Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 543 This is unscientific

Lao Xie's mouth was crooked, and he and Xiao Xiao looked at each other, feeling very speechless.

While this is indeed a solution, how do you say it like you can solve it?

With a full belly, Lao Xie invited Sheriff Lin over.

However, to everyone's surprise, Sheriff Lin had no choice.


Lao Xie felt that the sky was about to fall. If County Chief Lin had no choice, wouldn't Changshan County be finished?

Aren't all the hard-earned industries going to waste?

Didn't this scene of finally flourishing become like a passing cloud in a blink of an eye?

Lao Xie really can't accept it. If the situation cannot be reversed, the only way to save Changshan County is to make more than 95% of the people unemployed. If the 10 million unemployment tide hits, the entire Changshan County will go back to ten years ago, even if it does not collapse.

Then they have worked so hard for so long, so why come?

Thinking of the past, Lao Xie couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lin Wen was silent and did not speak.

"The Voice of the Dragon" has long since ended, and now he is working on 30-40% of the soul recovered every day, and there are still a few days left for this month's settlement.

Before the settlement, he belongs to the ultra-low combat power stage.

It must be a metaphor, he is like a paycheck, he was lavish when he first paid his salary, and he was so high that he was too happy. After a week, once the salary is spent, he can only eat dirt.

Now, only 70% of his primordial soul is left, and the answers of [Senren Guidance] are all very expensive, which he cannot afford.

If the spell is not working, Lin Wen can only use his great wisdom to solve it.

At present, except for East Qinzhou, Yunzhou and Zhongzhou, all states have stopped importing, and even Shizhou, which has always been friendly with Changshan County, has been forced to stop.

Zhang Shuangxi, the new governor of Shizhou, sent an e-mail to Lin Wen, saying that he was alone and had no backing in the empire, so he was forced to follow Daliu, and asked Haihan, the county governor.

However, the industries in Changshan County are huge, and it is impossible for these three states to absorb so many industries.

How can I make them change their minds?

Forcibly open the door to trade with strong ships and guns?

However, Lin Wen's scientific army plan has not yet been implemented, and Mecha Warrior, Gundam, Space Carrier and Floating City are still in draft form.

Nor would the empire allow him to do so.

So what to do?

Lin Wen was a little hesitant, thinking about whether to use the hole card of good fate to cast spells.

There are still seven days until the month is settled, and the death star is coming soon... Will it be judged as suicide if you still use up your hole cards when you know that the catastrophe is coming?

At this moment, the phone in his arms rang, and Lin Wen pressed the answer button.

It's Li Yongxing.

"Lin Wen, you should know the matter."

Lin Wen suddenly remembered that he still had the Huangpai card, he always forgot his own faction.

"Well, most viceroys are aborted, is there anything you can do?"

On the phone, Li Longxing's voice was very low:

"This is their counterattack against us. I will never give in. The administrative orders of the empire must be unified. This kind of situation where the governor privately sets up local taxes is never allowed. Lin Wen, I have already contacted international buyers for you, the Husu Empire, the Western Federation, and the Third Empire of Narima. They all promised to buy your goods."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "That's right, you are very reliable. I didn't expect to start international trade so soon."

Li Longxing said seriously: "Lin Wen, don't be too happy. They have additional requirements. First, the price must be your selling price in the empire. Then, they hope to see you in person."

Lin Wen frowned slightly.

If the original price does not change, there will be an extra shipping fee out of thin air, and his low profit will become even less.

Of course, this is at least much better than not being sold.

But what was strange was that they wanted to see him by name.

Could it be that the name of Emperor Lin Wen has already resounded throughout the world?

Lin Wen asked, "Why are you seeing me?"

There was some smile in Li Longxing's voice.

"Isn't it because you hurt them? The Papal State's war was an unprecedented fiasco for them. There were weapon factors that never appeared before in the war.

"They have been replaying after the war, and they are naturally very interested in you who played a decisive role in the key battle. Maybe they want to discuss robots with you."

"Lin Wen, you can disclose some data appropriately, but don't sell them the blueprints and core technology. This is the crystallization of your wisdom and science."

Lin Wen was very happy. As expected of the emperor of the empire, he spoke nicely.

Moreover, Li Longxing's words also reminded him that there is still the world's wool to squeeze.

So why not sell them the blueprint of the robot?

Can you build the power core? Do you have the technology of incarnation? Can you realize the power of the fox fairy coming to the world?


Isn't this more cost-effective than making a deal with the empire?

The Great Elder picks to death.

Maybe you can exchange some money, not to mention more, just pay the sea freight.

Li Longxing said again: "The customs are all my people, I have already said hello, you can go directly to the sea, pay attention, you must use imperial yuan for transactions, don't be tricked by them."

"okay, I get it."

"Goodbye kid, take care, Lin Yabo and the others are getting restless again, be careful about assassination."

