Early spring is the most flood-prone season in the empire.

The source of the Tianjiang River and the Dalongjiang River, the main river of the empire, are both snow-capped mountains. Once the winter is over, the melting snow will cause the water systems to skyrocket.

Especially this year.

In the past, there was support from the empire, but now the Supreme Council only cares about its own territory, and no one in each region pays attention to this matter.

When the flood came, they realized that it was too late. More than 100 embankments were broken along the Dalong River, and the affected area was as high as one million square kilometers.

The same is true for the Tianjiang River. The upstream and downstream are completely broken, except for Changshan County.

The refined steel and rock levee that Lin Wen worked so hard to build cannot be shaken by mortal floods at all.

However, outside of Changshan County, the number of civilians affected by the disaster is countless. The leaders of various places have no intention of helping the victims. Instead, they took the opportunity to plunder the property of the victims to make up for their own losses.

In their eyes, the upcoming war is the most important thing above all else. It would be extremely stupid to rescue a few worthless untouchables and damage their strength, and then suffer setbacks or even fail in the future battle for hegemony.

However, there is an extremely stupid person in this world.

Lin Wen.

As soon as the disaster broke out, he ordered Changshan County to open the door and do its best to rescue the affected civilians. Zhao Minggong personally took command, and Yang Shaohu, Huang Mingxiao, Lei Tiantong, Lao Xie and other disaster relief seniors assisted with all their strength.

With the current capabilities of Changshan County, once the system is activated, as many refugees as there are can be accepted, and a large number of disaster relief vehicles can even cross the border to accept people.

Since there were some secret agreements with Changshan County, the Great Elder's plan was even bigger, so he acquiesced to Changshan County's behavior and did not stop him.

The Golden Lion King doesn't need waste that is slowing down, and Luo Yuan and Wu Yao did not choose to massacre in order to take their reputation into account, but just drove the victims to Changshan County.

Ren Zhengqing detained all young and middle-aged men, and drove the old, weak, women, children and sick to Changshan County.

Qin Gang also did a similar operation, keeping all the refugees who could sell for a good price, and driving the useless waste to Changshan County.

Anyway, some people collect garbage, why not do it?

Only Lin Yabo did not do this.

In the recent local wars, Lin Yabo found that his troops were far from enough to drown the world, and the enemy gradually mastered the way to deal with the insects during the battle. They used heavy firepower bombardment, mass-fired with heavy machine guns, and deployed a large number of mines according to the characteristics of the insects in close combat.

After several battles, although they all won the final victory, the insects also suffered great losses, and the number needed to submerge the enemy was much more than pre-calculated.

Due to the lack of funds and materials, Lin Yabo couldn't produce so many bugmen. Now he desperately needed a lot of cannon fodder to clear the mines and attract the enemy's heavy firepower to protect the relatively precious bugmen.

And in his technical reserves, there is exactly one corresponding technology, the inferior gray-clothed zombie technology that was given to the Papal State back then.

One of its advantages is that it is very cheap, has an extremely low technical threshold, and does not have any requirements for raw materials. The Papal State uses this technology to produce a large amount of cannon fodder to deal with the Imperial Army. In the end, it was not because the manufacturing factory was blown up for no reason.

All of this was Li Longxing's fault.

"So, if you want to blame, blame him."

Lin Yabo stood on the dry bank, watching a large number of unkempt untouchables being taken away by his servants, with a smile on his face.

As long as the raw materials do not cost money, the cost of these cannon fodder zombies will be infinitely close to zero.

It is a very cost-effective thing to consume expensive shells and mines with zero-cost things.

Lin Yabo laughed happily at first, but when he thought that Changshan County was doing the same thing with him, robbing him of his raw materials, he felt annoyed for a while.

"Elder Luo."

he said coldly.

"Hurry up and make arrangements. On all the newspapers and radio stations, accuse Changshan County of ignoring conscience, destroying humanity, using disaster victims to conduct large-scale human biochemical experiments, and mass-produce inhuman biochemical weapons."

Luo Nuo said with a smile: "Don't worry, Changshan County is so morally depraved, and he is trying to gain fame, I will definitely expose his true colors."


Changshan County.

Lin Wenzheng was very busy. In a very short period of time, countless refugees flooded into Changshan County. This reminded him of the invasion of the Papal Kingdom two years ago. At that time, he also took in eight million refugees from all parties in one go. Only then did Changshan County finally take off today.

Unexpectedly, the past happened again.

The traditional performing arts of Jangsan County must not be lost.

And Lin Wen's decision was also welcomed by everyone, from Zhao Minggong, Yang Shaohu, Qin Luoshuang, Xia Xiaoxiang, down to the former refugees, they all agreed with it.

No one objected.

Changshan County, which is united and united, has exploded with unprecedented strength. Changshan County is no longer the poor, poor and penniless Changshan County of the past.

