Lin Wen smiled.

Attacking Changshan County from the water, I'm afraid I don't know the name of Lin Wen, the Emperor of Water, who resounds through the heavens and the world.

"It doesn't matter."

He waved his hand.

"The whole army attacks and blows up Elder Sen."

Qin Luoshuang frowned and said, " you have a solution?"

She suddenly remembered something, "Do you have a Gundam that can be opened in water?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Of course."

But as soon as he said that, he regretted it.

Because everyone in the audience turned their heads, and the countless eyes staring at him turned green.

"County Lin." The honest man Guo Feng spoke first, "You're not being kind..."

Xu Feili shouted: "Yes, yes, the third mecha is available. Although the brothers are not as charming as Miss Qin, they are not too bad... Ouch, why are you beating me?"

Yang Jiewei ignored him, and said seriously: "Mr. Lin, brothers have been waiting for so long, and at least one must be built. We also want to fight side by side with Chief of Staff Qin."

Fang Dashan said with an aggrieved face: "Mr. Lin, my old Fang has been with you for so long. I have worked hard without credit."

Wang Zhengwu said with a smile: "County Lin, I'm so hungry and thirsty for my sword."

He Shangsheng also smiled and said, "My black knife is the same."

Establishing is the most exciting thing, it’s almost rolling on the ground: "I don’t care what I want, I don’t care what I want, I don’t care what I want..."

"OK OK."

Lin Wen finally gained confidence, and said impatiently: "Blow up Elder Sen, one person will set up one, I said so."


The entire headquarters was boiling.

Only Qin Luoshuang bit her thin lips, hesitated to speak, "Lin Wen, I, I want to..."

Lin Wen said unhappily, "What do you want?"

Xu Feili laughed and said, "You don't even understand this? Of course Miss Qin wants your body..."


Xu Feili slammed under the conference table.

Yang Jiewei sighed, "Shut up."

Qin Luoshuang put her foot down, and when she turned her head, her pretty face was already flushed with red.

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "Lin Wen, I want to attack the light wing thrusters of the Liberty. I read the manual you wrote, it seems that it can fight in the outer atmosphere, and there are combat weapons such as floating cannons."

Lin Wen covered his forehead.

Suddenly, he found that due to his excessive use of spells, these people had no concept of technology.

Large robots that can fight in the outer atmosphere can already be called space battleships.

Is this technology that humans can master now?

"Qin Luoshuang."

Lin Wen said seriously:

"Eat food in bites, and walk step by step. Don't be confused by the short-term explosion of technology, don't be dazzled by continuous victories, keep calm at all times, and see reality clearly. This is what a leader should do."

Qin Luoshuang's expression also became serious: "You mean, it is currently difficult to achieve?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "But I believe you can achieve it."

Qin Luoshuang fell silent, and said after a while: "Lin Wen, can you really destroy Xiusu's fleet?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "As long as it's something on the water, even a god, I'll kill it for you."

"But, Lin Wen."

Qin Luoshuang said seriously:

"In this case, we will officially have a bad relationship with the Emperor Augustus."

Lin Wen sneered, "From the moment he supported Lin Yabo's worm-maker, we became enemies."

"However, the Xiusu Empire is very strong..."

"so what?"

"They will fully support Lin Yabo."

"Then destroy them together."

"Can we do it?"


Qin Luoshuang looked at him without saying a word.

Lin Wen showed a faint smile.

"Qin, please trust me."

"Believe in the power of science."

In the end, Qin Luoshuang didn't say anything, and the decision for the war was decided.

The Mecha Legion quickly prepared and marched towards Gwangju.

And Lin Wener went alone to meet the big meal delivered to him.


after one day.

Lin Wen came to the edge of the Tianjiang River and replaced the strengthening thread of [Destiny Morning Star] with [Spirit of the Five Elements].

Then he sipped "good luck".

An invisible red light shot up into the sky, and the world seemed a little different.

Lin Wen turned around and took a leap of faith, jumping into Tianjiang.

【Water Art】

In an instant, Lin Wen had the feeling of mastering the world again. He was quietly suspended in the Tianjiang River, as if floating outside the universe.

The water flowed past him docilely, not daring to touch him.

Lin Wen waved his hand lightly, a big wave was raised, the water flow broke, and the bottom of the river was directly exposed to the air.

With another wave of his hand, the vortex turned, the tornado rose into the sky, and it rained within dozens of miles, and fish, shrimp and shellfish continued to fall from the sky.

Looking into the distance, dozens of warships are heading upstream towards Changshan County.

The leading one is mighty and majestic, with a huge hull driving on the big river, like a giant.

Its bow is 32 meters high, 40 meters wide, 300 meters long, and has a draft of 15 meters. The Sun, Moon and Stars and Stripes of the Shusu Empire are hung on the high bridge. Dozens of huge-caliber naval guns are brazenly adjusting their angles to Changshan County.

