If he were an ordinary Taoist priest, he would definitely be accused of being a heretic.

But as Bai Yuchan was the founder of a great Taoist sect, how many people in the world dared to preach to him?

Bai Yuchan said: "Your Majesty, I know that you summoned me to the court to find the way to immortality."

"But even I don't believe that there are real gods in this world, how can I teach Your Majesty?"

"That's why I refuse out of shame."

Emperor Anyou was not angry, and said: "You don't even believe that the Taoist ancestors can become immortals. I guess you don't believe that Mr. Zhang is an immortal?"

"That's right."

Prime Minister Cai asked: "Since Taoist Master Bai doesn't believe in immortals, why does he practice Taoism? Isn't it to pursue longevity and eventually become an immortal?"

Bai Yuchan shook his head slightly: "I practice Taoism to find the way ahead. The way ahead may be a dead end, or it may be the way to become an immortal."

"But according to the Taoist classics I have learned, I don't think anyone can become an immortal."

"The Taoist ancestors are just pioneers who have penetrated the essence, spirit, and qi."

If it weren't for Zhang Tian's strange example, Bai Yuchan didn't want to say these true words in front of the emperor.

However, the current situation must be explained.

Otherwise, how can a mortal like me be qualified to challenge an "immortal"?

Prime Minister Cai said, "Then how do you explain the miraculous deeds of Master Zhang along the way?"

Bai Yuchan shook his head: "I don't know, so I came to beg the emperor to help me meet him."

"If he is like Master Chunyang, who is a pioneer of the great way, I will naturally bow down to him. If he loses, I will let him do whatever he wants."

"If he is evil and uses strange skills to bring chaos to the world, I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life."

Emperor Anyou did not agree directly, but said, "Master Bai mentioned in the poem just now that practicing for three or two days will have an effect."

"It just so happens that I have also learned some simple cultivation methods from Master Zhang."

"It will also take three or two days to feel that my body has obviously improved."

"Why not, let Master Bai take a look first."

Seeing that the emperor did not agree immediately, Bai Yuchan was not anxious and asked, "What method of cultivation?"

Emperor Anyou gestured to Zhuo Ping who was waiting on the side.

Zhuo Ping immediately took out the handwritten manuscript of Journey to the West and turned to the "water" mixed by Zhang Tian.

Bai Yuchan took it with both hands and glanced at it quickly.

His face changed immediately!

"Small Zhoutian Gong? How could the secret of our Taoism be here?"

At first, I thought it was some kind of cultivation secret book, and quickly flipped through the manuscript.

I found that it was actually a book of mythological stories, and it was definitely not a serious Taoist classic.

Everyone felt more relieved after seeing it.

Sure enough, the skills passed down by Master Zhang were the real thing, and it was the secret of Taoism.

Emperor Anyou even felt a little relieved in his heart.

You refused to come to the court despite repeated summons, and now I have an immortal coming to the court, are you anxious?

Even the secret of your Taoism is just a way to get started in the eyes of Master Zhang.

With such a comparison, the difference is clear.

Minister Shi said, "This is what Master Zhang mentioned in the story he told the children."

"He also said that this method of cultivation can only improve health, but it is absolutely impossible to become an immortal, and told us not to indulge in it."

Bai Yuchan's mind was shocked again.

As the founder of the sect, he naturally has the tolerance he should have.

However, no matter how tolerant he is, he dare not write the secret in a storybook and spread it all over the world.

Could it be that the Xiangyang Immortal has already done so much on the road, and even this "Small Zhoutian Gong" is only suitable for children to use for enlightenment?

Thinking of this, Bai Yuchan's heart surged.

It has been a long time since he started practicing Taoism.

So, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have been practicing Taoism for my whole life, and I thought that the road ahead was over."

"So I don't believe in the Daluo Heaven, and I don't believe in immortals."

"If that Master Zhang is really a pioneer of the Tao, no matter what, I have to ask for advice."

Prime Minister Cai said: "Master Bai, I respect you as a master of the generation."

"If you want to go, we can't stop you, but you must sign a written agreement."

"If you are killed by Master Zhang's divine light, you can't blame the emperor and Master Zhang."

Bai Yuchan is famous in the Taoist sect.

If he was suddenly killed in Lin'an Prefecture without any evidence, it might cause instability in Taoism all over the world.

Although the court is not afraid, it is also a big trouble. Prime Minister Cai deliberately issued a disclaimer in advance.

