When the morning sun shines on Lin Wen's eyes, good fortune comes as promised.

The familiar golden ocean submerged him again.

No matter how many times, Lin Wen always felt relaxed and happy, and he would never get tired of seeing the shining golden light.

Live and work in peace +83200

Prosperity +61232

Fair people +41481


Happy +66777


Science and technology civilization +86631

Total: 378405


【Good fate: 4082347】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 800.21%】

【Tao if there is love】2110629/10000

Surviving star: 551/10000

Death Star: 2394124/3840000


Lin Wen was immersed in this huge golden number, which was a good fortune he had accumulated for more than half a year.

For more than half a year, he had lived frugally, waiting for this day.

But when this day really came, Lin Wen was reluctant to use it again.

[Tao Ruoyouqing] After finally saving more than two million good fortunes, this unprecedented huge number can make him happy for a long time just by looking at it.

During the past half a year, it brought countless happiness to Lin Wen.

And the total good relationship has broken through the four million mark.

This is a number that he never dared to think about before, and it is also Lin Wen's confidence.

It's just a pity that the tenth supernatural power didn't appear, and what 2.56 million Shanyuan got was another enhanced dao fruit belonging to the mad demon dao ancestor. It seems that he was found out after reincarnation, which is really tragic.

In order to ensure that it can be reincarnated, Lin Wen strengthened it to the second evil destiny supernatural power [Life and Death Star].

Now, Survivor Star and Death Star have stronger effects, and should not pull the hips like the previous two times.

Death Star is still short of more than 1.4 million good karma, but it is coming soon.

Lin Wen watched Changshan County's good relationship grow from a little bit to this point. It recorded all Lin Wen's hard work, all his dedication and hard work, and brought Lin Wen rich returns.

Although one of the items was extremely disharmonious, Lin Wen deliberately ignored it, and the system didn't have any bugs. Is that called a system?

I am such a king of the people, how could it be negative one thousand?

Obviously it was +100 last month.


You wait for me.

99% of my achievements are due to my own efforts, and you just played a small supporting role.

After I finish my reincarnation, I will come back to fix you.

Now rub the robot first.

Unlike mass-produced exoskeleton power armor, the scientific level of a large robot that can fight normally and play a role on the frontal battlefield is far beyond reality.

Not to mention empires, even the original world couldn't be created.

Of course, hard forging can be made, but it is meaningless. It is just a matter of a few shots on the battlefield.

Does it make sense to spend hundreds of times the cost of a tank to build a robot that doesn't even have the function of a tank?

From a military point of view, until the technology reaches a certain level, large robots are worthless.

However, Lin Wen can let it have.

Because he has immortal technology.

And the real Gundam is all handmade.

Only its unique existence can reveal its noble quality.

Mass production machines have no soul.

And the key to realize it is precisely [Qiankun Refining].

This is a spell that can turn decay into magic. The only disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy. A battery the size of a thumb needs 145% of the soul.

For such a big robot, it would be unimaginable to have a soul.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Wen didn't have a rubbing robot for a long time.

Until now, everything is ready and all the conditions are met, Lin Wen can finally start rubbing the big robot that he has been thinking about for a long time.

Of course, the first thing to do is to pump the road.

Lin Wen can now draw "This Shore" level luck, but one million one super luck is too much of a gamble, Li Longxing should lie on the golden toilet for a while longer.

Anyway, you are also in a state of frozen time, and you will not experience muscle atrophy or physiological disorders after lying down for a long time.

There are six levels of luck.

Chaotic world level, 30,000 good fortunes in one draw. At the level of the world of mortals, one draw for one hundred thousand good fortunes. Sea of ​​​​Bitterness level, one draw of 300,000 good fortunes. At this shore level, one million good fortunes are drawn. The other shore level, it seems that the realm has not reached, so it cannot be smoked.

In addition, there is a lowest level of sinking. In the regular exchange of Ten Thousand Good Fate, 52% of the luck is drawn.

After careful research, Lin Wen found that the cost-effectiveness of the "Red Dust" luck path is the most cost-effective.

He decided to take five rounds to see first.

First shot.

"River of Star Dreams": Reduce the consumption of a certain prophecy spell to one-tenth, and it can be used ten times.

Second shot.

"Flowers Bloom Like Fire": Cover the whole body with fireworks and attack the enemy.

Third shot.

