In the original Song Dynasty, the sprouts of capitalism had already appeared, but they could not develop.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, although they had seen the power of firearms and technology, they were still complacent.

It was because the people who passed the imperial examinations were confined to the "Four Books and Five Classics" and other knowledge.

Those technical talents who explored "strange skills and tricks" were not given enough status and treatment.

They even used their power to deliberately prohibit the people from accessing more advanced ideas and technologies.

It was not until they could no longer play ostrich that they were awakened by Western industrialized countries.

This led to the "May Fourth Movement", opposing eight-legged essays, criticizing Confucius and overthrowing Confucius.

Xu Wen was born in this era and could not see the historical drawbacks of the imperial examinations. He only wanted to maintain the fairness of this era. Zhang Tian did not blame him.

But Zhang Tian had the historical vision of future generations. He knew that there were problems with the imperial examinations, but he did not do something. He could not bear it.

The sooner this rigid system is broken, the better it will be for the entire China and the descendants of Yan and Huang.

Although we cannot expect to abolish the imperial examination system directly, at least we cannot make all the officials in the court read the "Four Books and Five Classics".

Only when people from other fields enter the court can Confucianism be checked and balanced, and there will be multi-faceted development.

At least, when science and technology develop later, a group of non-Confucian people will be in power, at least some support can be given to scientific and technological personnel.

Such support may be the key to breaking the thousand-year limitation of feudalism.

Originally, Zhang Tian did not have too many ideas, but just wanted Xu Wen to pass the imperial examination and gain a foothold in this era.

Unexpectedly, the emperor and Prime Minister Cai were so cruel that they directly sent a champion.

In this case, Zhang Tian simply used this as an entry point and prepared to start with the entire imperial examination system.

Otherwise, even if some science and technology were passed down, it would probably be self-contained and surpassed by others.

Every field requires relevant technical talents to continue to learn, innovate, and apply.

If the imperial examination system cannot encourage the development of these "strange and lewd" talents, the century-old humiliation of later generations will sooner or later reappear.

By the way, let's test Xu Wen.

Let's see what his nature is like, what his ability is like, and how much pressure he can withstand.

Xu Wen's side.

It was like a thunderbolt, exploding in his mind.

These few words had an unprecedented impact on his worldview.

It's not just because these words are treasonous. Since Zhang Tian appeared, there have been many "treasonous" words, and Xu Wen is not surprised.

The key is that he thinks that the imperial examination selection system, which he takes for granted and is worth protecting with his lifelong reputation, is it really just a dog leash in the eyes of the royal family?

No wonder the immortal master doesn't care how he got his position as the first place.

Who would talk about fairness with a dog leash?

I wish I could get rid of it as soon as possible.

But think about it carefully, isn't it?

Scholars like Xu Wen just dare not think or say it.

Once the shackles are broken, with their IQ, it is not difficult to see through these essences.

"Dog leash...So the classics we studied so hard are just a dog leash given by the emperor?"

"No wonder after the Han Dynasty, all schools of thought were abolished and Confucianism was the only one respected. The grand occasion of the Hundred Schools of Thought in the pre-Qin period disappeared from then on."

"So that's how it that's how it is..."

Zhang Tian was not in a hurry and let Xu Wen think about it for a while.

Xu Wen thought for a long time, and finally said: "Master, did you point out to me so that I can see through the illusion and be content with being a privileged class?"

"In this case, what is the difference between me and Prime Minister Cai?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "If you get the title of Jieyuan, you will feel at ease, and I will follow you."

"There are so many officials in the court, and one more person like you will not make much difference."

"Fortunately, you did not disappoint me. You would rather endure personal humiliation and pursue the so-called "fairness."

"Although the word fairness is simple, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to do it."

"The emperor needs people all over the world to dance around the dog leash he gave. Is this fairness in the eyes of the emperor fair to the scholars?"

"The scholars hope that the imperial examination will be fair to the scholars." Absolute fairness and justice, and pass the exam to the privileged class that sucks blood. "

"The more candidates, the more blood suckers, is it fair to the people?"

"This imperial examination system has imprisoned thousands of talented people in the classics, is it fair to the descendants of Yan and Huang?"

This question is too big, and Xu Wenzheng was lost in thought: "Does the immortal master have an answer?"

Zhang Tian shook his head: "No."

"Looking back on the past five thousand years, in every dynasty, there will be countless outstanding people who want to find fairness for the people of the world."

