Zhuo Ping said: "Master Bai said that fighting is not about killing. Each party should show the Tao they have realized and the skills they have practiced. The one who is more capable will win."

Zhang Tian didn't know whether Bai Yuchan was afraid of death or whether Taoist fighting was like this.

But it was just what Zhang Tian wanted.

Talking about "Taoism", do you think I can scare you to death? !

Zhang Tian calculated the time and found that something big had happened recently.

Since he was forced to do something, he could pretend to do it in a small way or a big way. He might as well pretend to do it in a big way!

So he said: "Half a month later, at noon. You should inform the emperor of the location and he will decide it."

"Yes, Master."

Zhuo Ping saw Zhang Tian agreed and immediately showed joy on his face, as if he had already won.

He went back to report happily.

The side hall of the palace.

When everyone heard the time, they just felt that it was a little long, but they didn't think too much about it.

Bai Yuchan pinched his fingers and counted the days, but found nothing special.

Huiyuan didn't care even more.

Anyway, he felt that this battle was a sure win, so he went back to prepare with a compassionate face.

Since Bai Yuchan had clearly said that this battle needed to be made public, the emperor also wanted to use it to suppress Buddhism and Taoism in the world.

So, the date and location of the war were quickly communicated to all parts of the country.

Even the channels for transmitting military intelligence were used to try to give people from afar time to come.

Half a month was enough to transmit the information to Zhongdu of Tianjin Kingdom.

If those who wanted to come, they could get there in time if they rode horses more than a thousand miles away from Lin'an Prefecture.

This matter involved Buddhism and Taoism.

There was also the Xiangyang Immortal who had recently spread all over the world and beat Tianjin Kingdom to a pulp.

I don't know how many people, near or far, began to rush to Lin'an Prefecture.

As the day approached, more and more people from all over the world came to Lin'an Prefecture.

The officials had to increase patrols and even borrow some imperial guards occasionally to keep Lin'an from being in chaos.

Xu Wen used to go out to relax with scholars such as Fu Jinyu.

Now that there are so many outsiders, they are afraid of accidents, so they just hide in the mansion and don't go out easily.

This is hard for Zhang Tian.

Hearing a bunch of people reading in the backyard all day, his ears are "buzzing" all day.

But I set the time so late, there is an unchangeable reason, so I have to hide in the room and rarely go out.

But in the eyes of outsiders, isn't this just meditation?

So, from the mouths of scholars, it spread all over Lin'an.

It is said that in order to deal with this battle, Zhang Xianren actually meditated for half a month.

It seems that the opponent is not weak either.

Bai Yuchan is fine, because he was originally famous.

But it is a bargain for Huiyuan, whose reputation was originally limited to Lin'an.

As a result, the incident was spread to all parts of the Central Plains through the mouths of outsiders.

Zhang Tian actually didn't have much to prepare.

In the maintenance metal box, he pieced together a few things, and then made a simple balloon and released it into the sky at night.

Once in the sky, the balloon satellite can take over.

There are two simple mechanical arms on it, which were originally used for self-repair of faults and cleaning up birds that accidentally collided.

Zhang Tian spent most of the day remotely controlling the device sent up to the satellite circuit.

Then he asked the emperor to send some craftsmen to make a special metal cage to cover the carriage.

Three days before the fight.

Zhang Tian moved into the carriage in advance.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of defecation and urination, Zhang Tian appropriately reduced the amount of food he ate. Anyway, he didn't need to eat too much if he didn't exercise.

Tiedong quietly pulled Xu Wen and asked, "Xu Xiucai, is the Immortal going to start fasting? I heard that immortals can eat nothing but wind."

"That should be right?" Xu Wen was not sure, "The Immortal Master may eat just to indulge in the delicacies of the world."

"Hmm..." Tiedong nodded, "No wonder the Immortal Master goes out to find all kinds of delicious snacks whenever he has time, it must be like that."

Xu Wen recalled the strange books he had read and said, "Among the immortals recorded, there are many greedy ones, or they also test mortals with food."

"It seems that the immortals are also greedy after drinking northwest wind in the sky for many years."

Fu Jinyu, who hangs out at Zhang's house all day, lowered his voice and said, "The ancients said that the gods can only fly by eating wind and drinking dew."

"The Immortal was originally unable to return to heaven, so he was a little unruly. Now he wants to fight, is he recovering his magic power?"