"Heavenly Drunk": make the aura active and frenzied, and obtain the amazing talents of the ages, which lasts for 30 minutes.

Fourth shot.

"Mayfly's Dream": Reduce the consumption of strengthening or refining spells to one-tenth, and can be used ten times.

Fifth shot.

"Extreme Glory": Resurrect a dead body into a powerful puppet. The corpse must be killed by you. The puppet will be strengthened and have the cultivation level before it was alive, and it will exist for seven days.


Lin Wen's eyes were dazzled by these five super luck paths, and three of them were new types of luck paths that he had never seen before. Their unique descriptions opened Lin Wen's eyes.

"Sure enough, my luck is bad. I have never encountered such a powerful luck. The probability of the shit-like sinking level luck is definitely not 52%. Bah, you dare to trick me."

However, although those three luck paths are very strange, the ones that are really useful at the moment are "River of Stars and Dreams" and "One Dream of Mayfly".

Lin Wen didn't have enough knowledge reserves, so he needed magic questions to build robots.

[Qiankun Refining] is a core spell, and it cannot be used without reducing the cost.

Afterwards, Lin Wen drew ten more "Troubled Times" luck paths, all of which were luck paths similar to "Voice of Fengming" and "Xuannv Lingering Fragrance" to restore the primordial spirit, and they were still useful.

In the end, Lin Wen drew another ten rounds of ordinary "regular exchange".

Sure enough, ten rubbish.

Lin Wen was very angry and swore: "If I continue to smoke routines, I will be a dog."

Since then, [Tao Ruo You Qing] has used up 900,000 good fortunes, and the data has dropped to 1210629/10000.

Lin Wen felt that his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and he had used up so much of the good fortune he had accumulated for so long.

Saving money is like eating shit, and spending money is like diarrhea.

Lin Wenchang sighed, stopped the ink marks, and started rubbing the robot.

The first thing to be built is naturally Qin Luoshuang's robot, and the model Lin Wen has already chosen for her.

Assault on freedom.

Why choose this?

Because it is so beautiful.

Strike Freedom Gundam is very, very beautiful, with sharp floating cannons, three pairs of transparent light wings, gleaming golden skeleton, smooth lines, changeable weapons and equipment, and smart and simple mecha shape, all of which interpret its timeless elegance.

This is Lin Wen's love for his daughter, how can she not be beautiful?

For this reason, Lin Wen has prepared materials for a long time, and spent a lot of time making its model and perfecting its plan.

Now, finally, the time has come to realize it.

Lin Wen put the model into the ground, and with a [pointing to the ground into steel], the all-steel shell of the Strike Freedom was completed.

This is the first step.

Lin Wen pulled the shell out of the ground and stood it on the ground.

It is 17.72 meters high, with a streamlined shape, clear dividing lines, and butterfly-shaped light wings behind it, but it is still just a rigid shell.

Lin Wen obtained the manufacturing drawing of its mechanical structure through magic, and manufactured its joints and transmission structure according to the drawing.

With the support of Shuangli Yimao, Lin Wen completed the whole process by hand.

The hard steel was as soft as mud in his hands. His dexterous hands fluttered up and down, and his slender fingers swayed from side to side, as if he was playing a piano or stirring a sparkling stream.

Soon, Lin Wen completed its basic mechanical structure with artistic movements.

Then, it's time to witness the miracle.

Lin Wen shot "Mayfly One Dream", reducing the consumption of spells to one-tenth, put both hands on the mecha, and activated [Qiankun Refining].

A strong red light shines from the body and is transmitted to the mecha, and Yuanshen descends rapidly.

Even Yuanshen, which is now as high as 800%, cannot withstand such a huge consumption.

Lin Wen quickly swallowed several of the "Troubled Times" fortunes he had just obtained before barely completing this refinement.

Lin Wen slowly moved his hands away, staggered, almost fell, his body seemed to be hollowed out.

But it's all worth it.

When Lin Wen raised his head, the mecha in front of him was different. It no longer looked like a rough model, but a real Gundam.

And, unlike the intended Strike Free image, its material, takes on an icy chill, like compacted white snow.

With a light touch, its chill spreads from the fingertips.

Wow, does this spell feel my mind?

Lin Wen was overjoyed.

This shape is very suitable for Qin Luoshuang, it is even more beautiful than imagined, and the biting chill that exudes is especially suitable for her.

Hahaha, after giving this gift, I will take the opportunity to confess my love.

