Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 568 Cracked (Part 3)

Lin Wen's return to Shenjing for the third time was relatively smooth, and all the family members of Shang Lianshan and others were transported out once.

Not to mention, this advantage of the wooden man is very useful. The special shape inside it can accommodate many people, and even change the shape of the body.

Like turning the chest into a double-decker Autobot to accommodate more people.

It is really very convenient and easy to use.

But still that shortcoming.

too expensive.


The spell installment of "Moon Dew and Osmanthus Leaf" has reached a very exaggerated level. In the next month, he needs to repay 210% of the soul every day.

"The vicissitudes of life" is even more terrifying. Lin Wen has almost borrowed all his future souls. In the next month, he needs to return 220% of his soul with interest every day.

In other words, starting tomorrow, he needs to return more than 430% of his soul every day, otherwise he will have a mental breakdown and his soul will collapse.

These two luck paths will end in one day, and it is impossible to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Can only rely on new luck.

But now is not the time to think about it.

It is rare to have so many powerful luck blessings, Lin Wen wants to take the opportunity to make a big ticket.

Although I know that the success rate is not very high, whether it is [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] or [Luan Zhaoshui] all illustrate this point.

However, with the existence of "Red Cloud Gaiding", maybe a miracle can happen?

Worst of all, you can escape, right?

Lin Wen has already prepared the escape spell and luck, if the situation is not good, he will just run away.

However, just as Lin Wen was about to leave, the phone in his arms suddenly rang.

He took it out and saw that it belonged to Qin Luoshuang.


"Lin Wen, my father suddenly came to attack Changshan County! They dispatched nearly half of the main force! This is absolutely wrong, do you know what happened?"

Lin Wen's mind seemed to be struck by lightning, and he said anxiously, "What did you say?"

"Lin Wen! The Qin Group dispatched 350,000 elite regular troops, a large number of tanks and planes, and an undetermined number of cannons. They crossed the Great Gobi and came to attack Changshan County."

Lin Wen's thoughts flashed, and he immediately understood: "They have discussed it! Lin Yabo and the local commander have discussed it!"

"What did you say? Lin Wen, what have you discussed?"

Instead, Lin Wen calmed down and said briefly, "I'll be right there, wait for me."

This risky plan could not be carried out.

He must go back to Changshan County first.

Lin Wen activated the spell and locked onto Qin Luoshuang, who was the person he was most familiar with, and it took only a dozen seconds for [So Close to the End of the World] to lock on to her.

The white light of the spell appeared on his body, and he was about to teleport away.

Lin Wen took one last look at Beijing. Most of this bustling city has now been plunged into darkness, with artillery fire, flashes of light and thick smoke faintly visible.


With a flash of white light, Lin Wen disappeared.

at the same time.

Li Linyue and his party finally returned to the base camp of the Royal Guards.

This army with a total of 1.2 million people was Li Longxing's biggest hole card, and it was also the key to assassinating the emperor.

At this time.

Most of the backbone of the Huangpai finally joined together.

The Royal Guard finally has a backbone.

Li Linyue immediately took over her mother's duties and became the temporary commander-in-chief of the imperial faction.

But at the pre-war meeting that was to be held immediately, the Commander of the Third Army told her.

"Your Highness, we have been separated. There are only 200,000 people here, and there are five armies scattered around Shenjing. Our communication has been interrupted, and the signal has also been blocked. I worry that the generals over there may not be able to bear the pressure."

At the round table, the generals of the emperor's faction gathered together. The seriously injured Yang Jiewei, Xu Feili, Xiang Nanshan, and Xu Lishan had already bandaged their wounds. They woke up and lay aside, listening to the meeting.

This full house of generals gave Li Linyue confidence.

Father lay down and looked at me now.

she thought silently.

Glancing outside the door, a large number of imperial guards and agents of the dragon group gave her confidence, so that she no longer trembled in this dangerous ocean of the empire.


Li Linyue said in a deep voice.

"The first thing we need to do now is to let the Supreme Council give up the fantasy, give up the fait accompli that the emperor is dead, and give up the farce of hastily selecting the new emperor."

