I don't know when, the arms race in the empire has quietly started.

The shadow of war is hidden under the peaceful and prosperous situation, but the situation is full of dark clouds under the sunny days.

The major forces are crazily competing for industries and accumulating funds for their own armaments, and the competition in the major markets is extremely fierce.

At this time, the market means money, and money means armaments and soldiers, more bargaining chips, and their future living space.

Under this life-and-death competition, the potential of the empire was stimulated, the economy of the empire rose rapidly, and the people of the empire ushered in a period of good times for the time being.

The Supreme Council tried its best to maintain order, limited the brutal fighting within the rules, and avoided vicious damage that would affect the empire's economy.

The Great Elders are high above, maintaining their balance, watching them fight and gaining profits from economic development.

The strength of the Supreme Council was restored quickly, and the development of the Imperial Army was faster than that of any other party.

However, there is still a difference between the current one and the previous one.

It used to be cloud, but now it is mud, they are not the same.

The Great Elder has already entered the game, and the moment they play on the chessboard, they are no longer traders.

But it can be a chess piece that touches.


In this fierce competitive storm, Changshan County was the least affected.

This is not because no one wants to replace it. Changshan County is rich in profits and is the life and death enemy of the empire.

It's just that they can't compete.

The large-scale industry has been played to the limit by Lin Wen. The most reasonable production, the most sophisticated management, coupled with the most perfect planning and layout, can squeeze out every bit of potential in it, which is not something they can do at a half-baked level.

Indeed, these things are not high-tech. Kang Shuaifu is nothing more than fried noodles, Chanel is nothing more than leather bags, and Adidas is nothing more than shoes. What technical threshold is there?

But what you make is not as low-cost, good-quality, and high-profit as theirs.

This is craftsmanship, and this is no solution.

Without profit, there is nothing.

And the high-tech industry in Changshan County is really unsolvable.

The technical threshold is there. The flying sword material has been tested countless times, but it cannot be imitated.

Now is a critical moment for making weapons, and it is not enough if you don't buy them.

The high profits of the Feijian workshop have made everyone greedy for a long time, but no one has been able to get the formula from the beginning to the end.

As for the pain, it is the nightmare and despair that no one wants to mention.

Relying on the first-mover advantage, "Sea Leopard" has already occupied the entire country of instant messaging software.

Its position is unshakable.

Blue Moon Legend is still tenaciously surviving under the siege and interception, and there is no point in suppressing it.

The same is true for Yumaohu Company. All the big-name anchors in the industry are in the company. Many rising star platforms are spending money like crazy, but the effect is not obvious.

Because in addition to the top beauty anchors, Yumaohu also has "famous V" popping up from time to time to attract popularity.

With the live broadcast bonus of killing the Governor, it is difficult for other platforms to catch up.

The groups that chose to attack the virtual world did not dwell too much on these projects already occupied by Changshan County, but focused on expanding the city, preempting the registration of the website, and occupying the territory.

The cyberspace is huge, and profit is the kingly way.

The only industry affected in Jangsan County is mining.

The empire's mining industry is basically divided by major forces, and industry regulations are formulated by them.

On the other hand, Changshan County has discovered a large number of mineral deposits on the Great Gobi. The resources are very rich, there are many shallow ore layers, the ore grade is good, and the mining efficiency of the mine is high. Moreover, it ignores the industry regulations formulated by Elder Lin Yabo and others, which seriously affects the income of all forces.

The fight between the two sides in the mineral market was extremely tragic, and neither took advantage.

But targeting Changshan County has become the consensus of everyone, even if it is not good for anyone, they will continue to fight.

Li Longxing, the former imperial emperor who was still sleeping, was everyone's worry.

Lin Wen, who never talked about the rules, was their life and death enemy.

Jangsan County must fall.

It will surely fall too.

The prosperous development of Changshan County is not worth mentioning in their eyes. It is just an area with more than 10 million people. Why should it be compared with their group power with hundreds of millions or even a billion people?

However, the armaments in Changshan County are very noisy, and some mass-produced robots are to be developed, and an atomic energy research institute has been established to study nuclear energy.

Especially the latter.