She will definitely say yes.

Lin Wen was full of confidence.

I'm finally going to have a daughter.

Hahaha, three dead super perfect reincarnation, here I come.


The main body of New Strike Gundam has been completed, but the key core still needs to be equipped.

The first is the kinetic energy core. Lin Wen directly bought a Rust electric supercar, removed its engine, and strengthened it twice with [Qiankun Refining], and it became the kinetic energy core of the new Strike Gundam.

It can completely drive this big thing weighing up to 80 tons, and provide an arm force of more than 300 tons.

Then there is the energy core. Lin Wen directly bought the tenth version of the second battery, and used [Qiankun Refining] to strengthen them all into legendary polar batteries.

The battery that Lin Wen strengthened before is still being researched in Haidamer's laboratory.

The performance of mass-produced batteries manufactured according to its template has not yet reached one-thousandth of it.

These ten prototype batteries are definitely enough to drive it.

Finally, there are weapon systems and defense systems.

This is the most important key.

Lin Wen believes that in the battle of the Mecha Legion, the value of the existence of the big robot is like a flag and a shield.

Soldiers in exoskeleton armor will not flinch when they see their generals fighting, and the enemy will subconsciously focus their artillery fire on it when they see the big robot looting on the field.

If the big robot does not fall, the hearts of the people will not disperse.

If the big robot does not fall, the exoskeleton armored soldiers will not fall.

This is a coexistence of symbolic meaning and practical meaning.

Therefore, the defense system is the most important.

Although Lin Wen strengthened its material, it was far from enough.

He used spells to inquire, and this kind of snow-like steel is actually composed of iron atoms, carbon atoms, sodium atoms, chlorine atoms, and a very small number of trace element atoms, which are arranged in a neat array in a completely uniform manner.

Because its special structure slows down the vibration of molecules, it always exudes a cold air.

Its rigidity, toughness, and strength have reached a very high level. This is an unimaginable material, and Lin Wen gave it a name.

"Steel of Little Frost".

Well, hope she likes it.

However, Little Frost Steel also has a limit. If it is hit by more than fifteen rounds of AP shells, it will cause damage to the body that needs to be repaired. If it is hit by more than ten rounds of depleted uranium shells, it may cause damage to the body.

This is of course unacceptable.

Therefore, defense systems such as AT force fields are necessary.

But how can such an unscientific thing be realized?

A real AT force field is of course impossible, we can only look for similar ones.

From a scientific point of view, among the four basic forces, weak electricity and electromagnetism are unified, and gravity is still illusory. The strong interaction force is a super force that is far beyond the reach of human beings. Only electromagnetic force is used by humans the most, the deepest understanding, and the greatest connection with the main substance.

Then, using a strong electromagnetic field as a protective force field is Lin Wen's basic plan.

This sounds like a sci-fi thing, but someone has already done it.

The science and technology laboratory of the country installed electronic high-frequency devices and electrostatic gravitational balls on the armored vehicles, activated them with a super capacitor, and formed a force field at the moment of the missile's attack to block it.

The reason for the failure of this plan is that the force field can only last for one tenth of a second. A sophisticated tracking system must be used to accurately calculate the attack time of the shells, and the protective cover must be activated at the right time to take effect. Moreover, the power consumption is too high, the components are overheated, and the system is extremely unstable and easily damaged.

But with Lin Wen, all difficulties were easily solved.

First, despite Fermi's strong opposition, he stole the superconducting device he was experimenting with, and it became a room-temperature superconducting device after firing [Qiankun Refining].

The room temperature superconducting device can generate a strong and long-lasting electromagnetic field, which is the basis of everything.

Lin Wen installed it in the center of the mech.

Then came the electronic high-frequency device. Lin Wen ignored Fermi's strong opposition and stole the electron gun he was conducting the double-slit experiment.

After one shot of [Qiankun Refining], the electron gun can already directly plunder the ultra-high-energy electrons in the Dirac Sea and launch them around the machine.

Lin Wen installed it on the head of the machine.

The last thing is to adjust the details. Lin Wen must ensure that the central electromagnetic field can firmly bind the ultra-high-energy electrons around the body, and will not hit the body.

This part cost Lin Wen the most soul, and the technical difficulty from theory to practice far exceeded Lin Wen's imagination.

But the hard work paid off, and the final product made Lin Wen very happy.

