Li Longxing is doing his best to deal with Moxili's affairs.

The news of his death has not been made public for the time being, but it can't be hidden for too long. Once his allies or evolution sects can't contact him for a long time, they will assume that he is dead.

In that case, the Huangpai would be extremely passive.

Now is the period when Li Longxing is in power. Killing the elders at this time will arouse the fear of other elders and the governor. In addition, he killed Bai Liuxi before, so it is easy to think that he is eliminating dissidents.

If this is the case, it will be bad, the hostiles will form groups one after another, and the neutrals will be afraid to cooperate with the imperial faction again.

Therefore, Li Longxing must deal with this matter properly within a few days, and get rid of the cancer of the Evolution Sect.

The two generals Xu Lishan and Xiang Nanshan have already rushed to the Xipao Island area with 200,000 royal guards, ready to wipe out all the key members.

Li Yongsheng and other veterans are doing their best to strip off Moxili's affiliated forces.

He Lin and others are secretly collecting Moxili's criminal evidence.


After a busy day, Li Longxing returned to his temporary palace.

Everything has been arranged, and now we can only wait for the results.

Tired for so many days, he was finally able to take a rest. Li Longxing leaned on the big chair, and just about to relax, the door was knocked open with a bang.

A middle-aged beautiful woman rushed in with a mask of frost, Li Longxing didn't realize the danger, looked up, smiled and said: "Axi, you are here, you must know that I am tired, you are here to beat my back, what a good wife."

Li Longxing turned over and lay down on the bed, lazily said: "Be heavier, my waist and shoulders are stiff recently..."


There was a dull bang, like a giant beating a war drum, the whole bed collapsed, and Li Longxing screamed.

The royal guard glanced at her, and found that it was His Majesty's wife, and shrank back.

Li Longxing felt as if his back had been run over by a truck, and his whole bones were falling apart. He shouted, "Ah Xi! What are you doing? My waist is falling apart!"

Ah Xi lifted Li Longxing up with strength that didn't match her appearance at all.

Only then did Li Longxing realize that his wife's handsome face was full of anger, her willow eyebrows were erected, her pretty eyes were full of evil, she looked like a female Yaksha, and he couldn't help shouting: "Wife, what's the matter?"

Ah Xi said angrily: "Li Longxing, tell me clearly, what happened to your illegitimate child?"

Li Longxing shouted injustice: "Axi! Where did you hear the rumors again? I don't have an illegitimate child at all, and I am loyal to you..."

"Stop farting on my old lady, and say, do you still miss Xiaohong from twenty-five years ago?"

Li Longxing felt cold, and hurriedly explained: "Axi, it's nothing, Xiaohong and I are innocent, even though I went to Reli Island with her on the same plane, a hotel, and a... er table, it was all a coincidence!"

Ah Xi was furious: "Li Longxing! You clearly said that you didn't go to Reli Island, okay, you lied to me for so many years, and you still got involved with that female fairy?"

The meteorite-like heavy punches landed one after another, making Li Longxing howl.

"No! I don't. Axi, listen to me. Xiaohong is short, fat and fat, so she's not as good-looking as you. Besides, Xiaohong has dark skin. If I have an illegitimate child with her, isn't it a black baby?"

Ah Xi was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "That must be Gillian."

"Impossible." Li Longxing shouted: "A-Jiao never went to Heshui Villa with me at all, and I didn't even know she had a mole on her chest."

"That must be Xiaoting!"

"How is it possible? Xiaoting..."

After asking seventeen or eight questions in a row, Li Longxing suddenly came to his senses and shouted: "Ah Xi, who is spreading rumors? Who is my illegitimate child?"

Ah Xi sneered and said, "Isn't it Lin Wen, the treasure of your imperial faction."

Li Longxing scratched his head: "Honey, how could Lin Wen be my illegitimate child, I want to marry Linyue to him."

A Xi's beautiful eyes rolled, and suddenly he became angry again, "You're lying to me again! Li Linyue told me that that kid knows more about a certain period of time before you than I do. The moon by the Qingqing River, the people on the burning shore, did you write it?"

