"Idiot Lin!"

In a panic, Qin Luoshuang actually called out all the names he hadn't used for a long time.

"What's your nerve again! If the power goes off, we're doomed! Don't you know how tempting we are in the eyes of other forces?"

"Yes!" Xia Xiaoxiang shouted, "It's just like Qin Guo's body lying in a robot..."

Bang bang bang bang.

Lin Wen ignored the two women who were fighting, and said with a smile: "You are too worried about the power outage and mess up the situation. The Great Elder does not want us to be wiped out. You may not know that when Lin Yabo sent troops to attack us, the Great Elder stationed 700,000 imperial troops on the border of France."

Li Linyue reacted instantly: "The Supreme Council is threatening Lin Yabo, no wonder he only sent a small part of his troops."

Yang Shaohu asked blankly: "Sheriff Lin, how do you know?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Of course it depends on my clever mind."


An exasperated Qin Luoshuang knelt heavily on her best friend's neck, making the latter unable to breathe.

"This doesn't explain the problem. The Great Elder wants to squeeze oil from us, but we behaved so rudely. If we don't get in, they might give up on us."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Xiao Shuangshuang, your thinking should have been corrected, but you are too timid. You should practice your courage more."

"That's right." Xia Xiaoxiang spoke with the last breath out of her lungs when she couldn't breathe: "Qin, let me run wild with you tonight..."

The blond man Feili's eyes lit up, and he praised: "That's a good suggestion, I'll go with you guys too..."

Bang bang bang.

Lin Wen ignored the two wailing on the ground, and said with a smile, "Although the Great Elder is the strongest, he is the one who is most afraid of the alliance of princes. Ren Zhengqing is sharpening his sword in the north, and the Golden Lion King is watching fiercely in the west. Lin Yabo is still blasting bugs below, and there is Qin Gang, who is making nuclear bombs in the distance. This situation can be said to be extremely dangerous. Do you think the Great Elder will be worried, if they unite to destroy the Supreme Council first?"

Li Linyue was thoughtful: "In this case, we, who have irreconcilable conflicts with all parties, are extremely important."

"Yes." The honest man Guo Feng agreed: "Our position is in the middle of all parties, like a fishbone stuck in their throats, which makes the alliance lose the opportunity and the cooperation also loses the foundation."

Lin Wen smiled and said: "So, this is just a blackmail method used by the elders. They are used to extracting oil and water from rocks that are not profitable. It sounds ridiculous, but if you are not careful, you will really be squeezed oil out of rocks."

After finishing his speech, Zhao Minggong took the lead in applauding, and the meeting room burst into thunderous applause.

Yang Shaohu said loudly: "Sheriff Lin, we all have to learn from you!"

Zhao Minggong smiled and said: "As expected of you, it seems that even if I die now, I can close my eyes in peace."

Old Xie said dissatisfied: "Don't talk about Mr. Zhao, you always say that you are dying, how long have you been dying? I think you will live a long life, and you are not dead even if I die."

This remark caused a burst of laughter, and also reminded Lin Wen.

He opened the first evil fate supernatural power and took a look. He still has fifty years of lifespan, while Zhao Minggong's lifespan has reached sixteen years.

Yang Shaohu recovered his health, his lifespan recovered to sixty, and Lin Wen had already canceled his mark.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen touched Qin Luoshuang again, and put a mark on her.

Qin Luoshuang said angrily, "Don't touch me!"

Lin Wen ignored her, and with the imprint, she could see her longevity in the magic power.

Another seventy-two years.


live so long.

Lin Wen directly canceled the mark, and touched everyone on the scene again.

They are all long-lived Lords.

Very good, no hidden dangers.

Qin Luoshuang said angrily: "Lin Wen, be serious. What you said is unstable. We have so many advanced technologies and industries, but only have such a small territory. In the eyes of other forces, we are a typical big fat. The elder's ideas are ever-changing, and there is no guarantee that he will not trade with others!"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the Great Elder will not give up negotiating with us in a short time,"

Qin Luoshuang asked angrily, "How long?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "My power station has been built, are you still afraid of them?"

Qin Luoshuang stomped his feet and said, "Such a large battery gap can be built in a short time?"

Lin Wen smiled even wider: "Of course."

Qin Luoshuang was about to get angry, when he suddenly saw Lin Wen's smile, and suddenly remembered that similar situations had happened many times before, and each time he was clearly the reasoner, but in the end he always became a clown.

Could it be this time too?

Did he prepare something unscientific again?

Qin Luoshuang held back his mouth and looked at him suspiciously.

Sure enough, Lin Wen turned to Mr. Fei and said, "Mr. Fei, I heard that you still have a magnetic confinement device for experiments?"

