Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 535 This world is waiting for me

Lin Wenzheng launched the [Spirit of the Civet Cat] with all his strength, whipped the whip into a phantom, and kept muttering.

"556, 557, 558, 569, 669, 769, 869..."

The webpage suddenly froze, and the rockets that filled the screen were stuck in the middle and could not move. Then Qi Mu called and cried:

"Sheriff Lin! There are too many people, too many rockets, our server can't take it anymore, it's going to blow up..."

Lin Wen said angrily: "Hold me! How can you lose the chain at a critical moment?"

Qi Mu cried: "I can't hold it! Our bandwidth is about to crack, it's beyond the physical limit..."

Lin Wen said angrily: "Stop the live broadcast and cover it with ten static pictures of me beating Bai Fat Pig. The ten pictures will be played automatically in turn. There must be no problems with the recharge system and the rocket system, otherwise I will deduct the money lost from your salary."

Click, hang up the phone.

Changshan County, Network Technology Department, Qi Mu was dumbfounded.

"Can you still play like this?"

The little friend shouted: "Old Qi, don't be in a daze, hurry up, there are millions of dollars in this second, I'm afraid you will never be able to figure it out for the rest of your life."

Qi Mu woke up cleverly, and after making changes according to the method Lin Wen said, the pressure was greatly reduced.

The live broadcast room will no longer broadcast videos, can the pressure not be reduced?

But everyone looked at the pictures flashing on the screen and fell into deep thought.

In the picture on the webpage, Lin Wen is holding a whip in one hand, and he is about to whip. The next second, the whip has been whipped, and Lin Wen is fighting back to close it. It looks like a video that is stuck and many frames are dropped.

"That's okay too?"

Qi Mu seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

"Is this a genius?"

The little friend was pleasantly surprised: "Old Qi, Lao Qi, the video signal of Sheriff Lin has not been interrupted, we can continue to capture pictures from the video and overlay them. In this way, isn't it a slide show?"

Qi Mu woke up suddenly: "That's right! This method is good!"

"Quick, quick, do it!"

Everyone rushed to work.

"Fuck, this unprecedented scene must not end with regret."

The little friend who spoke was from Xiyan Prefecture. During the famine, his family was robbed of all the food stored by the governor's special tax search team. The whole family used the last two steamed buns to save him, making him the only survivor.

This unforgettable hatred made him unable to forget even after living in Yaojing for many years. Countless times in midnight dreams, he could see his mother holding his arm with a bony hand and saying to him:

"My son, live."

Therefore, when Sheriff Lin cut Bai Liuxi live, he was the happiest and even fired a hundred rockets manually.

——That's his two months' salary.

Of course, the interruption of the live broadcast cannot be tolerated, and it is even more regrettable that people cannot appreciate the heroic posture of Sheriff Lin whipping Bai Fat Pig.

Although limited by technical limitations, it is impossible to do a smooth live broadcast, but it is still possible to capture wonderful pictures from it and upload them.


A good live broadcast room has become a slideshow room.

Although everyone said they were dissatisfied, they could understand that it was better than nothing.

During the duration of the live broadcast, the Internet of the Empire has never been so lively.

Internet cafes in every city are full, and countless people are crowded behind every computer.

This extremely lively scene made people feel that there was nothing wrong with the over 15 billion viewers at the bottom right of the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast of whipping Bai Liuxi lasted for an hour. During this hour, a total of more than 6 million rockets were bought, and the income was more than 600 million yuan, which was more impressive than any other industry.

An hour later, Lin Wen was forced to end the live broadcast.

Of course, it wasn't because the heat disappeared, nor was it because Bai Liuxi died. It was a coincidence that Lin Wen exerted force in the civet state. Otherwise, if he was killed halfway, the effect of whipping the corpse would be much worse.

It was because the Great Elder told him through Li Longxing to let him end, otherwise his network would be cut off.

The authority of the Great Elder is still higher than that of Changshan County, Lin Wen can only end the live broadcast early.

"810,000, 910,000, 1 million... The whipping is over."

