The rapid merger of the Supreme Club and the Changshan Group caused an uproar in the world.

None of the countries expected such a thing to happen.

In their imagination, the Changshan Group and the Supreme Association should at least exist in opposition to each other, not to mention a war.

Why did they merge suddenly?

It's not just an ordinary merger, it's a one-sided surrender.

In this way, there will be no disputes over who is the master and who will be the assistant, and there will be no internal cracks. It will be a complete and united powerful empire.

Even more powerful than previous empires.

All observers and rulers were thrown into disarray by the wind.

what is this?

The Supreme Council has been holding back for so long, isn't it holding back its big move?

Great elders who are exhaustive and wise as demons, is your ultimate move to surrender?

Everyone couldn't understand it at all, and felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

There are big differences in the anti-imperial alliance. Some people don't want to have a hot war with the empire, and some people think that they should unite to attack the empire first.

They were arguing about it and it was hard to decide.



The destroyed Zero Ring Road has been cleaned up. It is expected to be built as a park and square and merged into the Shenjing First Ring Road. There is no more Zero Ring Road exclusively for dignitaries.

In the center of the Zero Ring Road, Lin Wen rebuilt a new hall to commemorate the peace of the Changshan Group and the Supreme Council.

The picture of Lin Wen shaking hands with the Great Elder here has spread all over the world.

However, as the situation stabilized, Lin Wen had already begun to consider stopping the show.

His primordial spirit couldn't hold it anymore.

After defeating the Great Elder that day, Lin Wen thought of a way.

He directly used the paper puppet to control the body of the Great Elder, and publicly announced his surrender. Wouldn't he be able to peacefully liberate the area occupied by the Supreme Council?

The three million imperial troops put down their weapons directly, so they don't need to fight?

There is no doubt that this is much better than Lin Wen's original plan.


Lin Wen immediately put a paper puppet on each of the elders.

The paper puppet just can't be used on living things, the corpse is dead, so it can be used naturally.

After pasting the talisman paper, the four great elders came back to life.

They stood up again, the body was still a little broken, Lin Wen helped them install it back.

However, Lin Wen felt a little thin for the four elders alone.

How can there be no younger brother behind the boss?

So they summoned clay figurines and made them look like imperial guards.

Since the primordial spirit has reached 1000%, one time 【Empowering Puppet】can summon twenty clay figurines.

Lin Wenzhao twice, and forty imperial guardian envoys surrounded the Great Elder, who seemed to be in a good shape.

Then he also picked up a set of military uniforms and mixed in.

Sure enough, no one doubted this outfit, and Lin Wen successfully convinced many officials of the Supreme Council with his character.

And just like that, two empires became one.

But after the merger, it is not done once and for all.

The rule of the Supreme Council is very stable. They are like lawyers in a bad country. They hide their exploitation behind a complicated and interlocking system. Violent overthrow and reconstruction is not the most beneficial way.

Lin Wen only wants good luck now.

The failure of this reincarnation brought a great shadow to him, and he had to use infinite good fortune to alleviate it.

Therefore, although Yuanshen warned, the Great Elder could not enter the soil for the time being, and was still working on the front line.

This was also where Qin Luoshuang felt most uncomfortable.

The Great Elder has always given her the impression of majesty, terror, and seriousness. Just sitting there, he has a mountain-like power.

And now...

"Little Shuangshuang~"

The Great Elder jumped over with cheerful steps, and said something completely inconsistent with his identity.

Although it was the tone of the Great Elder, it felt like a certain guy.

"Come and accompany me to incorporate the Imperial Navy. There are so many big ships. You have to take them all back and compile them with the Changshan Navy."

Whenever this happened, Qin Luoshuang felt a special sense of confusion.

She replied with some hesitation: "Okay... well, this, I can ask, why did you... change so much, why did you agree to integrate into us?"

The Great Elder smiled and said, "Of course it was the mighty and majestic Sheriff Lin who influenced us with love and justice. Our conscience hidden deep in the ground suddenly discovered that only you can save the world and benefit all people. Therefore, we bow down to the unparalleled man of the country, Sheriff Lin."

Qin Luoshuang regretted it very much.

If I had known this was the answer, I might as well not have asked.

Just after the navy was incorporated, another Great Elder suddenly jumped out.

"Little Shuangshuang, here is an urgent shooting list for this month, all of them are black-hearted guys, you go and shoot them."

