Zhang Tian first confirmed that there was no foreign body in the airway, then put gauze on the man's mouth, endured the discomfort, and blew air into it.

Then he continued to do chest compressions and blowing air, repeating the cycle.

One minute, two minutes...

"Hiss... Uh..."

The man made a strange sound of inhaling, and sat up with a "teng".

Everyone was shocked.

"Ah... The corpse is resurrected! Run."

"Go find Heigouxue, someone is resurrected."

There was a commotion around, and they instinctively took a few steps back.

Two soldiers were even more pale and ran away.

"Run for your ass, the immortal is here, what are you afraid of!"

Niu Er grabbed the two panicked sergeants, lifted them in his hands, and scolded: "You two fools, why are you running? This is the immortal performing magic to bring Tiedong back to life."

Everyone paused and nodded.

"No wonder the immortal wanted to kiss Tiedong just now. It turned out that he gave Tiedong some immortal energy."

"The immortal's magic is really powerful."

"Resurrection, it's really resurrection!"

The soldiers around felt more and more right, and they were boiling with excitement.

The wealthy businessmen and nobles who were watching were all incredulous.

Zhang Tian led 500 warriors to attack the Hu army, which was already shocking.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tian showed his magic right in front of them.

Just now, Zhang Tian's operation was strange and unusual, and he had never seen it before.

Even kissing the corpse, everyone was already wondering.

If ordinary people did this, it would be suspected of blaspheming the dead.

But due to Zhang Tian's majesty, they did not dare to stop it or ask.

Unexpectedly, it was the immortal who used the magic of resurrection to save this soldier named Tiedong.

Now everyone just hated that they did not watch it carefully enough just now. How did the mouth-to-mouth kiss happen?

What's the difference from the usual kissing between a man and a woman?

It's a pity that it's blocked, so we can't see if he sticks out his tongue?

Also, what's the use of that piece of gauze?

With a "pop", the crying man knelt in front of Zhang Tian.

"Thank you, immortal, for saving my brother. I, Tienan, have nothing to repay you for, and I am willing to work like a cow or a horse to repay the immortal's kindness."

"Get up first, the matter is not over yet." Zhang Tian helped Tienan up.

Then he turned around and said, "General Guo, please send someone to my room to bring my box over."

"Immortal, is it the box made of white refined gold that I brought from the immortal boat yesterday?" General Guo asked.

Yesterday, Zhang Tian brought a metal box into the city, and countless people saw it, and General Guo naturally saw it.

"That's right, there is only one box in my room, bring it here quickly. Whether this brother named Tiedong can survive depends on it."

"I'll go, I'll go! I know which room the immortal is in." Niu Er shouted.

General Guo nodded: "Go quickly and come back quickly."

As General Guo's personal guard and a lieutenant, Niu Er can freely enter and leave the general's mansion, so it is most appropriate for him to go.

Niu Er rushed out of the barracks like a bear and ran towards the general's mansion, and his speed was surprisingly not slow.

Although Tiedong recovered, his left arm was broken and he lost too much blood.

In addition, if the broken arm is not treated in time, the chance of survival is still slim.

In order to save people to the end, Zhang Tian had to use some medicine from his descendants.

After a while, Niu Er ran back with the box held high.

Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid he held it above his head all the way, for fear of disrespecting the immortal objects.

Zhang Tian was too lazy to teach him a lesson, and took the box. There were some medical supplies in it, which Zhang Tian had originally prepared for himself.

"Tiedong lost too much blood, I need a blood transfusion, who among you is willing to donate blood?"

The surroundings were silent for nothing!

In this era, people care about their body and hair, which are given by their parents, so they dare not abandon them.

Even cutting hair is a double-edged sword, not to mention giving blood transfusions to others.

If ordinary people dare to say this, they will probably be regarded as evil spirits and beaten to death on the spot.

Even the usually calm General Guo's voice trembled: "Shangxian, but through the tube in your hand, can you transfuse the blood of a living person into him?"

"That's right."

