But things haven't been all smooth sailing.

Although Lin Wen created a miracle, the miracle did not succeed.

The chip was powered on successfully, and the voltage of each pin was normal, but the startup failed, which proved that there was no problem with the structure of Lin Wen engraving, but that there was a problem with the chip manufacturing process.

Fermi looked solemn. He improved from a semi-finished product without cumbersome mathematical verification. There must be many problems, but he didn't expect it to be unable to start.

"This is not a waste product, is it?"

Fermi pored over the drawings, looking for structures that might cause the function to fail.

Fortunately, he quickly discovered the problem.

"The fallacy of registers and logic structures, fortunately not a structural disaster..."

After adjusting, Fermi looked at the chip and fell into deep thought again.

The assistant said: "Teacher, let's ask Sheriff Lin to change it."

Fermi's eyes lit up, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He accurately grasped this hint of inspiration and thought of an excellent method:

Since Sheriff Lin's hand can stably carve the chip with a precision of 360 nanometers, can he modify the chip?

Generally speaking, integrated chips have no repair value, and can only be replaced if they are scrapped.

If Sheriff Lin can modify the chip, does that mean that all their modified structures can be verified immediately?

In this case, isn't their efficiency improved a hundredfold?

As a result, Lin Wen, who was about to solve the energy problem, was pulled back to the laboratory.

After listening to Fermi's request, Lin Wen scratched his head. In terms of accuracy, the problem is not big, but the actual operation is very complicated, because some oxide structures that have been etched need to be covered.

And modifying the circuit can't be like etching the circuit. Lin Wen went down with one hand, and the nano-blade scratched a few millimeters like a superficial touch, and hundreds of thousands of circuit strokes were completed.

It is very cumbersome to modify the lines one by one.

Fermi looked at Lin Wen attentively: "Sheriff Lin, you must be able to do it, right? I have already thought of many new ideas, you must be able to do it!"

Those eyes were so bright that Lin Wen couldn't refuse, so he could only agree, sat back next to the lithography machine, and pressed his godly right hand on the thick base of the nano-knife.

The nanoknife is not a knife in the true sense, it is a complex device that looks like an inverted microscope.

Under the silly, black and thick mechanical barrel structure is a thin needle, and at the tip of the needle is the nano-knife thousands of times thinner than a cicada's wing and invisible to the naked eye.

Lin Wen was actually manipulating a machine, not holding a knife.

Fermi looked at this man full of miracles with emotion. Without him, their chip project would never have come to this point.

Although he is not rigorous, he has a kind of miraculous inspiration, and he can always help them point out a key path at critical moments, allowing them to cut through the thorns and thorns all the way to come here.

The most important thing is that he still has extremely strong hands-on ability.

Regarding this point, Fermi did not have too much doubt, he could use the probe to pick out the cell nucleus and integrate it into another cell.

Sheriff Lin just strengthened this ability several times.

It is not unacceptable for an empire with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, miracles, and unfathomable empires.

Everyone has a bit of talent, a bit of expertise, and a bit of depth.

Otherwise, how can you call someone?

Or an extraordinary person like Sheriff Lin.

The Emperor Shenwu who founded the empire is said to be able to come back from the dead, which shows how big the world is, full of wonders.

Those of my generation who study science have a long way to go.

Suddenly, Fermi's body was full of motivation and energy again.

There are still so many miracles in this world waiting for him to discover, and so many mysteries waiting for him to explain, why do I stop because of a little difficulty?

Everything in this world can be explained by science after all.

This is the scientific spirit of our generation!

The passionate Fermi burst out with a hundred times of energy in an instant, and started to work even more.

A chip was modified and modified by Lin Wen, repaired and repaired, and many structures were destructively changed and rebuilt.

In the end, just relying on [Success of the Civet Cat] couldn't handle it, so Lin Wen had to stick a paper puppet to help modify the chip while the chip repaired itself.

Fermi and his assistants, along with thousands of technicians, worked through the night, experimenting with their new structures and gaining experience.

Throw away the useless, cumbersome, and inefficient.

Leave the useful, concise, and efficient.

This unprecedented opportunity stimulates the potential of all people, and the research work that can get immediate feedback is so precious. They don't have to wait for days, months, years, or just a few hours to know whether their previous ideas are right or wrong.

This kind of efficiency is not even in a dream.