Qin Luoshuang covered her face, she really didn't know what expression to use to face it.

"Why should I go?"

"If you don't kill two people, the gang of snakes and rats below don't know how powerful they are. They think they are under the rule of the Great Elder. You have to shoot them in public to frighten them and tell them that the sky has changed."

"In this way, a lot of unnecessary troubles will be reduced. I have been teaching for three years, I have been in charge of Qi Wu, and I have Miao Naifu, that's what it means."

These words are too reasonable.

And it feels especially like someone's mind.

Qin Luoshuang really never imagined that there would be a day when he would cooperate with such a reasonable elder.

Of course, Lin Wen didn't deliberately hide it from her.

It’s just that the resurrection of the corpse is really hard to explain. Mr. Li is under a lot of pressure now and has repeatedly warned Lin Wen not to come up with more scientific stories. There are too many contradictions in his system, which is a bit hard to get round.

And Lin Wen was extremely busy, lacked skills in avatars, and lacked souls. The Great Elder was cheap and easy to use, and one face was worth a hundred spells.

It happens to send them out to do things, and I only need to use [Qianli Voice Transmission] to say a word, and the efficiency can be described as a hundred times.

that's all.

One matter after another was dealt with, and the twelve eastern states quickly moved closer to Changshan County.

State laws were rewritten, and new laws and regulations were established and perfected under the framework of the League of Nations.

Little by little, the old system was destroyed, uprooted, and everything that was irrational was wiped out.

In the new empire, there is no more estrangement, no more overbearing, unimpeded goods, convenient transportation, no exorbitant taxes, no slavery and oppression, and no free work.

For the first time, the word justice is rampant on the earth.

After the initial stabilization of the new empire, Lin Wen decided to let the Great Elder be buried.

However, before that, their influence must be eliminated.

After all, the Great Elder is the representative of the old order.

Their declaration of peaceful surrender was itself a kind of compromise by Lin Wen.

Although Changshan County accepted the Supreme Council quickly and quickly, it also planted certain hidden dangers.

A large group of admirers of the old order cheered for them, declaring the benevolence and compassion of the great elders, declaring the justice of the order created by them, and using this to oppose the changes in Changshan County.

These remarks have greatly confused many people and affected their thinking.

After all, the Great Elder did voluntarily surrender, eliminating a possible war.

It looks like a benevolent man with wisdom, but the Changshan Group has become a bit like a tyrant who is unreasonable and unforgiving.

This is very unfavorable to the implementation of Lin Wen's New Deal.

Therefore, the Great Elders must unload their idol burden and rest in the open environment, so as to eliminate any environment where rumors breed.


For a long time to come, the four great elders wrestled, slipped, became demented, and had diarrhea in front of the public camera.

Then, he suffered from sudden cardiovascular diseases in various important environments one after another, and died on the spot.

In order to avoid the conspiracy theory that the Changshan Group poisoned and murdered the Great Elder, they all confessed their sins before death, refuted the mistakes of the old order, and declared the justice and strength of Changshan County.

In this way, no one will say that the Changshan Group has crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

At the same time, in order to ensure the authenticity of the death, Lin Wen dragged them to the best hospital in the empire for emergency treatment.

The doctor who rescued him suddenly discovered that the rescuer had been dead for a long time.

But after careful study, it was found that they were different from ordinary dead people. At least the corpse spots did not appear. The blood seemed to flow for a while, but it precipitated quickly, and various other characteristics also pointed to their long-dead.

The characteristics of death and life appeared on him at the same time, this is the first time that such a thing has been discovered in medicine.

Lin Wen didn't stop the news, but asked Mr. Li to explain the gradual death disease similar to frostbite, and everyone believed it.

Since then, apart from leaving behind a medical miracle, the Great Elder has gradually disappeared from people's lives.

No one mentions them anymore, not even their supporters.

After the initial stabilization of the new empire, many key figures returned to Changshan County one after another.

Shenjing also shed its special identity and became a developed city.

That's all.

The twelve states in the east, plus the four capitals, joined the League of Nations as a fair one, became a member of the League of Nations, and accepted the jurisdiction of the League of Nations.

Since then, the "World State Alliance Front" has replaced the Supreme Council and become the highest center.

A new order has been initially established.

The people of the empire can live carefree again under the sky without the cloud of war, watching live broadcasts, beauties, black silk dancing, and the performance of the national wife Fang Weiwei with peace of mind.

