The dean found an official he knew.

He presented this "Three Character Classic" to the other party and told him about his concerns.

The dean's source of information about Zhang Tian mainly came from the market, and he could not get the information from the court in the first place.

The information was spread by ordinary people and spread several times, and the information was seriously distorted.

When Zhang Tian was shopping, he heard the storyteller telling his own story.

Not only did he increase the army of Nianhan by dozens of times, but he also said that the five hundred warriors were a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals.

When fighting, everyone showed their magical powers, thunder and lightning, wind and clouds, flying sand and so on all came out.

Even the short legs who were conquered later were added to the battle of Xiangyang City in advance.

It's not that there are no storytellers with more reliable information who want to tell Zhang Tian's story seriously.

After all, Zhang Tian's story along the way is already extremely magical.

But the people in the market don't like to listen.

You just tell the story of "five hundred warriors" and you have to ride a horse to leave the city gate, which is not exciting enough.

Some people even start to make a noise: "Storyteller, you only have five hundred mortal warriors, how can you fight against the 500,000 troops of Tianjin Kingdom?"

"Yes, the story next door told yesterday, but the immortals brought heavenly soldiers and generals, descended from the sky, and defeated Tianjin Kingdom."

"I heard that there was a dragon to help, it's exciting to listen to."

"Forget it, let's go to the next door, it's exciting to listen to it..."

Seeing that the number of listeners is getting smaller and smaller, the storyteller has no choice but to start the competition mode.

At the beginning, it was said that Tianjin Kingdom had 100,000 troops, which sounded smooth and domineering.

When the other side heard it, it was not good, and he had to add it himself, all the way to a million troops.

It's not easy to add more.

This number has been seriously distorted, and if the number is too big, the listeners will not count.

The five hundred warriors were naturally upgraded from mortals to become 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals.

It was originally a simple thing for Zhang Tian to take the emperor and Minister Shi to travel in the sky in the palace.

As a result, it has been interpreted into dozens of "travels to heaven" by storytellers.

The Three Pure Ones, the Four Imperial Gods, the Jade Emperor, and the fairy Chang'e all appeared.

If someone doesn't believe it, someone will immediately throw out a "blockbuster" - "Nine Heavens Fairy Journey" written by Minister Shi himself.

In order to commemorate this trip to the sky, Minister Shi carefully chose his words and used a lot of imagination and borrowing techniques.

It's a bit like "Dreaming of Tianmu and Chanting Farewell" written by Li Bai.

Those gods in the sky were obviously not seen, but he wrote a long article with imaginative techniques, trying to express a sense of ethereal nothingness and floating in the air.

This "Nine Heavens Fairy Journey" was long awaited by all the officials on the ground at that time.

Therefore, as soon as it came out, everyone wanted to copy and recite it, almost like "paper is expensive in Lin'an".

When it was passed to the storyteller, it naturally became an important material.

When the people heard about the immortals, they felt very far away, with a vague sense of distance.

For them, Shi Shangshu was as big as the sky. He had written a book to prove it, so how could the immortals be simple?

Even the incident in Shijia Village outside Xiangyang City was exaggerated by the storyteller, saying that Zhang Tian fought with zombies for seven days and seven nights, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked...

The official received the "Three Character Classic" sent by the dean, copied a copy, and immediately submitted it to his superiors.

But he did not convey the dean's concerns, saying that Zhang Tian did not care about his reputation and might have other intentions.

After all, he was an official in Lin'an Prefecture, and his source of information was more reliable.

He knew that with Zhang Tian's ability, there was no need to do these little tricks.

The "Three Character Classic" was sent up layer by layer and soon presented to Emperor Anyou.

Specially discussed with officials at the court meeting.

All scholars, especially those who have younger generations in their families who are studying in elementary school, know how difficult it is to open up.

Therefore, the conclusion is very consistent, that is, it can be promoted nationwide.

However, there is a problem.

Shi Shangshu said: "Your Majesty, when printing, should the signature be written as Zhang Gongzi or Wang Yinglin?"

The author of the book said that he was not the author, and the real author had not yet been born, and it would take two hundred years to wait.

