When the battle report came from the mountain, General Zhao felt a little regretful.

He knew all the actions of the enemy, and took advantage of the strong wind to make various arrangements in advance.

Still, he could not annihilate the enemy, leaving only more than 10,000 corpses.

If it were in previous years, it would be a rare victory to kill 10,000 cavalrymen of Tianjin Kingdom, and the whole country would be jubilant.

But in General Zhao's heart, he was still not satisfied.

This time, with the help of the artifact Clairvoyance given by the immortal, he knew the enemy's movements very well, and should have achieved greater results.

Unfortunately, this battle was in the wilderness.

The surroundings were too flat, and there were no dangerous and narrow places.

In addition, there were too few cavalrymen in the An Dynasty, so even if the enemy retreated, it would be difficult to chase and kill.

Seeing that the battle was over.

General Zhao had to command the camp to be set up, count the wounded, and write a battle report to Lin'an Prefecture and Xiangyang City.


When this battle came out, the world was shocked!

People who don't know the inside story find it incredible to see the An Dynasty army annihilate 10,000 cavalrymen of the Tianjin Kingdom on the front battlefield.

If the Xiangyang army had a "fairy" in charge, it would be understandable, after all, Zhang Tian led five hundred warriors to annihilate 30,000 cavalrymen of Zhanhan last time.

However, General Zhao Li of the Eastern Army has never heard of using any fairy magic?

In the end, it was just said that General Zhao used his troops like a god.

For a time, General Zhao Li became famous and known to the world!


Zhang Tian's side.

Naturally, he received the battle report of the Eastern Army as soon as possible.

Seeing that General Zhao was good at using the information of the clairvoyance, he achieved such a victory under few conditions and with minimal damage.

Zhang Tian and the emperor were both very satisfied.

General Zhao won for a while, was neither arrogant nor impatient, and advanced in an orderly manner, and everyone was relieved.

With the help of the clairvoyance, as long as General Zhao did not commit suicide, the Eastern Army was already invincible.

At this time, Xiangyang City also welcomed a large number of people.

There were a large number of officials from Lin'an Prefecture.

The emperor had just undergone surgery and should not move around.

In addition, because of Zhang Tian, ​​although Xiangyang City was the front line, it was safer than Lin'an Prefecture.

Now it was a national war, and the emperor would command in Xiangyang City for some time in the future.

Naturally, the court had to send a large number of officials to do things, especially military affairs.

However, the seventy-year-old Prime Minister Cai was unable to come because of his health, but Zhang Tian's familiar Shi Shangshu brought hundreds of officials to form a small court.

At the same time, there was also the "Jiaolong" short leg.

As a fierce beast, it was the natural place for it to play on the battlefield.

However, it was necessary to hurt and kill people on the battlefield.

Zhang Tian had to modify the original program himself and cancel the original restriction that it could not hurt or kill people.

The handprint of the warning also cancelled the universality.

In the control program of the "space rope" mechanical device, the facial features of several specific people are recorded. Only when they use handprints can they restrain the short legs.

No matter how standard the pinching is for other people, it will not have any effect.

When the short legs saw Zhang Tian, ​​it was like a dog seeing its master. It looked up to the sky and "wowed", and rushed up in a hurry.

When it came in front of Zhang Tian, ​​its nearly 20-meter-long body turned over, revealing its belly.

Zhang Tian knew that this was a gesture of submission by the beast, so he stretched out his hand and scratched its belly, saying: "Short legs, I haven't seen you for a while, and you have gained weight again."

"It's just right that you are fat. This time you finally have a place to use your skills."

"Ah..." The short legs howled.

Zhang Tian didn't know what it wanted to express, so he patted its head casually to comfort it.

Then he turned around and said, "General Guo, please send a skilled craftsman to tailor a set of armor for the short-legged beast."

"Although it is ferocious, it is still a flesh and blood body. It is very easy to be killed in the army."

Back then, in the advantageous place of the Yangtze River, the short-legged beast was almost hunted and killed by General Yu Jiangzhou.

Now on land, there are often battles with more than 10,000 people.

If there is no armor, it will probably not have a high survival rate against the army.

General Guo clasped his fists and said, "I obey your command."

As he said that, he asked someone to take the short-legged beast away and raise it separately.

The matter of the short-legged beast was dealt with.

A group of officials formed a temporary court in the hall of the general's mansion.

After a simple court ceremony, Emperor Anyou sat on the armchair and asked, "Minister Shi, since the short legs have been brought to Xiangyang, how have you dealt with Nianhan?"

Minister Shi said, "Your Majesty, Nianhan has been taken to prison and is under secret guard. He will never be found and taken back by the people of Tianjin Kingdom."

