Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 550 What's wrong with the world

Lin Wen's method has achieved miraculous results.

As soon as he walked out of the sight of the barracks, a black mass rushed out of the ground like lightning, tearing apart a silicone doll.

Its speed was extremely fast, Lin Wen hadn't even reacted after blessing so many spells, and it had already turned its head and pounced on him.

There was no human breath on the doll, and it recognized it after killing only one. There was only one living person here, and that was Lin Wen.

[Body without colorful phoenix] quickly and strongly called the police, and predicted its attack route in advance, but Lin Wen still did not dodge.

Its speed is too fast, and it can completely control this speed. Lin Wen can dodge bullets, but he can't dodge his attacks.

The two-meter-long worm scythe changed direction in the air, and followed Lin Wen's figure closely. Like the scythe of death, it cut itself into three pieces like lightning, and fell in front of Lin Wen.

The yellow-green insect liquid soaked the black robe and flowed out.

The red light dissipated, and a "red cloud cover" disappeared.

Lin Wen was happy in his heart, but immediately forced it to become sad.

The worms are so strong that they consume one "Red Cloud Gaiding" in one go, and that only takes 28 worms, wouldn't they be exhausted?

what to do?

Lin Wen used another "Red Cloud Cover" to study the corpse.

Most of the bugman's body was wrapped in black robes, only the scythe was exposed.

Lin Wen asked the paper puppet to tear off the black robe, and a disgusting scene appeared.

Under the black robe, there was a huge bugman that seemed to have a tumor. The blue-black carapace showed that it was indeed a third-order, but it was much larger. It was more than three meters long. The abscess-like hyperplastic tissue covered its carapace, making the originally slender bugman bloated.

But that doesn't seem to affect its speed.

The scythe on the chest is gone, only a pair of giant scythes on the upper limbs are left. These biological materials are very strong, and the strength of chitin fibers even surpasses that of graphene, but it is a pity that they cannot be processed.

Its death was very miserable. It seemed that there was a problem with the cerebellum, and it misjudged the spatial orientation. When the scythe slammed into the air and used too much force, it cut itself into three pieces, and the yellow-green insect fluid flowed all over the ground.

Lin Wen's heart suddenly moved, and a paper man talisman was pasted on the upper body of the insect man.

Sure enough, the terribly dead insect came back to life, waving its scythe to greet Lin Wen.

The time consumption of the paper figurine talisman paper has not been accelerated, which proves that this thing is not a supermodel object that is "oversized and heavy".

In that case, can it be used to fight?

Only half of the worm's body was left and could not move. Lin Wen ordered a silicone doll to lift it up and wear it on his body like armor.

This scene can only be described as disgusting. The silicone doll was covered with yellow-green insect liquid, and the internal organs of the insects stuck to it. The terrifying parasitic scene made the scalp numb.

One doll was too small to support it, so Lin Wen ordered two more dolls to get in. The three dolls supported the worm shell together, looking like a mutant lobsterman.

It wields the scythe with a lot of momentum, but it's a pity that the speed is not very fast.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can fight.

Lin Wen was overjoyed. He didn't expect bugs to have such a magical effect. It seemed that more bugs should be killed.

How to attract more bugs?

Lin Wen changed his mind and thought of a better way.

He found a lot of flagpoles and wrote a line on each flag.

"Moxili is a big fool"

"Pigs laugh at Moxili for having no brains"

"Mosely doesn't understand biochemistry at all"

"Your bugs are vulnerable"

"No one understands science better than I do"

"Sheriff Lin is the best in the world, and Mossili ate shit on the spot"

and so on and so forth.

Putting these flags on the backs of the silicone dolls, Lin Wen summoned the Sixteen Heavenly Kings.

Each heavenly king also carries a flag on his back, and writes:

"The World's No. 1 Special Warfare Body"

After finishing everything, Lin Wen was like an old general on the stage. After planting all the flags, he swaggered out of the protective circle of the barracks.

And this scene was also seen by Lin Yabo at the same time.

All of Mossili's intelligence work was provided by him. What Moxili was doing was too dangerous for him to be a part of it and could only provide information and help on the periphery.

All the information about Panlong City was provided by him, so Lin Yabo saw this scene immediately.

When Lin Wen came out with a phalanx with more than sixty flags erected, the scene was quite spectacular.

Lin Yabo sneered and said, "It's too stupid. Who would be fooled by such a childish and low-level aggressive technique? It is said that this little bastard is unparalleled in resourcefulness and extremely clever. I think it is nothing more than that."

The confidant Peng Pei repeatedly said: "That's right, what the master said is too right!"


Before the words were finished, insects from all directions rushed from the ground, from containers, and from various unexpected places.

Not only that, on the top-secret channel, the furious Moxili was ordering the entire city's army of insects to rush towards Lin Wen.

Lin Yabo's face was livid, and he picked up the communicator and shouted: "Moxili! Calm down!"