"We will fight against the Supreme Council head-to-head. We must tell them clearly and tell everyone that their emperor is still alive, so are His Majesty's loyal ministers and generals, and His Majesty's friends and colleagues have never gone far."

"At the same time, we must also reason with the Supreme Council in a polite and respectful manner. We must tell them clearly that the group headed by Lin Yabo who assassinated His Majesty must be tried, and the chief culprit and culprit must be killed. The coerced people can consider it separately. Your Majesty's innovation can also be temporarily suspended, and proceed according to the instructions of the Supreme Council."

"However, justice must be returned to us."

"I believe that as long as we speak out the truth clearly and show our strength, the Supreme Council will definitely consider our opinions."

"After I finished speaking, do you have anything to add?"

There was silence in the conference room.

Everyone was looking at the first princess. Her beautiful face was not lost under the dim light, but it looked even more dazzling, as if all the light came from her.

No one dares to overstep in the eyes of anyone.

After a while, there was unprecedented warm applause.

The blond man Fili lay on the bed and howled: "Your Highness, I will always love you."

It ruined the whole atmosphere.


Things went as they thought, when they put forward the conditions openly and honestly, the imperial guardian envoy representing the Great Elder immediately flew from Shenjing to the front line of the confrontation between the two armies.

Under the heavy protection of the royal guards and clay figurines, Li Linyue met the imperial guardian and directly started a dialogue with the elder through the communicator.

Li Linyue clearly stated her cards.

She told the Great Elder that her father was still alive, and almost all the main generals of the Royal Guards had escaped.

If the Great Elder does not want the empire to split and fall into endless civil war, he must reach a settlement with her.

In this regard, Li Linyue put forward four requirements.

1. Both sides lay down their arms and lift the signal shielding of the Royal Guards.

2. Immediately declare to the whole empire that His Majesty is alive, and abolish the absurd new emperor plan.

3. Restore the order of the empire and stop the purge of the imperial faction.

4. Immediately arrest Lin Yabo.

The communicator said: "Li Linyue, your request is too much, you should know that you don't have such a big bargaining chip."

Li Linyue said calmly: "Your Excellency, Great Elder, Uncle Shang will return to Binzhou soon, and his troops are there. East Qinzhou has also been controlled by Uncle Sheng, and his 500,000 troops are no less elite than the Imperial Army. And our main generals are all here, and even their family members are brought out. There is nothing in Shenjing that can threaten us."

"The 1.2 million royal guards are our bargaining chips, I hope you will consider them carefully."

The communicator said: "You are rebelling against the empire, and not many people are willing to go with you."

Li Linyue: "Your Excellency, Great Elder, I reiterate that we did not rebel, we just fought for what we deserve. There will be many people who will follow us, and the influence of Father's New Deal is greater than you imagine."

The communicator said: "Lin Yabo is an elder of the empire, and it is impossible to arrest him without any evidence."

Li Linyue: "Your Excellency, Great Elder, it is an undisputed fact that Elder Lin Yabo ordered the assassination. If in the empire, even the emperor of the empire is allowed to be assassinated, then you will too."

The communicator said: "We will not arrest Lin Yabo, but we will stop the chaos and restore order. The rest, you can do it yourself, and it must be within the allowed range."

Li Linyue: "Then, before my father wakes up, I must become the queen regent of the empire, otherwise we cannot guarantee our own interests."

The communicator said: "Yes, but you must disarm, this is sincerity."

Li Linyue: "Release is relative, and you must also be relieved."

Communicator: "OK."

The call ends here.

A burst of joy rose in Li Linyue's heart, but she didn't indulge in it, because the next thing was more important.

The two sides prepare their own armed monitoring committees to monitor each other's disarmament.

This is the most dangerous and the most difficult step to cross. All the generals are put into work, the trust between the two sides is very weak, and any miscalculation may lead to serious consequences.

But fortunately, in the end, it was completed without any risk.

There was a burst of cheers in the barracks.

They are safe for now.

Li Linyue was eager to tell Lin Wen the news, so she took out her satellite phone and dialed the most familiar number.

But the only sound came from the phone was disconnection.

He turned off?


The tip of the iceberg appeared in his mind, and there seemed to be a larger shadow hidden under the water.