"Yes." Emperor Anyou did not comment.

This is a standard answer, but not the best one.

Emperor Anyou hoped that someone would report to him that Nianhan had "died of illness" to prevent future troubles.Now that the whole country has started a war, it is not perfect to keep a general of the other side alive.

However, the chance of Nianhan returning is too small, so Emperor Anyou is too lazy to worry about these trivial matters.

Zhang Tian asked: "Minister Shi, how are the people in my Zhang Mansion now?"

Minister Shi said: "According to the emperor's order, Su'er has been transferred to the palace and has been allocated a side hall to live in."

"Every time he goes in and out of school, he is protected by the imperial guards."

"The trivial matters in the mansion are taken care of by Manager Xu and several servants, and there is no problem for the time being."

Zhang Tian nodded: "Well, that's good."

Although everyone thinks that the possibility of Tianjin Kingdom using Su'er to threaten Zhang Tian is not very high, it is necessary to take precautions.

The necessary safety measures must be taken carefully.

Emperor Anyou said: "Minister Shi, Master Zhang and I have agreed that we will swear to go out at noon tomorrow."

"Master Zhang will go with the army, you stay here and be responsible for logistics, food and grass, etc."

Minister Shi was slightly surprised: "Your Majesty, Master Zhang is not in Xiangyang City? Then your safety..."

The emperor smiled slightly and said: "Master Zhang has made precautions. Unless the Tianjin Kingdom army comes, no one can get close to the general's mansion."

"With Master Zhang's arrangement, it must be foolproof. I am overthinking."

However, the emperor did not say the bottom line.

In Zhang Tian's arrangement, the extreme situation of Xiangyang City's fall has been taken into account.

Once the war starts, the Xiangyang army will enter the north, and Xiangyang City will inevitably be empty.

Even in the most extreme case, Xiangyang City was attacked by surprise, and the means left by Zhang Tian could keep Emperor Anyou alive.

The next day, early in the morning.

The 150,000 troops gathered in the wilderness outside the city.

Accompanied by Zhang Tian and General Guo, the emperor went to the high platform to boost morale.

Shangshu Shi held a copy of the "Anti-Jin Manifesto" in his hand and read aloud:

"In the past, bandits invaded our land, plundered our people, stained the mountains and rivers with blood, and the virtuous and innocent were all dead in the wild. The country was destroyed and the family was ruined. Their crimes are countless."

"The Tianjin Kingdom is a country of tigers and wolves. The thieves' intentions are obvious. They want to swallow up our An Dynasty, kill the king and kill the immortals. They have endless delusions."

"An Dynasty now has an immortal descending to the world, and the destiny is in my hands. The emperor came to Xiangyang in person, wearing armor and raising the flag, and the people are united to severely punish the traitors. It is to avenge the deep hatred of our people and is determined to seek stability in the country..."

After reading the long and eloquent manifesto, morale soared.

General Guo held the imperial sword in his hand, raised it high, and shouted: "We will not return until we win the Northern Expedition!"

"We will not return until we win the Northern Expedition!"

"We will not return until we win the Northern Expedition!!!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops roared in unison.

The sound waves rose to the sky, full of enthusiasm.

Most of them had witnessed the two major battles outside Zhang Tiancheng with their own eyes, and had experienced countless "miracles" of Zhang Tian, ​​and they had great admiration for Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian saw that the atmosphere was ready.

He pressed the bracelet secretly, and a large amount of white gas came out from his feet, carrying him up slowly.

The first time Zhang Tian landed in Xiangyang was because the weather was cold, and the gas in the space suit turned into fog when it was cold, as if he was stepping on clouds to descend to the earth.

Now, at the intersection of spring and summer, the temperature is already not low, and it is difficult to form natural clouds.

However, Zhang Tian took advantage of the situation.

Some chemical reagents were added under his feet to generate larger and more stable clouds.

Just like the gas trail ejected from the back during the flight show.

If necessary, Zhang Tian can also color these gases and make a "seven-colored cloud" or something.

Zhang Tian rose to a height of 100 meters in the air and looked down at everyone.

The 150,000 troops did not even dare to breathe the air, and all looked up at Zhang Tian above the clouds.

Zhang Tian pointed to the north and shouted: "Let's go!"

A simple sentence immediately ignited the morale.

"Huh! Let's go!!"

"Let's go!!!"

Under the gaze of Zhang Tian in the sky, hundreds of thousands of troops were filled with fanatical morale.

They wished they could find the Tianjin Kingdom army immediately and have a big battle.

The army crossed the Yangtze River calmly and headed straight for the nearest Tangzhou City.

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