"This... Shangxian, Tiedong was clearly dead just now, are you going to transfer the life of a living person to him?"

Zhang Tian said: "Don't worry, it's just a blood transfusion, no one will die."

No one will die?

That means part of the life will be transferred to him, and part will be left in the living person?

If they are asked to block the knife for their comrades, they can do it without hesitation.

However, lending life to the other party feels eerie and weird, and everyone is really scared.

Some people even began to wonder whether it would affect their reincarnation in the future?

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Zhang Tian scolded, "We are all brothers who have been through thick and thin together. Is it so difficult for you to donate blood?"

"I'll do it!" Tienan gritted his teeth and said,"Goddess, please let my life span be transferred to my elder brother."

"No," Tiedong said with pale lips, struggling, "I am already a disabled body and older than you, you keep my life span on yourself. Live well and go home to take care of me in the future."

"No, elder brother, if we want to go back, let's go back together. I am thinking about us."

"No, you listen to elder brother. I am very satisfied that my elder brother can survive and tell you a few words. Listen to me..."

"Okay." Zhang Tian interrupted.

At this time, the critical illness has not passed. If they are allowed to continue to grieve, they will really have to deal with the funeral affairs.

"I said I will not die, you will not die, and he will not die. There is no such thing as borrowing life span."

"But," Zhang Tian said to Tienan, "your blood is not good."

"Why?" Tienan was puzzled, "My elder brother and I are brothers from the same mother. I am not afraid of death."

"It is not good because you are brothers."

This is common sense about blood transfusion. Generally, close relatives cannot be directly transfused.

Because there will be immune rejection reaction, and severe cases may even lead to the death of the patient.

Tiedong and Tienan, you can tell from their faces that they are brothers who can't be closer, and they are definitely not suitable.

Niu Er asked: "Shangxian, that... are they not actually brothers?"

Tienan thought to himself that it must be so, otherwise Shangxian has boundless magic power, how could he not use my blood.

Suddenly tears flowed, and said: "Brother, even if we are not brothers, I still regard you as my brother."

"Alas, Tienan, if we survive to go back, we must ask mother who is her biological child?" Tiedong said weakly.

The two hugged each other and cried bitterly, as if they were parting forever.

Zhang Tian had a headache. Why did this pair of funny people act so much? !

If it weren't for their serious injuries, he really wanted to slap them and tell them to shut up.

Since it was not easy to scold Tiedong and Tienan, Zhang Tian fixed his eyes on Niu Er.

This fool is as strong as a bear. It will be no problem to draw some blood.

"You, come here, stretch out your hand."

Niu Er was so scared that his face turned pale, but he didn't dare to disobey Zhang Tian's words.

He stretched out his arm tremblingly, closed his eyes tightly, and turned aside.

The soldiers around him instinctively retreated.

It's not that they don't have loyalty. If they were on the battlefield, they could block the knife for their brothers and give their lives to their brothers.

It's really that the method of blood transfusion is too advanced, and everyone has wild thoughts and associates it with borrowing life.

It's far beyond their acceptance.

Zhang Tian took out a tubular instrument that was as thick as a thumb and more than ten centimeters long from the alloy box.

This is a medical detector commonly used in space.

Blood type detection is only a small function. The data can also be connected to the central control computer to detect gene sequences.

In space, cosmic rays are thousands of times stronger than on the ground.

Despite the protection of the space station, regular testing is still required to detect genetic diseases in time.

Early astronauts were generally required to be married and have children before they were allowed to go to space.

This was because they were afraid that cosmic rays would affect their children and cause genetic mutations.

However, with the advancement of technology, the protection capability has been greatly improved.

In addition, space exploration requires a large number of talents, and the supply is insufficient to meet the demand.

Gradually, not many people mentioned this rule.

Zhang Tian wiped a little blood from Tiedong's broken arm, and the medical detector showed that it was type B.

Then he cleaned Niu Er's finger a little, pricked it, and the test showed that it was type A.

"Yours is not good."

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