Xu Jingye has been doing business for many years and is very good at observing people's expressions.

Seeing that this gentleman was thoughtful and called the gift he sent "worry", the embarrassment of both parties was immediately resolved.

It can be seen that he is also a person who is proficient in the ways of the world, not a pedantic old scholar.

He appears gentle on the surface, but his attitude is firm.

If he forces it in again, it will make people unhappy.

Xu Jingye had to take back the silver seal and said, "I'm ashamed. You are so noble, and I am so careless."

Xu Wen bowed and said, "May I ask your name, sir?"

"Mr. Xu, you don't have to be polite. My surname is Wen and my name is Yuquan. I am 48 years old and still a scholar. I have no intention of taking the imperial examination."

"When Mr. Xu passes the imperial examination, I will have to pay my respects to you when we meet again."

Xu Wen said, "Mr. Wen is too polite."

"You are Mr. Su'er. With such a noble character, no matter what our status is, you deserve the title of Mr.."

Wen Yuquan smiled and said, "It's not that I don't like money, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way."

"Gifts other than tuition fees "The family of every student hopes that their children will be taken care of in the college and can learn better." "If I accept a gift from someone, I have to take good care of that student. It is not good for the child's learning if I don't punish him when I should. If I treat everyone equally, the gift giver will feel unbalanced and feel that his gift is in vain. If you make a fuss, it will not only damage your reputation, but also the reputation of Mingde College. Therefore, for both public and private reasons, this gift must not be accepted." Xu Wen's face was stern. He didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns behind it, and it couldn't be simply summarized by a sentence of "high character". So he bowed and said, "I will teach you." Zhang Tian saw that the other party understood the ways of the world and adhered to the bottom line. He sent Su'er to such a college, and he was relieved. The first day's process was mainly to walk around the ceremony. Let the children get familiar with the environment of the college, and there was no formal class. Zhang Tian and his party went back at noon. Having been keeping an eye on the various forces in Zhang's house, he naturally knew that Su'er had gone to school.

Emperor An You saw that Zhang Tian had neither sent Su'er to the government nor invited a teacher to come to his house, so he could probably guess what Zhang Tian meant.

Emperor An You said, "Xiao Zhuozi, prepare a few gifts for the dean and teacher of Mingde Academy."

Zhuo Ping bowed and said, "Yes! I understand."

Wen Yuquan got off work in the evening and just returned home when he heard that someone was visiting.

I thought it was another parent who came to give gifts. Every year when new students enter school, they have to encounter many such things.

As an enlightenment teacher, dealing with parents is also one of the jobs.

Unexpectedly, several eunuchs came in. That unique temperament and voice are easy to recognize.

Zhuo Ping put down the gift and said concisely without being polite: "I heard that there is a student named Su'er in your academy? My family is here to celebrate the opening of Mingde Academy."

After saying that, he bowed and prepared to leave.

Wen Yuquan hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhong, I cannot accept this gift."

Zhuo Ping did not even turn his head and said, "I have to go to the next house. If you do not accept it, please take it to the palace and return it to the emperor in person."

Wen Yuquan was shocked when he heard this.

This gift was actually sent by the emperor? The purpose is to remind himself to take care of a female student?

However, since the emperor takes care of Su'er so much, why not take her to the palace and let her go to school with those princes and nobles?

Taking a step back, with the emperor's care, it is also easy to invite a few gentlemen to teach at home, and there is no need to send them to the academy.

Of course, Wen Yuquan would not be so stupid as to really go to the palace to return the gift, which is equivalent to slapping the emperor's face.

This gift, he had to accept it even if he didn't want to.

After Zhuo Ping visited several key figures in Mingde Academy, he returned to the palace to report.

Before Wen Yuquan and others could figure out what was going on.

The envoy of Tianjin Kingdom came to give gifts again.

The excuses they made were all similar, all of which were to celebrate the opening of Mingde Academy in the new year, and then mention Su'er intentionally or unintentionally.

This scared Wen Yuquan and the dean.

The emperor sent someone to deliver gifts, which was shocking, but it was not a bad thing.

