Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 533: The God of Thunder Comes Down to Earth

The powerful magnetic storm interrupted the communication, and the webpage went black immediately.

The chat room immediately exploded.

"My pants are off!"

"That's it, that's it..."

"Shadow, shady, shady..."

"Hush, the Imperial Beast God is coming soon!"

"It's the Imperial Coordination and Supervision Department, they are coming to arrest people!"


"Hahaha, none of you can escape, I am the chief of the Coordination and Supervision Department, and you are all locked by me!"

"He is a liar. I asked my father. He has sent someone to arrest the Coordination and Supervision Department..."

But this speech was submerged in countless words, without splashing a little water.

Just when netizens were in a hurry.

West Yanzhou.

Governor's Fort.

Bai Liuxi had already received a warning. He didn't take it seriously at first. There are countless people who want to assassinate him these days. Didn't they all suffer heavy casualties under his dead hand guards?

On the contrary, the targeted actions of Huangpai and Sheng Huaixuan in the nearby East Qinzhou made him uncomfortable.

"We have to find a way to break through their blockade and make the riot bigger."

Bai Liuxi was thinking about it.

At this moment, he tilted his head, and through the window of the fortress, he saw a huge bluish-white giant appearing out of thin air outside the castle.

He yawned, pushed away the smooth maid, and was about to get out of bed, but fell down on the bed with a thud.


The ugly face fell to the ground, and his front teeth were broken, but he didn't care, he jumped up hastily, and rushed to the window.

At a glance, outside his fortress, a giant with lightning flashes and thousands of silver snakes wrapped around his body kicked and blew his gate.

The flash of thunder blinded his dog's eyes.

"Lying grass nima!"

Bai Liuxi covered her eyes and sat down on the ground.

But the strong fear made him jump up immediately, without any clothes on, he ran out,

After running all the way into his underground shelter, Bai Liuxi took a deep breath, picked up the phone, and shouted: "Guards, hurry up, the whole army is dispatched, stop that giant, no matter what it is, blow it up for me!"

"Cultivation combatants, all dispatched, quickly, immediately! Don't charge!"

"Elder Lin, come and support me! There is a giant monster... It must be the kid from Changshan County. It is his robot. Changshan County has the most robots! He is here to kill me!"

"Elder Mo, I beg you to quickly send out your army of bugmen. I have found so many suitable materials for you. You should save me. Hurry up, please!"

After making a round of phone calls, Bai Liuxi felt more at ease.

"Hmph, it should be fine this time, the monster should just look scary."

At this time, he suddenly thought of the news he had received before.

"It is said that there will be a live broadcast?"

"Hmph, when the Huang faction falls, I'm going to live broadcast how to skin him."

Bai Liuxi turned on the computer, and there was no need to search at all. Now this URL is being posted everywhere on the Internet, and there are advertisements about the live broadcast all over the sky.

As soon as he turned on the phone, a huge cowhide advertisement was pasted on his face.

"Hehe, I spent a lot of money... just right, let me see how you got blown up."

Bai Liuxi clicked on the advertisement, and the browser automatically popped up, and landed on mmm.uyuod.cow.

The first thing to load out is the chat room on the right.

The chat room is back to normal after being split and screened, at least the text can be read clearly.

"Finally there is a picture!"


"Wow, so handsome!"

"I told you that the empire has battle robots, you don't believe me!"

"Whoa, "Mobile Suit Zaku" really isn't a lie!"

"No way, there are origin warriors, so is there an apostle? Be careful to clear the plan, human beings are going to perish!"

"Can anyone explain scientifically what this is?"

Bai Liuxi typed a few words: "It's a pile of rubbish, it will be wiped out by me soon."

"Whose dog is running out, can you take it back?"

"I'm sorry, I just blew up my dog's balls this morning, and I immediately blew up his dog's mouth."

Bai Liuxi was so angry that her chest hair stood up.

In the past, the person who made the speech would have died miserable, but not now, Li Longxing's management is too strict, and the authority of this webpage is very high, so it cannot be traced back from the IP.

Bai Liuxi could only talk to them in the chat room.

But the high-ranking governor, who has never been on the Internet before, and who is the opponent of the experienced netizens, is sprayed every minute.

"Idiots, you wait for me."

After typing this line, Bai Liuxi forced himself to take his attention away from the chat room.

After a few seconds, the screen finally loaded.

The cyan giant appeared in front of him again.

From the perspective of the lens, the shooting point should be 800 meters away.

This position may seem far away, but on the battlefield, it is very close.