"Some recommend virtuous people, some consider bloodline, and some select people based on talent."

"Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the imperial examination system has been developed."

"However, gradually, the people found that in the end, they would forceThey can't survive."

"Everything seems so fair, but they just don't know how to survive."

"Today, the mechanism is the imperial examination."

"You are in the right place, so I will let you mix in and see what you will do."

Xu Wen sighed: "Did the disciple disappoint the immortal master?"

"Not to the point of disappointment. You can give up your personal honor and maintain the fairness of the imperial examination. You still have a fire in your heart."

"This little flame depends on how you want to burn it."

"If you can't bear the pressure, I will give you a few achievements to stop the world from talking about it."

Xu Wen's eyes turned red, and he said in a crying voice: "It turns out that the immortal master has such high hopes for his disciples. I am ashamed that I can't appreciate the immortal master's deep meaning."

Zhang Tian said: "Don't worry, take your time."

"It's just right to take advantage of this incident to start with the imperial examination system. "

Xu Jingye, who had been waiting beside him, was surprised and worried.

Is the immortal cultivating Xu Wen as a saint?

This kind of eternal problem, let alone completely solved, even if only a small part of it is solved and only a little constructive thought is put forward, it can leave a name in the long river of history and become a saint.

Xu Wen said: "Then how should the disciple's title of Jieyuan be solved?"

Zhang Tian said: "Think about it carefully, and tell me when you figure it out."

After hearing this, Xu Wen fell into deep thought.

From day to night, he thought about it, and the whole person was like a walking corpse, wandering back and forth in the living room.

Xu Jingye was worried, so he stayed by his side, and handed Xu Wen water and snacks from time to time to replenish his nutrition.

Until the next day, Zhang Tian woke up.

Xu Wen's eyes were red, but his expression was firm. He said to Zhang Tian: "Master, since this imperial examination system is only beneficial to the royal family, it is harmful to the world and future generations. ”

“Why not take this opportunity to write a petition to the emperor to abolish the imperial examination system?”

Zhang Tian said: “If there is no second system to replace it, abolishing it alone will not only be useless, but harmful.”

Xu Wen said: “I know that the imperial examination system is beneficial to the royal family, and the emperor will definitely not agree.”

“I will take a step back to advance. If abolition is not possible, I will propose to expand the scope of the imperial examination system.”

“Include agriculture, crafts, astronomy, research, mathematics and other subjects in the imperial examination system. Anyone with superb skills and major contributions can be treated equally and granted official positions.”

“In this way, the gentry cannot dominate alone, and the emperor does not have to be constrained by civil officials.”

“The world’s craftsmen and industries will be more loyal to the royal family with the emperor’s grace, which can balance the power of the gentry.”

“According to the immortal master, these craftsmen and industries also contain infinite avenues. ”

“If the emperor can allow it, I am afraid that the grand occasion of the Nan'an Dynasty will be better than the Hundred Schools of Thought in the pre-Qin Dynasty.”

Zhang Tian was a little surprised. Xu Wen's idea was very close to the development model of later generations.

However, Zhang Tian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your idea is very good."

“However, this matter involves the interests of the royal family and the interests of countless people in the world's aristocrats."

“If you say that, you will only become the target of public criticism and be quickly counterattacked."

Xu Wen said, "Is it not possible to suppress it with the immortal master?"

Zhang Tian said, "You underestimate human nature. Once your own interests are damaged, you can fight for your life."

"Even if I hang the title of an immortal, I can't kill people all over the world, right?"

"Otherwise, wouldn't the most successful people in all dynasties be tyrants?"

"This..." After hearing what Zhang Tian said, Xu Wen also knew that he was too anxious.

"Disciple wants to use 20 years to change this imperial examination system. ”

Zhang Tian shook his head: "20 years is too short, at least 50 years, two generations of time."

"Ah?" Xu Wen was surprised, "50 years?"

Zhang Tian said: "Do you think it is so easy to shake the aristocratic class that has existed for thousands of years?"

"It is the most optimistic estimate to use one generation to accumulate strength and another generation to take power to tear open a gap."

"Go, go to the palace first and ask the emperor to release the scholar and revoke the punishment."

"You can do whatever you want with the position of Jieyuan."

Xu Wen bowed and said: "Yes."

Then he washed up, changed his clothes, and went to the palace.

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