Lin Wen turned around and faced the camera. The Λ-shaped symbol on his mask was particularly conspicuous, making it unforgettable.

"Old irons, there is no permanent banquet in the world."

"The passionate live broadcast is over. Finally, I will use an unprecedented method to imprint this sinful fat pig on this world."

With a thought in Lin Wen's mind, a clay figurine crushed the ground with one foot.

Lin Wen dragged Bai Liuxi, who had turned from a fat pig to a blood pig, and threw it on the ground, then took a bottle of water and sprinkled it on the ground.

"Everyone is optimistic, this is called Huagang Shenshui, which can turn the ground into fine steel."

Press it with your hands, and [Finger Ground into Steel] activates.

This spell consumes 100% of the primordial spirit after the consumption reduction, and Lin Wen only has 15% now.

But it can be cast partially, and 10% of the effect consumes 10% of Yuanshen.

Lin Wen directly used the lowest effect.

With a click, the ground about two meters square turned into fine steel, and at the same time, a large number of sinking blue-gray fine steel cracks appeared around, as if the power of fine steel was transmitted from the depths of the ground.

"This spell is really wonderful." Lin Wen whispered to himself.

Looking at Bai Liuxi again, his whole body has been embedded in the fine steel, like a clear and lifelike relief.

Slay demons and eliminate demons, good fate +121.

This is the highest good fortune that Lin Wen has obtained through killing so far, a little more than Yu Zhongxian's 120.

"Old irons, straight..."

Before he finished speaking, the live broadcast room was cut off.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the Xiyan Prefecture Army who had been waiting in the distance for a long time also let out a long sigh of relief: "We can finally pass."

"All the army, let's go!"

Lin Wen also received news that the army was coming.

[Golden God Art] Although it is strong, it is not enough to sweep thousands of troops. His soul cannot afford the huge consumption of unlimited use of big moves.

And now he only has 5% Yuanshen left.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

Lin Wen disbanded the clay figurines, put the talisman paper back in his arms, picked up all the live broadcast equipment, and ran out of the basement.

In the distance, the army of Xiyan Prefecture could already be seen.

The spell blessed by Lin Wen's body has not disappeared. Under the [Spiritual Movement Technique], nothing on the ground can catch up to him.

So, when the army arrived, they only found ruins and a piece of fine steel sculpture of the governor.

The image of Bai Liuxi above is lifelike, revealing every trace of fear, pain, and hatred in his face, which can be called the most perfect work of art in history.

The commander-in-chief of the West Yanzhou army looked at his former governor and sighed: "That kid from Changshan County has so many tricks."

Feeling puzzled again.

"Why is their technology so advanced?"


After Lin Wen returned to Changshan County, he immediately found Qi Mu and asked him to set up a company called "Fishmaohu" to expand the technology on this webpage and mature various functional facilities to form a website with hundreds of live broadcast rooms.

Qi Mu's face was crooked, and he cried, "County Lin, I have no one... What should I do about my "Sword" project?"

Lin Wen said impatiently, "You don't know how to recruit people?"

Qi Mu choked suddenly.

He really wanted to say that he was just a programmer, he didn't know how to fix computers, and he couldn't recruit people, but he still didn't say it.

Lin Wen patted his shoulder.

"Xiao Qi, think about it. This is a good thing. In the future, in this live broadcast room, countless viewers will watch the game you have worked hard for, and countless people who are not interested will buy it because of it. You have also seen today's grand event. Isn't this a good publicity channel? Isn't it a good thing to show more people the art you have carefully created?"

Qi Mu carefully imagined the scene described by Lin Wen, and his heart skipped a beat. He was suddenly full of passion, patted his chest, and said loudly.

"Leave it on me."

Only then did Lin Wen nodded in satisfaction, and said one last thing.

"Also, quickly bring me the recharge money. If anyone defaults, you tell me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Wen went to find Qin Luoshuang and the others.

His big plan 2.0 has just taken the first step, and there are countless projects to follow.

The world is waiting for him to change.

a little short. . .

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