Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 506 Big Brother Lin Wen

Lin Wen was very unhappy, and tried his best to bargain with the elder, and the two sides went back and forth like old women shopping for vegetables on the street.

If this conversation was heard by anyone else in the empire, their jaws would probably drop in shock. How dare this brat talk to the Great Elder like this?

And the Great Elder didn't immediately order him to be evaporated.

Only the emperor Li Longxing knew that the Great Elder cared more about efficiency than etiquette, and the highest thing he would pursue was the idea that "even a poisonous snake has the value of guarding treasure".

Their tolerance for a powerful person is very high, and if this person is a useful pawn, the upper limit is even higher.

And Lin Wen himself is a person who hates useless entertainment, politeness, and false meaningless dialogue.

It is precisely because of this that the two parties have inadvertently reached a very tacit and efficient communication.

After a series of bargaining, finally, Lin Wen persuaded the Great Elder to give in with one sentence——

If they treat a hero who sacrifices his life, is loyal and patriotic, and is willing to sacrifice everything for the empire in this way, who is graceful, unrestrained, majestic, magnificent, orchid-hearted, and handsome, it will make many people who are potentially like him afraid to serve the empire.

Therefore, the Great Elder agreed to give Yu Lin Wen a certain amount of compensation.

They brought a map and allocated to him the Great Gobi in the west of the mountainous area of ​​Changshan County, with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers.

"One-fifth of the land is under the jurisdiction of Changshan County. I hope you will continue to work hard to drive the development of the region and create a better future together."

"I co-created you..."

Lin Wen almost spat out all the swear words.

"There are no ghosts on the Great Gobi. Shall I create glory with the mice on the Gobi?"

The Supreme Council is too stingy, and it is as difficult as heaven to extract some benefits from the Great Elder.

Great Elder Ping Yuan glanced at him: "We believe that you can do it, turn the Gobi into fertile soil, and turn the wilderness into the world. Aren't you the miraculous County Chief Lin?"

Lin Wen said decisively: "I haven't become a fairy, this Gobi is basically useless."

"What else do you want?"

"Forgive the loan."


"The gang of Changshan County has been modernized. I need at least 80 communication base stations, 20 network nodes, and an Internet root server."


The Great Elder agreed very quickly, which made Lin Wen feel like he was being fooled.

"I will also grant the authority of the honor of the hero of the empire."

"Yes, all the hero badges are in your hands."

"I also want to..."

"You should say goodbye."



After Lin Wen left, Great Elder Ping Yuan came to the chessboard, threw the Changshan County chess piece into the trash can, and replaced it with a bigger one.

On the chessboard, apart from the major groups, there is no bigger chess piece than him.

Chess pieces in Changshan County are of positive and negative colors, one side is the color representing the imperial faction, and the other side is the color representing freedom.

The unattributed Great Gobi to the west of Changshan County has also been drawn into the scope of Changshan County.

That long and narrow stretch of land wraps around the two mountains like a hat, stretches out, and connects with six states at the same time.

After changing ownership, Yunzhou, Shizhou, Lingzhou, Guizhou, Xinyang Prefecture, and Hezhou all directly border Changshan County.

"In this way, Changshan County will stand in the face of the Qin Group, Luo Nuo's liberals, and Ren Zhengqing's capitalists."

"I hope you don't disappoint me."


Outside the door, Lin Wen finally smiled.

There are mines in the Gobi, and Qin Luoshuang had reported it to him, saying that his father (not him) had secretly tried to expand into the Gobi, but failed.

Hmph, this is called scheming.

Ha ha.

Please call me scheming boy.

Lin Wen left with a box of medals in his arms in satisfaction.

In the future, Changshan County will be able to issue medals.

Imperial Heroes still has some solid stuff.

Not to mention anything else, at least 500 real subsidies per month.

Lin Wen is very clear.

He already has two.

Now there are more than 5,000 pieces, nearly 3 million a month, which is not a small amount.

The most important thing is that Changshan County has this authority.

The significance of this cannot be compared with three million.



St. Platinum Palace.

A dinner party is underway.

The huge crystal ceiling light emitted soft light. In the splendid and luxurious venue, countless men and women in gorgeous clothes enjoyed the aftertaste of victory. On the main stage, the legendary band played a soft, elegant and non-disturbing melody, and cheerful laughter filled the field.

The biggest star of the dinner was naturally Emperor Li Longxing.

But his circle is not accessible to everyone. Those around him are all marshals, elders, and national pillars, and the lowest-ranked ones are also high-ranking generals.

Li Longxing kept smiling all the time, but when the people who came to congratulate him left, his voice always became gloomy.

For Li Longxing, defeating the Papal State was just the first step in his reform plan.

Everything in the future is no less than this war.

But before that, there is still a huge difficulty to overcome——

The distribution of benefits after the war and the disposal of the Papal States.