"Isn't that just right?"

"You kid..."

Li Longxing laughed, knowing that his special combat body was very powerful, so he hung up the phone without further talking.

As soon as the call was over, there were cheers from Lin Wen's side.

Yang Shaohu and Xiao Xiao were very excited, and Lao Xie cried so much that his nose was full of snot. They all rubbed on Lin Wen, and Lin Wen pushed him away in disgust.


Now that there is a buyer, the rest is easy.

The three immediately started preparations, Xiao Xiao boarded the boat in person, geared up, and prepared to negotiate with foreign buyers, vowing to sell at a good price.

Yang Shaohu quickly arranged everything, and Lao Xie specially sent a financial team to follow.

In this way, the freighter full of cargo departed from the port of Changshan County again. After a few days of suspension, the port returned to normal.

Of course Lin Wen was also on board, but not completely.

He claimed that he was there, but in fact he was still in Jangsan County.

In the last seven days before this reincarnation, he would write down all his unfinished plans and plans, and leave the peerless secrets "General Relativity" and "Quantum Mechanics" to contribute to the scientific development of this world.

In addition, he has to complete a large number of scripts that have not been completed before, including "Titanic", "A Chinese Ghost Story", "Harry Potter", "The Homeless Earth", "Forrest Gump", "Disinfectant", and "2012", which Lin Wen has always envied.

There are also a large number of planning plans, such as Shunfeng Express, Baobao Fighting Xixi, Is the Ugly Group Full, Douyin Hand Kuai and so on.

There are also a large number of game plans and scientific and technological achievements.

And the top-secret atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb manufacturing technology that is only allowed to be passed down from generation to generation by the governor of Jangsan County.

These are all his legacy, and it will assist Qin Luoshuang to ascend the throne and continue the never-ending miracle of Changshan County.

In addition, Lin Wen also wants to take advantage of this last opportunity to solve all the hidden dangers in Changshan County, and escort the stable development of Changshan County for at least one year in the future.

In short, there are so many things to do. Lin Wen is either writing furiously at his desk or running around all day long. The fact that he sails with the ship is top secret. Only Yang Shaohu, Xiao Xiao and Lao Xie know about it. Lin Wen just needs to avoid them.

For the three of them, Lin Wen was an unstable quantum state. Before the observation, the quantum cloud covered Changshan County. After the observation, he collapsed onto the ship.

Quantum Lin Wen can even take time to try to save his democracy.

He didn't want to walk away with a zero egg.

And the plan to turn his scientific image around before people say he died and came back to life three days later and made the Twelve Apostles or something.

that's all.

Changshan County has regained its calm again, it is still running wildly along the existing road, Qin Luoshuang, Yang Shaohu and others are still frantically building new factories.

These labor-intensive industries do not have any technical content. An empty factory building can be started after buying a row of one-piece sewing machines.

It only takes six or seven days to build a factory, and Changshan County has nearly one million workers, and thousands of factories can be built in a week.

This is the case with large-scale industries. There is no threshold, and all profits come from fine management and cost accounting. This is what Qin Luoshuang is best at. Even Yang Shaohu can't compare to her.

Moreover, although the states prohibit the sale of goods in Changshan County, they do not prohibit Changshan County from purchasing machinery and raw materials.

Little money, who doesn't love it?

The economy of the empire is improving rapidly. A large amount of wealth from the Papal State is pouring into the empire. The profits from the war are being returned. The hot money of the empire is growing rapidly. Finance, real estate and stocks are extremely profitable.

Yaojing real estate is already making crazy money, what kind of machines, raw materials, production lines, what's the use? Is one hundred years of production enough to buy a building?

Therefore, the governors of the states tacitly prohibited Changshan County from harvesting their wealth, but frantically sold their unwanted garbage to Changshan County. They wished that even the workers would be packaged and sold, leaving only high-profit, high-tech industries and low-cost planting industries.

Others, all turn to financial real estate.

Imperial finance and real estate are also part of Li Longxing's efforts to revitalize the economy. Therefore, he received a lot of support and was able to implement his reforms smoothly. In the empire's finances, the 30 trillion war bond income is frantically pouring into road construction and real estate construction everywhere. This is a trick to boil frogs in warm water.

When road traffic and real estate are linked, state border management becomes a shackle that prevents them from making a fortune. Li Longxing can logically remove this power and realize the free flow of the empire's population, instead of requiring complicated procedures as before, so that it is difficult for non-rich people to move freely across states.

It is impossible to remove the governor's power at once, it can only be peeled off layer by layer like peeling an onion.

Li Longxing has already touched a very deep area. The battle on the surface seems to have disappeared, but the struggle in the dark is extremely fierce.

Among the eight elders, he had the full support of Elder Wang Wengong, the approval of Ye Nantian and Xu Chengguo, and to a limited extent, the affirmation of Elder Ren Zhengqing.