The Internet is gradually opened up, and the voices of daily life and games gradually occupy a large number of pages. On the major forums, at a glance, there are no such tragic and dark things. It is all about the fairy sword with the best ending, and the fairy sword world with the most beautiful wife.

And most of all, who is the schoolboy debate.

The empire's new economy is recovering quickly in a favorable environment, and a bright future is rising on the horizon.

All feel genuine happiness and joy.

Except Lin Wen.

He deeply felt that good karma was not enough.

The fourth death star requires 5.7 million good fortunes. The ten states in the west and twelve states in the east of the empire have only provided him with less than half a million good fortunes.

And there are fewer and fewer.

No, what year and month will I be able to reach the world of cultivating immortals if this continues?

Only in order to save the senior sister and the junior junior sister, to encounter Huangmao, and to find shame on the witch?

If it drags on, Huang Mao can't wait to be blown up by others, what should I do?

Originally, Lin Wen wanted to bear it any longer, but when he thought that the demon girl ran away after prostitution for nothing, he couldn't help being furious.

Therefore, after the new empire was basically stabilized, Lin Wen immediately held a meeting and announced his march to the world.

Everyone was stunned.

Qin Luoshuang really didn't want to oppose Lin Wen, but still couldn't help but said: "Lin Wen, do we need to start a world war? Isn't it good for us to develop peacefully like this?"

Lin Wen said with a smile: "If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. We already have the ability to benefit the world. Of course, we must march to the world."

Xia Xiaoxiang also made a rare objection: "Xiao Wenwen! Those who try to conquer the world are all bad guys!"

Lin Wen's face darkened, he was very disgusted with all the witches now, and said unhappily: "Remember, the ones who fail are the bad guys."

Xia Xiaoxiang pouted unhappily.

Yang Shaohu said: "Mr. Lin, let's go out for a name. The barbaric conquest will only arouse intense disgust. Not only will there be turmoil in our control, but the people we are trying to save will also resent and hate us."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "The name is not simple? The League of Nations will issue a circular tomorrow, condemning the inhumane behavior of the Golden Lion King, which violates many laws of the League of Nations, and declares that he is not a migrant worker.

Yang Shaohu was speechless for a moment.

The hall fell silent.

Those who attended the meeting were all the backbone of Changshan County, and they were also the backbone of the National League.

The headquarters of the League of Nations is in Changshan County. Therefore, although Changshan County did not become the capital of the country, it has essentially become the center of the new empire.

The resolution of Changshan County usually represents the resolution of the League of Nations.

The resolution of the League of Nations represents the resolution of the new empire.

Everyone remained silent and turned their attention to Zhao Minggong.

This is the most respected person among them, if anyone can convince Sheriff Lin, it must be him.

Zhao Minggong thought for a moment, and asked: "Mr. Lin, I only ask one question. Will the war be protracted? Will many people die?"

Lin Wen smiled slightly and replied.

"No, this is just an outing. The real difficulty lies in the aftermath. In other words, the burden is on you, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Minggong nodded: "Then I have no objection."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Then let's go out. The Mecha Legion uses a complete combat mode. There are eleven generals, each with a legion. There are eleven legions in total, and they will march in eleven routes."

"The time has come to liberate this world."

In an instant, everyone's blood boiled. Both Qin Luoshuang and Li Linyue felt boundless passion. Xia Xiaoxiang, who had always been an idealist, went up to give Lin Wen a bear hug. Yun Qingshui's face was flushed, and her eyes were burning.

There is no doubt that Lin Wen's proposal was unanimously approved (true).

The next day, the League of Nations issued a statement condemning the eleven countries for violating the League of Nations Act. After deliberation, the League of Nations unanimously agreed to send troops.

Eleven legions led by eleven generals have been assembled and are about to set off.

Now, the total number of Changshan County Mecha Corps has exceeded 600,000.

Each individual legion has about 50,000 Iron Warriors, one commander-level mecha, and six general-level mechas.

After the Battle of Shenjing, Lin Wen obtained a large number of colony armor primaries, and manufactured forty colony metal mechas.

Each Legion now has more Grand Robots than the previous Grand Group.

And after experiencing the battle of the Qin Group, each general has the strength to fight alone.

Even Li Linyue, Xia Xiaoxiang, and Yun Qingshui, newcomers to the battlefield, were the same.

War is the fastest way to make people mature.

After the battle with the Qin Group, the headquarters also summed up its experience.

