Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 547 Colorful White Clouds

Lin Wen felt very embarrassed. If he was to carry out the task of protecting the princess and Xiyan State at this time, wouldn't he have died to protect the princess and Xiyan State?

Then how could he fulfill his duties as the governor of Changshan County and die in order to save the common people?

Lin Wen hesitated for a moment, and took a photo with [Luan Zhaoshui].

How could they still achieve [Responsible Person] and [Savior of the World]?


Maybe taking the catastrophe away from the sect means protecting the sect in a disguised form and fulfilling the duties of the head of the sect?

Similarly, the enemies attracted by the catastrophe are all existences that pose a great threat to the common people, so is it considered to save the common people?

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

So Lin Wen agreed.

After hanging up Li Longxing's nonsense words about "guarding and stealing to have a baby", Lin Wen was ready to set off. In fact, he was a little bit uncertain. The death star had been on for a while, and [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] did not call the police.

"Could it be that Changshan County is too safe for the enemy to come in? Then wouldn't it be just right for me to protect the princess... Well, it's too dangerous, but for the sake of the duty of the county chief and the safety of the people, I still have to go."


This time, it will be forever.

Over the past year in Changshan County, he has experienced a lot of trials and tribulations, as well as a lot of brilliance and happiness. It is impossible to say that there is no nostalgia, but the journey of the Great Emperor is about to start, and all experiences will become his permanent memory.

This one is especially true, it never fades.

At the end of parting, Lin Wen planned to bid farewell to Qin Luoshuang.

After all, Feng Chu has been with him for so long, and she has paid so much, and she is the next county chief. Her existence will ensure the continuous development of Changshan County, and will also ensure that he will not have bad karma back.

Say goodbye to her, of course.

Lin Wen dialed her phone and was hung up after two rings.


This was the first time Qin Luoshuang hung up on his phone.

Lin Wen scratched his head, did he press the wrong button?

Continue to dial.

Hang up again.

Lin Wen frowned.

Called the third time, this time did not hang up, but no one answered.


Will anything happen to Qin Luoshuang?

Lin Wen became anxious, and immediately used magic to confirm Qin Luoshuang's location, which was in her own home.

Not caring about anything else, a flying cloud flew over.

Yuanshen -10%

As the white clouds fell on the roof, Lin Wen activated the [Spirit of the Civet Cat], turned over and jumped out of the window.

"Qin Luoshuang, don't panic, I'm here to save you..."

However, the scene in front of him was not dangerous, instead it was a little pink.

This is the most favorite part of changing clothes for gentlemen. Qin Luoshuang stood in front of the fitting mirror. Under the clear morning light, her beautiful figure was like a jade woman. Her ice crystal skin reflected the cold light. Her perfect lines, straight back, long snow-white legs, and slender arms were absolutely stunning in the world.


With a flash of white light, Qin Luoshuang changed into a long skirt as quickly as possible, and her whole face turned red with shame and anger: "What are you doing here?"

This eye luck is not bad, and the fairy is probably at this level, Lin Wen thought to himself, but it's a pity that he can't control the sword.

Asked: "Why didn't you answer my call just now?"

Qin Luoshuang said angrily: "Why should I answer your phone call? You can go and find your princess. Why are you looking for me?"

Seeing that Qin Luoshuang was safe and sound, Lin Wen was in a happy mood and said with a smile, "How did you know I was going to find the princess?"

Qin Luoshuang couldn't believe her ears, but Lin Wen immediately repeated Li Longxing's phone number, as if a scumbag was explaining: "Although I had sex with her, it was only my sister."

Qin Luoshuang became angry from embarrassment, and said loudly: "Stop lying to me, you men only want to open the harem every day, hug left and right, let me tell you, even if I am in the harem, I am also the master of the harem..."

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head and said helplessly, "I said, can you stop dreaming..."

The steaming red clouds almost covered Qin Luoshuang. She realized that the language in her words was flawed. It was just what she said when she was bickering with Xia. If they traveled to the ancient empire, she would definitely be able to kill all the concubines in the harem and become the master of the harem.

But here, the whole meaning is different.

And this guy's reaction was even more annoying, as if a toad didn't want to eat swan meat.

Yes, she is a toad.

