Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 8 I'm Going to Die (Please collect and recommend)

With the wind and rain accompanied by lightning, Zhao Anping and his party walked through the mud and struggled to reach the embankment of Changpai Village.

It was so dark that nothing could be seen, and the light of the flashlight would not be too far to be swallowed up by the darkness.

"Turn off the flashlight." Zhao Anping ordered.

When the only light source is turned off, absolute darkness descends.

After a few minutes, when everyone's eyes adapted to the darkness, although they still couldn't see their fingers, they could vaguely see a little outline.

It is true that the embankment of Changpai Village not far away has not collapsed, but no specific details can be seen.

"Come closer." Zhao Anping said.

Everyone's faces turned pale, and the roar of the river was deafening. If they got so close, if the embankment collapsed, they would not be able to escape.

But the sheriff's authority was still there, and everyone moved forward a few steps.

At this moment, a huge lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit the river. The silvery white branches bent wantonly, and the power of heaven and earth rolled in, blocking everyone's footsteps.

When the lightning flashed the whole world, Zhao Anping clearly saw a person running down the 15-meter embankment like flying.

Zhao Anping shouted, "Lin Wen!"

The man immediately raised his head and looked over. The lightning was fleeting. He turned on the miner's lamp on his head, and the powerful light immediately illuminated Zhao Anping and his party.

It also lights up his own face.

That's right, it's him!

The mayor of Changle Town, the only town-level official under the age of 30 in Changshan County, the youngest official of the sixth grade in East Qinzhou in the past 30 years, and the official who has skipped the most grades in the empire for 12 years.

Lin Wen!

Zhao Anping clenched his fists and didn't know what to say for a moment.

And Lin Wen looked very surprised, he called out: "Chief Zhao." But he turned his head away immediately, and dragged out two steel cages filled with stones from the pile of supplies, which were not found on the embankment.

Due to light problems, Zhao Anping did not see the size of the two steel gabions clearly, and did not know that they each weighed 800 kilograms.

He didn't pay attention to this detail at all, and shouted: "Lin Wen, what are you doing here? How is the embankment?"

Lin Wen didn't turn his head, he lifted the steel cage and left: "I'm doing emergency rescue, the embankment is in danger, I don't know if we can keep it."

Zhao Anping shouted: "How many people have been arranged for emergency rescue? Are there enough supplies?"

Lin Wen replied: "A person has been arranged, and the supplies are enough."

one person?

Zhao Anping couldn't believe his ears, what the hell is a person?

Isn't that just him? What's the use of rescuing an emergency alone?

The secretary Xiaozhang next to him had weak calves, and said in a trembling voice: "Sheriff! Let's go quickly! We must not be able to hold this place!"

"Yes." Another person echoed: "Xiao Lin is a hero. He guards the embankment alone, which proves that the dike cannot be kept. He is doing his last duty."

"Yes, we have to do our duty, and we have to protect the people."

"Please head back and lead the people to evacuate!"

The torrential rain hit the raincoat, falling down like a stream in front of his eyes. Zhao Anping watched the rapidly diminishing lights, watched the little spark go up the dike at an incredible speed, watched him run in the darkness like a pitch-black monster, struggling to throw things out of his hands.

Suddenly said: "I am right here."


"I'm right here." Zhao Anping repeated: "Look at the embankment."

"If the embankment breaks, I will notify you, and you should hurry back and lead people to evacuate."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Anping continued in an unquestionable tone: "Xiao Zhang, you should go back and tell them to prepare. But don't panic, take care of yourself and restore your strength, maybe nothing will happen. Hu Ping, you three who have walkie-talkies line up for me, and relay the message back as soon as it comes. The rest of you stay with them, don't lose them!"


In the darkness, Zhao Anping was left alone. He looked at the dim light in the distance. It was fluttering in the wind and rain. It was so small, but it seemed like a star that would never go out.

Unlike Zhao Anping's tragic imagination, Lin Wen fell into an unprecedented state of frenzy. He faced the power of thunder and thunder in the storm, as if he was fighting against the gods in the sky. The flood was the means for the gods to attack, and the embankment was his last line of defense.

He is sticking to the embankment now, isn't it the prelude to the eruption at the last moment?

Lin Wen's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and the fatigue from continuous fighting had disappeared long ago, and the burden brought by the two times of [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power] and [No Eyes and Clearness] at very short intervals seemed to be non-existent.

He kept throwing sandbags of earth into a 2-meter-wide breach, and the breach was quickly blocked because the two steel gabions were perfectly locked in position.

Lin Wen pounced on his feet, turned his head and ran to another broken place.

At this moment, thunderstorms came, lightning frequently fell from the sky, and roaring thunder rolled in, forming a continuous piece without stopping for half a second. The universe flickered frequently like a broken flash camera.

In this horrific scene, the living creatures trembled, but Lin Wen laughed up to the sky, and the laughter echoed between the heaven and the earth, as if he would never give in.

Numerous sandbags of stone and earthwork were thrown into the breach, and the danger was calmed down in an instant.

In this way, the levee was always crumbling, but never collapsed, and there was no strong piping like the Yingjia Village levee.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Wen suddenly woke up from the frenzy. The storm was still there, but at some point, the water level on the river actually dropped!

Hong Feng retreated?

No, the radio clearly stated that the second flood peak lasted for 36 hours. How many hours is it? Didn't arrive all day?

Lin Wen suddenly panicked, didn't he? With Hong Feng's power, I won't be unable to die, right?

Can a big wave take me away?

He kind of wanted to deliberately rush into a dangerous place to die, but in this case, he would have a subjective desire to die, and he might become a suicidal person.

No no, don't worry.

This is only temporary, Hong Feng is accumulating strength, it sees that I have defended so well, it wants to come to a big one, and while I am in danger, a big wave rolls in and washes me away.


So I must not take it lightly, cheating, cheating, or deliberate deceit. I must devote myself wholeheartedly to the rescue, otherwise I will die in vain if I fail to meet the conditions?

Although I thought so, my heart became more and more uncertain, because the flood was receding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the danger on the embankment was becoming less and less.

In the morning, when the sky was getting bright, the rain had stopped.

The water level of the river is already lower than before the flood peak.

Lin Wen's mood fell to the bottom. He wandered aimlessly on the embankment where there was no hidden danger, as if he had lost his soul.

At noon, the first ray of sunlight shot out from behind the dark clouds, freezing Lin Wen's heart into ice like a cold light at -273 degrees.

The roar of vehicles and the sound of running neatly came from behind. Lin Wen looked back and saw the imperial troops rushing to help, tens of thousands of imperial engineers, and hundreds of trucks, large and small.

Not far from the embankment, Sheriff Zhao was talking with an imperial officer.

As if aware of his gaze, Sheriff Zhao and the imperial officer turned their heads at the same time and waved to him. The imperial officer even whistled and shouted: "Salute to the heroes of the empire!"

With a bang, tens of thousands of imperial soldiers stood at attention at the same time, saluting in the direction of Lin Wen.

"Hail to the heroes of the Empire!"

The voices of the non-commissioned officers resounded through the sky.

Lin Wen's last ray of hope was also shattered. The time for the spell was up, and the tidal wave of exhaustion, drowsiness, and despair knocked down his spiritual will in an instant. When his eyes went dark, he fell backwards.

"Quick! Go and protect the heroes of the empire!"

These were the last words Lin Wen heard before he passed out.

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