At this time, the signalman also said strangely: "What's going on? The signal that was still able to get through just now, why is it gone?"

Suddenly, a neglected shadow appeared in Li Linyue's mind, panic instantly occupied her nerves, she immediately shouted: "Hurry up, get back to your arms!"

The messenger and the general were stunned: "Huh?"

Li Linyue said anxiously: "Hurry up!"

At this time, Guo Feng also came back to his senses, and shouted wildly: "The imperial army is not the whole force... There is also Lin Yabo's army! They must have ambushed nearby, and now they have blocked the signal, and they are going to destroy us!"

But it's too late.

under the night sky.

On the great plain outside Shenjing, countless tracer bullets rose suddenly, like countless suns, illuminating the entire area like daytime.

Countless soldiers rushed out from behind the forest or bunkers, and the roar of helicopters, planes, tanks, and artillery appeared from a distance one after another.

And they are unarmed.

The imperial army retreated quickly, leaving the battlefield.


Li Linyue's phone fell to the ground.

Her face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.


Elder's compound.

The four great elders sat behind the long table expressionlessly, and the imperial guards or generals of the imperial army kept reporting to them.

But they never responded, and the traffic gradually decreased until finally it calmed down.

Only then did the great elder attach himself, took down the chess piece representing the first princess from the chessboard, and threw it into the trash can.

"One less."



Somewhere in the palace.

Amidst the men's cursing and wailing and the women's weeping and neighing, Lin Yabo stepped on blood, admiring the hellish scene and listening to the divine comedy that even the greatest art could not perform.

"Elder Lin."

Luo Nuo followed behind and smiled respectfully: "Xiyan Prefecture has been wiped out, Yaojing will soon belong to us, that idiot Shang Lianshan will soon be defeated in Binzhou, Shanxin Wu can't escape our palms, most of the imperial forces in Lingzhou, Tianzhou, and Longzhou have been wiped out."

Lin Yabo was immersed in the glory of this victory and did not speak.

"We have won a complete victory." Cheng Wei said with a smile: "Except for East Qinzhou, there is no trace of Li Longxing in the entire empire."

"Elder Lin is wise." Everyone praised.

"Elder Lin." Lin Youde, who has been confirmed as the new emperor of the empire, asked respectfully: "Why did the Great Elder kill him? This is different from their style."

Lin Yabo smiled faintly: "Li Longxing was shot through the heart and survived. All the key members of the imperial faction escaped from Shenjing to join them. The unknown super special combat body and the royal guards with little damage... Imagine how the Great Elder would feel sitting in that position? Would he be worried that Li Longxing would liquidate them when he woke up?"


Everyone suddenly realized, and one of them shouted: "No wonder you let us deliberately let go of the backbone of the imperial faction before. Elder Lin is indeed unparalleled in resourcefulness!"


"Elder Lin is invincible!"

Everyone praised fiercely that in the next new empire structure, Elder Lin was about to become the most blazing star in the empire.

It is the object they must cling to.

Lin Yabo was immersed in this splendor for a moment, and raised his hand.

Everyone stopped immediately.

Lin Yabo said indifferently: "Everyone, don't be too happy. The real battle will be in the days to come. Li Longxing has a high reputation in the empire, but in this incident, we are all the ones who did the fighting. The Great Elder's hands were not stained with blood, and he was not injured at all. For a long time to come, we will all face the backlash of hatred from the entire empire. Everyone must be careful."

Everyone answered in unison: "Yes!"

Lin Yabo continued: "Especially you, Lin Youde, do you think inheriting the throne is a good thing? You are the target on top, and all dissatisfaction with Li Longxing's death will hit you, the new emperor. If you can't bear it, you will soon be pushed out as a sacrifice and burned."

Lin Youde's burning heart suddenly fell into the ice hole, and he asked tremblingly, "Uncle, what should I do? You must save me!"

Lin Yabo sneered and said, "Don't worry, it's not certain who wins the game. Follow Uncle's pace, we will wait and see."

Only then did everyone feel at ease.

"Also, we must hurry up and seize the opportunity to wipe out the remnants of the imperial faction."

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"


Changshan County.

When hearing the news from the telepathy of the clay figurine.

Lin Wen cracked open.

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