She is Ye Lingyue, the daughter of Elder Ye who was killed in the Battle of Shenjing.

The top celebrity in the past, with many contacts and many friends, helped Lin Wenruo a lot when she was young, she was Xiao Xiao's dream goddess, and she was the one who sent Xiao Xiao to Changshan County.

But now, she can no longer see the brilliance of the past. Her whole body is dirty, full of dust and stains, a bare arm is covered with abrasions, and her long black hair is full of lumps and oil stains.

Her aura also became very dark, like an oil lamp that hasn't been wiped for thirty years.

"it's me."

Lin Wen said.

"Changshan County, Lin Wen."

Ye Lingyue was stunned for a second, then she burst into tears, buried her face in her arms, and let the tears and stains mix together.

"Ade is dead."

Her voice was mixed with sobbing, it was very difficult to distinguish.

Lin Wendao: "They used their last breath to support me. All their wishes have been fulfilled, and they have entrusted you to me."

Lift the burden.

"This is their original body, and it is the evidence that they survived in this world. They did not die, but stayed with us in another way. Please take a part of them and live."

Ye Lingyue's spirit became brighter.

Turning off her heart, Lin Wen stepped forward and hugged her.

She is as thin as a stick, and her body is as light as a leaf.

She wanted to bury her face in Lin Wen's chest, but she was afraid of staining his clothes, so she buried her in her arms, like an ostrich, and said softly, "Be careful, there are grown-up warriors outside. They have been tracking us for a long time. He wants to get the last primarch storage from me. They are very strong, let's not alarm..."


Lin Wenfei kicked through the basement and jumped out.

Ye Lingyue screamed, and a huge panic hit her face.

Lin Wen jumped onto the ground from the scattered white ash and looked around.

This is a desolate town with dilapidated buildings everywhere and no trace of human habitation.

A huge noise resounded through the town, and six soldiers in uniform rushed from all directions.

Lin Wen directly opened the [Small Incarnation Technique], and the moment the avatar appeared, he immediately possessed the body, and the hazy fog enveloped him, making him look like a fairy.

A warrior in uniform shouted: "It's a special combat body, kill him!"

"That bitch is in his hands!"

"Don't hold back!"

The cold light of the six warriors in colonial costumes suddenly shot up, and their speed doubled immediately, but Lin Wen was not afraid at all, and he jumped back lightly, forming a seal with one hand.


Six identical foggy human figures appeared out of thin air.

Lin Wen raised his hand.

The six foggy figures raised their hands at the same time.

One-handed seal.

The six people formed seals with one hand at the same time, exactly.

"Void Divine Thunder!"

Six times the electric light lit up at the same time, six berserk silver snakes swept across the ground, six times the magic power swept across the town, and six times the light overwhelmed the sun.

When Ye Lingyue didn't even know what happened, Lin Wen had packed up their belongings, stepped on the flying sword, and flew back to Changshan County.

There is no need to cover it up. Mr. Li will explain everything that is unscientific.

When she fell to the ground, Ye Lingyue was still dreamy, Lin Wen gave her a [Yang Zhi Ganlu], recovered her injuries, and put her down.

The avatar collapsed, and the primordial spirit was completely empty.

Overloaded battles cost a lot, but Lin Wen is not afraid.

Without Guang Yuanshen, he still can't drink "Autumn Color Swallow Fat Condensation".

"Ye Lingyue." Lin Wen said, "This is Changshan County, you are safe."

There was a little light in Ye Lingyue's bewildered eyes, but it quickly faded away.

"My father is dead, my retainers are dead, and everything I have is gone..."

Lin Wen said calmly: "But at least you are still there, and there is someone who loves you. Xiao Xiao asked me to save you. He loves you very much. You can try to love him."

Ye Lingyue shook her head blankly.

"I don't know, I don't have much feeling for him, we only slept once, I almost forgot about his…"

Lin Wen was happy and said with a smile: "Dear Ye, you can think of him as a warm home, sheltering you from the wind and rain, shielding you from the dangerous environment outside, and waiting for your return regardless of rewards. He is like a man like your father. Although boring, he is reliable and safe. You have been wandering outside for so many years. You are tired and tired. It is time to return to the warm harbor, to return to an ordinary, stable and secure life. Here is another scene, a style, and a flavor."

Ye Lingyue's aura became dazzling, and the pink bubbles began to steam again.

Xin continued: "Isn't life composed of countless landscapes? After passing this stop, the next stop will be a new world."

All of a sudden, Ye Lingyue's tears fell in big drops, washing away the dirt on her face, her full breasts heaved violently, soft waves could actually be seen in the torn clothes.

Xin smiled gracefully: "Welcome to the new world, my daughter..."

Lin Wen turned off his heart and said, "Go and wash, and then follow me to see Xiao Xiao."



