Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 645: Celestial Drunk

With his mind set, Lin Wen started to work.

——His second thing is to hurry up to get more good luck and get more "Bitter Sea Level" luck.

This is the best answer Lin Wen got from "The Immortal Guidance".

The "Bitter Sea Class" luck path is the most suitable for him, and it is very useful for his plan.

But it's also very expensive.

One round of 300,000, Lin Wen can only draw two rounds now.

Of course this is not enough.

Therefore, creating good karma is his second most important task at present.

And all the good fortunes except the monthly good fortune come from outside Changshan County.

To be precise, it is seven states.

Lin Wen needs to continue to benefit the common people of the seven states, so that a large number of good fortunes rush here.

This matter is actually very simple. It is nothing more than that the officials are clear, fair and transparent, orderly and safe, with complete guarantees, food, clothing, housing and medical practice.

As long as most of the measures in Changshan County are moved there, and a little attention is paid to localization during the transfer, and there is basically no major problem.

Later, Lin Wen adjusted the industrial structure of each state through the Economic Council of the League of Nations to avoid vicious competition, and organized a large number of security guards to sweep back and forth to clean up the cancer hidden among the people.

Through the League of Nations, a unified medical protection measure was promulgated, medical order was managed, and a large number of hospitals were built.

The minimum weekly salary was also raised substantially to bring it to the level of Changshan County, and a new and fairer overtime system was agreed. It adheres to the idea of ​​tiered electricity rates, the more you add, the more money you pay. This move caused great protests, but Lin Wen resolutely carried it out.

A large number of small and medium-sized businesses in the seven prefectures retaliated by announcing bankruptcy and running away with the secret support of the elders. Lin Wen did not waver and directly took over their industries, and the Changshan County Imperial Assets Office set up a special office to directly manage them.

It's all operated by people. It's impossible for you to do it, but I can't. It's nothing more than a problem of management methods.

Lin Wen has never believed in evil, and it is his habit to do what he can't do.

This consumes a lot of funds in Changshan County, but Lin Wen doesn't care. Funds are not a problem, as long as the material supply is sufficient for production.

Money, can I borrow it?

As for whom to borrow, Lin Wen already had a secret case.

At this time, Qin Gang just won a big victory, and Lin Wen immediately made an unexpected move. He directly borrowed money from the Supreme Council, asking for 100 billion.

Everyone thought that Lin Wen was crazy, or whimsical, or some kind of political behavior.

No one thinks that the Great Elder will borrow money. The two sides are already in a de facto hostile relationship. There are troops stationed on the border of both sides. The navy of Changshan County is parked in the port of Fazhou, and it is confronting the imperial navy.

But what is surprising is that the Supreme Council actually borrowed it.

The two parties agree on the interest and repayment method, and the funds will be transferred directly to the account.

Everyone is puzzled, why is that?

Xiao Xiao understood a little bit, but he was not sure. In order to prevent future systemic risks, he suggested that Lin Wen gradually use the new currency.

But he was rejected by Lin Wen, and he was only allowed to issue the bills of some commodities temporarily, and he was not allowed to change the currency.

This confused Xiao Xiao even more, but since Sheriff Lin ordered him, he could only follow through.

The God of Economy also needs to have a meal, and the goddess Ye Lingyue is pregnant with his child again. At this time, if she disobeys orders, what if the goddess takes his child and remarries to Sheriff Lin?


This is probably the tragedy of a middle-aged man marrying a goddess and having a handsome and wealthy male boss, right?

Hmm... I'll have to check when the baby is born.

No, no, this hurts the goddess too much. Yueyue has worked so hard to give birth to me, how can I do such a heartless thing?

In case the child looks like Sheriff Lin in the future, if I change my surname to Lin, won't I also be the child's father?

After thinking about this point, Xiao Xiao became happy again and went to work happily.

Of course, Lin Wen didn't know Xiao Xiao's wild thoughts, this kind of brain circuit can't be understood by anyone who is an experienced dog licker. Fortunately, Xiao Xiao got a goddess who returned home after going through all kinds of hardships, otherwise he would never be able to marry Ye Lingyue in his life.

With this amount of funds, the bosses in the Seven States finally knew that their arms could not twist their thighs, so they could only silently bear the oppression of Sheriff Lin and the torture of their employees.

They are crying about their huge losses every day. They can't even drive a Rolls car, so they can only take the bus.jpg.

After this rule was established, Lin Wen got 50,000 good karma and dozens of bad karma that day.


Lin Wen was very happy.

This strategy is correct.