Behind this giant ship, there are dozens of cruisers, destroyers, frigates, torpedo ships, missile ships, and special phased array radar ships responsible for guarding.

On top of the fleet, an Osprey early warning aircraft was flying, with a huge metal disc on its head, monitoring possible incoming missiles in all directions, and the missile array below was on standby at any time to intercept the attack.

The commander of the fleet, Amo, stood on the bridge and said proudly: "What a mighty and majestic fleet, the empire has been conquered by me!"

Standing under the river, Lin Wen, the county magistrate of Changshan County, said with a beaming smile, "What a mighty and majestic fleet, it belongs to me."

With a light wave of his hand, the river water splits away like breaking waves, and the water waves rise into the sky, like a galaxy pouring down, and the fleet sinks suddenly, like the earth collapsing and the sky collapsing.

In an instant, Amo found that the world had been submerged, and everything in front of him was covered by a high wall of water. The fleet seemed to have entered the abyss, and suddenly sank, and the overwhelming water waves instantly submerged them.

The river water with silt rushed in from every gap, and the empty steel shell was filled with water in an instant, and it never floated up again.

A fleet that cost countless money was buried in the river like this.

But Lin Wen only used 200% of the soul.

"Hmph, chicken."

Human beings and their aquatic creations are really too fragile.

If the resources of this fleet were used to build an army of steel, Lin Wen would not be able to beat it no matter what.

But they have to enter an unfamiliar field, which finally leads to them being overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

Need more practice, poor human being.

Ha ha.


It took Lin Wen more souls to salvage them than it took to sink them.

The incarnation-level [Water God Art] is very powerful. Lin Wen directly controls the flow of water in the fleet, washes away the sediment, and then makes the water flow form a film that sticks to the surface of the battleship to prevent other water from penetrating in.

In this way, the battleship floats on its own.

A total of twenty-three ships, intact.

Some of the equipment may be affected by damp, but it doesn't matter, just drag it back and repair it.

Although Lin Wen doesn't know how to drive a warship, he can control the water flow to rush the warship back to the pier.

And when such a gigantic battleship came to the dock in Changshan County, everyone was stunned, and the dock manager ran out like shit, frantically calling his superiors.

Passengers and staff scattered, and the porters fled in all directions, but a few sailors shouted: "Defend Changshan County", and rushed up to masturbate at the giant ship frantically.

Lin Wen quickly notified Zhao Minggong and Yang Shaohu, and they immediately issued a notice stating that this was a friendly fleet and asked the dock staff to arrange for them to berth as soon as possible.

Lin Wen changed their statement.

"This is our fleet. The admiral of the navy is required to come over and accept the new ship I just built."

The commander of the Changshan County Navy is the unlucky Fang Dashan.

Since the establishment of the Changshan County Navy, there has been nothing but a few yachts and a few cargo ships.

It has not officially had a fleet until today.

The naval strength of Changshan County has jumped from the bottom one in the world to the top in the world.

Fang Dashan wept with joy, and flew back overnight to receive the ship.

Then, he found out in embarrassment.

No one will drive.

These are twenty-three of the most modern, advanced, and professional battleships. They require the most professional navy to drive them. There are only about two hundred people in the Naval Headquarters of Changshan County, and they all drive yachts and ships.

Fang Dashan was happy and sad at the same time. He didn't know what to do. It was only under the reminder of Zhao Minggong that he began to recruit naval soldiers everywhere to form a formal navy.

And Lin Wen threw the fleet to him all at once, and they had already disappeared without a trace.

Let Fang Dashan take care of this kind of brain-burning trouble.

Fang Dashan didn't expect that it was like a dream that he could get to where he is today.

At first, he followed Sheriff Lin, but it was just to hug his thigh and get promoted.

But I didn't expect that it was not a thigh at all, but a rocket.

Holding the rocket, Fang Dashan gradually transformed in various astonishing events, and became a qualified commander and commander.

Looking back, everything seems so unreal, but two years ago, I was still a good army garrison officer, and now I have become the commander of the navy.

And Changshan County is no longer in a remote area where birds don't shit, but a powerful group that can participate in the empire's hegemony.

"Life is like a dream."

While Fang Dashan sighed, he was busy with the countless tedious tasks of forming a regular navy.


In Gwangju, Lin Yabo is experiencing the biggest nightmare in history.

The 600,000 bugmen after supplementation were beaten to pieces by less than 300,000 armored soldiers from Changshan County, and they were defeated.

Although from the perspective of the battle situation, he seemed to have the upper hand, pressing down on the opponent and fighting fiercely, his subordinates also reported various victories frequently.