If you can't hold it, I'm afraid you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Everyone exploded into a small universe, worked crazily, and couldn't hold on to the shift for a while. Fermi even used his bottom-of-the-box Fermi rest method, taking a 15-minute break every four hours of work, so as to reach the level of non-stop throughout the night.

Only Lin Wen was the most unlucky. While working continuously and intensively, he could hardly get any rest, and he relied on spells to continue his life.

Fortunately, Yuanshen is not what it used to be, otherwise it would not be able to support this kind of work.

Finally, on the sixteenth day, a chip that could no longer be seen from its original appearance was successfully manufactured.

The moment it passed the test, cheers from the laboratory shattered the sky.

Not only can it work normally, but its floating-point computing power has reached 400 million times per second.

This has reached the top level of the empire.

Fermi immediately sent it to Hai Damer. After Hai Damer's test, it can fully support the auxiliary system of the power armor.

Everyone was overjoyed, only Lin Wen didn't take it seriously, 400 million floating-point calculations per second, equivalent to a main frequency of only 0.4GHz, or a single-core, his previous notebooks were hundreds of times faster than this.

And it's not mass-produced yet, so we can't always ask him to carve it by hand, right?

But this problem was solved after Fermi announced the data of the new chip in Changshan County.

Manufacturers from all over the world flocked to cooperate with Changshan County and the chip factory led by the world-renowned great scientist Mr. Fei.

As long as the chip factory in Changshan County is willing to cooperate, all equipment that could not be bought before can now be bought.

A large number of people waved banknotes and wanted to cooperate, and the thresholds of the Changshan County Government Office and Laboratory No. 99 were about to be squeezed.

Cheng Wei and Asi Company were immediately dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe it was true. In such a short period of time, Changshan County could actually come up with a top-level chip.

You know, their latest chip has a main frequency of only 0.36GHz, and the data of the chip in Changshan County is even higher than theirs. Most importantly, the power consumption is even lower.

Low power consumption, low heat generation, more suitable for military use.

For the first time, Chengwei and Lin Yabo Group felt the threat of Changshan County.

And this threat was immediately fulfilled.

Changshan County publicly announced that it will soon mass-produce the latest "Changxin-10001", priced at 450 yuan.

At the same time, Changshan County established an electronic manufacturing company to enter the personal computer industry.

This explosive news caused thousands of waves with one stone. You must know that the latest Dilong-2 chip is priced at 3,000 yuan.

The more excellent "Longxin-10001" is only one-seventh of the value.

Then who will buy their chips?

Isn't this smashing the plate?

Not only Chengwei, but all the stakeholders of Aspen Company rose up and fiercely opposed Changshan County's malicious dumping and disrupting the market.

The lawsuit went directly to the Supreme Council, several largest groups in the empire, jointly accused Changshan County.


Elder's compound.

The Great Elder watched the telegram silently.

Great Elder Ping Yuan asked: "Will you punish?"



"Without relevant laws, what reason does the empire have to interfere with the power of manufacturers in an empire to set prices for their own products?"

"It will affect market order."

"Did they consider this when they hoarded food?"

"Changshan County is uncontrollable. Lin Wen has deep scheming and unfathomable strategies. Even we have lost our eyes. The people who study Lin Wen in the Strategic Thinking Research Department have gone crazy. They can't understand this person's strategic intentions before and after. Lin Wen is now making Changshan County more and more like an iron barrel. It is already his Changshan Kingdom."

"Changshan County must rely on the empire to be valuable. At least, it has no connection with forces outside the empire."

Everyone fell silent.

Now this situation is something they did not expect.

The impact of the civil war in the empire was much more profound than they imagined. Even though the empire appeared to be much more prosperous than before, once people's hearts changed, they would never return.

All countries in the world have shown their fangs, and a powerful empire is something no one wants to see.

Now, they not only need time, but also limit the development of groups within the empire.

Especially the Lin Yabo Group, which expanded too fast and got entangled with the Emperor, has become the biggest threat in the empire.

must be weakened.

The elders looked at the pieces on the chessboard, especially Changshan County in the middle.

I hope you can support me a little longer.


"What? The highest will reply that Changshan County is free to decide the price of the goods, and it has not violated any imperial law?"

Not only Lin Yabo and Cheng Wei, but all the leaders of the group felt a chill when they heard the news.

The meaning of the highest meeting is obvious. Changshan County has always been a strong exporter. No one is the opponent of Changshan County despite the competition of goods. This is an obvious bias.

