Xu Wen bent down and whispered, "Teacher, it's your turn to put the two black pieces on the star position."

There are 9 bold black dots on the Go board.

The one in the middle is called "Tianyuan" and the four corners are called "star positions".

Just now, Mr. Hu put two white pieces on the "star position" on the diagonal. Including Xu Wen, everyone seemed to be waiting for Zhang Tian to put two black pieces on the other two star positions.

Zhang Tian asked, "Why do you put them there? Are you playing a game?"

Just now, Xu Wen and Fu Jinyu were playing chess. Zhang Tian didn't pay attention. Seeing that the two of them were moving pieces quickly, he thought it was the beginning of the game.

"This..." Xu Wen knew that his immortal master might really not know.

So, he explained it patiently.

Zhang Tian searched the information in the database at the same time, and displayed it on the retina, and smiled bitterly.

It turns out that the rules of ancient Go and modern Go are completely different.

Modern Go does not have too many rules, and it can be played at any point on the board.

Although everyone advocates "gold corners, silver edges, and grass belly", there are many players who play Tianyuan in the first move.

However, it is not the case in ancient Go. The common rule is called "seat system".

That is, two black and two white pieces are placed diagonally in the four star positions, and then the game starts.

If it were just this rule, Zhang Tian would not be afraid. At most, he would treat it as a special opening, which AI can handle.

However, there is another rule in ancient Go called "returning the chess head".

Returning the chess head is a rule for counting pieces.

That is, for each live chess piece, two pieces (eye positions) must be deducted when counting pieces at the end of the game.

The reason is that two "eyes" are needed to make a chess piece alive, and these two eyes cannot be counted and must be deducted.

In addition, there are some other small rules, such as white moves first and no points are added.

If a real Go master comes, these rules will have some impact, but with human subjective initiative, they can be adjusted quickly.

However, Go AI cannot do this.

AI is called artificial intelligence, and sometimes it is called artificial mental retardation!

Zhang Tian secretly used the Go AI on the smart bracelet to try it with ancient rules.

The calculated parameters were a mess, and he had no idea what he was playing.

Zhang Tian had no choice but to say, "My rules are completely different from yours."

Someone sneered, "What's the difference? The rules of Go are the same all over the world."

"That's right, don't use this as an excuse to shirk responsibility."

At this point, Zhang Tian was in a dilemma.

Sure enough, it's not good to pretend casually, as you might be killed in a place you don't know.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian still has a backup - the supply ship.

Zhang Tian connected the supply ship with the bracelet, started the central control computer again, and said to Xu Wen, "Tell me the rules again."

Xu Wen patiently said it again.

In the supply ship thousands of kilometers away, a Go AI model was quickly established based on the rules Xu Wen said.

Then they began to fight each other and evolve themselves.

50 games... 30 points...

100 games... 80 points...

500 games... 200 points...

Chess skills are slowly improving based on the points.

The top chess players in the world usually do not exceed 3000 points.

Zhang Tian must be at least close to 3000 points to ensure that everything is foolproof.

However, looking at the speed of this model, it will take dozens of minutes, nearly an hour, to evolve to around 3000 points.

This is not slow in the AI ​​model, but in this situation, it is obvious that everyone cannot wait for dozens of minutes.

I am afraid that before the time is up, I will be blasted down.

Someone shouted, "Are you ready? Stop pretending."

Zhang Tian sighed and said deliberately, "So this is the rule here. It's rigid and old-fashioned. It's advantageous to go first, and it's not balanced."

Mr. Hu said coldly, "Brother, if you don't want to play, just admit defeat and apologize to my master from a distance, and the matter will be over."

"On the contrary!" Zhang Tian laughed, "I think it's too simple."

"It's too naive to only beat you. How about this, you all play together."

"Hiss..." Everyone was shocked.

"Arrogant, there are more than 20 of us. Does he want to play more than 20 games at the same time?"

"Is he kidding us?"