Not only made the empire's strict defense of nuclear energy known to the whole world, but also publicly talked about how to use atomic energy on the radio.

The reason why the radio station was not shut down immediately was because both the imperial side and the Qin Group side found that this theory was very different from their conventional theory.

Without the power of technology, I naturally want to hear this free knowledge.

With the mentality of learning and studying their opponents, they defaulted to the radio broadcast and listened to it on time every day.


"Good evening, imperial people, this is Changsan County Radio Station No. 7, and it is time for our familiar course again. This is a moment of great attention. Today we are honored to invite Mr. Li from the Changsan County Institute of Atomic Energy."

"Mr. Li, hello."


After a series of courtesies and advertisements.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by the [atomic steady state] you mentioned last time? Can you explain it?"

"Of course, we all know that atoms have energy, and the state of how much energy they have is called a 'stationary state'. An atom can only absorb or radiate energy when it moves from one stationary state to another...【Health for the whole family—Shu Fu Gui, a bestseller, only 9 yuan 9】...So, if you want to use atomic energy, you must start from the 'stationary state'."

"So how can we take advantage of it?"

"I think the key to using it is the turning point, which is the position where the momentum of the particle disappears... [The delicious taste is beyond words, and the children next door are crying - Kang Shuaifu instant noodles, the best choice for home travel]... Between the classic turning points, integrate the formula of this momentum with all possible values."



"Mr. Li, is there anything else you want to add?"

"I would like to say that liberating atomic energy may be much more difficult for human beings than imagined. This is due to...[Fengyuan Township, Yangyangyang, Yangyangyang]...Electrons do not move in a clear orbit, but a cloud that cannot be observed. According to the smog anti-laser theory I provided in the previous issue, the electron cloud will also hinder the release of radiation in the nucleus, thereby preventing us from further utilizing atomic energy."

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for bringing us another wonderful scientific speech, which has strengthened our determination and confidence in exploring the world."

"Thank you, host. The scientific spirit of human beings is indelible. Knowing the world and understanding the world are the driving force and value of our existence. I firmly believe that if we follow my path, human beings will one day be able to completely liberate the power in the atom."


The lectures are wonderful and profound, very instructive for all scientists.

The advertisements included in it are very annoying, which completely ruined the atmosphere that this wonderful lecture should have. Changshan County is so vulgar that it allows money to taint science.

Many scientists even jointly protested to Changshan County Radio No. 7.

But the response from the radio station is that you can add money to cancel the advertisement, which makes them dumb in an instant.

The theoretical research on nuclear energy in Jangsan County has aroused a certain degree of vigilance, and the large number of recruits and the construction of fortifications have also attracted their great attention, but it is far from a threat.

The size of Changshan County is too small in front of them. While hating and hating it, they also look down on it.

The choice of robots for the main armament direction of Changshan County is a clear proof.

Although the leaders of the Imperial Group basically believe that Changshan County can realize mass production of robots, after all, all kinds of incredible robots are made by Changshan County, and they have this technical reserve.

But they don't think it's much use.

Changshan County has too little funds to build an army of robots.

Hundreds of robots have no effect in front of thousands of tanks and cannons.

Therefore, they did not specifically prevent Changshan County from recruiting troops and poaching experts everywhere.

"Just scrap iron submerged under gunfire."

Lin Yabo, Qin Gang, Luo Nuo, Cheng Wei, Zhao Chong, and even the Great Elder all thought so.


Changshan County.

Xia Xiaoxiang was very busy during this time. She cooperated with Qin Luoshuang's subordinate, Wang Ya, to search for experts everywhere in the empire, and publicly released the news that Changshan County will start a robot project, inviting all aspirants in the empire to join.

Robots are already a very hot topic in the empire, and Changshan County is the hometown of robots.

As soon as they heard that Changshan County was going to build robots, many people with passion and dreams flocked to them. After Xia Xiaoxiang's strict screening, they entered the robot research and development base of Changshan County Armament Research Institute.

However, most of these people are ordinary engineers or technicians.

Only a few are experts with senior professional titles.

There is no real master of engineering or mechanics.

A person of this level will not come to a strange research and development site without confirmed qualifications just because of passion.

It took Xia Xiaoxiang a lot of trouble to invite a top figure to come to Changshan County for "investigation".