And Lin Wen is no longer the old Lin Wen.

Now he possesses nine great supernatural powers of good fate, two supernatural powers of bad fate, up to 800% primordial spirit, countless luck paths, countless good fates, and more powerful spells.

Therefore, even if the refugees were far more than they were back then, Changshan County was able to handle it with ease. Even if there were countless old, weak, women and children, Lin Wen never let a single person die in front of his eyes.

The tragedy of the former Yuanshen watching the little girl die in front of his eyes will never happen again.

Just in time for the monthly settlement.

Live and work in peace +95123

Prosperity +71223

Fair people +48882


Happy +76482


Science and technology civilization +108756

Total: 450547

Yuanshen +19.88%

【Good fate: 4082347】【Bad fate: 0】【Primary spirit: 820.09%】

[Tao if there is love] 764169/10000

Surviving star: 811/10000

Death Star: 2844771/3840000


The good fate that came at the critical moment gave Lin Wen a shot in the arm, and he immediately drew ten rounds of "Troubled Times" luck.

This is the level he summed up to restore the most primordial spirit.

Thirty thousand times, very cost-effective.

The "Red Dust" level luck is very strong, and the "Mayfly Yimeng" that reduces the consumption of [Qiankun Refining] all comes from this level.

The "Sea of ​​Bitterness" grade of luck is very expensive once every 300,000, but it is a level of super-strong luck like "good luck".

But if it is not necessary, it is best not to smoke such a high-level luck.

The "This Shore" level luck channel is one million shots, which is too expensive, and Lin Wen can't afford it at all, so Li Longxing should lie down first.

"Normal drawing" is 10,000 rounds, and there is a probability of drawing luck paths of various levels, but the highest probability is the most rubbish "sinking" level luck path.

Dogs won't touch this stuff.

Facts have proved that Lin Wen's choice is correct. This time, the ten rounds of "Troubled Times" level luck are good, and they are all similar to the "Voice of Fengming" power to restore the primordial spirit.

Whenever Lin Wen's soul is full, it is the moment when the Java engineering team is active. Before that, Lin Wen deliberately added the 100 silicone dolls and 100 giants of the Java engineering team to Changshan County nationality.

Since then, the Java engineering team has become our own.

Compared with the previous refugees, the refugees this time are much luckier.

They no longer need to live in refugee camps or shacks, but directly live in spacious and bright collective dormitories. There are twenty people in a room, hot water, food, and a medical clinic. As long as they are healthy, they can even find jobs in Changshan County immediately.

There is no shortage of jobs here, and many refugees even feel that this is just a drift, a trip, a relocation, and a new life.

They just left everything behind and came to a new area to start their lives anew.

And the large number of patients among the refugees did not bring pressure to Changshan County. Changshan County has strong medical resources, and Lin Wen's "Dadi Qiongjiang" brand healing potion is even stronger.

[Feiliu Qiongjiang] It's really a good thing, but it's too expensive, and I can't use it if I'm unlucky.

Lin Wen used it twice, and he was almost dry.

In the end, the puree can only be adjusted more and more thinly, and the effect is getting worse and worse, but it is not a problem to cure some minor diseases in the world, and it is still effective for viruses, bacteria, inflammation, infection and other diseases, and most of the refugees who are sick happen to be for these reasons, no matter how thin the syrup is, it is enough to drink it.

Leave the rest of the disease to modern medicine.

While Lin Wen was happily receiving refugees, a newspaper criticizing Changshan County caught his attention.

On the front page of the newspaper, it was written in a huge black headline [Heavy! Natural disaster or man-made disaster? Why did Changshan County suddenly kindly rescue the suffering? What is hidden behind this? 】

The subtitle of the following line: [The Heroic Reporter in France takes you to uncover the truth of the matter]

After reading all the way, Lin Wen's heart fell into the ice cellar.

Of course, Lin Wen wasn't chilled by the enemy's slander, and if he kept these nonsense in his mind for half a second, he would be considered a loser.

Instead, he discovered that it was a newspaper belonging to the Lin Yabo Group.

Lin Wen had dealt with them a lot, and knew that no matter it was Yu Zhongxian or Lin Yabo, they all had a characteristic, and they especially liked to blame others for what they did.

So, in the current newspaper, they framed Changshan County like this, does that mean they are doing the same thing?

Reminiscent of Lin Yabo being the only one who did not drive away the refugees, Lin Wen immediately confirmed that this was for sure.

Just in case, he also confirmed it with spells, and there was no slight deviation. They just put what they were doing on the head of Changshan County in a different way and tone.

There is no doubt that this has broken through the lower limit of morality and is an inhumane evil.

Lin Wen suddenly understood.

No wonder I always receive some scattered bad karma recently. It turns out that you are doing this kind of thing.