"Get out! Get out of here! I don't want to see you again!"

It was the first time Qin Luoshuang was so angry, both at Lin Wen and at herself.

Lin Wenyuan shouted: "Hey, don't be so unreasonable, be reasonable, I still have something to tell you."

"You leave it to the girl of your dreams, we're all toads anyway."

"No, no, why are you toads? You are just ordinary people with dreams. This is normal. Everyone has dreams, right..."

The more he explained, the angrier Qin Luoshuang became, and he said angrily, "Stop pretending here, you have Li Linyue's photo album hidden in your home, it's just under your bedside table, do you have to read it every day before going to bed?"

Lin Wen asked in surprise, "Isn't that yours?"

Qin Luoshuang was about to explode with anger: "Go to hell!"

Lin Wenxi smiled: "Yes! Don't worry, I will." After thinking for a while, he persuaded: "Don't feel inferior, you were very good-looking when you were young..."

Qin Luoshuang couldn't bear it anymore, took out his photo album and patted Lin Wen's face.

"Look for yourself, how do Li Linyue and I resemble each other?"

Lin Wen took the photo album from his face, opened it, and Qin Luoshuang came into view when he was a child.

Different from Li Linyue, Qin Luoshuang was colder and more arrogant when she was a child, her arrogant expression seemed to say that everyone present was trash.

The appearance of the two is also very different, both are beautiful, but Qin Luoshuang is more cold, and Li Linyue is more cute, both are the pinnacles of their respective fields, unless you are blind, you can confuse the two.

The blind man scratched his head, feeling bad. If he pissed Qin Luoshuang to death, wouldn't his reincarnation career be ruined?

You can only ask questions to 【Immortal Guidance】.

【How can Feng Chu and Qin Luoshuang return to its previous state? 】

Consumption: 5% Yuanshen.

It's the lowest consumption, it's such a simple question, what a pity... No no, that's great, it's the lowest consumption.


[Snatch her photo album and claim that the plan has succeeded]

Lin Wen immediately followed suit, stuffed the photo album into his arms, and laughed loudly: "Wow hahahaha, I didn't expect that, Qin Luoshuang, you have been tricked!"

Turned over, jumped out of the window, and ran away.

Only Qin Luoshuang was left standing in front of the window blankly.

Under the bright morning light, she in a white dress seemed to blend into the clear light.


With Qin Luoshuang's photo album in his arms, Lin Wen flew directly to Xiyan Prefecture.

The capital of Xiyan Prefecture is Yanjing, which is very prosperous and even has the potential to attack the super front line.

But it is in the easternmost part of Xiyan Prefecture, connecting with the prosperous eastern region of the empire.

In the entire Xiyan Prefecture, the vast majority of areas are no different from Shizhou, it is a backward agricultural state.

Xiyan Prefecture is the second largest granary in the empire, and it is also the third largest mine. The entire state's economy relies on these two outputs and relies on ultra-low labor costs to obtain profits.

In terms of backwardness, Xiyan Prefecture is not much better than Shizhou.

Under such circumstances, if you want to build Xiyan Prefecture well, the administrative center must not be located in Yanjing.

After discussing with the two elders of the Senate, Li Linyue decided to move the new Governor's Mansion and State Hall to Cao County in the middle of Xiyan Prefecture.

This is a backward and desolate county, worse than the previous Changshan County. There were still people in Changshan County before, but it didn't even have people.

All the officials were unwilling, but no one could object to the decision of the three imperial faction bosses.

The new councilor and the imperial supervisor are watching from the sidelines.

As a result, officials in Xiyan Prefecture were forced to move from the bustling Yanjing to Cao County, where the emperor's reform of the new state system was fully implemented.

The private soldiers of all the officials and rich people in Xiyan Prefecture were disbanded, and the excess part of the regular army was also disbanded, and the rest were handed over to the highest military headquarters of the empire, under the temporary command of the imperial marshal Zhu Kewu.

Then, appointed by the joint meeting of the Supreme Military Department, the six divisions of the Royal Guards entered Xiyan Prefecture and stationed in various parts of Xiyan Prefecture to maintain order and eliminate bandits.

The new governor of Xiyan Prefecture was appointed by Xiang Nanshan, the former commander of the Royal Guards, because he made great achievements in the battle against the Papal Kingdom.