But it was too late. On the screen, sixteen agents of the dragon group blocked the swarm of insects, and Lin Wen's whole body was flickering with lightning. Obviously, he wanted the strange lightning technology of Changshan County again.

Lin Yabo sneered and said, "Idiot, do you still think that worms are afraid of thunder?"

Before the words were finished, a powerful electric light swept across the sea of ​​insects.

As if being sprayed with insecticide, the insects fell to the ground one after another, and the burnt and stench could be smelled through the screen.

"how so?"

Lin Yabo's eyeballs almost popped out.

He really couldn't understand why all his years of experience were invalidated when he met this little beast.

All the physics and scientific principles that they worked so hard to research are all unworkable, as if the world is distorted, and nothing is right.

Peng Pei was even more unacceptable: "What the hell is Changshan County? This is too unscientific."

Lin Yabo remained silent with a livid face.

Moxili is even more furious. For him, biochemistry is everything to him, evolution is the meaning of his existence, and the product of evolution is his child.

The princess had killed his unborn child, and of course he wanted revenge.

The attack on Pancage City was to force the first princess to send more royal guards.

As long as the number of royal guards guarding the princess' palace exceeds one hundred, he can kill that bitch and avenge his child.

But when all the plans were going smoothly, the little beast who had hindered them countless times came again.

As soon as he came, all the royal guards in Panlong City retreated.

In just a split second, all his efforts were in vain.

Under the protection of more than 150 royal guards and 20,000 regular troops, it is impossible to forcefully kill the princess.

Not only that, but this guy actually dared to mock him. It's like a parent being mocked for his child's inability to be ridiculed, and Seur being mocked for his inability.

But the result of extreme anger is usually extreme anger.

Insects infected with botulinum bacteria have great lightning resistance, and the proliferative tissue of botulinum bacteria will block lightning from destroying the super mitochondria of the worm fluid in the human body.

Safe in 99% of cases.

However, 99% of the insects who are immune to electric shocks will be knocked down by a round of electric shocks?

More than fifty bugmen were reimbursed in this way, only killing a group of electric silicone dolls. The bald super special combat body of Changshan County recovered from the broken state, and the brown muddy water-like substance blended and climbed, forming feet, body, hands and head in turn.

In an instant, the sixteen bald special combat bodies returned to their original state without any loss.

According to expert research, this is a product of some kind of liquid memory metal, and Chang Shanjun is slightly ahead of them in the field of pure robot special combat bodies.

For this, Moxili has always been dismissive. As long as his children mature, super special warfare bodies, imperial guards, and humanoid transformations are all a pile of shit.

But the reality dealt him a heavy blow. The children he had given high hopes for were vulnerable under the electric shock.

Moxili began to doubt life, could it be that the experimental results were wrong?

At this time, it seemed that the secret agents and cameras were discovered, and a large group of bald men rushed over, and the screen went black instantly.

Moxili sensed that something was wrong, and he issued an order in the special channel to let all the worms return to the secret base.

He wants to check carefully to see what's going on.

If the weakness of electric shock is not eliminated, then the bugman cannot be used as a mature special combat body on the battlefield.


Pancage City.

The second "red cloud cover" disappeared.

Lin Wen immediately used the third "Red Cloud Gaiding".

He was a little sad, but soon forced a smile again.

"Well... the result of this battle is not bad, and more than 50 insects have been exchanged for one luck."

Glancing quietly at the Death Omen, it was still emitting black light, and it seemed to be normal.

"Hey...hahaha, there are still twenty-five, which is completely enough, and I won't die at all."

Lin Wen planted a flag for himself before recalling the battle just now.

The moment the bugman rushed over, it was indeed unstoppable. The clay figurines were torn apart in an instant, and the silicone dolls were like paper paste. [Body without a colorful phoenix] strongly called the police.

But it was this brief blocking that made Lin Wen use [Lightning Strike].

This is a low-level spell in the qi training period. Like [flame spell], it only consumes 5% of the primordial spirit, but it is the nemesis of insects.

Lin Wen used more than a dozen shots of [Lightning Strike] at once, and the huge thunder light directly swept away the entire audience.

All the insects rushed to the street.

Lin Wen couldn't believe it.

Is this a critical strike?

But the dissipated red light let him know that this was not a critical strike, but a fatal blow.

This "red cloud cover" is too strong.

I don't know if Moxili's worms are enough, but I hope you can be a little stronger...

Lin Wen forcibly interrupted his thinking and glanced at the scene. The information brought by more than fifty bugmen reduced the consumption of [Ask Yu Tian].

But it's not enough, he only has 110% of his soul left now, and he has to drop more than half to bear it.

Then continue to fight bugs.

Lin Wen pasted a paper man talisman on the insect corpse on the ground.

Sure enough, the dead bug could be used, and under the effect of the talisman paper, it stood up again, as if it had been revived.