Fermi said indifferently: "No, don't borrow, don't read, don't."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I haven't said it yet, so why don't you stop watching it?"

Assistant Fermi said angrily: "You lie to us every time! You took away all the important equipment we worked so hard to save, and you modified it successfully, but you are not even willing to share the principle with us!"

Lin Wen touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, "I only took a little, and, didn't I tell you guys?"

"Hehe." The assistant sneered: "I don't know how to make it out. I touched it and it became like this. It may be because of my extraordinary aptitude...Listen, does this sound like human language?"

"Oh—" Everyone looked at Sheriff Lin.

Lin Wen could only ignore them, turned to Fermi and said, "Mr. Fei, don't you really want to watch it?"

Fermi said coldly: "I will be blind the next moment, and I won't look at your stuff."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Mr. Fei, let me ask again, do you really not want to watch the ignition of controlled nuclear fusion?"


Lin Wen's hand was firmly held by Fermi.



Controllable nuclear fusion, known as the ultimate goal of human beings, the starting point of the sea of ​​stars, the symbolic stage of endless energy, the artificial sun project, the technology that will always be fifty years later.

Its existence is the confidence for Lin Wen to dare to do all this.

As the gatekeeper of the underlying rules of the physical world, nuclear fusion has made a special trip to study everything about it, and it is clear why it is so elusive.

Unlike fission, nuclear fusion is the process of combining two light elements into one heavy element, releasing a large amount of energy.

It requires extremely high temperatures (usually 100 million degrees) for the reaction to occur.

Since no material can withstand such high temperatures, it must be confined with a magnetic field.

This is the tokmak magnetic confinement device.

In the 1950s, it was developed by the unbreakable country. At that time, human beings optimistically predicted that controllable nuclear fusion could be realized in 50 years.

But to this day, it still takes fifty years.

The biggest problem with controllable nuclear fusion is that it cannot run continuously and stably, the Lawson triple product is not up to standard, and the input energy of the system exceeds the output energy.

Simply put, it is not used to generate electricity, but to consume electricity.

But now, Lin Wen has found a solution with his superhuman wisdom.

【Qiankun Refining】

You only need to refine the magnetic confinement device and the laser ignition device, and you will be fine.

Since the relevant luck channels had been used up, Lin Wen spent another 300,000 to draw three "Red Dust" level luck channels.

Good luck this time.

A "mayfly, a dream".

Reduce the consumption of strengthening or refining spells to one-tenth, and can be used ten times.

A shot of "River of Star Dreams".

Reduce the consumption of divination spells to one-tenth, and can be used ten times.

A shot of "Primal Awakening".

When your spell is enhanced, the effect of the enhancement is doubled and can be applied ten times.

As soon as these three luck paths came out, Lin Wen immediately turned around on the spot, countless possibilities flashed across his mind in an instant, and countless plans changed from impossible to possible.

The steel door of the new world has been opened.

Lin Wen came to the conference room excitedly after thinking clearly.

It happened that they were in a meeting, so they sent a sentence to the elder, "Eat shit." to relieve the depression during this time.

To be honest, Lin Wen really didn't expect that luck can be used so quickly.

It seems that I didn't do anything, and I used up 1.5 million all at once.

The number on the fifth supernatural power also becomes 613221/10000.

It is only enough to draw two more 300,000 "Bitter Sea" grades, and the inventory that has been accumulated for more than half a year is gone.

Lin Wen couldn't help lamenting once again how hard it is to save money, and how hard it is to spend money.

"Hey, I've been relying too much on luck and spells recently. I should use my wisdom to solve problems."


Lin Wen slapped the ground with one hand.

【Turn soil into mud】

【Water Control】

【Finger to steel】

Take another bite of the "Peach of Immortal Qi", and the primordial spirit instantly recharges.

In just a moment, a power plant appeared underground.

Then dig out the surrounding soil, and it will be regarded as "rising from the ground".

"This spell is really useful."

Lin Wen thought happily.

"Just turn the corresponding soil into mud water according to the blueprint, then drain the mud water, and then replace the soil with steel, and a factory is completed. Unfortunately, it takes too much energy... Hey, I'd better rely on myself."

After the power plant is completed, the nuclear fusion device is missing.

The generator sets were still in stock. Zhao Minggong and Yang Shaohu had long considered the safety of electricity consumption in Changshan County. When they were rich in funds, they purchased a lot of generator sets and planned to build some more power plants.

It's a pity that the situation in the empire changed too fast, and they just didn't keep up.


third day.

Fermi's experimental magnetic confinement device has finally been installed in the center of the new power plant that has just "sprung up".