"After a bloody battle, the 20th Insect Regiment drove the enemy back 30 kilometers."

"The seventh worm army won a big victory, smashing fifty positions of the enemy in a row, and drove them out of the border of Guangzhou."

"Our army won another great victory, chasing the enemy for more than 100 kilometers."

It seems that the advantages are great, but in all the reports, they dare not mention a single thing.

—That is how many enemies were killed.

One's own loss is also taken away.

At the beginning, Lin Yabo thought he had the chance to win, but he won the victory, the insects were getting fewer and fewer, and the enemy's offensive was unabated. They still came to attack aggressively every day, and then they were defeated at the touch of a finger.

Come to attack again, and it will collapse with one touch.

Lin Yabo had doubts in his heart, and he personally ordered the monitoring team to follow the bugman army, only to discover the truth.

I was so angry that my heart stopped beating.

On the screen sent back by the monitoring team.

The worms chased after them fiercely, and the mechas ran wildly in front. The speed of the mechas was obviously much faster than before, and they fought back from time to time.

Although the bugman was still faster than them, it took more effort to catch up.

After chasing for more than ten kilometers, another group of soldiers came from the other side, and the firepower doubled in an instant.

But the number of worms is still more than them, and they continue to chase.

After a while, another group of soldiers came, and the worms were in trouble. The enemy was divided into two teams, and whichever team the worms chased, they would run away.

The other team fired wildly.

Chasing two teams at the same time means destroying them at the same time.

The armor of the soldiers of the Mecha Legion is equipped with a huge explosion-proof shield. The wide defense surface effectively blocks the attack of the insects, but does not hinder their shooting.

If the number of insects does not have an advantage, it is impossible to fight with them.

When more battle scenes were assembled, Lin Yabo discovered that Changshan County had adopted a brand new tactic. They divided all the teams into threes and threes to form a tight interlaced firepower network and mutual support mechanism.

Like a big spider web, the farther you chase it, the deeper it sinks.

Moreover, for some reason, Lin Yabo found that his bug-man troops always seemed to be very unlucky, they could be poisoned by drinking cold water, and they could fall down when running on flat ground.

And even if the soldiers of Changshan County fell, they rolled around and stood up just in time.

Lin Yabo became more and more angry as he watched, and exploded the screen with a punch.

Afterwards, after discussing with his confidant commanders for a long time, he found that the only way to crack it was to mobilize the whole army to tear open the spider web vigorously.

But they couldn't do that without using infrasound to convey the commands.

The worm messengers can only order one by one, and cannot coordinate.

Not only that, Lin Yabo also discovered that the long-term combat capability of the Changshan County Mecha Corps had also suddenly become stronger.

Now they can continue to run for hundreds of kilometers and still fight normally, while the Zergs run more than 200 kilometers at high intensity, their physical fitness is greatly reduced, and their combat effectiveness plummets.

From this point of view, even if the whole army is dispatched, it is useless unless the opponent can be surrounded.

That is impossible.

Now, the only effective way is the third-order bugman and the pure body.

In fact, the current limited results are all brought about by them.

But soon, the other party also responded.

Big robots no longer charge into the battle, but frequently intersperse the battlefield to support the squad in danger.

Its maneuverability is astonishing, often appearing across hundreds of kilometers, with an unscientific helicopter hoisting it around.

The helicopter not only runs fast, but also has super endurance.

According to the report, once it even accumulated a flight of 6,000 kilometers in one day, and it still didn't turn off. The big robot appeared everywhere on the battlefield like an invisible clone, fighting fires everywhere.

The third-order insects suffered heavy casualties, and their pure bodies were also damaged.

At this moment, the bad news came that His Majesty the Emperor sent to bombard the Changshan County Fleet and the entire army was wiped out.

At the same time, with a bang, the gate of the command post was knocked open, and Luo Nuo rushed in, shouting, "It's no good, the whole army of Changshan County has attacked!"

"What did you say?"

Lin Yabo grabbed his collar, his face twisted, and the veins on his forehead popped out, "Didn't they just carry out harassing attacks all the time? Can't we drag the army until His Majesty the Emperor's army arrives?"

"Lord Lin!" Luo Nuo's snot and tears came out, and green insect fluid splashed all over his well-maintained face.

The former elder of the empire had never lost his composure for a moment.

"My troops are lower than the warning line. Changshan County didn't take care of it. They want to destroy us!"

In the command post, silence fell.

Lin Yabo took off his black-rimmed glasses with trembling hands, and tried to say in a calm tone: "It doesn't matter, as long as the gray-clothed army arrives, we still have hope."

"Master Lin."

A confidant swallowed and said tremblingly.

"The ship carrying the gray-clothed zombie hit a rock at sea and sank."


Lin Yabo fell straight on the ground.

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