Then the new official position of the empire, the Governor, suggested by the Emperor and approved by the Imperial Congress, also took office in Xiyan Prefecture,

The governor of Xiyan Prefecture is also Xu Lishan, who was originally the commander of the Royal Guards.

All personnel selection processes are completed in accordance with standard procedures, nominated by the Supreme Council of Elders, and approved by the Imperial Congress. There is no procedural problem.

Except there is only one candidate.

Li Linyue and the two elders of the Senate came to Xiyan Prefecture as supervisors. The real power is still controlled by Li Linyue. This is also Li Longxing's evaluation of his daughter, the highest governance of a state.

In order to prove herself, Li Linyue moved her entire princess faction here. This is the most important test point of her father's policy and must not be messed up.

During this time, Li Linyue devoted herself wholeheartedly to her work, using her best party and government affairs abilities to manage officials in Xiyan Prefecture, implement imperial policies of the imperial faction, and decide for the state government to veto and approve corresponding bills or imperial policies.

According to the father's opinion, the importance of the discretionary bill or imperial policy is notified to the corresponding officials of the State Council.

Execute and implement the program of discipline and imperialism in the state hall.

With the review and investigation as the core of deterrence, officials are forced to work hard, otherwise they will face investigations by the imperial supervisor and the new reviewer.

The effect was also immediate. Thanks to her efforts, the reform of Xiyan Prefecture has achieved great results in just one month. The social order is stable, vicious incidents have been greatly reduced, and disputes and contradictions in various places have been cut like a mess by her.

Not only that, Li Linyue used her own resources to build water conservancy for farmers all over the country, provide fertilizers, purchase tools, and purchase large-scale machinery for mines, greatly improving efficiency.

The Royal Guards are patrolling around, setting up strongholds, and maintaining law and order.

In this regard, the biggest feeling of the common people in Xiyan Prefecture is.

Its daybreak.

They no longer have to walk at night.

But today, a month later, this situation has reversed.

All places were suddenly attacked violently and indiscriminately, not only the security guards, the Supervision Office, the military strongholds, but even the residential areas were attacked.

The assailant was covered in black robes all over his body. He was huge in size with amazing destructive power. He was invulnerable to weapons and guns.

They not only attacked the government halls in various parts of Xiyan Prefecture, but also specifically attacked and killed officials in Xiyan Prefecture, especially the officials of the imperial faction.

Even the Xinzhou government office in Cao County was attacked, and the Princess Palace was attacked on the largest scale. Fortunately, fifteen teams of royal guards were stationed here, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Both sides suffered losses in this battle, which also sounded the alarm for Li Linyue.

There is no doubt that this is the revenge of Elder Moxili, whose evolutionary sect was the nightmare of the empire, and Li Linyue's reckless attack angered him.

Moshili's grave violation of imperial law is the most unforgivable act.

But there was no evidence at first, and because of her father's reform, she could not be convicted without reason.

Secondly, the elders of the empire are not something they can easily do.

Therefore, Li Linyue can't hit him from a higher level.

However, if he is allowed to attack, the reform of Xiyan Prefecture will be ruined at once, and the army cannot solve all the problems. Li Linyue has ordered all the small army strongholds to be merged.

Every large stronghold must have at least 10,000 people, and any patrol must have more than 3,000 people.

In this way, attacks can be effectively prevented, but the defensive area is also greatly reduced, and only major towns and key traffic roads can be defended.

The assassination of imperial officials is still powerless to stop. In this regard, only special forces can solve it.

However, my father can no longer send royal guards to Xiyan Prefecture, otherwise it will destroy the balance of special forces in Shenjing and cause turmoil in the region.

It is almost impossible for Li Linyue's existing 15 teams of royal guards to be dispatched. Although 20,000 Royal Guards were dispatched from Shenjing to protect her, it would be impossible to completely prevent the assassination without the Royal Guards.

The princess's own safety comes first.

But if the officials of Xiyan Prefecture were allowed to be killed, soon, no one would dare to leave Cao County.

The royal party ruled Xiyan Prefecture, and only this small county remained.

When Li Linyue was at a loss, Lin Wen came.

He descended from the sky on white clouds.

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