"You guys will blow up in a while!"

Bai Liuxi said harshly.

At this time, the cyan giant is fighting the helicopter force in his fortress.

The scene was quite tragic. The missiles of the gunship did little damage to the cyan giant, but the cyan giant descended like a thunder god. A huge lightning silver snake shot out of his arm and hit a gunship.

Lightning flashed, the helicopter exploded on the spot, and debris flew all over the sky.

The giant waved his hands frantically, and the lightning silver snake hit all the helicopters continuously like a whip dancer.

Like smoking mosquitoes, the helicopters swirled and fell, or exploded directly in the air.

The huge electric light bent wantonly, and the branches of the thunder flickered. In this scene of destroying heaven and earth, the audience in the chat room went crazy.

"too handsome!"

"The empire is invincible!"

"Blast that scumbag Bai Liuxi!"

"Clean up the scum!"

"Long live the emperor!"

"Where's that dog just now? Why didn't it come out and bark?"

Bai Liuxi was so furious that he typed three words.

"You wait."

I stopped looking at the chat room, picked up the phone, and shouted: "Guards, are you all dead? Where's my main force? Where's the tank? Where's the plane? Also, hurry up and blow up the people behind the camera, do you still want to do it?"

The answer on the phone: "Master Bai, please calm down, the main force will arrive soon!"

Bai Liuxi furiously said: "You are limited to resist within ten minutes, or you will all die!"

With a click, he hung up the phone vigorously, and sat back in his chair angrily.

After a while, the cyan giant had already smashed down half of the fortress and slaughtered all the stubborn resisters.

The chat room was full of applause, mixed with the dark history of a large number of netizens before Bai Liuxi went crazy.

But soon, Bai Liuxie's army of planes and tanks arrived.

The cyan giant was violently attacked, and a large number of cluster missiles and tanks bombarded it, and the violent explosion even covered its figure.

For a moment, only the soaring flames and thick smoke remained in the picture, as well as the white trajectory of the missile falling down.

When the smoke and dust fell, the giant had disappeared, leaving only the dilapidated fortress, billowing smoke, and ruined walls all over the place.

Bai Liuxi laughed until his front teeth fell out, and he frantically typed in the chat room full of unbelievable exclamations.

"How about it?"

"Garbage pariahs, have you seen that? This is what happens when you oppose me."

No one paid attention to him, and everyone couldn't accept the fact that the god-like giant was wiped out.

The explosion quickly approached.

From the perspective of the camera, after the giants were eliminated, the enemy turned their artillery fire on them, and the sound of violent explosions had already been transmitted through the recording equipment.

However, the shooting team was not wiped out, and the camera moved at high speed and focused into the distance.

Obviously, the filming team didn't think the battle was over. Even in the previous frame where the camera focused, many sharp-eyed people saw a bald man jumping up and kicking an armored vehicle into the air.

"Oh my god! This is an invincible shooting team!"

"That bald guy is so fierce, they are also special warfare? Is it the legendary Liman class?"

"Then I can't remember all those names, it's the fourth level!"

"Look into the distance, into the distance!"

On the screen, dark clouds gather in the sky, and thunder is shining in the distance, as if a thunderstorm is about to come.

The bright sky quickly dimmed, and countless dark clouds gathered from all directions. In an instant, an atmosphere of rain was about to come and the wind was overwhelming the battlefield.

A few drizzles fell in the air.

The whole world seemed to have become gloomy and gloomy.

At this moment, a huge and extremely bright thunder light slowly descended through the thick black clouds.

There were only exclamation marks left in the entire chat room, even Bai Liuxi forgot to scold the water friend, and stared at the screen in a daze.

The shooting team professionally gave close-ups, and the huge thunder light slowly pierced through the dark clouds, as if it was only a small part of a larger existence.

A sub-picture was given to show that under the thunder, it was the enemy's armored force.

No one could speak.

For the first time, the chat room was completely quiet.

The huge thunder light passed through the dark clouds and fell from the sky like a space battleship.

The surface of the dark cloud was covered with cyan lightning, and the dazzling silver snake wandered wantonly.

In the air, countless tiny electric arcs flickered.

That's ionized air discharging.

Infinite coercion came through the lens and rushed toward his face.

Bai Liuxi was terrified, fell to the ground with a thud, and screamed: "Monster! Monster! Stay away from me! Monster!"

The huge electric ball formed by the thunder light fell slowly. Although it looked very slow, it was the illusion of distance and volume. The armored troops under it fled like ants, but it was too late.