He is Hai Damer, chief scientist of the First Imperial Research Institute.

Hai Damo has been paying attention to Changshan County for a long time, and some novel technological products often appear in Changshan County, which makes him very interested.

Especially after robots came along.

This is also the fundamental reason why Xia Xiaoxiang was able to invite him, otherwise Changshan County would not be able to invite a top bull at his level.

"Little Wenwen."

Beside Lin Wen, Xia Xiaoxiang smiled like a flower after reporting the situation.

Those peach blossom eyes looked particularly bright and charming on her round face.

If Qin Luoshuang is the untouchable beauty outside the world of mortals, then she is the beauty of extreme humanity within the world of mortals.

Kind, easy, and amiable, as if you can put your arms in your arms.

It is a man's ultimate dream.

With her hands behind her back, she gently brought her face closer.

"I want a reward."

The red lips, the small nose, the big smiling eyes, the seductive words.

One hundred percent of men can't resist this temptation.

But Lin Wen is one hundred and one percent.

Lin Wen casually took out a hundred yuan and stuffed it into her hand.

Xia Xiaoxiang fell silent and glanced at the money in his hand.

"Well, I knew you were like that."

She sighed and put the money into her pocket.

"Mr. Hai will be here soon. You must be ready. He is not only the chief scientist of the First Research Institute, but also the chief military weapon expert of the empire. If he can join us, it will be of great help to us."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here in Changshan County and want to leave?"

Xia Xiaoxiang poohed: "Why do you say that we are the same as demon monsters? We are Utopia! We want to save all human beings."

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head, this topic was too big for him to answer.

Basically, the person or organization who yells to save all mankind will either fail or be blackened.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen decided to urge her to work.

"Is your job done? We're still short of..."

Xia Xiaoxiang smiled triumphantly and said, "Hehe, you still want to mess with me? I've already sorted out the entire work of the Ministry of Officials."

"Thanks to Lao Qi, he installed hundreds of computers for me, built a system, and entered information for us."

"Now we have an all-information office, and the work information of millions of people is no longer a problem. I no longer have to be tired like a dog and be rushed by people like you."

Information office?


Lin Wen nodded: "Fortunately, Lao Qi."

Xia Xiaoxiang laughed for a while, then stopped suddenly, looked into Lin Wen's eyes carefully, and said.

"Lin Wen, to be honest, I thank you very, very much from the bottom of my heart. Both Qin Neng and I have such dreamy days because we met you... You saved us from our deepest nightmare. Sometimes I think, if there is one person who can pull this world out of suffering and make me no longer see all suffering and sorrow, that person must be you."

Her peach blossom eyes were bent like a crescent moon.

"Qin and I once promised to find each other the best man in the world to be our husband. If there is such a person, it must be you."

"And now, you have passed my test again. You are indifferent to me who is close at hand, charming, unparalleled in beauty, and like a goddess of love. It proves that you are indeed a good man and a good husband. I can finally hand Qin over to you with confidence!"

Lin Wen frowned and said, "Is there such a thing? Isn't Qin going to find me for you? Then I'm not finished? Will you marry both of you?"

Xia Xiaoxiang pouted: "You are daydreaming! You men like to have this kind of dream. Let me tell you, if you want to have this kind of thinking, you will not get any of them. Qin and I lived together."

She snorted, looking smug.

"I can't find the best husband, so I will treat her as the best wife, and it's the same."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "You two are really harmonious."

Xia Xiaoxiang put her hands on her hips, and said with a grin, "Of course, we are close friends. For this matter, I have changed my request. I want the most handsome man, even more handsome than you, to be my husband. After marriage, if Qin agrees, you can come and play with me occasionally, but it is impossible to marry the two of us."

"OK OK."

Lin Wen didn't want to discuss such a mourning matter.

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, please comfort your best friend and tell her not to be so violent. My eye sockets are still hurting..."

Xia Xiaoxiang's eyes widened in an instant: "Are you trying to plot something wrong? Don't worry, I'll give her sleeping pills tonight to make sure she has no resistance at all, and I'm at your mercy..."

Lin Wen covered her forehead, this girl's thoughts are always so clear.

