Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 582 The Ninth Divine Ability

early morning.

When the seven o'clock sun hit Lin Wen's eyes on time.

he woke up.

The good fortune that has been suffering for a month flocks to him, and the golden ocean instantly submerges him.

Live and work in peace +56113

Prosperity +31245

Fair people +12195


Happy +28151


Science and technology civilization +31550

Total: 174764

Yuanshen +17.18%

【Good fate: 1412823】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 581.08%】

[Tao if there is love] 181132/10000

Survivor: 2393/2500

Death Star: 692540/960000


After immersing himself in happiness for a moment, although Lin Wen deliberately ignored the dazzling -1, he still found that the item of "technological civilization" had dropped significantly.

It is more than 10,000 lower than last month.

Obviously, this is a significant reduction in the level of civilization in Changshan County, which is caused by the unscientific atmosphere prevailing in Changshan County.

Civilization is the sum total of art, morality, spirituality, and science, the aggregate of all social and natural actions that bring man out of barbarism.

Although the level of technology and modernization in Changshan County is constantly improving, the scientific and ideological civilization of Changshan County has regressed, which led to a huge decrease in this item.

Lin Wen frowned.

It seems that Mr. Li's burden is more important than he imagined.

We need to allocate more funds to the No. 100 Science Research Institute. Mr. Li needs to quickly set up his stage troupe. I also need to arrange for Cao Yuan and others from the Long Association Department to cooperate with him in publicity.

Well, just arrange a prime time "Into Science" for him at the Changshan County Radio Station.

The Changshan County Newspaper Office reserved a special page for him, "Nature and Man".

In the future, after the Changshan County TV station is completed, there will be a popular festival "Changshan County Science Latest Observation" at 6:00 p.m., where he will talk about the principle of his nuclear bomb, and then I will use magic to explode a fake nuclear explosion to deceive the scientists in the empire, and let them study the fake nuclear bomb and the wrong theory.

Haha, if you can distort the research progress of these dangerous elements of the empire, it can be regarded as making a little contribution to this world, which is very good.

The thoughts are fixed, and Lin Wen's heart is not so depressed.

At this time, the golden light in his eyes flashed again, and the white clouds rushed towards him like mountains and seas.

His good fortune has exceeded 1.4 million, and the ninth supernatural power has arrived.

On the pure white background, under the tide of golden light, three lines of large characters once again appeared in front of my eyes.

【Still in the world of mortals】


The wind and the moon leave no trace, and the happy landscape recalls the autumn year.

The dream is broken, the fragrance is gone, and the love is not promised, the soul of the song is empty and the remaining flowers are flying.

Reappear a supernatural power that has appeared in the past but has not been selected, lasts for seven days, and replaces the re-selection after seven days.

【Non-Tao Purple Qi】

luck supernatural powers

Throughout the ages, there has been a time when the purple qi is depressed and still rushing.

Death is the immortality of the stars, how could the most immortal ancestors be willing to die.

Gather thousands of causes of future calamities, end this life, do not cultivate the next life, or end, or perish.

【No want to reincarnate】

destiny magic

God's will is high and difficult to ask, and immortals are old and easy to be sad.

If it is difficult to find the way, it is not in this world.

Cut off all past karma, hatred and love, and live out a second life.


Under the dazzling golden light, the three lines of white jade-like writing made Lin Wen's eyes straight.

There is no doubt that since the eighth supernatural power [Sage's Qi], he has entered the realm of advanced supernatural powers.

These three supernatural powers are all extraordinary things at first glance, and they have all been involved in the ranks of becoming holy and attaining the Tao.

But I'm just a foundation builder now...

Lin Wen felt a little uneasy.

I wouldn't be playing bombing somewhere, would I?

Cultivation of immortals is the most taboo to advance rashly. Without sufficient foundation and character to stabilize the realm, it is a disaster rather than a blessing to rashly acquire great power, great supernatural powers, and great mana, and enter a realm far higher than oneself.

But after careful study, Lin Wen dispelled his anxiety.

[Non-Tao Purple Qi] and [Wuxiang Reincarnation] are strong, but they don't match Lin Wen's path.

[Fei Dao Zi Qi] All-in-one bet, all-in chips, a big gamble, too many variables, it is not suitable for him at all.

[No Thought Reincarnation] is a weakening for Lin Wen.

Just imagine, if I turn around normally, Changshan County will still provide me with a good relationship for one year and three months. You broke it all at once, what the hell am I doing?

Even if the yellow hair catches the elder sister, I can't turn the tables. In this second life, I might as well not live, and go back to the mountains to grow red hair.

Therefore, only the first [Unscattered Red Dust] can be chosen.

