Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 572 Fierce Battle

The news of the emperor's assassination was announced to the whole empire that day, but it was not until the next day that the news really spread in the empire.

Both high-ranking officials and common people know that their emperor was assassinated by a mentally ill gunman in Shenjing.

The emperor's death shocked everyone like a thunderstorm.

While everyone's minds were blank, their first reaction was to not believe it, but the battle that took place in Shenjing, the mobilization of a large number of troops, and the confrontation between the imperial army and the guards made them have to believe it.

But this is not the end, it's the beginning.

More explosive news came one after another, the civil war in Shenjing, the unknown guy was about to ascend the throne, and a big war broke out in the Great Plains.

Immediately after the entire empire was under martial law, all activities were stopped, all kinds of gossip were flying in the sky, some emperor was resurrected from the dead, the major governors were vying for the throne, the civil war broke out in the empire, aliens invaded, the head of the Changshan County took over the harem, and so on.

People are overwhelmed and don't know the truth or falsehood.

At this time, the rebel army began to break out in various places again. Sheng Huaixuan, governor of East Qinzhou, led his army northward, approaching Dunzhou, and fought fiercely with the three-party coalition forces of Wu Yao, commander of the west region, Luo Yuan, commander of the north region, and the Elder Lin Yabo Group.

Zhao Chong, commander of the Southern District, led his army to bypass Zhongzhou and aggressively attack East Qinzhou.

Shi Yuan, governor of Hezhou, coordinated his attack on East Qinzhou from West Yanzhou.

Qin Gang, the commander of the Southwest District, was in a fierce battle with Changshan County. The two sides bombarded each other frantically on the Great Gobi, and the sound of cannons shook the sky.

The empire was in chaos. All of a sudden, the news of the empire's civil war split was rampant, and people were panicked and panicked.

Only Changshan County is relatively stable. It is naturally surrounded by mountains and has a special sense of security. In addition, Cao Yuan and other backbones of the Changshan Association are fully coordinating and controlling the news, and they are promoting the safety and stability of Changshan County.

The literati of the Long Association Department worked overtime and created many heroic past stories of the Longzu agents.

In addition to the well-known and deeply rooted Explosive Tiger of the Empire and the Big Lobster of the Empire, many new agents of the Dragon Group have appeared.

Such as the Spider-Man of the Empire, the Captain of the Empire, the Black Widow of the Empire, the Iron Man of the Empire, the Hulk of the Empire, the Doctor of the Empire and so on.

They formed a line of defense to repel the attacks of various aliens and protect the safety of Changshan County.

These well-known stories gave people confidence, and they felt particularly at ease when they thought that there were so many powerful agents protecting Changshan County from the outside world.

Many people even went to the Longzu office building in Xinzhen to give thanks.

It's a pity that no matter when they come, the entire office building is empty, only Qi Mu, a repairman from the empire, is alone.

Although he is a logistician, logistical work is also essential.

Qi Mu is also a frequent visitor in various dragon group stories, and has a considerable share, such as giving a condom at a critical moment or something.

So, poor Qi Mu suddenly received a lot of presents, and every time he went home in the middle of the night, many girls would send them glances and favors, which made his girlfriend Tian Jiajia jealous for a long time.

It was still Qin Luoshuang's agents who stopped him, otherwise he would be drowned in the sea of ​​people.

And Lin Wen suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity.

Under his command, the four heads of the Long Association Department, Cao Yuan, Xu Ziqiang, Cheng Qingqing, and Jian Jianxing, began to frantically collect news from all over the empire, and then released them with spicy and straightforward comments.

Yun Qingshui was specially invited to come and analyze these incidents from the bottom and essence.

This is not only applying what he has learned, but Lin Wen is also testing his seeds.

To avoid neglecting it for such a long time, it was not until the reincarnation that he discovered that the seeds he finally planted were broken or crooked.

That's not okay.

Yun Qingshui also lived up to expectations, proving with facts that she did not fail in her studies, and there was no need for Lin Wen to come and plant seeds for her again.

That was too painful, Yun Qingshui really didn't want to recall it.

And the people of Changshan County also discovered for the first time that the original incident can be understood in this way, and they can look at things from this perspective.

For the first time, they opened their eyes and saw the world.


The people in Changshan County are relatively lucky, but in most parts of the empire, they are not so lucky, and the people in the war zone are even worse.

There are also some bosses and dignitaries who were originally suppressed, thinking that their spring has come and the tyranny of the emperor of the empire is over, and they began to intensify their efforts to recover their "justice".

At this time, most of the functional departments of the empire were out of order.

Large and small forces have formed groups one after another, those who remain neutral, those who hedge their bets, and those who fish in troubled waters, to name a few.

The empire fell into deeper turmoil, and the world's most powerful countries were also ready to move, especially the Xiusu Empire, the Western Federation, the Fourth Haig Kingdom, the Sorb Kingdom that had just lost its oil fields after defeat, and the Northern Alliance that was at war.

Their warships frequently started cruising in the coastal waters of the empire, and their armies were stalking tigers. True or false condemnations, concerns, and warnings were flying around the world.

Especially the Northern Alliance. Their protracted tug-of-war with the empire has caused internal livelihoods to wither and cause huge losses. The dominance of the Baie Grand Canal is their lifeblood.