Several people took a breath of cold air.

The Immortal Master (Shangxian) already had great magical power, and now he wanted to increase his magical power, how could the fight be possible?

The other side was a monk and a Taoist priest, two mortals, could they withstand it?

This speculation spread.

Immediately, a wave of speculation spread in Lin'an Prefecture.A wave of enthusiasm.

The news reached "Feihe Temple", and someone wanted to inform Bai Yuchan.

But he had already entered into meditation, and ordered that he was not allowed to be disturbed in advance unless the time was up.

But Huiyuan, the abbot of Wolong Temple, did not meditate in meditation, but strolled happily every day.

Upon hearing the news, his fat face froze.

Not really? I'm just going to talk, it shouldn't be prepared for me, right?

Is Bai Yuchan so powerful? Even the immortals have to take it so seriously?

When they fight, I stand aside, afraid of being caught in the crossfire.

However, if I run away in advance, wouldn't it be admitting that I am inferior to the two of them?

Although Huiyuan was originally inferior to the other two, he would always have to save face in the public eye.

Under the undercurrent, the day of the fight finally arrived.

At noon, Tiedong drove the carriage and began to drive towards the palace.

Along the way, there were crowds of people surrounding both sides.

Fortunately, Lin'an Prefecture had been prepared, using the imperial guards and officials to forcibly create a passage.

The carriage slowly arrived outside the palace.

I saw a three-meter high platform, more than 20 meters long and wide, standing a hundred meters away from the palace gate.

This was originally an open space.

In order to prevent assassins, there were no trees at ordinary times, which was just right for building a high platform.

On the palace wall.

There were three yellow curtains, divided into three positions.

Around each yellow curtain, there were a large number of imperial guards guarding, and ministers waiting beside them.

Prime Minister Cai and Shangshu Shi were each at the side of a yellow curtain.

Obviously, this was the emperor's safety measure.

Of course, he had to watch such a grand battle in person.

Once on the palace wall, it would be easy to be attacked by flying arrows and strong crossbows, so this suspicious formation was set up.

The emperor might be in these three yellow curtains, or he might not be there at all, in other inconspicuous places.

Even if there were assassins, as long as they were not sure of the emperor's true location, they would rather endure it than launch an attack rashly.

Less than twenty meters away from the three-meter high platform, countless people were surrounded.

Fortunately, the imperial guards had been prepared and used a line of chevaux de frise to keep the people out.

The "buzzing" sound of tens of thousands of people gradually quieted down with the appearance of Zhang Tian's carriage.

In the end, only the "squeaking" sound of the wheels of Zhang Tian's carriage echoed in the square.

The carriage came to the bottom of the high platform and stopped.

Zhang Tian said in the carriage: "Tiedong, you notify the imperial guards to let the melon-eating crowd retreat another hundred steps."


Tiedong didn't know why Zhang Tian called the people "melon-eating crowds". He didn't see anyone eating melons, but he just obeyed his orders.

Those people finally squeezed to the front.

Many people came to occupy the position a day and a night in advance.

Now they have to retreat another hundred steps, and some people are dissatisfied and make a fuss.

Tiedong stood on the carriage with a steel knife in his hand and shouted loudly: "The immortals are fighting. You who are not afraid of death can stay."

"Now the immortals have given a warning. If you don't believe it, then prepare to reincarnate."

"Buzz......" The crowd exploded immediately.

"Is it true? Is it that powerful?"

"I heard that the immortals invited 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to fight against the Tianjin Kingdom. However, even if we retreat, we can't let go of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers."

"Do you really believe the storyteller? That's just a story, and it's fun to tell."

Zhang Tian said: "Tiedong, you retreat."


Tiedong did not hesitate, untied the reins, led the two horses, and ran towards the palace gate.

He had personally experienced the "heavenly punishment" of the supply ship and the "heavenly attack" of the immortal strike, and knew how terrifying the power range was.

Naturally, he ran as far as he could.

When the crowd saw that even the immortals' disciples had run so far and had taken two horses away, they immediately believed it.

Under the pressure of the imperial guards, they gradually retreated a hundred steps away.

At this time, a clear voice came: "The crow flies gold, the rabbit walks jade, and the three realms are just a grain of millet."

"The mountains and rivers have been covered with dust for years, and the yin and yang are reversed into the mysterious valley..."

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