It can form an extremely high-energy electromagnetic field covering the mecha within one tenth of a second.

This electromagnetic field has a characteristic that it does not have much effect on low-speed objects. When people walk over it, they just feel a little hot.

But if a high-speed shell hits it, the super-high speed will quickly cut the magnetic field and generate a lot of energy, causing the shell to overheat, melt and explode.

At the same time, it can also absorb all kinds of harmful radiation.

The only thing that can pass through the force field and hurt the driver is the neutron streamer.

But this is not a big problem, as long as the boron-lead baffle made of hydrogen-containing polymer material is installed in the cockpit, neutrons can be perfectly shielded.

The only problem is that after activating the protective force field, the communication is interrupted.

But Lin Wen couldn't help it. Despite Fermi's strong opposition, he stole the quantum communicator he was experimenting with.

After firing [Qiankun Refining], this quantum communicator, which was still in its original state, became a real quantum communicator.

It never decoheres, the entangled quanta never separate, and never change states as a result of observation.

Since then, the main part of the entire mecha has been completed.

As for the weapon system, all use plug-ins.

In layman's terms, just like people, they choose their weapons according to the battle.

The rest is a series of details such as operating system, control system, sensor system, auxiliary system and so on.

There is no technical difficulty in this, and it is just a matter of [Qiankun Refining].

For Lin Wen, it was a time of hard work.

As long as the grinding is in place, the water will flow out.

It's just a matter of time before things come to fruition.


While Lin Wen was busy making robots, the war had already begun, and the Changshan County Command was seriously discussing whether to send troops to assist Zhongzhou Governor Wang Boan.

The participants included Zhao Minggong, Yang Shaohu, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong and other internal affairs officials. All generals were present, and the meeting was presided over by Qin Luoshuang and Li Linyue.

They respectively represent the two forces in Changshan County. The harmonious relationship between the two also represents the harmonious relationship between the two parties, and the deep relationship between the two also represents the deep relationship between the two parties.

You have me I have you.

Qin Luoshuang and Li Linyue actually have a lot of similarities. They are both standard masters of imperial strategy, and their judgments on the current situation are very accurate. As long as they don't discuss the king of the people, their worldviews and opinions are also quite consistent.

This is also the reason why they can go from hostile to good friend and girlfriend.

Then, their recognition of the essence of King Lin Wenmin made their relationship a step further, reaching the level of good friends who can go to bed.

Therefore, the whole meeting went very smoothly. Under the influence of Qin Luoshuang, everyone unanimously reached a resolution that they should send troops to aid Zhongzhou and jointly fight against the evil Lin Yabo Group.

But unfortunately, Wang Bo'an rejected their kindness.


The bold and carefree voice of the governor of Zhongzhou rang on the phone.

"Don't get involved in this mess so easily, I can clean up Lin Yabo's rotten dog with ease."

"But, Uncle Wang."

Qin Luoshuang said anxiously:

"They're not just regular troops. Lin Yabo has created a lot of worms overseas."

Wang Boan said with a smile: "What are the worms? I have dealt with the giants of the council countless times, and they can't do anything to me. A few worms will only smash into my well-built Niugino defense line. The thing that the Pope drove straight in will never happen again."

Qin Luoshuang wanted to say more, but Wang Boan stopped her.

"Girl, you don't have to worry about me. You just need to guard the door and be the backing of Zhongzhou. Leave the rest to me, who is known as the God of War in Zhongzhou."

Qin Luoshuang sighed in his heart, knowing that there was no way to persuade him anymore, he had no choice but to say: "Then you have to promise me that if you encounter danger, you will evacuate quickly, and we will send people to meet you."

Wang Boan laughed loudly and said, "Okay, I promise you, but let me tell you the truth, this will never happen. The Niuqinuo line of defense is unbreakable."

At this time, a small voice came from outside the phone.

"Governor, it's not good, it's not good, the Niugino line of defense has been breached!"

Bang, the sound of the phone falling to the ground.

"What did you say!"

This is Wang Bo'an's voice, full of shock and disbelief.

The orderly seemed to be lifted up by the governor, and his mournful voice became a little muffled, which was the result of the compression of the trachea.

"Insect people, countless insect people!"

Even though there was a distance from the microphone, the voice of the messenger still clearly reached the ears of everyone in the Changshan County Command.

"They came around from the mountain and attacked our defense line from behind!"

"Our army was defeated!"

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