This is also something that has troubled Lin Wen recently. Since Changshan County became stronger, many things have been secretly connected with him. He will always receive some inexplicable good and bad karma.

And for this matter, its logic should be like this:

Because Lin Wen received a large number of refugees, Lin Yabo's options became smaller. Some refugees who should not have been captured, and some civilians who were not affected by the disaster were also captured and turned into biochemical monsters.

However, due to its weak causal relationship, there are only scattered single digits.

And ever since Changshan County had the ability to influence the world, bad ties like this have never been broken, very frequent, but mostly at 1:00 or 2:00, Lin Wen never cared about it.

I didn't expect such a big hole to be overlooked.

If Lin Yabo finds out that his troops are not enough and turns everyone into monsters, then my bad fate will explode?

While Lin Wen was angry, he felt a chill all over his body.

No matter which way you look at it, if this absurd inference comes true, it will be the worst nightmare.

Sure enough, this guy is the biggest poisonous bug in the empire, and it was my biggest mistake not to kill him earlier.

Lin Wen immediately returned to the county government hall and summoned all the important members of Changshan County.

After briefly explaining the matter, the venue exploded immediately.

No one could have imagined that people could do this kind of thing, which has surpassed the limit of their imagination. Yang Shaohu's face was distorted with anger: "Lin Yabo and Yu Zhongxian are the same breed. Yu Zhongxian is dead, but his spirit is not dead. We must completely destroy him, otherwise the world will never be peaceful."

Zhao Minggong expressed his attitude briefly: "I support all the actions of Sheriff Lin."

Qin Luoshuang closed his eyes, and acted aggressively in a rare way: "Send troops."

Xia Xiaoxiang said with red eyes: "Lin Wen, we must eliminate him. This kind of person is not suitable for existence in the world. He will only bring disaster and bad luck, will only make everyone's smile disappear, and will only crack all happiness into ashes."

Li Linyue expressed his opinion on behalf of all the members of the imperial faction: "Lin Yabo is our biggest enemy. We should not tolerate him because of emotion and reason, public and private."

Lin Wen smiled.

Today's core members of Changshan county make him very satisfied.

With them here, he can rest assured that Changshan County will not go on any wrong path in the future.


Lin Wen issued an order that was impossible in the eyes of all forces.

"The whole army is dispatched to blow up Elder Sen."


After this month of production, Changshan County has added another 50,000 sets of exoskeleton power armor, and the number of soldiers in the Mecha Corps has reached 250,000.

The inventory of armaments and ammunition is also very sufficient.

Now arms are a hot industry. As long as you have money, you can buy all kinds of arms except big killers, and the bullets are unlimited.

Lin Wen cut a large circle of leeks last time, and Changshan County obtained a large amount of funds and supplies, which were all exchanged for ammunition through Qin Luoshuang's channel.

The current Changshan County is not an exaggeration to describe it as having enough soldiers and food, and it can fully support a large-scale war.

Changshan County is not like other forces. Its efficiency is very high. After confirming the intention of war, the upper and lower levels were mobilized immediately.

Zhao Minggong is in charge of all logistics, Yang Shaohu and many other key personnel are in charge of internal affairs, Xia Xiaoxiang is in charge of personnel management, Li Linyue is in charge of organization management, and the headquarters is in charge of tactics and strategy.

The resources of Changshan County were immediately deflected to the war, and all the soldiers were mobilized. The Mecha Legion was the main force of Changshan County, and the regular troops were the logistics and auxiliary troops.

Cao Yuan and others from the Changshan Association began to launch a full-scale propaganda offensive. With the assistance of Lin Wen, they gave a profound and thorough report, fully exposing Lin Yabo's evil deeds.

It's a pity that Lin Wen couldn't capture Lin Yabo immediately and kill him.

He tried it, [So Close to the End of the World] cannot be used on people who are full of hatred and murderous intent, and he does not have assassination spells, they are all powerful and aggressive skills.

This is also Lin Wen's biggest regret at the moment. It is so inconvenient if he does not have a cultivation base. He just relies on the system to provide spells. Otherwise, Lin Yabo would have been wiped out long ago.

Now at most, you can only drive Gundam to work hard in the past.

However, Lin Yabo was surrounded by many full-body worms and warriors in uniform, so it was easy to fight a protracted battle and then be overwhelmed by the follow-up troops.

The most important thing is that Lin Yabo is not alone, he is the leader of a group, equivalent to the king worm of a swarm.

After killing the king bug, there will be a substitute, just like killing the queen ant, the second queen will appear immediately.

It is necessary to peel off his power layer by layer, and then destroy the entire swarm.

A strong wind was blowing head-on, Lin Wen stood on the top of the hill, looking towards the southeast.

The Brood War is about to begin.

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