I have to keep going.

However, despite a victory, objectively speaking, the number of unemployed people has increased.

Lin Wen began to solve the problem of large-scale unemployment again, and he directly established super-large-scale industries and mining in the name of Changshan County.

Most of them are related to the raw materials for the production of robots. This is an iron industry. Don't worry about not being able to sell them. The Changshan County Command will buy them in full.

In this way, with the stability of the society and the circulation of money and goods, the Changshan economic circle soon began to prosper, and Lin Wen's good relationship also began to skyrocket.

The rest of the work is continuous detail work. Lin Wen returned the government to the state government offices of each state, and turned his attention to enhancing the hard power of Changshan County.

At present, the mecha army in Changshan County has expanded to 420,000.

Reserve soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and engineering soldiers also reached a million.

But not enough.

Lin Wen continued to expand the factory and production line. The exoskeleton power armor factory covers an area of ​​more than 200,000 acres, and the robot research and development base also covers an area of ​​10,000 acres. More than 500,000 people have participated in this work.

Haidamo's weapons laboratory has also successively researched more weapons and equipment, including optical stealth, individual portable anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank heavy artillery, flamethrowers, magnetic storm coils, laser swords and so on.

More weapons and equipment make the mecha corps have more arms and functions.

And the special training of the commanders has also been very effective. They have formed a new command system, and they have been able to observe the battlefield, fight at the same time, and command the troops at the same time.

It sounds difficult, but it is actually very simple.

Each legion has set up a staff department in the rear, and all kinds of information and intelligence are collected by the staff department and then passed on to the commander, who makes decisions.

In fact, the main role of the commander is to make decisions.

Under the mature war system, they don't need to do all the detailed work by themselves.

A key factor in being able to make the right decisions is an understanding of the battlefield.

In no situation is a commander more deeply understood than when he is fighting in person on the battlefield.

You can know autumn by looking at a leaf, and you can see the big from the small.

There is also a glimpse of a leopard with a tube.

The judgment made in this way is definitely much more accurate than waiting in the headquarters for a call.

Only then did the many commanders understand Sheriff Lin's good intentions and the advantages of the new system, and they studied and trained even harder.

The cooperation between the commanders has gradually developed a tacit understanding.

Especially in Qin Luoshuang's army, the four big robots have reached the level of intimacy and mutual affection, and they know what the other party is going to do with every move and gesture.

Xia Xiaoxiang was finally able to control her special 40-meter long knife, and Yun Qingshui also knew how to make Tie Ao move.

Li Linyue is even more capable of both offense and defense, with a sword and shield in hand, and charges forward.

Of course, the team's main output ADC is still Qin Luoshuang.

Her electromagnetic cannon and high-frequency sword are too destructive, and the light wing boost makes her like a ghost, and can quickly cut into or escape from the battlefield.

However, Qin Luoshuang's body is relatively fragile. Whether it is an electromagnetic gun, a high-frequency sword, or a light-wing thruster, it consumes a lot of energy.

In order to ensure combat, she cannot use the strong electric barrier too frequently, so the cover of the three of them is very important.

As for the other seven big robots, except for Fang Dashan who was holding a special 80mm caliber "machine gun", all of them were reckless men with big knives, and they would only bury their heads and charge hard when they went to the battlefield.

There are also two big robots who are planning to hold a martial arts competition among dozens of people with great military exploits. After the competition, two people with the best skills will be selected and given the right to use the mechs.

And Lin Wen is also preparing to add some defense and self-healing recovery capabilities to these reckless men.

The key lies in the pure blood holy spirit.

After they were destroyed on the battlefield, they have been in a state of containment.

In the special restraint container, they were still recovering constantly, and were quickly broken up again.

Lin Wen invited Hai Damer and Fermi to study together.

The two great scientists readily agreed. In fact, the research on reproductive equipment has always been the most popular project in the empire, and most scientists have participated in the research.

But the results are few.

The very few limited results are also top secret.

The only exception is that they developed the biochemical technology from the process of planting fusion cells, which has been widely spread.

But it didn't work on the right path, and they all went to create some terrifying biochemical monsters.

Lin Wen collected a lot of information in this area one after another, and handed them all over to An Mosi, the only biochemical expert in Changshan County, to try to comprehend technologies that are beneficial to human beings.

For example, the regeneration of severed limbs, the resurrection of stem cells, gene repair, embryo cultivation and so on.

As long as medical technology is improved on a large scale, universal medical care can be realized.

But the priority now is to build strength.