Inside the Elder's Mansion.

Lin Yabo had a gloomy face.

"The Supreme Council regards us as enemies, even more than Li Longxing."

Cheng Wei's face became even more unsightly, and he said, "We need to make money as soon as possible."

Luo Nuo asked: "Should we still stay in Shenjing? It's not safe here."

Lin Yabo said coldly: "We must stay in Shenjing. Once we leave Shenjing for a long time, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the Supreme Council. I will assign all the warriors in uniform to everyone just in case. As long as the Great Elder does not have dementia, he will not use the imperial guards to assassinate us."

Cheng Wei said: "What about the chip factory in Changshan County? If that little bastard does this, we will suffer huge losses, and the formation of the army of insects will also encounter great trouble."

Luo Nuo said: "His Majesty the God Emperor recently asked us how to control the insects..."


Lin Yabo immediately cut off his words.

"This is our last trump card. If it is handed over, the agreement between the God Emperor and us will be a cannibalism agreement without any guarantee. Insect troops, our private soldiers, and warriors in breeding equipment are the foundation of our survival. As long as they are there, the God Emperor will not be afraid of turning his face."

Luo Nuo said: "Then how do we deal with Changshan County?"

Lin Yabo was silent for a moment, then said, "It seems that the bugman is going to show up early."

"Do you use the perfect body?" Cheng Wei asked. It is impossible for an army of insects to enter the empire. It is no different from turning your face.

Only special warfare.

Lin Yabo nodded.

"Fifteen complete bodies, fifty elite warriors, and five hundred third-order insects sneaked into Changshan County, destroyed his chip factory, and smashed his No. 99 Research Institute."

Luo Nuo frowned slightly: "This is the complete body of all of us, and even if there is no evidence, the Supreme Council can guess that we did it."

Lin Yabo sneered and said, "Since the Great Elder doesn't care about affection, we can't blame us for being immoral. They don't have any reason to punish us. Could it be that they swallowed their own words? Don't they dare to turn their backs?"

Cheng Wei asked again: "Then why didn't you just kill that little beast? Kill Li Longxing?"

Lin Yabo shook his head: "He also has a super special combat body. There are still a large number of royal guards in Changshan County, which is difficult to deal with. Moreover, that little beast is very afraid of death. He runs very fast every time, disappears, and may not be caught."

He flashed a dark smile.

"But he can run away from the monk, but can't run away from the temple. If he destroys his chip factory, I can see how he will smash the market!"

Luo Nuo frowned and said, "The royal guards are very strong, can we succeed?"

Lin Yabo laughed and said, "The primary duty of the imperial guards is to protect the emperor. We can send an insect troop to attack Li Longxing's residence, and we can hold them back. The royal guards will definitely guard against death and dare not act recklessly."

"Similarly, if we send another worm troop to attack that little beast, the super special forces in Changshan County will definitely stay by their master's side."

"In this way, we can easily destroy their industry."

All three laughed.

Thinking of his blood feud with Changshan County, Cheng Wei suddenly asked, "Are I going to use my trump card this time?"

Lin Yabo's expression darkened for a moment.

"No, that's like my magic pupil. It's one of the decisive weapons. In the future, it will be needed to overthrow the Supreme Council and fight against the Emperor."

Cheng Wei nodded: "Okay, I put the overall situation first, the little bastard in Changshan County, let him bounce around for a while."

Lin Yabo smiled and said, "That's it, everyone, work harder and get more benefits from this decaying empire."

"The future of this world must have our place."


Changshan County.

Lin Wen's hut.

"What kind of bullshit single-stage magnetic battery is this, it's really annoying, and the consumption can't be reduced no matter what."

"It's so annoying, I can't take it anymore, I really want to be reincarnated to cultivate immortality... Sigh, this bullshit power armor can't be made well, I can't reincarnate."

"It's so annoying, I don't have any inspiration at all, if only Miss Fairy would comfort me..."

"Forget it, the egg is cracked, let's talk about it tomorrow, I'll cultivate a fairy to clean up the heart of dust."

"Wow, finally came a lucky road, I have been unlucky for so many days."

"Hahaha, the voice of the dragon cry, my favorite."

"Uh, what should I do if I still have more than one hundred gods? If you don't use it, it's a waste."

"I'm not doing work anymore, I want to be happy, um... let's use [Qiankun Refining]."

"Just refine this broken battery."

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