochemical base.

No one wants to go through that nightmarish sea of ​​zombie soldiers again.

But only the executive staff officer Guo Feng objected.

He said: "I think that the Papal States itself is a pressure-cooker society. There are great contradictions among all parties, and the groups are torn apart. The upper classes regard the lower classes as pigs and dogs, and the lower classes view the upper classes as enemies. They rely on foreign wars and hatred to maintain their existence."

A general of the Central Army said impatiently: "Staff Guo, don't get too far away. What does this have to do with us?"

Li Lishan, the general of the Royal Guards, said: "Don't make noise, listen to him."

Guo Feng nodded to Li Lishan, and continued: "Their previous failures have dealt a heavy blow to their credibility, and their lies and promises have been broken. As a result, the Pope's Kingdom immediately suffered a backlash, and there was internal chaos. There was no obstacle to our advancement during that time."

"And now, the Papal State has been defeated once again, and the biochemical base has also been destroyed by our heroes. They will definitely want to use a new round of lies to deceive the civilians and fight for them to delay time."

Another general shouted: "As for that group of mobs, we will destroy them as soon as we hit them!"

Guo Feng smiled slightly: "Of course we can win, but wouldn't it be nice if it could be simpler?"

Imperial Marshal Zhu Kewu asked, "What can you do?"

Guo Feng bowed slightly to show his respect for the Marshal, and replied cautiously: "Propaganda."

"We use propaganda to expose the ugly face of the upper echelons of the Papal State, tell them the truth about the people, reveal the fact that they used biochemical technology to turn people into zombies and send them to the battlefield as cannon fodder, reveal the fact that they sold their country for aid, and reveal the fact that they started wars for their own interests at the expense of public welfare."

"Let the people of the Papal State know what their upper class is."

"And the Imperial Army is the king's teacher, their savior!"

After the voice fell, the barracks was quiet for a long time, and then there was a burst of warm applause.

The generals cheered Guo Feng's name, rushed up and threw him into the air.

In the next few days, the imperial army stood still and strengthened the defense line.

But they sent a large number of secret agents to distribute leaflets in the Papal State and covered their radios, radios, and televisions with high-power stations.

Airplanes risk dropping leaflets aloft.

The public opinion offensive is in full swing.

The top officials of the Papal State never expected that the empire would do this. When they urgently ordered the confiscation of leaflets and the spread of rumors was strictly prohibited, the situation was out of control.

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