Its effect is also very simple and useful. Every week, choose a supernatural power that has appeared in the past, use it for one week, and choose it again next week.

This is simply perfect. You must know that Lin Wen's choices in the past were very difficult. Because of the situation, he gave up many very powerful supernatural powers.

With [Pursuing the Red Dust], all the regrets of the past can be made up for, is there anything more enjoyable than this?

With his thoughts fixed, Lin Wen directly focused his eyes on [Unscattered Hongchen], the other two supernatural powers sank into the white clouds, and [Non-scattered Hongchen] turned into a red light, embedded in the grid of the ninth supernatural power.

Ha ha.

Lin Wen looked at the upper and lower rows of golden magical powers and smiled happily.

Finally, it is no longer a lonely row, and the emperor is about to stand up.

Immortals and gods, you must have been waiting for a long time.

Don't worry, the emperor will come to give you warmth soon.

Lin Wenchang laughed, and the mist from the ninth supernatural power had shrouded his eyes, and all the supernatural powers that had appeared in the past but had no choice appeared on it one by one.

They flicker in the mist, like ghosts that will disappear at any time.

【Fog is not a flower】【Wisdom Sword Slashing Thoughts】【Floating Life Without Sunshine】【Light of Spiritual Wisdom】...

Lin Wen laughed until he couldn't close his mouth, and with a single glance, he chose a magical power that he wanted to choose a long time ago, but unfortunately missed it.

【Kill Ruthless】

This is the same magical power as the second magical power [Fate of Space], it can improve the ability to control killing, but at the same time reduce the good or bad fate obtained from killing.

The mist dissipated, and the ninth supernatural power [Unscattered Red Dust] had become [Killing Ruthless].

A strange feeling enveloped his body, Lin Wen walked out of the room, just in time to see a thrush flying up the branch.

In the morning light, it sings softly on the branches, cheering for the breath of spring.

In Lin Wen's eyes, there were countless crack-like dead lines on the bird's body.

That is its weakness.

And at the intersection of the dead lines, there is a huge hole.

is its Achilles' heel.

The instinct in his mind automatically reminded him how to kill it more easily.


Too strong, this supernatural power.

Lin Wen liked it very much at the beginning, but it is a pity that [Fate of Space] is unshakable to Lin Wen, otherwise his current bad relationship would have burst.

That's why he reluctantly gave up this combat supernatural power.

Now, finally have the opportunity to make up for this regret.


Lin Wen sneered, warriors in uniforms, guardian envoys of the empire, you are finished.

Great Elder, False Qin, and Elder Sen, you must not have imagined that I have become stronger again.

And, I will continue to get stronger.

My growth has far exceeded your expectations.

This is the emperor.

Wow haha.

Next to the ninth supernatural power, another number slowly appeared.


That is to say, his tenth supernatural power can be obtained after 2.56 million good fortunes.

This once astronomical figure is no longer far away for Lin Wen.

However, Lin Wen turned his eyes and saw that the dead star had reached 692540, which was more than 70%.

It won't be long before it's full again.

But now Lin Wen cannot be reincarnated for the time being, and he still has a lot of things to do.

what to do?

Good karma is a must, and you must make money. This is the foundation of everything.

But "Red Cloud Gaiding" only has the last two, and it should be impossible to get through.

Lin Wen shifted his gaze to Surviving Star.

Its numbers are still stuck at 2393/2500.

Lin Wen knew that the upper limit of Surviving Star and Death Star was determined by the number of triggers, the number of supernatural powers possessed, and one's own cultivation.

Although Lin Wen has no cultivation base, he already has ten good karma supernatural powers and only two bad karma supernatural powers, and the death omen star has already been triggered once, so the gap between the two stars is so big, one needs 960,000 good karma, and the other only needs 2,500 evil karma.

Now, it only takes 107 bad karma points to trigger the Survivor Star.

Lin Wen naturally had an idea, what would happen if the Survival Star was triggered after triggering the Death Sign Star?

Will the two cancel out?

This is very possible.

Then, the next time I trigger the Death Star, I can manually trigger the Survival Star.

But, how to get these 107 points of bad karma?

Lin Wen thought for a moment, and soon found a good way without side effects.

Hey hey.

At that time, people in the entire empire will feel very distressed.

It's okay to hurt a little, but the advantage is that there are more people, one hundred points, there should still be some.

Ha ha.

I'm such a genius.

Lin Wen is full of ambition, and the pressure of a month's high repayment has disappeared. He has never felt so good.

No loan is light.


Lin Wen turned around and rushed into the morning light.

Changshan County, your great emperor is back.

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