The dark forces have not disappeared, they have survived, lurking all over the empire, staring at Changshan County, and all the benefits that can be grabbed.

Therefore, as soon as the war ended, Lin Wen immediately began to expand the army, strengthen defense, and increase military strength.

After receiving a large number of remnants of the imperial faction, Lin Wen decided to reorganize the troops.

The local army of Changshan County was organized into the Changshan Defense Army, led by Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu, and He Shangsheng.

This is the core force of Changshan County. It is composed of soldiers with high military and ideological qualities. Its expansion and training of recruits are very strict.

In the future, Lin Wen plans to build them into the most scientific army.

The remnants of the Royal Guards, the East Qinzhou Guards, and the remnants that were disbanded were unified and reorganized into the Revenge Army, led by Guo Feng, Li Jian, Xu Feili, and Yang Jiewei.

Of course, both armies are managed by the Changshan County Command.

The commander-in-chief is naturally Lin Wen himself, the chief of staff is still Qin Luoshuang, the logistics director is Xiao Zhizhong, the intelligence director is Chang Yuankai, and the latter two are the core backbone of Li Linyue's princess faction.

The princess faction suffered such a catastrophe, and now there is no one left, only the most loyal "knights" who follow the princess. All the speculators and lucky ones have disappeared like fine sand submerged by the waves.

But the remaining people are more pure. They are the real gold refined in the fire. The reason for following the princess is to protect her existence, agree with her philosophy, and get used to her management.

Most of them don't expect the princess to marry, but the feelings similar to the blond man Philip, if you insist, it is the feelings of brothers and sisters, subordinates, courtiers, and knights.

Among them, those who supported Lin Lipei already accounted for the majority.

In their view, Lin Wen is the perfect princess to marry. His Majesty is unconscious. Lin Wen is already the mainstay of the imperial faction, and the first princess is the banner of the imperial faction.

Isn't it just right for the flagpole to match the flag?

Moreover, they also found out that Lin Wen had announced in public many times that he was a fanatical suitor of the First Princess, and that the First Princess had also given him secret support in various aspects many times.

Isn't this a match made in heaven and made by gods?

Is there anything better than this?

Of course, Li Linyue reacted coldly to this, and they also understood that, as the most beautiful jewel in the crown of the empire, she has always had this attitude.

But they were very surprised that Lin Wen didn't launch an enthusiastic pursuit.

Naturally, no one came to persuade Li Linyue. How could the dignified number one princess chase after a man? Do you still want the princess to ask me if I marry you?

Who do you think you are? Fairy? Waiting for the princess to speak, go dreaming.

Therefore, there are a lot of people who came to persuade Lin Wen.

In their minds, they probably thought that Lin Wen didn't know how to pursue the princess, so they poured out their years of accumulated experience and made Lin Wen very annoyed.

Fortunately, Li Linyue restrained their behavior immediately, and uttered Lin Wen's three marriage questions in a different way, telling them that the first thing to do now is to accumulate strength and avenge all the perpetrators.

In addition to the ongoing work, the recovery and expansion of the Princess faction is also imperative.

In the empire, there are bound to be many survivors who miss the emperor and the princess. Gathering them under the banner of the emperor's faction and the princess faction is what they need to do most now.

These words successfully convinced them, and they were used to accepting the leadership of the princess. Although the princess made a mistake in a key decision once, at that time, no one thought about it further. The credibility of the Supreme Council made them subconsciously think that the elder would not back down.

The first princess's leadership is correct most of the time. Since she first formed the Princess faction when she was seventeen years old, the Princess faction has been expanding and developing at a high speed.

So, they immediately started to take action in this regard, and although the empire had basically restored order at this time, it was still hunting down and cleaning up the remnants of the imperial faction and the remnants of East Qinzhou.

However, they're hunted down to Jangsan County for this.

A rebel is a rebel, and this nest of rebels can only be called people who have different opinions.

Thus, these remnants are gathering towards the Empire from all directions.

How to meet them as soon as possible, help them escape the hunt, and escape into Changshan County has become the most important issue for these people.

After all, one more person means more strength, and faster revenge against the Supreme Council and the elders and commanders.

After Li Linyue once again set the rules, order and direction for the Princess faction, the Princess faction developed rapidly again, but this time the difference was that no speculators and careerists entered the top ranks anymore.

The core members of the princess faction who have passed the fire test are closely united, and continue to develop their power and lick the dog for their guardian Highness.

As the suzerain of the princess faction, the imperial faction quickly recovered, Li Longxing's ward became the new palace, and the emperor's wife and children could finally live together.

Ah Xi finally came out of the sadness, and even felt more peaceful and happy than before. Changshan County is a very strange place. Although it is far less prosperous and powerful than Shenjing, it has a strange and reassuring power.

