Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 619 Iron Maiden Sword Fairy

The electromagnetic rail gun manufactured by Lin Wen is 11 meters long. The gun body is composed of two parallel guide rails. The 150mm shell is pushed into the guide rail by a mechanical device. The current flows through the left guide rail to the shell and then to the right guide rail, thereby generating a strong magnetic field.

The magnetic field interacts with the electric current, creating a powerful ampere force that propels the projectile.

In theory, it could reach sublight speeds.

Of course, even after the "refining of heaven and earth", the electromagnetic railgun in Qin Luoshuang's hands is far from reaching this level.

The speed at which the cannon ejected from the chamber was less than 30 times the speed of sound, and the sonic boom cloud produced by breaking the sound barrier was only 30 meters in size. The too low speed caused the mass effect produced by the theory of relativity to be almost zero, and the shock wave from the burst of compressed air only plowed the ground into a track less than 20 meters wide and several kilometers long.

After a long 0.6 seconds, the electromagnetic gun hit Zhao Chong, the commander of the Southern District, smashing him into pieces and exploding.

The flames of the explosion flooded the tents and wiped out the commander of Lin Yabo's regular army.

Everyone was stunned by the power of this cannon. No one had ever seen such a powerful cannon. It not only destroyed the command system of Zhao Chong's coalition army, but also destroyed their confidence.

A large number of soldiers gave up resistance, fled in all directions, or surrendered on their knees. Only the tank and artillery units were still stubbornly resisting.


There was a terrifying explosion in the air, and the second electromagnetic gun hit the center of the armored force, destroying a tank and overturning the artillery position at the same time.

This is the only existence in Zhao Chong's coalition army that can cause danger to exoskeleton armored soldiers.

Boom boom boom!

The mecha raised the electromagnetic gun and fired continuously at the armored tank and the artillery position. The powerful current flowed through the brushes to the rails. The supercapacitor fully undertook the huge energy release, and the unprecedented ampere force pushed the shell to hit the target accurately at an unimaginable speed.

In addition to the power of the explosion, more is the damage caused by the powerful shock wave along the way.

Qin Luoshuang had never felt this good before. It was the first time she found that handjobs were so interesting. With the assistance of the auxiliary aiming system, she almost hit every shot, constantly destroying the enemy's heavy fire positions.

The snow-white lights in the cabin illuminated her jade-like arms, long snow-white legs, slender waist, exquisite undulating curves, and the imaginative deep groove.

But in front of such a beauty, on the 270-degree big screen, there are flames of war, gunpowder, criss-crossing deep grooves of rail guns, and cruel war scenes everywhere.

Ordinary girls would feel scared, but Qin Luoshuang only felt excited, the blood flowed in her chest, and the passion burned in her soul. She entered a state of ecstasy, skillfully raised her hands and feet, and turned her fingers. The mechanical structure of the sensor brought a certain resistance, which reminded her of the pressure that the mech faced when performing this action.

Although it is not big, long-term exercise is also very exhausting.

Qin Luoshuang was dripping with sweat, making the swimsuit a bit transparent, but she didn't care. She sensed the approach of the bugman with her keen eyesight, and immediately swung her right hand, sweeping the sixteen-meter-long high-frequency sword obliquely.

With a sword swing, nearly a hundred insects were wiped out, and the entire army of insects on the right was wiped out.

But Qin Luoshuang was not satisfied, her movements were too deep, the blade plowed a long scratch on the ground, the high temperature even melted the soil, and the shiny magma poured into the gully, forming a thin, burning crescent moon.

She began to regret why she didn't practice swordsmanship. The martial arts in the empire were very developed, but she only chose fists and guns at the beginning, and dismissed the long sword that had been eliminated by the times.

"I want to practice swords."

Qin Luoshuang thought to himself, raised his hand and fired an electromagnetic cannon, destroying the tank two kilometers away, the explosion also destroyed two armored vehicles, and the shock wave along the way blew all the positions to pieces.

"I must practice the sword."

With a backhand sword, several third-order insects who tried to jump on her back were cut off in the middle.

More worms rushed forward, but they were vulnerable to Gao Zhoubo's sword, and none of them could win.

"I want to be the number one female swordsman in the world."

The mecha strode into the large army of bugmen, trampled on their positions crazily, a strange chirping sound sounded, and countless bugmen swooped in, but they still stopped the big robot in countless steps.