It was a monster composed of huge metal blocks and messy pipes, piled up in this cold steel power plant, like a huge pile of industrial age garbage.

The sunlight shines down from the huge patio and scatters on the cold gray steel, revealing the inhuman solitude and coldness.

Fermi stood in front of this giant steel monster. The crane had just left. He looked up at the stern and rough metal, and sighed softly: "What is this world? Is there an end to physics? Can atoms be divided? I have so many questions, none of which have been solved, but more and more."

The assistant curled his lips and said, "Aren't they all brought by the unscientific Sheriff Lin?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No, you just don't understand my science."

The assistant said angrily: "Your science is impossible to understand! Mr. Li is a liar, do you think his nonsense can fool us?"

Fermi stopped the assistant's complaints. He knew the existence of old technology and had a high immunity to strange things. He said, "Sheriff Lin, let's start now."

Lin Wen nodded, and started the modification with Fermi.

The purpose of modification is to reduce the quality, the original device is too bulky, even the [Qiankun Refining] under "Mayfly One Dream" can't handle it.

In order to prevent them from making a fuss, Lin Wen put on the exoskeleton power armor and directly modified it by hand.

Fermi was surprised to find that the progress of the renovation project was so fast, as if it was on hold.

What is even more surprising is that Sheriff Lin has a very deep understanding of magnetic confinement devices.

This level of profundity is even far above him.

For example, for the partial differential equation of plasma in nuclear fusion, Lin Wen easily answered a few that he couldn't find a solution, and directly told him that this form failed.

For example, regarding the stellarator, Lin Wen hit the point. Breaking through the electronic barrier requires stellar pressure, which is impossible to achieve.

For example, his in-depth understanding of controllable nuclear fusion:

"The real difficulty lies in how to realize the output energy is greater than the input energy."

The moment he uttered these words, Fermi was convinced that Sheriff Lin was absolutely knowledgeable.

He is the sheriff of science.

Fermi was convinced of this for the first time.

The refit lasted two days and a new, neat, high-tech magnetic restraint came out.

Its main part is a huge sphere, which is the cavity for the reaction.

Underneath are circles of superconducting magnetic coils, which generate the magnetic field that confines the hundreds of millions of degrees of plasma to a fixed position.

In front of the sphere is a giant laser emitter.

That is the ignition device, which will emit ultra-high-energy lasers, heat the heavy hydrogen poured into the sphere to 100 million degrees, and ignite the fire of life in this universe.

Lin Wen looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Very well, the history of mankind will be created by us."

Although Fermi was shocked that his magnetic confinement device had been greatly optimized, he still said worriedly: "Sheriff Lin, although the efficiency has been improved and useless parts have been removed, the essence has not changed. Superconducting magnets still have critical currents and critical magnetic fields, and our magnetic fields are not strong enough."

The two ultimate problems that plague magnetic confinement devices are:

First, how strong a magnetic field can we stably generate?

Second, how big can our device be made?

These two problems are actually one problem: if the magnetic field is not strong enough, the device must be large, otherwise the 100 million-degree plasma will burn through the device.

A superconducting magnet has a limit, depending on its material. Fermi uses niobium-titanium alloy, which has a very high critical current, but it is still far from enough.

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No problem."

Pressing with one hand, swallowing "Mayfly One Dream", it glows red.

【Qiankun Refining】

"Okay, it won't have current problems anymore."

Fermi couldn't believe it: "Okay? Did you tamper with it during the modification?"

The assistant shouted: "Even if this is done, what's the use? The power of the laser transmitter is not enough, and nuclear fusion cannot be ignited at all."

Lin Wen continued to take the drug and reached out to touch it.


The assistant was almost insane: "What a fart, I think you are a liar just like Mr. Li!"

Fermi stopped the assistant's nonsense: "Sheriff Lin, let them be fine, but we don't have fusion fuel, deuterium and tritium."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Deuterium and superdeuterium, don't make academic terms, most people don't understand."

Fermi knew that Lin Wen was in favor of the democratization of science and technology, and he also agreed, but his spirit could not be eaten.

"What if there is no fuel?"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "Of course I have a solution. You should quickly install the other facilities. After I come back, I will light the artificial sun."

The assistant was going crazy: "It's just this crap? Where did you get the confidence? Who gave you the courage?"

Lin Wen replied with a smile: "Liang Jingru." With a leap, he jumped out of the courtyard.

Fermi had already turned around to contact Zhao Minggong and Yang Shaohu.

This is the most important project in Changshan County at present, not one of them, they will definitely concentrate all their efforts to complete it.

Only the assistant stayed where he was, like a fool.

"Who is Liang Jingru?"

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