Bai Yuchan shook his head and said, "Such a big thing should not be discussed behind closed doors."

"If that young master Zhang really surpassed the ancestors of all generations and learned the Tao before the world, he should be worshipped by the world's Taoists."

The people present did not answer, but smiled without saying anything.

Bai Yuchan's words were full of mystery.

If he lost,Of course, it will affect the face of Taoism and weaken Bai Yuchan's reputation.

However, this can be used as an opportunity to pull Zhang Tian into Taoism and worship him.

Then, the influence of Taoism will far exceed that of other religions.

Emperor Anyou said lightly: "This matter requires the consent of Master Zhang, and when there is an opportunity..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a eunuch bowing at the door of the side hall, indicating that he had something to report.

Emperor Anyou just changed the subject and said, "What's the matter?"

"I just received a notice from the palace gate saying that the abbot of Wolong Temple, Master Huiyuan, wants to see the emperor."

Everyone was a little confused.

What day is today?

Why did the top leaders of Buddhism and Taoism choose this time to come to the emperor?

Emperor Anyou asked, "Why did he come? Did he tell me?"

Minister Shi said, "Is it to debate with Master Zhang again?"

Before, the monks of Wolong Temple wanted to find Zhang Tian to debate with him through their connections, in order to vindicate Master Xuanzang.

However, this is just an image in "Journey to the West", which Zhang Tian arranged based on the image of later generations.

Why would he bother to debate with a monk?

Naturally, he refused.

Wolong Temple is in Lin'an, and has close contact with many dignitaries. They know Zhang Tian's ability and guess that Zhang Tian has a gentle personality.

Therefore, they dare not ask for a "battle" like Bai Yuchan did, but want to fight for it by talking.

After all, even if they lose, they only lose by talking, and they don't lose much.

If they can win a few sentences, not only can Master Xuanzang's image be saved, but Wolong Temple will also become famous.

But even Zhang Tian can see this little thought.

How could the emperor and his ministers not know? Naturally, they were unwilling to facilitate this matter.

The eunuch bowed and replied: "I don't know. However, Abbot Huiyuan said that he and Taoist Master Bai Yuchan came for the same thing."

When such a heavyweight figure as Bai Yuchan entered Lin'an Prefecture, he first went to Mingde Academy and then swaggered to "Feihe Temple" to hang up his name.

It is not difficult for anyone who is well-informed to know.

There are also many believers in Wolong Temple, and I am afraid someone has already informed them.

Emperor Anyou sneered slightly: "The monks came quite quickly. Have they forgotten what happened decades ago?"

Decades ago, before the Emperor Star descended, the timeline had not been affected.

At that time, Chai Rong, the Emperor of the Later Zhou Dynasty, issued an edict: Evil monks and nuns have consumed the world, and those who are not decreed by the emperor will be abolished...

More than 260,000 monks and nuns returned to secular life, 150,000 slaves and servants were collected from the temples, and countless property and land were confiscated.

This "anti-Buddhist" incident was naturally deeply hated by Buddhism.

Later, Chai Rong went north to attack the Liao Dynasty and died at the age of 38, which was considered an untimely death.

There were rumors among the people that this disaster was caused by his disrespect for Buddha.

Chai Zongxun, who succeeded to the throne, was only 7 years old, so he naturally had no time to deal with these rumors.

Until later, the "Emperor Star" descended, the Later Zhou changed its name to "An Dynasty", and the Emperor Star moved north, a series of things happened, and this matter was left unresolved.

However, since then, Buddhism and the royal family have not been on good terms.

Otherwise, how could Emperor Anyou repeatedly summon Bai Yuchan to the court instead of looking for the nearest Wolong Temple?

Naturally, Buddhism did not dare to provoke the royal family, and the royal family did not like Buddhism.

Whenever there was a sacrifice, people from Taoism were invited to come.

Now that Buddhism dared to jump out again, Emperor Anyou was naturally unhappy.

Just as he was about to ask someone to drive Abbot Huiyuan away, Prime Minister Cai suddenly said, "Your Majesty, why don't you summon Huiyuan in and see what happens first."

"If Buddhism and Taoism attack Master Zhang at the same time, why not use Master Zhang to decide who is better."

The emperor and his ministers smiled.

They said they wanted to decide who was better, but in fact they wanted to use Zhang Tian to suppress Buddhism.

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