The snow-white robot rampages, rushing left and right, as if entering no one's land, everything in front of it is a matter of a sword and a cannon. It uses this strange armament so harmoniously, as if the robot should hold a sword in one hand and a gun (cannon) in the other.

All the observers were dumbfounded. War reporters, spies, and special agents all focused their cameras on this big robot that was driving Wushuang, and did not give any other targets.

Countless electromagnetic wave signals cross-propagate in the air, sending their masters rare battlefield images in this world.


Southwest District.

Commander's Office.

The Supreme Commander Qin Gang and all the generals in the group felt a sense of trance and unreality when they watched the robots killing all directions on the screen.

A general murmured, "Here, is this a special effect?"

"Are we watching a movie?"

These questions reflect the deepest thoughts of all people, but their reason knows that this is impossible.

After a long time, Lei Xiangwen, Chief of Internal Affairs, made a normal voice:

"Commander, I don't think you need to care about it. This thing is flashy. We can blow it to pieces with one round of cluster bombs."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge explosion appeared in front of the robot, followed by countless explosions lighting up around it.

But none came within ten meters of it.


Everyone was shocked, and the scientists of the Qin Group rushed up and stared at the screen.

The spies on the front line thoughtfully extended the camera, and everyone clearly saw countless cannons pointing at the robots, missiles trailing white smoke in the sky, and rockets with fierce flames.

The heavy fire attack flew towards the mecha like a storm.

Boom boom boom boom.

The explosion nearly drowned it.

However, the close-up shots let everyone clearly see that no missiles, rockets, or artillery shells could enter within ten meters of the big robot, as if they hit an invisible barrier, and the flames of the explosion quickly extinguished.

Protective force field.

Such a word popped up in everyone's mind.

Mr. Zhang, an old scientist, saw more: "It can also absorb energy."

"It's a kinetic energy barrier, and it will crash if it exceeds a certain speed."

Everyone's face darkened.

How did this sci-fi existence come about?

Only Qin Gang vaguely guessed the truth.

"Is it old technology?" He whispered to himself without letting anyone hear.

He recalled the simple and neat movements of the mech in his mind, and felt a sense of inexplicable familiarity in his heart. He suddenly asked, "Who is driving it?"

No one answered. After a long time, a general tried to say, "It's that kid Lin Wen. He often drives the robot himself."

"No, not right."

Qin Gang shook his head, and ordered to Chief of Internal Affairs Lei Xiangwen: "Use all your strength to investigate all the news about this robot. I want to know all its data, especially the driver."

Lei Xiangwen quickly took the order and left.

Another shadow cast over Qin Gang's heart.

Xiaoxiao, are you driving?

Why did you go to the battlefield yourself?

As the ruler behind the scenes, you shouldn't be out in the open, you shouldn't be in the spotlight.

Am I guessing wrong?

No, it's impossible, how could you... succumb to that kid?

You are the proud phoenix, no one can be above you except me.

There must be a mistake somewhere...

"Commander!" Suddenly, a scream disturbed the tranquility of the meeting room, "Your hand is bleeding."


Qin Gang looked at his bloody hand, ignored the medical staff who were frantically bandaging him, and fell into deep thought again.


West End.

Luo Yuan, commander of the North District, and Wu Yao, commander of the West District, looked at the picture and trembled.

"It's over."

"We're still fucking here."

"Go and contact the Third Reich of Narima, we don't want anything, we sell everything, just ask the Lion King to protect his poor servant."

"Hurry up, hurry up, it will be too late."


Northern League.

Ren Zhengqing looked at the screen with a sneer, and the generals under his command sat neatly beside him.

But none of their chairs are chairs, they are people.

Bitch from the Northern League.

"A machine without a soul." A general said loudly: "Without Elder Ren's spiritual guidance, everything will be annihilated."

"Our Legion can easily destroy it!"

"Pure blood holy spirit is invincible in the world!"

The neat shouts echoed in the palace.



Elder's compound.

The four Great Elders have never frowned like this for a moment.

Even the mechs from the Battle of the Papal States, and even the giants from Xiyan Prefecture when Bai Liuxi was killed, did not make them frown as much as they do now.

The mecha on the screen already has the ability to be similar to that of the king's envoy. Although it is still immature, it is a wake-up call.

