"Yes, Immortal." Xu Wen came over happily.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Zhang Tian held him down and beat him up, and finally he let out a sigh of relief.

"I see that your blood and qi are stagnant, so I'll help you clear it up. Are you convinced?"

"I'm convinced...hiss...I'm convinced...hiss..."

Xu Wen wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't know how he had offended the Immortal.

But the Immortal beat him up, so he had to be convinced. What else could he do?

Didn't you see that General Zhanhan, who was guarded by 30,000 cavalrymen, was now locked up in the general's mansion?

Xu Wen's face was bruised and swollen, and he sat back in his original position dejectedly.

Several scholars sitting next to him asked: "Brother Xu? How does it feel to be beaten by the immortal?"

"Hiss..., it hurts, it hurts so much..."

"The immortal is really extraordinary, even beating people hurts so much."

"Brother Xu must have asked a taboo question, which annoyed the immortal."

"That makes sense, but this art of resurrection involves the underworld and the King of Hell, what can we do?"

Everyone came to learn immortal arts, and they also have the heart to save people, but they are not so great as to exchange one life for another.

Zhang Tian saw everyone talking about it, and knew that if he couldn't make it right, it would be in vain.

Now, there are two ways in front of Zhang Tian.

Either explain the concept of modern medicine and the structure of the human body in detail to them, and even give them some ideological lessons.

Be prepared for a protracted war.

Or follow their ideas and make it right with the majesty of his "immortal".

After a brief thought, Zhang Tian gave up the first option and prioritized ensuring that he would not be angry to death.

So he said: "Don't be in a hurry to kill chickens and sheep. Saving people is like putting out a fire. You can't wait."

"Don't be afraid of King Yama."

"Think about it, he is in charge of the underworld. So many people die every day in the world. How can he come in person?"

"After a person dies, it is the little ghosts who come to take away the soul."

"So, before the little ghosts go far, perform the resurrection technique and save the person first."

"The soul of a newly dead person has not yet reached the underworld. There is a big difference between snatching a person from a little ghost and rescuing a person from King Yama."

"Just like us ordinary people, if something happens, the police come to take you away. At this time, if you promise the police some benefits, they may pretend not to see and not find this person."

"If you catch someone in jail, the county magistrate will ask about it and have a criminal record, it will be difficult to handle this matter."

"Everyone, do you think this makes sense?"

When everyone heard it, they "suddenly realized"!

"That's right, that's right!"

"If the Immortal hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known about the underworld. It turns out that it's similar to our world."

They were confused when it came to ghosts and gods, but when it came to the police and the county magistrate, this metaphor was really deeply rooted in people's hearts!

"Immortal, will that offend the little ghosts? Should we kill chickens and sheep..." Xu Wen asked again.

This guy, is it not over yet? Is he not beaten enough? !

Zhang Tian glared at him and had to continue making up stories: "If you snatch someone from the little ghost, you have to give him some benefits."

"But there's no rush. Save the person first."

"If you can save them, promise to the sky that you will come to worship them after they recover."

"If you can't save them, it means that they are destined to be like this. There is no need to worship them. Just prepare for the funeral."

"In addition, don't worship them before they recover."

"The little ghost is fickle. If you take your sacrifice too early, I'm afraid it will turn its face and take the injured away in a blink of an eye."

"In addition, it's enough to show your intention, but don't waste it."

After a long speech, Zhang Tian suddenly felt that he had the potential to be a charlatan, which was perfect.

First, encourage everyone to rescue the injured as soon as possible to buy time for them.

Secondly, if they can't be saved, say that they are destined to be like this, and find an excuse for the failure of this resurrection technique, so as not to discourage people's enthusiasm.

After all, the injured are in a complicated situation, and not everyone can be saved.

To be more precise, in the case of a real emergency of cardiopulmonary arrest, only a few people can be saved.

Third, after the rescue, they are afraid that they will be too happy too early and torment the patient.

So they lied to them that the little ghost was fickle and they had to wait until the patient recovered before they could worship him.

Finally, they reminded them not to waste money, which was also for the consideration of those poor families.


Everyone nodded again with a look of "sudden enlightenment".

I don't know how many times I have "sudden enlightenment" today. I feel that listening to the immortal's teachings is really an eye-opener.

The scholars in Xuwen shook their heads and wrote and read, and they almost shook their heads off.

"It turns out that behind this resurrection technique, there is a lot ofThe secret of the Yin and Yang worlds is worthy of being called an immortal method!"

"The immortal is merciful and cannot bear to see us mortals suffer, so he passed down this immortal method."

"We must record it well and not miss a single word."

"Thank you, immortal!"

Everyone bowed together.

If Zhang Tian had not warned them not to kneel down in advance, they would have to kneel down three times and kowtow nine times, and light a few incense sticks.

Xu Wen asked again: "Immortal, yesterday I heard Captain Niu say that you used the method of borrowing life for the Tiedong warriors. I wonder if you can pass it on to us?"

No one is willing to use the name of blood transfusion anyway.

I feel that the name of blood transfusion is too straightforward, not high-end, and not worthy of the immortal style.

"By the way, what is your name?" Zhang Tian asked with a breath.

Xu Wen was overjoyed. It must be because he performed well that the immortals must remember his name: "Immortal, my name is Xu Wen, and my courtesy name is Wenbo. People from Xiangyang, they have houses and fields at home, and they live happily..."

"Okay, there's no need to say the following nonsense."

After asking for the name, Zhang Tian would not mind giving this guy a good beating if he finds a chance later.

Let you mess up in class!

"This blood transfusion technique..." Zhang Tian said, "It's okay to teach you. But there are some difficulties in it. You don't have the corresponding medical equipment, and you can't detect the blood type, which is a bit difficult..."

Everyone was overjoyed, as long as the immortal was willing to teach.

As for what difficulties, what medical equipment, what blood type, don't worry about it for now.

As long as it is an immortal method, learn it first.

"Mercy, immortal!" Everyone bowed again.

Zhang Tian said with a stern face: "Okay, sit down and listen carefully. Niu Er, help me keep an eye on it. If anyone dares to mention ghosts and gods again, throw him out immediately."

"Yes, immortal."

Zhang Tian said: "I will put the issue of blood type last, and talk about the structure of the human body first. Human blood vessels can be roughly divided into arteries and veins..."

At this point, all the students suddenly looked up at the sky.

A shadow enveloped Zhang Tian.

A dark cloud gathered above everyone's head.

The dark cloud was not big, and it seemed to cover the area of ​​the school field, and the dark pressure was very low.

From everyone's visual point of view, it seemed to be within reach.

Although it was late autumn, the weather was good, the sky was white, and there was no sign of snow.

The appearance of this dark cloud was really strange.

The voice of AI suddenly came from the headset: "Captain, an abnormal electromagnetic field has been detected around your body, which has interfered with the work of the bracelet and the space suit. Please pay attention to safety."


Zhang Tian was stunned, and then felt the hair on his body stand up, as if he was pulled by something.

"Oh no, it's a lightning strike."

Zhang Tian's mind moved, and he hurriedly took two steps.

"Crack! "

A bolt of lightning struck from the dark clouds, right where Zhang Tian had just stood.

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