From ancient times to the present, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

If it were other people, they would definitely know that it was "borrowing" the name of later generations to cover up something.

But in the case of Zhang Tian, ​​they dare not think about it in this way.

They believe Zhang Tian's words, but the problem is that now the national promotion must take into account the views of scholars and people at all levels.

The signature says that it is a person two hundred years later. The emperor and others dare not criticize it, but the officials, especially Prime Minister Cai, are afraid of being called a "traitor"!

Cai Cheng didn't care. He didn't worry about the debts he had. Anyway, his reputation among the people had already reached its lowest point.

The only hope now was to be able to safelyBeing an official leaves an opportunity for the family.

And the key is the emperor or Zhang Tian.

So, he said calmly: "Your Majesty, since Mr. Zhang's pen and ink are written by Mr. Zhang, it is not appropriate for us to make random speculations."

"Why not, just print it as it is, without signing it on the first page, and keep the original text about the origin of the author on the last page."

When Emperor Anyou heard this, he felt that this plan was good and nodded: "Yes. Mr. Zhang's book does not need to be modeled on ordinary books."

Looking at the name "Wang Yinglin", Emperor Anyou became a little fond of talents.

It's a pity that after two hundred years of time and space, we can't see it now.

So, he ordered the royal archives to record this matter, and wait two hundred years before looking for this great scholar.

But the people are not fools.

Seeing that this book has been popular for two hundred years, who wouldn't want their child to be the great Confucian "Wang Yinglin" predicted by the immortal?

So, two hundred years later.

Almost all the children of people with the surname Wang in Yin County, Qingyuan Prefecture, are named "Wang Yinglin".

In fact, many people even call their girls this name.

The "Three Character Classic" doesn't say whether it's a boy or a girl, so what if it's a female gentleman?

What's more, there was someone who moved to Yin County, Qingyuan Prefecture from other places, and he was also called "Wang Yinglin".

As a result, Yin County of Qingyuan Prefecture became the largest city with the royal surname.

Two hundred years later, the court dug out the royal archives and wanted to send people to find the great scholar who had predicted the immortal.

As a result, if I randomly shouted "Wang Yinglin" in Yin County, everyone in the street would respond with "Hey".

The sounds came and went, as if they were in the Valley of Echoes.

This made the messenger anxious.

I looked through the original manuscript urgently to see if the immortal had any hints. What was the word for "Wang Yinglin"?

It's a pity that Zhang Tian comes from a later generation and is not interested in "words" or anything like that.

According to custom, in order to show closeness, he called Xu Wen and should call him "Wenbo".

But Zhang Tianke didn't care about this and just called him by name.

Anyway, no one dared to correct him, thinking that the immortals did not understand the customs of the world.

Therefore, when copying the "Three Character Classic", Wang Yinglin's characters will not be copied.

In the end, this unsolved case was settled.

Affected by this, there were many more scholars and officials in the court and throughout the country, all named Wang Yinglin, and there were many talented ones.

This led to everyone speculating, who is the "great scholar" predicted by the immortal?

For this reason, it also caused a scolding war between their respective fans, which became a great spectacle in the history of the literary world.


This is something that even Zhang Tian doesn’t know about.

At this time, Zhang Tian was starting to get bored.

Spend a certain amount of time every day simulating repairs to the ship on the hologram, and most of the damage has already been planned.

As soon as the nuclear fuel is provided, formal maintenance can begin.

During the rest of the time, check out the e-books and videos in the library.

However, no matter how rich the database is, it cannot replace the Internet or make up for the regret of communicating with people.

Su'er goes to school every day, leaving early and returning late.

Xu Wen began to prepare for the imperial examination with all his strength. He went out to find Fu Jinyu and other students every day, and no longer stayed with Zhang Tian.

Tiedong practiced his sword skills hard every day, and since he didn't talk much, Zhang Tian didn't have much to talk to him.

Others were even more speechless.

Zhang Tian felt a deep sense of loneliness.

Thinking back to those who were ahead of the times, you should have the same feeling, right?

Since he was bored, Zhang Tian had to go to the West Lake to relax from time to time.

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