She sat in front of Li Longxing's bed every day, looking at her husband's peaceful face, surrounded by her youngest daughter and son, and guarded by royal guards, but there were no disgusting elders, high-ranking imperial officials, imperial military officers, nor the chilling elders and imperial guards.

The people in Changshan County are simple, harmonious, and friendly, without that rotten ferocity that is immersed in money or power.

Ah Xi felt the peace and joy that he hadn't experienced for a long time. Except that Long Xing didn't wake up, their dream seemed to have come true.

What is a little troublesome is that there are often many old and young people from the imperial faction who come to see the emperor. Seeing them crying and praying to the ground, Ah Xi feels unhappy.

In their eyes, Long Xing seemed to be a symbol, a symbol, or something else.

rather than a person.

Axi wanted to drive them all out.

But she also knows that this is not okay.

They need stronger power, and everything at present is carried by that kid from Changshan County.


Then what time is quiet and good, it is nothing more than someone moving forward with a heavy burden.

Ah Xi sighed softly, remembering that some time ago someone told her that Lin Wen was the princess's super fanatical suitor, so she planned to marry Lin Yue to him.

Someone should take good care of this girl, she messes around every day, she doesn't look like a girl at all.

During this time, the little son Li Yuchen also recovered from the huge blow. He originally wanted to actively participate in the cause of his sister and his idol Lin Wen, but was strictly restricted by Li Linyue, and he was not allowed to interfere in any affairs related to the restoration of the country.

Li Yuchen had no choice but to go to the Changshan County Government Office every day, where he met Fang Weiwei, the first female anchor of Yumaohu, and Qi Mu, who was finally able to devote himself to the "Sword" project. The painful new game immediately attracted him.

Every day after that, Li Yuchen spent every day in the network technology department, watching them write codes, make models, and draw beauties.

Even take the initiative to participate in it and help them test the game.

And the little princess Li Qingyue gradually adapted to the life in Changshan County.

But as soon as the panic, fear and sadness faded away, she felt a great sense of crisis. Everyone around her seemed certain that her sister would marry her eldest brother in the future.

She wanted to make trouble out of it, but she was grounded by her mother, and she couldn't go there.

Fortunately, Li Qingyue was smart enough to think of a good excuse: "I'll get to know my elder brother and help him pursue his sister."

Only then was she released by her mother, but she was not allowed to go anywhere except Lin Wen.

With this privilege, Li Qingyue felt at ease for the time being. She didn't set off immediately, but returned to the Meiyou girl community she frequented most, and posted a post asking for help.

"Sisters, what should I do if a third party intervenes in my life with my future husband?"


And all of this, Lin Wen didn't know, he was already so busy that he was about to soar.

Gang, Yang Shaohu, and Huang Mingxiao arranged the soldiers of the Vengeance Army.

They were given houses, residences, and family members.

Camps, training grounds, barracks were arranged.

After setting up a lot of other matters such as armament supplies, this army was finally incorporated into the battle order of Changshan County.

Then immediately faced financial problems.

During the period of the civil war, the logistics were interrupted, and the large-scale industries in Changshan County had a backlog of a lot of products, and the capital chain was about to be broken.

Lin Wen frantically urged the Group of Six Nations to send a ship to transport it immediately.

However, due to the turmoil in the empire, the imperial navy exchanged fire with their ships during the civil war, causing mutual damage. The two sides were arguing about this matter, so the trade could not resume temporarily.

To make matters worse, most regions of the empire united to boycott the products of Jangsan County, which is not allowed according to the "Trade Act" formulated by Li Yongxing.

Once the things of the large-scale industry cannot be sold, the end is very terrible.

In desperation, Lin Wen could only call the Great Elder.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to get through this kind of call, even if you know the number, it is useless.

But as soon as Lin Wen dialed the call, the other person answered in seconds.

"Lin Wen." This was the voice of Great Elder Ping Yuan, "Are you okay?"

Lin Wen said, "Changshan County is going to be bombed."

Although the voice of the Great Elder was still calm, Lin Wen seemed to feel a little nervous.

"what happened?"

Lin Wen said: "My goods can't be sold, and I have no money. The boss of the Qin Group once said that as long as I marry his daughter, we will reconcile. But this request is too much. I have always refused, but now I can't stand it anymore."

"Why can't it be sold?"

"My trade with the six countries was interrupted, and various regions refused to buy."

"What do you want?"

"I want a fair trading environment." Lin Wen said.

There was silence on the phone.

Lin Wen thought for a while, opened his seven-aperture exquisite heart, and only listened to his heart: "Your Excellencies, the things that are lost and found are the most precious, and power is even more so."

"Okay." The other side of the phone immediately agreed, "This month, the money from the Federal Reserve Bank must be paid back first."

"Huh? I still have to pay back the money..."

Lin Wen keenly sensed something was wrong, and opened his heart again.