"The kid from Changshan County has mastered the ultimate Primarch technology?"

"Impossible, it's impossible for Li Longxing to wake up, and it's even more impossible for Li Linyue."

"how to explain?"

"Technology, similar new technology."

"is it possible?"

"have no idea."

"What should I do? Do you want to make a move in advance?"

"No, Changshan County can't jump out of the chessboard. Let them kill them. The first one to stand up will never have the last laugh."

"The strength of the imperial army is close to its peak. On this continent, no one is our opponent."

"There is no such thing in this world. The king of the town makes the world invincible."

"Our nuclear bomb research is not going well, and some voices demand to return to the old line."

"Suppression, how long has the new line been going?"

"What if Qin Gang is one step ahead of us?"

"Then use the ultimate weapon. It doesn't matter how many people die, they will eventually reproduce like ants."

After this round of dialogue, the elders' compound fell into a long silence.


Hughes Crassus Empire.

Golden Palace.

On the great Iron Throne.

The huge God Emperor August saw the picture and said with a sneer: "Look at our New World God is not very strong, tell Lin Yabo, if he can't win Changshan County, I will turn around and cooperate with that kid Lin Wen, at least this beautiful robot is much better than his disgusting sticky bug."

"Yes." The housekeeper bowed to accept the order and left quickly.

"Si Guoyi, send the Taihai Fleet to prepare for departure."

"Expedition to the Empire!"


The Third Reich of Narima.

The Golden Lion King spit on Luo Yuan and Wu Yao's telegram.

"Trash, it's up to me to do it myself."


Western Federation.

The wrinkled and monster-like Saintess Singer laughed sharply: "How is it? Has Qin Gang agreed to my marriage request?"

A handsome attendant replied: "Commander Qin said that he is married and has both sons and daughters. He cannot be compared to the saint of the Western Federation."

The angry look on the saint's face flashed across: "Then let him die! The Western Federation will not intervene in the empire's war, so let's continue selling weapons and sell more to the Great Elder."

"Also, ask the Great Elder if there is any need for marriage."



French state.

Thinking that he was sure of winning, Lin Yabo, who made a special trip back to his hometown to deal with important affairs, almost fainted with anger when he learned of the defeat at the front line.

Originally thought that Changshan County was at your fingertips, but I didn't expect that the regular army staying in the front would be pierced by Changshan County.

The 400,000 regular army wailed and howled like ghosts and wolves, fleeing with their heads in their arms, completely defeated.

The supporting bugman troops fell in pieces like being killed bugs.

And his main force, the worms, had just circled around the southern mountain range, and before he could make a move, he was surprised by them first!

The timing was perfect.

If it weren't for a coincidence, the wisdom and courage possessed by this commander would be unimaginable.

"It must be a coincidence."

The furious Lin Yabo made a judgment.

"There are such lucky people in this world?"

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "Don't be angry, Master Lin, the southern insects have entered the mountain range, and will soon break through the little beast's hometown. This is just a madman's rebellious act."

Lin Yabo gritted his teeth and said, "Hit, hit me hard! I don't believe that a piece of scrap metal can stop a noble bugman!"

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "That's right, his proactive attack also gave us a pretext for propaganda. This is a proof of Changshan County's wolf ambition and self-control. But we are only forced to defend. If unfortunately there is a massacre, it will be caused by Changshan County. It is the little animal who deserves to live, and we can't blame us."


A smile finally appeared on Lin Yabo's gloomy face.

"I'm waiting for your good news. Hehe, you little bastard in Changshan County, your luck will run out. Let me see what you will do then?"


Changshan County.


The cheers literally burst through the roof, with all the generals cheering for another victory for their sixth sense/subliminal/group self-sensing effect.

Cheng Cheng laughed wildly: "Since I came to Changshan County, I feel that my intelligence has improved by leaps and bounds, and I am already close to County Chief Lin! Honest man! Your position as deputy chief of staff should be moved!"

The honest man Guo Feng curled his lips and said, "You are the most vicious person in opposition."

Cheng Cheng was furious: "I was the loudest when I agreed!"

"The reaction is so strong, you have split personality, you need to see a doctor."

"Is your ass itchy..."

Beyond the noise.

Lin Wen was lost in thought as he watched him spend 300,000 good luck to draw a new bitter sea-level luck path.

"good luck"

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