"When he plays randomly, even if we win, we will still be kidded?"

Zhang Tian said, "How about this, I see that everyone likes to add some prizes when playing chess."

"I'll add a prize: as long as you can beat me in each game, I will give you 1,000 taels."

"Hiss... Is it true?" Everyone was shocked again.

"If you lose everything, won't you have to pay 20,000 or 30,000 taels?"

Fu Jinyu said loudly: "Everyone, my Fu family is willing to guarantee this. If you don't believe it, you can come to my Fu family to claim the prize if you win."

Xu Wen squinted.

This guy is very smart.

The Immortal Master can even give away the Dragon Ball and the gold and silver mines, so how can he not give 20,000 or 30,000 taels?

Moreover, since the Immortal Master dares to say it, he must be absolutely sure, and those scholars are just happy for nothing.

With Fu Jinyu's guarantee, a scholar immediately said: "Okay, since Mr. Fu is willing to guarantee, I will accompany you to the end."

Immediately, everyone returned to the chessboard one after another, ready to fight.

At this time, the rating has reached 1000 points, which is considered to be at the amateur level.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian wanted to delay for a while, so he said: "Alas... Bullying a group of young people like you is not a skill. How about this, I will give in again, and let's all play blind chess."


"This is impossible!"

"No one can remember 28 blind chess games at the same time."

Fu Jinyu said lightly: "If you remember a game wrong, my Fu family will add another thousand taels."

"The Fu family is so generous!"

This thousand taels, in the eyes of most scholars, is a huge sum of money, not every scholar's family is so rich.

If Zhang Tian loses because of remembering wrong, he will lose 2,000 taels for one game.

Zhang Tian said: "Move the chessboard away from the window, and don't disturb me when you play chess later."

"What a heroic spirit! I hope you have such strength."

The scholars were holding back their anger. Who is not a dragon and phoenix among men who can come up to Wangyue Tower today?

Now he is being beaten by a peer, one against twenty-eight, and it is blind chess.

I really have to lose this game, I can't afford to lose that person!

At this time, the Go AI model has reached 1500 points, and it is getting slower and slower as it goes up.

But there is no time to delay, Zhang Tian has to play chess first.

I hope that the AI ​​level can be dragged up later to make up for the previous losses.

"First table, place the three talents."

Zhang Tian turned his back to the 28 Go tables and faced the window to watch the panoramic view of Lin'an Prefecture.

Xu Wen walked over and placed a white piece at the position of three three.

At this time, the Xu Xuan musical notation method was used.

The names given to the 19 vertical and horizontal lines are: one day, two earth, three talents, four seasons, five elements, six palaces, seven buckets, eight directions, nine states, ten days, eleven winters, twelve months, thirteen leap years, fourteen pheasants, fifteen looks, sixteen phases, seventeen stars, eighteen pines, and nineteen guests.

If Zhang Tian were to remember it himself, it would take him a long time to remember the order of these dozen words.

However, with the help of the retina display, this work of noting can be completely ignored.

"The second one, Qidou."

Every time Zhang Tian reported a move, Xu Wen and Fu Jinyu took turns to play, and reported the players' positions at the same time.

In fact, the smart bracelet can also scan it without Xu Wen and Fu Jinyu reporting.

However, since it is called "blind chess", Zhang Tian always has to pretend that he "can't see".

After just a dozen moves, Xu Wen and Fu Jinyu have already frowned.

Their Go level is not low. It can be seen at a glance that although Zhang Tian did not remember the first dozen moves correctly, his level is not very good and he has fallen behind by a long way.

The two looked at each other and thought it was not good.

Could it be that the immortal master (the immortal) was fighting against many people alone, and it was blind chess, so his level was too affected?

At this time, the Go AI model reached 2000 points, which is considered the entry level of professional chess players.

The battle finally looked like it.

However, we were too far behind in the previous layout stage, and it is a bit late to start playing properly now.

If it is delayed to the endgame, the result may not be good.

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