But strictly speaking, she is not a bad person, and she is also very talented.

It is unacceptable to be a full-time Neptune.

What's even more amazing is that through this period of understanding, Lin Wen discovered that she is not the kind of Neptune who catches people and plays with their feelings. She is very enthusiastic about everyone, cares about everyone's relationship problems, solves their problems, points out directions, and helps them get out of the fog of feelings.

She is generous, never refuses people thousands of miles away, and never regards herself as nobler than others, and is always on the defensive as if someone is plotting to do something wrong at any time.

There is also a reasonable bottom line, and it will clearly tell suitors that it is over.

Except for Yun Zhixing, she doesn't cheat money, people, or feelings, and most of them focus on enlightenment, guidance, and matchmaking. She is the most famous confidant lady in Changshan County.

It's a pity that this nature of her is simply deadly poison to men.

Although she was very careful, she still inadvertently caused harm to many people, which is why when Lin Wen first saw her, she had a circle of illusory black energy.

But during this period of time in Changshan County, her black energy has evaporated completely, and her energy is no longer volatile, but like a blazing flame, burning forever.

Lin Wen was very pleased, but also had a headache because of her bold matchmaking.

He is the last person Qin Luoshuang wants to see now, and he doesn't want to ask for trouble again.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen said, "Your behavior is helping others to fascinate women. Do you know that you have committed a crime against humanity?"

Judging from Xia Xiaoxiang's eyes, she couldn't understand at all.

"What anti-humanity? I'm helping you solve your emotional problems, okay? Sometimes a man and a woman can't take that step because they are too familiar. They both have a crush on each other, but they end up separated, which leads to so much tragedy, remorse and regret."

"I'm pushing you, I'm saving you—just like what I've always done, when people come to this world, the most confused thing is their feelings, and the happiest and most painful things are also feelings. It's an endless fog, and people need to guide the direction."

"And I am the light that guides people out of the fog of emotion, the angel of love, and I will make sure that the world will never see misery, pain, despair and irreparable regret, do you understand?"

The fire on her head burned more fiercely, like a bonfire in a field under a boundless dark night.

Warm, gorgeous, sparkling.

Lin Wen sighed slightly in his heart, this is also a little angel.

It's a pity that I discovered it a bit late. The road she walked is not easy for ordinary people to understand.

Even I misunderstood, it seems that I should treat her better in the future.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Then build her a robot too.

Qin and Xia, two top beauties in their respective fields, wearing cool swimsuits and driving robots to fight against the enemy, it is quite touching to think about it.

"Well... Uh, what I mean is, respect Qin's choice, your feelings can't replace hers."

"Why? We always feel in sync when we're together..."


Lin Wen interrupted this dangerous topic in time.

"We continue to discuss the issue of robots. If robots cannot be made, Changshan County will collapse, and everything will come to naught."

Xia Xiaoxiang's expression became serious, and she knew this.

"Director Hai Damer will come in an hour. He said it was an inspection, but he is actually giving us a chance. If he is satisfied, he may join our project."


Lin Wen nodded, his eyes flickering, and he was already thinking about how to keep this top master in the field of science in the empire.

[The full technical map of the exoskeleton power armor that best suits my needs] This problem requires millions of souls.

He must do a lot of research to reduce consumption.

Lin Wen's highest casting limit is nine times the upper limit of Yuanshen, which is around 5100%.

The scientific research results of the robot research and development base must allow him to reduce the consumption of the problem to this extent.

Therefore, it is necessary to join the scientific giants, and it is impossible to achieve this goal with ordinary staff.

At the same time, Lin Wen also wanted to increase the upper limit of Yuanshen as much as possible. Every time the upper limit was raised, the limit of the problem would be raised by nine points.

Since Changshan County announced the robot project, the outside world has basically been bad-mouthing or ridiculing, and some people have publicly clamored that if Changshan County can produce more than 500 robots, he will be Lin Wen's grandson.


Such a good thing, what are you daydreaming about?

Lin Wen's eyes flickered.

I will get the robot out in a while, whether it is an individual exoskeleton armor or a Gundam.

You wait.

Don't regret it when the Gundam from Changshan County flattened Shenjing.

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