Xin said: "...It goes without saying that there is no such thing as repaying money. Only a stable order and business rules full of credibility can give birth to the most powerful empire and its high-ranking officials."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a click, and the phone hung up.


Elder's compound.

"Will it trigger a backlash from all over the place?" Grand Elder Xing Ling asked.


"Do you want to continue?"



"Don't let go of the power you have received." The Great Elder Ping Yuan said flatly: "It will be more difficult to take it back in the future. If the Governor is lost and regained, they will not let it go."

"It's better to hold the power in the hands of the Supreme Council."


Grand Elder Xing Ling agreed with him. The splitting of the empire cannot happen again. The weaker the governors of various regions, the better. If the logistics of the empire are smooth and personnel can move freely, the governors are only in charge of administration, and no one can do without anyone in the region. The empire will become more and more integrated.

Moreover, it has been proved empirically that it is beneficial to the imperial economy.

Li Longxing's strategy is correct.

"How to deal with it?"

"Let the Supreme Council and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council focus on monitoring the governor's abuse of power in the recent period, especially the withdrawn local laws and commodity barriers."

"Let the State Council move its work center to manage trade and commodity circulation in various places, and not allow the governor to increase taxes or prohibit the entry of certain commodities."

"It's feasible." Grand Elder Xing Ling agreed.

The four Great Elders got up and walked towards the Emperor Tower.

A large number of imperial guardian envoys also followed.

And behind them.

Under the towering locust tree, on the eternal chessboard of the empire.

There is an extra huge chess piece.

It stands in the very center of the chessboard, like an uncrowned king, a fearless fighter, guarding the huge dragon veins in the center of the chessboard, holding a sharp blade, blocking things, staring at the surroundings, as if confronting all the flags on the chessboard.

That's what all of them didn't mention, the main thing driving this thing.

Changshan County.

Its existence invisibly shared the pressure for the Supreme Council, prevented the confluence of eastern and western forces, and attracted a lot of firepower.

As long as Li Longxing is alive, no one will not be able to feel its existence, and those conspirators will never find peace.

This is their means of checks and balances.

Changshan County is their most important balance piece.

It is not allowed to fall until the Supreme Council has regained its full strength.

Deterioration is even more impermissible.

The only thing the Great Elder regrets is that he did not marry Li Linyue to Lin Wen earlier, which caused a little more uncertainty now.

"Maybe we need a push."

This is what the Great Elder had in mind.

"Assassinate Qin Gang's daughter." This proposal was rejected.

They should not interfere with anything directly related to Changshan County.

Not to mention this kind of murder that has unforeseen consequences.

The only proposal that passed was: "Let the subordinates find the best matchmaker in the empire, sneak into Changshan County, and help them match as soon as possible."

"Lin Wen must be firmly tied to the imperial chariot."

This is their stated strategy.

Just like before, there are cults everywhere in the empire, which are difficult to deal with.

The Great Elder drove them all under Yu Zhongxian's hands, and let the poisonous insects gather in the poisonous nest and stop crawling around.

The same is true for Changshan County.

They drove all the remnants of the imperial faction and East Qinzhou over there, and let them gather in Changshan County.

In this way, these poisonous insects will not spread around the empire.

In the future, as long as Changshan County is eliminated, they can be wiped out.

Therefore, Changshan County must not fail.

As long as Lin Wen can do this, he wants the daughter of the god, and the elder will help him catch it, tie a ribbon, put it in a gift box and give it to him.

After all, the Supreme Council has lost a lot now, and the Great Elder must hold a big stick while comforting him softly.

The imperial army guards Shenjing, loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and still maintains the highest state of combat readiness. The imperial guards in various places are almost openly operating to deter any unruly thoughts.

They must regain strength as soon as possible.

Restoring strength requires money, military spending is the biggest bottomless pit, and the Imperial Fed is attached to the imperial economy.

Therefore, the imperial economy must recover as soon as possible.

Every penny counts.

It would be even better if the nuclear bomb could be produced.

But the highest military department is always missing a string, separated by a layer of window paper.

Just pierce and it's all over.

As for Qin Gang, it is indeed a huge threat, but as long as the empire has nuclear bombs, they can blow up the Qin Group.

No matter how many people die.

After all, the territory of the empire is countless times larger than that of the Qin Group.


at the same time.

Jangsan County West Line.

Qin Luoshuang was still working tirelessly to inspect the defense line on the mountain range.

Her beautiful face was covered with dust, and her short shawl hair was covered with dust.

But she didn't realize it.

"Fang Dashan, I think the bunkers on this line of defense can be moved up a bit, so that our three-dimensional firepower can be increased by 20%..."

From tomorrow onwards, the normal update will resume, but it is impossible to lift the ban in a short while. I can only write and revise as I go. But please rest assured, Ah Shan can’t be a eunuch, and he won’t be unfinished. He will definitely finish the whole story with peace of mind and give everyone a good ending. Believe me o(∩_∩)o

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