Now even Tianjin Kingdom sent people to deliver gifts. Wen Yuquan was afraid of being involved in the dispute between the two countries, so he hurried to find the dean.

The dean used his connections to report the matter to the officials.

He was afraid that if he accepted the gifts, something would happen in the future and he would be labeled as a traitor who colluded with the enemy country.

The officials who received the news saw that the matter involved the envoy of Tianjin Kingdom, so they did not dare to neglect it and reported it to the higher authorities.

Finally, it was passed on to the ears of Emperor Anyou through the mouth of Shi Shangshu.

Seeing this, Prime Minister Cai said, "Congratulations to the emperor."

"Now it is just a matter of spreading the news that Master Zhang has the means to hide the emperor star, and the Tianjin Kingdom will not be able to sit still that day."

"If we don't fire, the Tianjin Kingdom willIt depends on the attitude of Master Zhang and our dynasty. "

"As long as it is properly operated, its effect is no less than that of a hundred thousand troops."

Emperor Anyou was delighted at first, then a little worried, and said: "The envoys of Tianjin Kingdom have begun to contact Master Zhang, and they are very humble. We have to be on guard."

Although they think that the possibility of Zhang Tian running to Tianjin Kingdom is very low, they have to take precautions early.

Even if Zhang Tian does not go to Tianjin Kingdom, if he is persuaded by the Tianjin envoy and promises to keep the Emperor Star.

Then, it is no less than losing a national war.

Prime Minister Cai said: "This old minister understands. This old minister will arrange people to interfere with the Tianjin envoys and prevent them from disturbing Master Zhang."

"Well." Emperor Anyou thought for a while, "After all, this gift is for Su'er, I can't refuse it on behalf of Master Zhang."

"You go and arrange it, so that the people of Mingde Academy will voluntarily and actively return it to the Tianjin envoys. "

Prime Minister Cai bowed and said, "I understand."

The forces of the two countries have been secretly competing around Zhang Tian and Di Xing.

But Zhang Tian was completely unaware of it.

Zhang Tian did not understand much about politics, and could not think of too deep an impact.

There was no suitable person around him to explain to him the confrontation between the court and Tianjin Kingdom.

Even if there was, who would teach him randomly if Zhang Tian did not ask? Who would bother him with the dark struggles between mortals?


A few days ago, Su'er was still very happy to go to school.

On the first day of formal class, he came back jumping and shouting as soon as he entered the door: "Brother Zhang Tian, ​​I can write my own name again. The teacher also praised me for being smart. "

Everyone laughed, probably Su'er's father had taught her before.

It's just that she didn't learn well in the first place, and after a long time, the child forgot it again.

Now that she is learning again, she will naturally learn faster than other little brats, so Wen Yuquan can't help but praise her.

Zhang Tian naturally continued to encourage her and said, "Well, that's good. Su'er studies hard, maybe she will be smarter than Xu Wen in the future. ”

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long.

In the next few days, Su’er came home from school every day with dull eyes and deeply doubted life.

In the early stage, the teacher would patiently teach students to recognize their own names first, and it would be best if they could learn to write them.

Once they could recognize and write their names, they would start teaching enlightenment books.

All of a sudden, Su’er felt overwhelmed and couldn’t learn at all. His little heart was hit hard.

He felt stupid and began to not want to go to school.

After Zhang Tian asked, it turned out that they were taught "Thousand Character Classic".

Holding the thin "Thousand Character Classic", it was written:

The sky and the earth are dark yellow, the universe is vast. The sun and the moon wax and wane, The stars are spread out...

A thousand characters in traditional Chinese characters.

Although the artistic conception is very profound, it is obscure and difficult to understand. In the eyes of a little kid, it is no different from a heavenly book.

Not to mention that it is only for a few years old, even if it is put in the future and asked to learn by junior high school students, it will be a headache.

Zhang Tian asked Xu Wen: "When you first learned, did you also read the Thousand Character Classic?"

"Yes, Immortal Master."

"This thing... can a child understand it?"

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