The thunderball landed, a huge electric light pierced the screen, and the terrifying magnetic storm directly interrupted the signal.

The screen suddenly went black.

There was a lot of wailing in the chat room, but they were all excited howls.

"Sheriff Lin is an eternal god!"

"Is it him?"

"It's him, Xiao Weiwei said it, give the camera to Sheriff Lin, it's him!"

"Damn it, Sheriff Lin is invincible!"


"My God!"

"Quickly restore the screen! I want to see Sheriff Lin beat Bo Fat Pig!"

And Zhen Bai Fat Pig was lying naked and shaking on the ground at this time.

He had a bad feeling, if Changshan County had such a powerful weapon, then his Death Hand Guard would definitely be finished.

The army of insects and warriors in uniform may not necessarily win.

But now I can't run away, I can only hope that there are not many such weapons, and the energy will be exhausted in one shot.

Sheriff Lin may not be able to find his underground chamber, drowned in a sea of ​​worms and colonists.

Thinking of this, Bai Liuxi regained his composure and sneered.

"Hmph, little bastard, you still can't do it, so what if you rely on the emperor's faction, I'll tear you to pieces just like me."

At this time, the live broadcast screen resumed again.

On the screen, blue smoke and electric arcs are everywhere, the armored army has been wiped out, and the planes have fallen one after another under the strong magnetic storm environment.

The whole scene is clear.

The cyan giant appeared on the battlefield again and ran back to the fort.

At this time, a large army of blue-gray insects rushed over from the east, and Bai Liuxi cursed at the sight: "Moxili, the dog, sent the lowest-level insects here, and you actually used these waste products that should be eliminated! You will not send any high-level insects made of high-level raw materials that I have spent so much time for you! I will never catch them again!"

Even though he said so, Bai Liuxi still retained a glimmer of hope, hoping that these low-level worms could kill the giants by virtue of their numbers.

When his expectations quickly fell through.

The giant barely paid any attention to them, intense lightning flashed on it, and huge electric arcs wandered back and forth among the bug-man army, roasting them one after another.

Like insects sprayed with pesticides, large numbers of insects fell to the ground one after another.

It was only then that Bai Liuxi realized that the worms were weak against lightning, and their resistance to lightning was very low. Of course, Elder Moxili would not send his precious elite to die, but only sent a pile of cannon fodder to consume the giant's energy.

After a large amount of discharge, the thunder light on the cyan giant's body was indeed weaker, but no one in the live broadcast room realized it, and the water friends were still applauding.

"Okay, kill these disgusting monsters."

"Imperial biochemical research can no longer be done."

"Alien vs Thunder Warrior! My life is worth it!"

"Ditto, worth it!"

"I never thought in my life that I could see such a thrilling picture."

On the other side, Li Qingyue was sitting in front of the computer in an orderly manner, with a strange look in her big eyes.

"Wow... big brother has so many novel things... I really want... I really want to..."

Beside her, her elder brother Li Yuchen was about to explode on the spot. He strung around on the seat like a monkey, yelling continuously.

"Wenjun is invincible! Wenjun sweeps the world, Wenjun, come on, Wenjun is mine..."

Supreme will.

The four great elders watched something online for the first time.

There was also a hint of emotion on their perennially stiff faces.

"So Li Longxing has so many hole cards in his possession?"

"Why are they all envoys to Changshan County?"

"Lin Wen... is Li Longxing's illegitimate son?"

"No, it's impossible, Li Longxing has betrothed the first princess to him."

"Isn't the first princess his own?"

This question kept the elders silent for a while, and it was the first time they gossip about a topic that only mothers-in-law and aunts would care about.

After careful study for a while, the elder decided: "Impossible, it is impossible for Ah Xi to cheat."

"Li Longxing doesn't have a green hat on his head."


"Ahem, cough, cough!" Great Elder Ping Yuan stopped the topic, "Stop discussing this."

He glanced at the picture on the screen, the blue light giant was beating the recalcitrants in the fortress.

They didn't care about the fate of West Yanzhou. As long as the royal family didn't end in person, there would be no problem. What Bai Liuxi did was enough for him to die a hundred times.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the backbone of Lin Yabo, Moxili and Yu Zhongxian's group, he would have been killed hundreds of years earlier.

"Then what are we discussing?" Grand Elder Xing Ling's gossip was interrupted, a little unhappy.

Great Elder Ping Yuan pondered for a moment, then said something.

"The empire's network... is under control..."

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