When the radiant goddess appeared in front of Xiao Xiao again, he was too excited to speak.

"Ye Ye... Grandpa..."

Lin Wen frowned and said, "What are you doing? Don't try to take advantage of me."

Xiao Xiao was furious, but in front of the goddess, he didn't dare to get angry. He raised his hand and put it down again, trying to help the goddess's slender jade arm but dared not.

Ye Lingyue lowered her head and stood there quietly, like a lady from a great family, not half the appearance of a social queen in the past.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's bewildered and stagnant appearance made Lin Wendan extremely painful, so he went around and pushed Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao rushed forward and said angrily: "What are you pushing me for, stop pushing, you still pushing, I am angry, I warn you, don't push me again..."

He was close to his goddess, and covered Lin Wen's head with hats one after another. The fragrant breath from the goddess' body made him feel as if he was in heaven. He was stiff and did not dare to move, fearing that he would come out of this illusion.

Lin Wen walked around behind Ye Lingyue again, pulled off Xiao Xiao's hand that was standing upright like a dead branch, and placed it on her slender waist. Xiao Xiao's whole face seemed to be cooked, and his expression seemed to have soared.

Lin Wen simply went a step further and moved one of his hands down ten centimeters. Xiao Xiao felt as if she had been electrocuted, her whole body trembling violently, and her face was full of joy and horror.

But his goddess did not push him away, but buried her head in his chest, feeling his broad chest, the feeling of safety and peace of mind that she had never had before.

"Xiao..." she called out in a low voice, thinking of their wonderful night, as if it was their wedding.

"Ahhh... oh oh oh..."

"Do you mind if I'm married?"

"Oh oh oh..." Xiao Xiao suddenly came back to her senses, "Of course not, no, that idiot, I only regret that I didn't kill him myself!"

"Do you mind if I have had affairs with many people?"

Xiao Xiao's face flushed red: "Of course not, I only resent myself for not being able to save you earlier."

"Then do you mind if I am now powerless, impoverished, and wanted by the empire?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly became tougher, and said loudly: "Of course not, I will protect you, you will always be my goddess, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are young or old, I am here, I am your Xiao Xiao, now, in the future, and always."

Ye Lingyue smiled lightly, a sense of peace of mind surrounding her life after a catastrophe surrounded her, allowing her to walk out of the emptiness of desire and feel happy and fulfilled for the first time.

She finally understood Lin Wen's words thoroughly and decided to start her new life.


Meeting this man was the greatest happiness in my life.


Yuanshen +20%

Yuanshen upper limit, 600%

Lin Wen was startled.

Each of them contributed 10% to him at a time, which was not so much before. Others started from shallow to deep, did they dig to the bottom all at once?

Lin Wen concentrated his attention to see that the line of karma between him and them was extremely thick, and the bright red text shone on it.

One reads: "May people last forever."

One reads: "Thousands of miles share the beautiful beauty."

You also sing poetry...

Lin Wen smiled, he knew that I shouldn't have left so early, I should have recited a couple of poems before leaving.

Now that the lovers finally get married, everything is ready.

Xiao Xiao also fulfilled his greatest wish, and finally he can work in Changshan County with peace of mind.

The rest are all about money, I hope he can perform better.

Lin Wen looked down.

Yuanshen broke through 600%, and a new spell appeared.

Now every 100% increase, there will be a new spell.

【Qiankun Refining】

There is no level of spells to refine an item into a magic weapon. The level of the magic weapon is related to the material material, the consumed soul, spiritual thoughts, cultivation base, Taoism, and weather.

Lin Wen's eyes widened for a moment.

magic weapon?

Can I refine magic weapons?

Then I am not invincible?

But after reading the detailed description of the spell, I was discouraged again. There are many hidden requirements for refining magic weapons. In addition to a large amount of spiritual energy and natural treasures washed by spiritual energy, many auxiliary conditions and strong personal qualities are also required.

In general, only immortal cultivators in the Yuanshen stage can refine magic weapons.

And he is still in the physics world, and he is still a mortal. Even if he succeeds in forcible refining, it is just to improve the quality of the materials in the physics world.

Without heaven, material and earth treasures, refining magic weapons is just a dream.

It's a pity, otherwise, wouldn't I be invincible if I refine a blood drop now?

Forget it, turn around and practice again.

Lin Wen reluctantly gave up, and threw this spell to the end of the list. Those were the least commonly used spells, such as [Fairy Descends to Earth], [Fox Fairy Descends] and so on.

Get to work now.

The work in Changshan County is so huge all of a sudden, and the pressure is great.

Increased wages and benefits, built hospitals and colleges, and countless things added up. It seems that Changshan County is going to complete the journey of others for 50 years in one year.

No normal person would do that.

But Lin Wen is not a normal person.

Of course, Lin Wen is not crazy.