Otherwise, all the results would be picked by the elders and become exclusive to the rich and powerful, which would make people vomit blood.


The process of researching the pure blood holy spirit went unexpectedly smoothly.

Under the guidance of the extraordinary abilities of the two great scientists and Lin Wen's scientific wisdom, they quickly discovered the secret.

The primarchs of the pure blood spirits are in a high-frequency active state, and this restoration seems to be an instinct they can stimulate.

In his research, Wen Lin also discovered this instinctive switch, which can be modulated with a weak current of neutrinos.

Coincidentally, Lin Wen also had such a device, which was a gift from Fermi.

It can use beta decay to produce weak-energy neutrinos.

At the same time, it was also one of the necessary conditions for Lin Wen to perform metallization modulation on the original body.

The three immediately moved the equipment, and after repeated tests, they found the corresponding frequency and turned off the infinite recovery of the pure blood holy spirit.

In an instant, the ninety-nine holy spirits all died, turning into a puddle of slag, from which silver-white liquid oozed out, converging into a primordial body the size of a human head.

There are three Primarchs in a Pure Blood Holy Spirit.

Ninety-nine Holy Spirits have two hundred and ninety-seven Primarchs, and nine large robots can be made.

Lin Wen was very happy.

In this way, the number of large robots in Changshan County reached 22, and the high-end combat power was once again enhanced.

And also insight into the secret of the restoration of the original body.

After careful testing, Lin Wen and the two great scientists found that the ability of the original body is a normal ability that can be switched on and off normally, but it needs to consume more energy.

If the energy is not enough, the original body will borrow from the vacuum, and the recovery will also become slow, and there will also be a state similar to the killer that returns energy from time to time, resulting in ineffectiveness at times.

After knowing this, Lin Wen has a way to improve the metal armor.

With the assistance of Fermi and Heidamer, he manufactured more weak neutrino flux emitters, installed them in large metal-mounted robots, and controlled them with a single button.

When the big robot breaks, the driver can activate this self-healing ability.

As long as there is enough energy, it cannot be destroyed.

In this way, the seven reckless men became more resistant to fighting.

The same is true for Li Linyue and Yun Qingshui, but Qin Luoshuang is different from Xia Xiaoxiang's big robot, which is made by him purely by hand, without the use of metal growth technology.

Lin Wen can only strengthen the materials for them when he has time.

But the real problem holding back big robots right now is energy.

The batteries used by the big robot are all super batteries strengthened by him. They are limited handmade versions and cannot be mass-produced.

When you run out, you can only charge it.

If Lin Wen can strengthen more batteries, the big robots can replace the energy core on the spot, and their combat capabilities will be greatly improved.

But Lin Wen was really gone.

Reinforcement is very expensive, and becomes more expensive as the material is upgraded.

Lin Wen once tried to strengthen the original body of the colonizer, but the consumption of the primordial spirit was astronomical, and he couldn't bear it at all. In the end, he could only reluctantly give up this tempting idea.

And "Mayfly Yimeng", which can reduce the consumption of enhancements, has long been exhausted.

We can only wait for the breakthrough of technology.

It is hoped that they can crack all the secrets of the magnetic battery as soon as possible, and imitate a super battery that can be used by large robots.

After enhancing the nine robots, the seven reckless men were very happy, and Li Linyue and Yun Qingshui even expressed their gratitude to Lin Wen in person.

Li Linyue also tried to revoke her godfather status, but was ruthlessly rejected by Lin Wen.

"Be a father for a day, be a father for life."

It made Li Linyue unhappy and felt a little cheated, but she didn't notice that her younger sister Li Qingyue secretly took books such as "The Godfather" and "Grateful" out of her bedroom and quietly put them in Qin Luoshuang's home.

Yun Qingshui sent Lin Wen an invitation card, which was the wedding ceremony between the butcher Lao Zhang and the red fox girl, but it was signed by Nightingale.

Lin Wen was a little confused.

But these little things were quickly forgotten by him, and he had to deal with more important things.

——Mecha Legion's deployment and supply issues.

This is also the biggest problem of Mech Corps.

At present, in addition to relying on mechs to run on their own legs, they can only be transported by trains and trucks.

The big robot is even more difficult to transport, there is only one helicopter that can lift it, and now there are twenty-two big robots, it is impossible to keep busy.

This problem has existed for a long time, and Lin Wen has not found a suitable solution.

How to do it?

Lin Wen inspected his current destiny.

Hundreds of luck paths have been accumulated in the fifth supernatural power, all of which were left over from the past.