Although the agility, strength, and speed are much inferior, the body is still the body of a biochemical special warfare body, so it can be somewhat useful.

Lin Wen revived more than fifty bugs.

One of the worms was also carrying the other half of the worms, forming the legendary appearance of being in a mess.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Lin Wen replaced all the black robes worn by Chongzi with flowered robes, so a large group of colorful monsters walked on the street, making everyone who saw it dumbfounded.

Lin Wen's follow-up behavior of beating bugs was not smooth.

He only found a wounded bugman, which was hit continuously by armor-piercing shells and heavy artillery, and was frozen with liquid nitrogen by the countermeasures, but even so, it was still alive and was hiding in a sewer to recover from its injuries.

The reason why it appeared was because it smelled the same kind of smell, but it was seen by the sharp-eyed bald head.

Thus, the injured insect man died under the beating of sixteen clay figurines.

Lin Wen pasted another piece of talisman, and there was one more person in the bugman army.

"Why do I feel like I'm a necromancer? The fallen corpse changed camp in an instant."

Lin Wen scratched his head, feeling very unhappy.

But what was even more unsatisfactory was that in the next period of time, the insects seemed to disappear, and the entire Xiyan Prefecture returned to calm, and any monster attacks never happened again.

Inside the princess palace.

The surviving backbone members of the princess faction were bragging about Sheriff Lin's brilliance.

The two elders of the Senate simply wished they could use their hands and words together, bragging about it.

Xiang Nanshan, the new governor of Xiyan Prefecture, and Xu Lishan, the governor, were even more open-minded, and they were short of welcoming County Chief Lin to the throne.

The reason for this spectacle is that the news that Sheriff Lin is the illegitimate son of His Majesty the Emperor is widely spread.

This rumor fit their mentality so well that everyone believed it instantly.

Sheriff Lin suddenly changed from a threatening enemy to a master who needed to be curried.

Although Li Linyue tried her best to strictly prohibit this kind of rumor, it seemed to make everyone believe it even more. Even she felt a little bit upset in her heart. She called her father many times and got a negative answer.

Regardless of this episode, the rapid changes in Xiyan Prefecture can be called a miracle.

As soon as County Chief Lin arrived, the effect was immediate, and those who were dissatisfied had no choice but to bow down.

The mainstream opinion of the Princess faction was that the incident was over, so she hurriedly called Sheriff Lin back, and everyone held a celebration banquet to wash him off.

Li Linyue also had the same idea, but when the telegram was sent to Lin Wen, he was unwilling to leave like this.

He decided to wait another two days, and if there were no insects, he would go to the mountains himself.

This time, it really came.

this day.

Lin Wen drove an army of necromancers and the Sixteen Heavenly Kings, and was ambushed by a large number of insects while patrolling outside the city.

More than a hundred bugmen rushed out from the ground and launched a fierce attack on Lin Wen.

But in the end, Lin Wen only used a few more shots of [Lightning Strike], and there were another hundred more in the army of necromancers.

Mosely couldn't believe it.

The bugman who was doing well during the base test was instantly knocked down by lightning as soon as he entered the battlefield.

A one percent can only be said to be accidental, what about a hundred one percent?

It's not possible to add up the probabilities to become 100%, right?

Primary school students don't do that.

Moxili recalled the worms again and tested them again. They were still fine, and even a million volts could not harm them.

But just in case, Mosili made some improvements, increasing the lightning protection probability to 99.9%.

One in a thousand, so he wouldn't be killed by lightning again.

Moxili sent another hundred buggers to ambush underground outside the city. Not long after, Lin Wen came out with his bugger army.

Changshan County has an inexplicable technique for resurrecting corpses, which he knows, but the resurrected corpses have poor combat effectiveness and are useless.

Moxili gave an order, and a hundred bugmen were killed by the lightning strike at lightning speed.

Mosely was going crazy.

He devoted himself to the research of lightning protection technology, and at the expense of the combat effectiveness of the bugmen, he put them in various insulating suits.

In theory, even if they are thrown into the center of a thunderstorm, it is impossible for them to be struck by lightning.

However, this group of bugmen fell into Sheriff Lin's hands again in the same way.

Moshili almost wondered if there was something wrong with this world. In order to save his scientific belief that was about to collapse, he simply sacrificed the mobility of the bugmen and made a Dillafar cage for them.

This is an absolute barrier in theory. If it can be penetrated head-on, the entire building of science will be shaken.

However, this group of worms was still wiped out.

They were not struck by lightning. Wearing perfect Dillafar cages and greatly reducing their mobility, they became live targets and were blasted to pieces by the artillery fire of the modern army.

Moxili spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Lin Wen's hatred exploded in an instant, far beyond the princess. Moxili's rage was unstoppable, and he decided to use the last resort to expel this beast from the world at all costs.

However, Lin Wen, who had obtained enough information, had already brought his army of necromancers to the door.

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