"Also, why did he know about your refuge in Qiongshan? Did you have an affair with Miss Qiongmen at that time?"

"You heartless person, heartless person, I will kill you, kill you..."

Li Longxing was being beaten violently, while shouting: "No, Axi, I'm a falling flower, but I don't care about it..."

"You're still lying to me, you're still lying to me, you're still lying to me..."

"Woooooo... Li Longxing, how can you be sorry for me? Woooooo..."

Li Longxing was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but Ah Xi cried like a pear blossom and rained, constantly exposing Li Longxing's evil deeds. At the end, Li Longxing was a little skeptical. Could it be that Lin Wen's boy is really my illegitimate child?

But, I obviously don't have an affair with Yunyun, Binglu, Banmei, Smile, Pei Ning, Niantian, Hanqiao, Rudong...?

After a while, it was Li Longxing who comforted his wife and got up again, swearing and swearing that as long as these matters were settled, he would accompany her on a trip and give her all the time.

In the past so many years, she has been wronged. She gathers less and leaves more, hides in east and west, wanders around, and has not had a good life for a few days.

After finally settling down, he took care of the affairs of the empire every day and didn't care about her. He didn't even celebrate her birthday a few times.

We must make up for her well in the future.

Got it right that night.

This matter was finally revealed.

But Li Longxing already had doubts in his heart. Although it is unlikely when he is awake, there will always be times when he is not sober. Could it be Huaiyun, Feilei, Mimei, Qiuman, Lengrou, Gurui... borrowed a seed when he was not sober, right?

If it is true, what about Li Linyue's marriage?

At this time, the beautiful wife in her arms let out a moan, and said softly: "Long Xing, if it is true, what do you think about that child Linyue?"

These words hit Li Longxing's heart, and made him feel sad all of a sudden.

For a moment he wanted to deny this matter, but at the same time he was afraid that if it was true, he would not be able to speak at all.

Axi said softly: "Rinyue finally found a place to belong to. I think she really likes that kid. If she suddenly becomes an older brother, I'm afraid she will suddenly get lost. She had some strange tendencies before..."

Li Longxing's face darkened.

"Axi, don't worry, I will definitely not let Linyue suffer, and I will not let her go on an evil path."

"The marriage will be put on hold for a while, and when I'm done, I'll find an excuse to check it out, but before that, let Linyue treat him as an older brother first, don't let understand."

Ah Xi said in a low voice: "That's the only way to go, I will try my best to persuade her..."

The husband and wife discussed their children softly.

There are also worries and expectations.

There are also joys and sorrows.

Just like ordinary people - if it was in the era of the great emperor, this would be the emperor and the empress.

On the second day, the two thought about it instead. Even if Lin Wen was the elder brother, wouldn't it be good for Lin Yue to have one more elder brother for nothing?

With a brother around, can't he discipline her temper?

Sadness is temporary, and it's not that people are gone.

The princess's marriage was put on hold for the time being. Li Longxing did not choose to reveal the mystery at this time. He and Axi had already negotiated to set aside time to guide and accompany Linyue and help her out of the shadows.

Then they went to see Lin Wen once.

Lin Wen also met the emperor and his wife for the first time.

The attitude of these two people is very strange, Li Longxing's eyes are full of complexity, but Li Longxing's wife is very friendly.

The two sides exchanged briefly for a while, and Li Longxing asked him to return to Changshan County as soon as possible and separate from Linyue.

But he was asked to comfort Linyue before leaving.

Li Linyue was in a bad mood at the moment, and her state plummeted. When Lin Wen went to see her, she was sitting on a chair, lost in thought.


It's all strange, what a fool.

Li Longxing gave him a reproachful look, the couple went up to comfort him for a while, Li Linyue got better, she got up and came to Lin Wen, and said, "Lin Wen, actually, I have already felt this way."

Lin Wen: "Huh?"