Some of them are useless garbage, and some just haven't found a use for a while.

Lin Wen glanced down one by one, and suddenly discovered a path of luck.

"Heavenly Drunk": make the aura active and frenzied, and obtain the amazing talents of the ages, which lasts for 30 minutes.


Lin Wen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Can this amazing and eternal talent be used in science?

After I use this way of luck, will I be able to burst out with inspiration, just like Newton, the great god, comprehended the avenue of power under the apple tree, and comprehended the essence of science instantly like Einstein, the real king, comprehended the true meaning of gravity in the cracks of light?

Is there such a possibility?

Lin Wen did what he said, and immediately invited Fermi, the nuclear chain mage, and Hai Damo, the king of weaponry, to discuss the possibility of building a super-large logistics platform that meets the requirements.

Neither Fermi nor Haidamer was very interested in this.

This is biased towards practical technology, all technical problems, no breakthrough in theory.

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Both of you, don't worry, I promise you won't be disappointed. Let's take a moment first, let's not talk about science, and talk with imagination."

"Aside from science?" Fermi said sharply with a gloomy face, "Then what are we talking about? Immortals or science fiction?"

Hai Dam smiled and said, "Old Fei, you have been walking along a fixed path for too long, and your thinking is a bit rigid. Sheriff Lin is letting you let yourself go."


Fermi sneered:

"Who wouldn't talk nonsense? Doesn't Sheriff Lin want a vehicle with the ability to deploy troops and supply supplies? To meet the high standards and requirements of Sheriff Lin, the scale must first be large, and it must be hundreds of times larger than an aircraft carrier, right?"

Hai Dame smiled and said: "The deck area of ​​an ordinary aircraft carrier is about 10,000 square meters, which means it is less than 0.02 square kilometers. The carrier-based aircraft can barely accommodate 50 aircraft, but the exoskeleton armor does not need slides. Under relatively reasonable circumstances, I think it can carry 1,000 soldiers and their supplies. If it is expanded by a hundred times, it will be 100,000 soldiers and their supplies, barely meeting the requirements of Sheriff Lin."

"It's not over yet."

Fermi said sharply.

"The aircraft carrier can only run in the waters. How can it meet the requirements of Sheriff Lin to get out of the shackles and do whatever he wants? Therefore, this aircraft carrier should be able to fly."

Hai Dame clapped his hands and laughed, "Good guy, the space carrier! My dream!"

"Not only can you fly, but you also need to fly fast and for a long time, otherwise you will fall down after flying for a while. How can you meet Lin Wen's needs for immediate response, long-distance transportation, and deployment of troops?"

Hai Damo rubbed his chin: "In this case, let me imagine that it should be a giant steel creation with an area of ​​up to two square kilometers. Due to the need to fly in the air, its structural strength should far exceed that of an ordinary aircraft carrier, and it must also bear a weight of more than 500,000 tons."

"This is not something that can be done with ordinary structures and materials."

Fermi sneered and said, "That's not all. It also needs to travel through the battlefield, so it will inevitably not be interfered by enemy aircraft and anti-aircraft firepower, so it also needs to install defensive firepower and a super-large strong electric barrier."

Hai Dame smiled and said: "Although these problems are difficult, they are not necessarily impossible to solve. I can assume that these problems have been solved."

"Then it's just the engine."

Fermi nodded slightly.

"As long as the engine is good, bricks can go to the sky. As long as the engine problem can be solved, other problems can be solved."

Hai Dame calculated with his heart, and immediately shook his head.

"The thrust of this engine must be at least one million tons, which is a thousand times greater than the thrust of the current largest rocket. And it is different from a rocket engine, and it has to be reused."

Fermi sneered: "Not only is it repetitive, but it also needs to be convenient and fast. It must also be able to take off anytime and anywhere, and it must also be able to adjust its direction and output. Just like the most advanced fighter jets, to meet this requirement, it must carry more than two million tons of fuel every time it sets sail."

Hai Dam laughed and said: "The thrust-to-weight ratio is blown up. The total weight exceeds three million tons. It will never be able to fly, and the structure will fall apart."


Fermi's sharp eyes swept towards Lin Wen like a sword.

"Isn't this just nonsense? You called the two of us here for nonsense?"

Lin Wen smiled slightly, and swallowed "Heavenly Immortal Drunk".

The next moment, his eyes were full of wisdom.

There is also one point of cold and noble, one point of evil charm and madness, one point of unruly, one point of coolness, one point of ridicule, and one point of carelessness.

"Who said this is nonsense?"

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