In fact, the distribution of benefits has basically been completed.

Thirty trillion war bonds enabled the upper echelons of the empire to plunder most of the war results. Li Longxing's plan to ease the internal conflicts of the empire by defeating the Papal State to benefit the lower echelons completely failed.

The rest is about the disposition of the Papal State.

Opinions vary on this.

Some wanted to sign huge war indemnities, some asked the Pope to become a subsidiary state of the empire, or a colony, and some wanted to incorporate the Pope into the empire.

The dinner is said to be a celebration banquet, but it is actually an exchange of opinions from all parties.

It's better to be friendly and ventilate in a happy atmosphere than to get red-faced when you get on the table.

This is also the practice of the empire.

At the same time, Li Longxing also began to plan for his subsequent reform plan. His first goal was to control the huge cancer that had plagued the council for many years.

Yu Zhongxian.


The biggest star in the banquet was the emperor who had returned in triumph, but the star who attracted the most attention from young people was Li Linyue, the first princess of the empire.

Today, she, to put it bluntly, has become a god in the hearts of young people.

Blind people can see that the imperial emperor's power and power are rapidly expanding. It is not impossible for the empire to become the empire of the great emperor in time.

The first princess of the old empire, she was a powerful existence.

If any young man can get her favor, it will be more than one step to the sky? It's almost the end of life.

Not only that, Li Linyue herself is also a beautiful existence. At this moment, she is wearing a crystal-like dress, her long black hair is pulled up high, revealing an elegant swan-like neck, and the crystal pendant swaying gently by her ear, reflecting colorful rays of light, reflecting her perfect profile.

If you can marry the princess, it will be smoke from the ancestral graves of the ancestors of ten million generations.

This world's unparalleled power and beauty, is it more than the ultimate dream?

All the young people in the banquet tried their best to show their elegance and etiquette. Countless handsome young people with gorgeous clothes and well-mannered manners wandered in front of the princess, expecting to dance with her.

However, for some reason, the only perfect person in the world did not dance the second dance except for the first opening dance with her father.

She was sitting alone in a corner of the banquet, with several royal guards in full dress standing guard in front of her.

There were also people who wanted to invite the princess to dance, but most of them were declined by the royal guards.

For a few noble people, the princess will personally apologize to him.

Her etiquette is still perfect, but her expression somewhat makes people feel a little out of place.

No one knows what happened to the princess today.

The little princess was sitting in the children's seat on the other side, and people kept coming to greet her.

The little princess is underage, so she is only allowed to move around under the watchful eye of her guardian. The banquet guests and children can only greet briefly. Any long-term conversation will be regarded as extremely impolite.

Her brother gathered a large group of people on the other side to brag wildly.

"Let me tell you, Wen Jun and I fought side by side that day, from the Stan River to the Stan River, without blinking an eye..."

"Aren't your eyes sore?"

Li Yuchen laughed loudly: "It's soaked in the blood of the enemy, it's not sour at all..."

Li Qingyue was not very happy, she jumped off the stool and shouted: "The night that big brother went, you obviously slept on my bed, and even wetted the bed!"

For a moment, Li Yuchen seemed to have traveled through the scorching hot desert, and the rays of everyone around him pierced him like laser light.

Li Qingyue didn't care what happened to her brother, she turned her head and ran away.

Her small body nimbly shuttled through the crowd, when suddenly a blond man stopped in front of her, bowed and said, "Little princess, you are getting cuter and cuter..."

Li Qingyue puffed out her tiny cheeks. She disliked two words the most, one was small and the other was cute.

She interrupted him crisply: "You dye your hair black and wear black pupils, maybe my sister will agree to your invitation."

After saying that, he quickly ran away, but another young man with black hair and black eyes stopped in front of him, "Little princess, long time no see, please allow me to kiss your cute little hand..."

Li Qingyue shouted: "You are too ugly, my sister doesn't like you!"

Turning her head and running away quickly, she accidentally bumped into someone's leg, and that person reached out to support her, "Ouch, little princess, be careful..."

Li Qingyue looked up and saw that it was Elder Lin Yabo. She tried her best to break away from his hand, "You are not a good person, let me go."

Elder Lin showed a kind smile, "You misunderstood, your father and I are close comrades-in-arms, your father fought on the front line, and I tried my best to keep the logistical supplies to prevent corruption..."

"I won't listen!"

Li Qingyue covered her ears and ran away quickly.

Finally, I came to my sister.

Of course, the imperial guards would not stop the little princess, they made way and let her in.

The little princess came in front of Li Linyue, and saw her sister leaning gently on the bench, dragging her chin, her beautiful face was full of indecision, her eyes were restrained, her thoughts were out of control, and she didn't even notice her coming.

Li Qingyue suddenly said: "Sister, I'll call Big Brother Lin Wen here."

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