The most suitable mecha army is such flexible small and medium-scale battles.

The ultra-large-scale frontal battlefield cannot fully exert their functions.

Therefore, this system is the final system.


The war in Changshan County caused an uproar in the world.

Everyone agrees that the New Empire has become a fearsome war bloc.

Provoking so many countries at once, they have become arrogant to the point of madness.

At the joint meeting, God Emperor Augustus made an official announcement after detailing their great advantages and the bright future of the dismembered empire.

"we won!"

that night.

The space carrier carried more than 50,000 Iron Warriors and seven large mechas of the Qin Luoshuang Legion, and flew over the capital of the Hughes Crassus Empire.

The Iron Warriors fell from the space carrier like a torrential rain, and the seven large mechs hit the ground without even using a buffer.

The entire battle process was indescribable, like a flood rushing through an ant's nest, and the Iron Warriors instantly defeated all resistance and occupied the city.

Emperor Augustus died instantly.

He jumped up and announced his surrender.

The Hughes Crassus Empire fell in an instant.

This scene happened eleven times in succession.

Eleven countries all ended in surrender.

Subsequently, the League of Nations issued another statement.

Claims that there are eleven more evil countries researching and producing destructive and inhuman biochemical monsters that are expressly prohibited.

Deputy leader Li Linyue took out a small test tube containing Lin Wen's saliva, announced that they had conclusive evidence, and asked the eleven countries to stand up and accept the inspection.

The eleven countries haven't figured out how to respond, and the previous classic scene happened eleven times.

Subsequently, the League of Nations issued a statement again, declaring that there are still 11 countries that are not civilized or kings at all, hindering the great cause of the kings of the leader Lin Wen, and demanding that they immediately accept the transformation of the kings of the League of Nations.

The eleven countries immediately understood and surrendered unconditionally on the spot.

It made Lin Wen, who was holding the paper figurine talisman paper, feel quite bored.

In this way, within a month and a half, the whole world changed color.

Afterwards, all the countries were dismantled by Lin Wen, and joined the League of Nations in the form of states to accept reform.

The members of the League of Nations suddenly changed from twenty-nine states, four capitals and one county to one hundred and seventy-two states, nineteen capitals and one county.

The rapid expansion of its power makes people overwhelmed.

The situation is changing so fast that it is beyond imagination.

Many people wake up in disbelief that the day has changed.

Changshan County, which was not well known a few years ago, has become the center of the world.

The League of Nations, which was established less than half a year ago, has become the highest association in the world.

The bill of the League of Nations became the bill of the world.

And all the bills of Changshan County have reference and reference for the League of Nations, but the bills of the League of Nations will definitely not exceed the scope of the bills of Changshan County.

Everyone knows what this subordination means.

But at least in the sense of joining, in name, they are independent and have not been annexed.

This kind of organizational situation has greatly reduced the antipathy of those foreign nationals, and it has also greatly reduced the number of people who need to be killed in Changshan County because of hatred and dissatisfaction.

Qin Luoshuang didn't understand until today what Lin Wen meant by "killing fewer people".

It turned out that he had already thought of it.

It turned out that he, who had always been merciless, would actually consider the matter of killing less people so carefully.

Such tenderness made her soul seem to melt.

As soon as the matter is over, I will marry him.

Qin Luoshuang made a decision in his heart.

Recently, she drank a lot of chicken soup where women chasing men's interlayer gauze, and firmly believed that as long as she took the initiative to attack, she could hold the tail of happiness.

Even Xia Xiaoxiang regretted it a little.

"Wow, Qin, I'm really not reconciled to letting such a good man go to you."

Qin Luoshuang was a little nervous about Xia's words now, and knew that she was sorry for Xia, and felt guilty, which made Xia Xiaoxiang feel good for a few days.

However, Xia Xiaoxiang didn't make too much progress, and tried her best to advise her best friend.

Unfortunately, most of the strategies failed.

And now that there are so many things to do, she can't use many of her trump cards, so she can only comfort Qin, to finish everyone's affairs first, and then deal with Xiao's affairs.

after all.

For them, the present situation only appeared in the most ridiculous dreams.

Such an opportunity is in front of you, if you can't handle it well, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

As a result, the sisters also began to work together to deal with the sea-like affairs in this huge alliance of nations.

Everyone is working hard on this.

Lin Wen was so busy that he disappeared.

Only the occasional wild laughter could confirm the existence of Sheriff Lin.

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