Li Linyue sighed for a long time, and said: "I should have known earlier, how can there be such excellent people as us in this world, how can there be such perfect people without any flaws like us? How can there be people like us who are so right as gods?"

"There is obviously only one answer, that is, you and I have the same blood on our bodies."

Behind her, Li Longxing covered his face, speechless.

Axi looked at her husband with reproachful eyes, as if silently accusing him, look at the children you teach.

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say.

Ask [Immortal Guidance] how to comfort her.

A simple answer was obtained: [Give her something].

Lin Wen casually took out the photo album from his arms: "For you."

Li Linyue took it over, opened it, and saw a photo of a little girl, who looked familiar, and asked, "Who is this?"

Lin Wen replied casually, "My daughter."

Li Linyue looked at him strangely: "Your daughter is so old?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Li Longxing stepped in and pushed Lin Wen out.

"Go back quickly."

Lin Wen couldn't wait for it, so he left the palace, quickly boarded a plane, and returned to Changshan County.

It's finally over.

In the short period of time here, some bad karma caused by Li Longxing's actions have already fed back to him.

Lin Wen had actually expected it.

He killed Moxili, and the Evolution Sect faced a catastrophe because of this. It is impossible for the people inside to be all black, and there must be bad karma fed back to him.

In the past few days, there have been more than 300 bad karmas, and the enhanced [***] has been automatically reduced, directly reducing more than 3,000 good karmas.

It hurts!

It also strengthened Lin Wen's determination not to participate in these things.

He knew very early on that when a person reaches a certain height, it is impossible to avoid all bad karma.

The judgment of bad karma is too strict, if he is in Li Longxing's position, the bad karma will be overwhelmed by now.

It's better to go back to Changshan County.

On the afternoon of the seventh day, Lin Wen finally returned to Changshan County, where he had been away for a long time.

When the familiar scene, familiar people and things, and the familiar hut appeared in front of his eyes, Lin Wen was slightly moved.

Without notifying anyone, he went back to his hut and slept for the night. He felt refreshed, as if his soul had been reborn, and all the mortal dust had been washed clean.

Ha ha.

Changshan County, your fairy king is back.

Lin Wen smiled happily, feeling that his condition has returned a lot, and the haze of reincarnation failure has dissipated a lot.

And when I saw the prosperity of Changshan County, I felt much better.

At this time, Changshan County is no longer the desolate and desolate place it used to be.

The refugee camps in the eastern region have disappeared, and more than half of the refugees live in container houses. As soon as the construction of the new town is completed, they will be able to live in new houses.

On the original refugee camp, factories were built one after another, and roads were built one after another.

The entire eastern part of Changshan County is full of people.

Large and small factories are neatly and harmoniously arranged on the land, and large-scale industries have blossomed everywhere in Changshan County.

The wharf in Changshan County is more prosperous, and there are international cargo ships everywhere. They haul away boxes of goods from Changshan County, exchange for a lot of funds for Changshan County, and support countless projects in Changshan County.

The road in and out of the county has been repaired to two-way twelve lanes, but it is still overcrowded. Outside workers are flocking to Changshan County, and Changshan County is still expanding its large-scale industry, which can support so many people.

Countless streams of people brought countless business opportunities, and more and more people came to Changshan County to beg for food.

It also caused Changshan County's tax revenue to skyrocket one after another, and the economy is infinitely improving. Even Qingze Township and Shanghe Town, the most remote areas in the past, are now full of people.

The roads in Changshan County are no longer empty. Although the traffic flow is not so dense, there is also a little atmosphere.

The scenic spots in Changshan County are now tending to be full.

When the new town is completed and the east-west road is built, the prosperity of Changshan County will increase several times.

Lin Wenwei had a feeling.

I didn't expect this day to come so soon.

After losing such a large amount of income from the shell order, Changshan County has become more prosperous.

Is this the whale fall?

When a whale falls, all things live.

Millions of workers disassembled the new factory area, and Changshan County blossomed and became more prosperous.


Will there be any sharks?

Whales fall north and south, sharks fall things.

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