But now, simply gaining dominion is no longer enough to satisfy the losses of war.

They are gearing up and eager to try, planning to ruthlessly tear off a large piece of fat from the huge body of the empire.


Elder's compound.

Snowflakes of news are flying from all directions, and the turmoil in the empire has seriously threatened their interests.

Gold is crazily increasing in value, and the Imperial Yuan is sluggish.

No one believes in credit currency without the endorsement of a strong and stable regime.

"It must be over," said the elder.

"Order, Admiral Lu Lijun of the Imperial Navy, from now on, any non-imperial warship approaching the offshore waters of the Empire, once warned those who do not leave, open fire directly."

"Orders, officials from all over the country must strictly abide by their duties and maintain order, otherwise, no one will survive on the day of liquidation."

"Warning to the Northern Alliance, if you dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool, the country will be ruined."

Grand Elder Ping Yuan asked: "What if the Northern Alliance ignores the warning and sends troops to attack?"

"Head the elder of the empire, Ren Zhengqing, and let him take charge."

Great Elder Xing Ling frowned slightly: "Is this okay?"

"In times of crisis, that's the only way to go."

The conversation ended here, and the four great elders stood up and walked towards the Emperor's Tower under the escort of a large number of imperial guards.

There they are to exercise their supreme authority.

As for Sheng Huaixuan, they didn't mention a word.


Southwest District.

Recently, Mr. Li, the chief scientist of the Qin Group, was under a lot of pressure. Qin Gang, uncharacteristically, put tremendous pressure on him, ignored his deceit, and asked him to produce real results.

Otherwise, all his failures will be liquidated.

"Maybe, it's time to run away..."

he murmured.

However, the Qin Group is so strong, where is it safe for him to go?


East Qinzhou.

The first princess, Li Linyue, and almost all the backbones of the Huang faction gathered here.

Sheng Huaixuan left 300,000 troops to guard the huge East Qinzhou.

I thought it was not enough, because an army is not full of combatants, but also has logistics, medical care, and assistance.

But the facts taught them a lesson. The logistics, medical care, and auxiliary work were all done by the local people, and the 300,000 troops were all combatants.

Sheng Huaixuan appointed the executive staff officer Guo Feng as the main general, and sent him back from the front to be in charge of commanding the 300,000 troops.

Guo Feng is the backbone of the Huangpai, and he is highly regarded by Li Longxing, but his qualifications here are not very high, which caused some dissatisfaction.

Li Linyue suppressed these dissatisfaction, she thought that Uncle Sheng's choice was justified.

With the support of the first princess, Guo Feng's orders were carried out. He lived up to expectations, and used his mentality of underestimating the enemy to lure the enemy into deep. He led the troops of Zhao Chong, the commander of the Southern District, and Shi Yuan, the governor of Hezhou, into the territory of East Qinzhou. Using the terrain and the advantage of the home field, he defeated them completely.

Even the governor of Hezhou, Shi Yuan, was almost captured alive. Fortunately, he was quick on his legs, and he ran over four wheels with two legs, which made the soldiers who thought they were going to make great achievements half dead.

And Sheng Huaixuan on the front line also won consecutive battles.

Both the Qing Army and the reorganized Guards have high morale.

Sheng Huaixuan's style of play is even more ferocious and fierce. He takes destroying the enemy as his main goal, concentrates superior forces at decisive points, and achieves troop buildup with rapid maneuvering.

On the contrary, although the morale of Lin Yabo's coalition forces was equally high, they were full of speculative thinking and bargain-hunting theories. Everyone thought that they were about to get rich, and they only wanted to grab military merits instead of fighting for their lives.

Sheng Huaixuan was invincible, piercing through the coalition forces of the three major groups with more than one million.

The Nantian King, who used to be rampant in the past, seemed to be reborn, and the remnants of the imperial faction gathered towards East Qinzhou as if they had found a savior. Immediately afterwards, the imperial marshal Shang Lianshan also led his army to the battlefield and joined Sheng Huaixuan's army.

For a while, its momentum was in the limelight.

Not only that, Sheng Huaixuan also sent letters to the commanders of the two districts to report the pros and cons.

He told them that being with Lin Yabo is equivalent to walking with jackals, fighting bloody battles when fighting desperately, and doing evil deeds when fighting for flesh, and there is no good result.

After suffering many disastrous defeats, Wu Yao, the commander of the Western District, announced his withdrawal, self-defense, and no longer participating in the civil war.

Among the five commanders-in-chief of the empire, the commander-in-chief of the eastern region has always remained neutral. After the commander-in-chief of the western region withdrew, only the commander-in-chief of the third region was still in the civil war.

Among them, Qin Gang, the strongest commander of the Southwest Region, was stopped in front of the Mountain of Sighs in Changshan County.

The only pressure Sheng Huaixuan faced was the commanders-in-chief of the two districts, the three elders, and many personal soldiers of the governor.

To make matters worse, behind Sheng Huaixuan, the rebel army led by Chang Shouren and Xu Jieying resisted the attack of Longzhou Governor Gu Zhengyi and others.

The two sides fought fiercely in the area of ​​​​Tianzhou, and the outcome was evenly divided.

The situation is very unfavorable to Lin Yabo and others.

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