This was a plan he had planned for a long time, and part of the content was confirmed with magic.

For him, improving treatment means improving good fortune.

With good fortune, he has everything.

Not only that, the improvement of treatment can also increase the attractiveness of Changshan County and attract more people to Changshan County.

More people will provide more good karma and more primordial spirits.

With mutual addition and promotion, he can take off on the spot.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Wen finished the preliminary work, he immediately began to push forward his core plan with all his strength.

The reason why the first large-scale industrial project was selected for synthetic ammonia is because the synthetic ammonia industry can produce two things.

1. Gold and rubbish.

Two, explosives.

Jinkela produces food, and explosives are related to weapons.

Moreover, the synthetic ammonia plant can accommodate a large number of workers and drive the development of a series of industries.

The most important thing is that Lin Wen's current spells are especially suitable for building factories.

【Turn earth into stone】【Referring to earth into steel】 are two engineering artifacts.

As long as the Yuanshen is enough, one factory building per day.

Coupled with the 【Forbidden Power of Qi】【The Power of Nine Oxen and Two Tigers】【The Victory of the Civet Cat】, it is simply a super construction worker, and the engineering robot can be driven out, which can be 10,000 times more efficient than the hanging tower.

The most important thing is that Lin Wen can rub core equipment such as ammonia synthesis reaction tower and coal gasifier with his hands.

As long as other equipment can keep up, a factory that takes one or two years to build can be completed and tested in one or two months.

Facts have proved him right.

It took only two days for the whole factory to be built.

"Autumn Color Yan Zhining" is simply a god, and the spells that can be used with full aura are three times that of the full soul, which is equivalent to returning four times the soul in one bite.

Not to mention how cool it was.

Just waiting for the equipment to arrive, Lin Wen will be able to show his skills again, and let them see whether the chemical plant built in one day can explode.

Afterwards, Lin Wen came to the biochemical base again.

Since the completion of the research and development of cancer drugs, biochemical expert Anmosi has been making every effort to conquer medical technology.

Relying on the large amount of biochemical technical materials that Lin Wen obtained, Anmosi has made a lot of achievements.

But it is not enough. Medical technology must be greatly improved in order to support Lin Wen's plan of "eliminating tragedies caused by diseases".

How many families are torn apart due to disease, how many people are irreparable because of disease, and how many regrets in the world are caused by disease.

If there were no illnesses in the world, then Lin Wen would definitely explode.

The empire used all the technology that could save people to make terrifying weapons. The biochemical technology that Lin Wen obtained from Moxili was so high that even Amers couldn't understand it.

The notes that Lin Wen once picked up from a research institute with giant iron nematodes roaming around are full of incomprehensible imagination.

It's a pity that the people who created them all went to perish due to madness.

If such precious materials cannot be used to save people, then Lin Wen is mentally retarded and unworthy of reincarnation.

In the next few days, Anmosi ushered in Lin Wen, the incarnated demon star. He ignored any common sense and ignored any rules, but he always made breakthroughs in experiments that they thought were impossible to succeed.

Whenever this time is when their three views are broken and they doubt life.

An Mosi cried and begged the uncle many times to go, we can't learn your way, so let's study it quietly, okay?

Lin Wen can't help it, don't use magic to study science, wait for you to study slowly, I'm afraid it won't be the year of the dog.

Hmm... Does this mean that the one who grabs the job will always be a crossover rather than a peer?

However, Lin Wen was only helping them overcome the difficulties in the technical context, and they had to study the details themselves, otherwise Lin Wen would not be enough even if he had ten "autumn Yan Zhining".

Just when Lin Wen was happily smashing his three views, a phone call saved the devastated Anmosi and others.

On the phone, Lao Xie seemed to be an 800-year-old mother who died, and wailed, "I have no money, I have no money, I have no money..."

After Lin Wen asked carefully, he found out that his big plan had gone too far. It was a salary increase, an increase in benefits, and a major construction project. Xiao Xiao, who was full of energy, completed all the planning plans, including the crazy city built on the mountain.

The rest is money.

Countless people came to Lao Xie every day with a budget to ask for money, and Lao Xie bald in order to raise money.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was the equipment money for the chemical plant.

When Lao Xie realized that he could no longer spare a penny to buy equipment, he knew it was over.

"Sheriff Lin, I don't have any money, there are mouths asking for money everywhere, I'm going to collapse..."

Lin Wen knew that he had to get out and start working on projects that would bring in money immediately.


There was an unknown cold light in Lin Wen's eyes.

Originally, I wanted you to live a few more days, but it seems that I don't have this chance.

He stood up and walked out of the laboratory under everyone's dull eyes.

The rays of the setting sun shone in from outside the gate, covering the entire laboratory with a gorgeous and peaceful golden color.

One day, you will remember the fear of being dominated by the Great Emperor.

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