This is why he can destroy so many interests from top to bottom and promote the reform of the empire.

But there are still many enemies and potential enemies. Their power seems unstoppable, but they are not monolithic. As long as the onions are torn well, they will be peeled to pieces sooner or later.

In addition to the economic and political aspects, a military background is also essential. The Royal Guards will hold a military exercise almost every three days, and Sheng Huaixuan no longer cares about the constraints of the empire, showing off the powerful military strength of East Qinzhou.

It was only then that the governors discovered that this state, which had been silently implementing military management, had already formed a modern regular army of 700,000.

Coupled with the United Royal Guards, it has more than half of the strength of the Central Army.

Of course, the possibility of a large-scale imperial civil war breaking out is very small. Military power is the background to stabilize people's hearts. It is like talking in a stable room and talking under a stormy tree. The effect is completely different.

The West Yanzhou pilot project is achieving good results. If it can prove that His Majesty's reforms are correct and can really make the empire great again, then it is not impossible for the governors to give up their power and adapt to the new environment despite popular support.

Also because of this, Xiyan Prefecture and Changshan County, which is frantically expanding, frantically sucking in unemployed people, frantically buying machines and raw materials, have become thorns in the eyes of the opposition group.

Under their proposal, the governors united to ban the entry of goods from Changshan County, because it was in their interest.

But the opening of the international trade link in Changshan County has no effect on them, and even has a little benefit, so there is no governor to stop this matter.

But this is absolutely intolerable to the opposition group. In their view, the broken Changshan County is the good Changshan County.

So, on the fifth day of calm, Lin Wen received a call from Xiao Xiao.

"Sheriff Lin, you are on that boat! What should we do?"

Lin Wen activated [Close to the End of the World] calmly and locked on to Xiao Xiao.

White light is appearing on the body, and the observation is coming.

"What happened?"

"What... what happened? Are you on board? Our ship stopped! The propeller was damaged by something! We are in the middle of the ocean!"

"Oh, I'm on a boat."

The next moment, Schrödinger's cat box was opened, and the observation came, the quantum Lin Wen collapsed to the freighter thousands of kilometers away, and appeared behind Xiao Xiao.

He was on the bow of the ocean-going ship, yelling into the phone: "You are on a fucking ship, I have searched all the cargo ships, and there is no sign of you."

"I'm on the boat." Lin Wen said.

Xiao Xiao said furiously: "If you want to be on the boat, I'll jump off from here and swim back to Changshan County, and run for a month!"

Lin Wen patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't bother me!" Xiao Xiao yelled, but the people behind her were not sensible at all, and they were still shooting wildly.

Xiao Xiao was furious, and suddenly jumped back, "Are you looking for a fight... eh? Sheriff Lin!!"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "You can skip it if you jump down. You probably won't be able to swim thousands of miles back. If you run for a month, that's enough."

Xiao Xiao seemed to have seen a ghost: "Where did you come from?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I've been on the boat, retreating in order to concentrate on studying scientific theorems."

Xiao Xiao seemed to believe it: "So that's the case, as expected of you, it's really scientific."

Lin Wen was very happy to hear that, and didn't care about Guoben anymore.

"What's wrong now?"

Xiao Xiao explained the matter in detail.

They went all the way down the river and went to sea smoothly. He got in touch with international buyers such as the Xiusu Empire, and it was estimated that they would arrive at the port of the corresponding country in three days. As long as County Chief Lin was willing to join their military technology exchange meeting, they were willing to buy goods from Changshan County for a long time.

Everything was fine at first, but as soon as they arrived at the center of the ocean, there was suddenly a violent and strange noise underwater, and then all the freighters lost power.

Mechanics soon discovered that all their propellers had been damaged, and on several ships even the turbine engines had been damaged, with what appeared to be metal objects thrown into the rotors.

"It's difficult now, County Chief Lin. With so many cargo ships stranded, it will be very troublesome to tow them back. The cost will be very high, and it will greatly delay our time!"

Lin Wen was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

"Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter."

Xiao Xiao said anxiously: "Why is it a trivial matter? How can this be solved?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "I have expected this kind of thing a long time ago, and brought a super-powerful diving tugboat in advance, which can tow all cargo ships."


Xiao Xiao's mouth was clearly slanted. Although he is the god of economics, he still has basic scientific knowledge. The power ratio of the tugboat is indeed very high, but what kind of tugboat can tow these more than ten 100,000-ton ocean-going giant cargo ships?

And isn't the tugboat operating in the port? Why did you come to the ocean?

And why is the tugboat diving?

Just when he wanted to make this unscientific statement to Sheriff Lin, he sneered and walked to the side of the boat.

"How dare you fight me in a water battle? You didn't pay attention to me at all, you're really asking for your own death."

Turning around, a 3600-degree forward tumbling thirty and a half weeks, jumped into the sea from the bow of the ship more than ten meters high.

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