As soon as Zhang Tian and Xu Wen entered, someone immediately spread the news.

Some sent the news to the homes of the prime minister, ministers and other high-ranking officials.

Some sent the news to the palace.

They did not deliberately monitor Zhang Tian, ​​but it was a habit.

Wangyue Tower is a famous tower in Lin'an Prefecture, and those who come and go are not ordinary people.

Therefore, many families have people stationed nearby, and when they see celebrities and high-ranking officials, they will send news back to the mansion.

Or bribe the small vendors in the nearby streets and give them money for delivering a message.

As long as the family can support it, similar spies are planted in almost all important places in Lin'an.

In this way, they can understand the movements of the imperial capital.

Ordinary small vendors can't recognize Zhang Tian, ​​but the messengers arranged by big families like the prime minister's mansion have most likely seen Zhang Tian's portrait.

After receiving the news, Emperor Anyou said, "Xiao Zhuozi, Master Zhang is playing around in the human world again, what do you think?"

A voice came from the servant beside him, "Your Majesty, I am Xiao Duzi."

"Oh." Emperor Anyou just remembered that he had transferred Zhuo Ping to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Seeing that Zhuo Ping was not around, Emperor Anyou didn't know who to ask about Zhang Tian for a while, and felt a little disappointed.

He could only say to himself, "He took Xu Wen with him, he really values ​​this disciple."

Xiao Duzi said, "Your Majesty, why don't you send someone to notify Wangyue Tower? In case someone offends the immortal."

Emperor Anyou remembered the intelligence he had read before, shook his head and said, "No need."

"Master Zhang is playing around in the human world, whoever is blind and offends him deserves to be unlucky."

As he said that, he couldn't help but smile.

When Zhang Tian was shopping in Xiangyang City, he had a fight with two servants in a restaurant, and the news came that they fought back and forth.

Emperor Anyou, the Prime Minister and others almost dropped their jaws in shock.

Only immortals playing in the human world can do such an outrageous thing.

If it were them, they would never fight with two low-ranking servants, and would have asked someone to chop them down long ago.


Zhang Tian's side.

The first floor after entering the door is a restaurant.

Many people are eating at this moment, and judging from their clothes, most of them are scholars.

Zhang Tian and Xu Wen went straight to the second floor.

There are few furnishings on the second floor, almost the entire floor is emptied, leaving only a dozen desks and wooden shelves.

There are calligraphy copybooks hanging all around, and many scholars are writing furiously on the desks.

Seeing the two people coming up, a servant immediately came up and said, "Two gentlemen, would you like to leave a piece of calligraphy?"

"Tonight, we will invite some calligraphy masters to come and appreciate it in Wangyue Tower. If you get everyone's approval, you can expand your network and accumulate fame."

The names and seals of the calligraphers are all left at the bottom of the hanging calligraphy copybooks.

No wonder the conditions for entering are so harsh.

Just being able to invite a famous calligrapher to appreciate it requires more than just money, but also connections and sufficient strength.

Those scholars who put their calligraphy here can instantly become famous if they get a nod from the famous calligrapher.

Zhang Tian said: "I don't think I've seen your calligraphy yet. Write one for me to see."

"Teacher, won't you show it to your disciple?"

Zhang Tian was a little surprised: "Why don't you call me Master?"

Xu Wen laughed: "I know that you are going to play in the world, how can I disturb your interest by shouting all over the street?"

In his words and expressions, it is obvious that he hopes someone will run into the gun muzzle so that he can watch the show.

"You are naughty." Zhang Tian scolded, "I can't write calligraphy, you write yours."

Zhang Tian has never even attended an interest class for calligraphy. In addition, everyone in later generations uses touch screens and keyboards, and his writing skills have seriously degraded. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can't do it at all.

"Okay then."

At this time, there were not many readers on the second floor. Many people wrote a satisfactory copybook, hung it on the wall, and went to the third floor.

It is the most lively time here until the evening when calligraphy masters come to appreciate it.

Xu Wen walked to an empty table, spread out the paper, and immediately a waiting book boy came forward to help grind the ink.

Xu Wen wrote a few pieces, but he was not satisfied with any of them. He crumpled them into balls and threw them into the trash can.

Seeing Xu Wen wasting ink, brushes and paper, the servant was used to it. At this time, there was already a lot of waste paper in the trash can, so these few balls were not a big deal.

He wrote another piece, but Xu Wen did not crumple it. Instead, he sighed, "Alas... I am ashamed. There is a big gap between my disciple and them. I will not hang it up."

Zhang Tian took a look.

Although he did not understand calligraphy, the difference in aesthetics could be seen by laymen.

No wonder there were not many calligraphy works hanging on the wall and wooden racks.

Those who had the courage to put it up were indeed far superior to ordinary people.

As long as others still had some face, they would not dare to put it up easily.

Otherwise, not only would they not be recognized, but they might also bewill be laughed at.

Zhang Tian said: "If you don't want to hang it, then don't hang it. Let's go to the third floor to have a look."

As soon as we got to the third floor, there was a sound of stringed instruments, and exclamations came from time to time.

It turned out that the theme of this floor was musical instruments.

Right in front of the entrance of the building, there was a small stage with several musicians holding pipa in their hands.

On both sides were placed instruments such as guzheng, qin, xiao, flute, xun, drum, etc.

Some of them Zhang Tian had never seen in later generations, and he didn't know if he didn't pay attention or it was interrupted and not passed down.

On the small stage, a scholar with red lips and white teeth was playing the guzheng, and the musicians on both sides played pipa in coordination.

Every time he played to the exquisite part, the onlookers exclaimed from time to time.

The number of people on this floor was obviously more than the calligraphy on the second floor. Everyone left calligraphy on the second floor, and most of them would go up.

Only occasionally a few calligraphy enthusiasts would stay on the second floor to repeatedly study other people's calligraphy.

It is said that Zhang Tian has not listened to ancient musical instruments seriously since he came to this era.

Sitting behind the others, he listened to several pieces of music seriously.

Seeing Xu Wen was also intoxicated, Zhang Tian asked: "I heard that you scholars are required to know some music, chess, calligraphy and painting. What musical instrument can you play?"

Xu Wen blushed and said: "Teacher, I don't know any musical instruments. I just learned the guzheng for a few days from the teacher of the private school in order to learn the music theory of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu, etc."

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Is it because there is no imperial examination?"

"Teacher's eyes are sharp."

In fact, the court does have a channel for selecting musicians through the Yuefu Department.

But most scholars would rather not pass the examination in their lifetime than take it.

Of course, scholars who spend most of their energy on studying will not be able to pass the examination in the end.

After listening to several pieces of music, Zhang Tian and several other literati went up to the fourth floor together.

As soon as they went up, they heard mixed voices.

There were many people on the fourth floor, dozens of people in twos and threes, divided into their own small teams, discussing poems.

Many people recited poems and sang lyrics loudly, which was much more lively than the second and third floors.

From time to time, someone could be heard to think of a few good poems and sing loudly:

The drums of war urged, the victory cries were loud,

The banners fluttered in the sky, and the nine states were proud.

The swords pointed to the sky to compete for the glory,

The iron horses trampled the road to the sky.


The scholars cheered.

Someone immediately flattered him, saying, "This poem is bold and unrestrained, and it also responds to the great victory in Xiangyang. Master Meng Xian is indeed a great talent."

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