Zhang Tian hurriedly said, "Stop!"

"Don't let your imagination run wild. This is just a special natural phenomenon. It has nothing to do with breaking the rules of heaven."

"Blood transfusion can save many people. Something happened today. You can stop learning it. Tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, the sky suddenly lit up.


A bolt of lightning struck down and finally hit Zhang Tian.

Then the dark clouds completely dissipated.

"Damn...sneak attack..." Zhang Tian spewed out black smoke from his mouth.

The students around were startled and stopped immediately, not daring to get close.

Seeing Zhang Tian not moving, he cried again.

"My immortal...my immortal..."

After a while, Zhang Tian recovered from the paralysis.

Seeing the crying on the ground, he said unhappily, "Okay, okay, I'm not dead yet."

Then he looked down at Xu Wen, Xu Xiucai, who was hugging his thigh, and found that he had also recovered and seemed to be fine.

The voltage of lightning is extremely exaggerated, ranging from millions of volts to hundreds of millions of volts.

Theoretically, those who are struck by lightning will die.

However, in later generations, there are records showing that many people were struck by lightning but did not die, and some people were born to absorb electricity and were still alive and kicking after being struck several times in their lives.

Even the medical and scientific communities can't figure out what's going on.

Zhang Tian was too lazy to think about why he and Xu Wen didn't die, as long as they were alive.

Seeing that Xu Wen seemed to be about to cry again, Zhang Tian cursed: "Hurry up and let go of your hand. How can you be so shameless in public?"

He looked up at the place where the dark cloud disappeared, and was a little puzzled.

This dark cloud is indeed a little unusual, and the last blow seems to be a sneak attack.

If everything is a natural phenomenon, even considering the special nature of his own time travel, it seems too coincidental.

Is there really a heaven, immortals, or something like that in this world?

Is there an unknown existence behind the dark clouds?

But from what I learned from General Guo, history and the world do not seem like a mythological world.

Besides, even if it was a mythical world, teaching CPR and blood transfusion wouldn't result in thunderbolts striking people, right?

It's not like they're really bringing the dead back to life or borrowing their lives.

At this time, General Guo had already arrived with his troops.

Looking around, he saw the armory ablaze, and a group of students with blown hair and black faces.

While calling for people to put out the fire, he walked towards Zhang Tian.

"Shangxian, what happened?"

Niu Er said, "Shangxian violated the heavenly rules by teaching immortal arts, and was punished by thunderbolts from heaven."

Although Niu Er was also electrocuted like a black guy, with a blown hair and a black body, only his eyes and teeth were white, he was not afraid at all.

Instead, he danced with joy, like a cute bear, and excitedly explained the ins and outs of the matter to General Guo.

Everyone checked one by one, and only breathed a sigh of relief when they found that there were no casualties.

At this moment, it was obviously impossible to continue teaching.

Zhang Tian interrupted Niu Er and said, "General Guo, let's stop here for today. I'll go to rest first, and I'll let you know when the class starts."

"Okay, please do as you please." General Guo said.

He watched Zhang Tian leave.

Seeing the charred earth pits and the armory that was on fire due to lightning, General Guo was also very terrified.

This matter involves heavenly punishment, which is very serious.


Back to the room.

Zhang Tian asked someone to bring hot water, hid in the big bathtub, closed his eyes slightly, and began to sort out his thoughts.

"Xiao Jiu, how is the data analysis of what happened just now?"

In addition to the holographic projection function, the smart bracelet also has many functions such as video recording, air pressure, positioning, etc., which is much more advanced than the previous generation of smartphones.

In addition, there are a lot of sensors on the space suit.

Just now, it was struck by lightning, and the sensors collected a lot of data.

Zhang Tian asked Xiao Jiu to analyze it automatically to see if he could find something useful.

"Captain, we are building a model. The processing capacity of the bracelet is limited. It is estimated to take 24 hours..."

"No need to save energy. Start the spacecraft's central control computer analysis and speed up."

"Yes, Captain."

The command was issued, and the central control computer of the supply ship outside the city slowly lit up, and a holographic model was generated on the screen.

The hologram is centered on Zhang Tian's human figure, and the data that all sensors can collect, such as charge, temperature, gravity, magnetic field, etc., are marked around it.

In less than two minutes, the holographic model display is complete.

Xiao Jiu asked: "The preliminary analysis is completed, Captain, do you want to hear the report?"

"Nonsense, hurry up."

Xiao Jiu said: "After comparative analysis, Captain, your body magnetic field may be slightly different from that of people in this world. So it is possible to become an electricity-absorbing physique."

"But these differences are extremely small, less than one ten-thousandth."

"The sensors on the bracelet and the space suit are not accurate enough, and individual differences cannot be ruled out."

Zhang Tian was surprised and said, "It's less than one ten-thousandth? Even if it's not individual differences, it probably won't have any effect, right?"

The human body's biomagnetic field is very weak in itself. On such a weak basis, it is less than one ten-thousandth.

Zhang Tian couldn't think of any impact.

Not to mention sucking the dark clouds in the sky everywhere.

Xiao Jiu said, "In the laws of physics, the quantity is not important, but its essence should be considered."

"For example, diamonds and charcoal are both composed of carbon elements, but their physical properties such as hardness and transparency are very different."

"And their difference is just the different arrangement of carbon elements."

"Yeah." Zhang Tian nodded.

As a science student, he naturally knew what Xiao Jiu meant.

"Xiao Jiu, in addition to the difference between the body's magnetic field and this time and space, is it possible that the dark cloud is controlled by humans?"

Xiao Jiu projected a hologram of the dark cloud: "The trajectory of the dark cloud is too strange, and it is not ruled out that there is an intelligent will controlling it. "


Zhang Tian suddenly sat up in the bathtub: "Have we come to the mythical world? Are there really gods?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Not really. Captain, the intelligent will I am talking about refers to the invisible and immaterial creator that may exist. It is not the humanoid creatures such as gods and immortals that people imagine."

Zhang Tian asked curiously: "Where did you draw this conclusion?"

Xiao Jiu said it was artificial intelligence, but in fact it was just a program that could collect and analyze data, and its cognition could not surpass the limitations of humans.

"This is the opinion of several authoritative scientists, summarized from the human database. "

As he spoke, Xiaojiu projected several videos and some text materials.

Zhang Tian followed the chronological order and first saw the story of Newton, a great scientist from several centuries ago.

But what Xiaojiu projected was not the apple that hit Newton's head, but a story about a solar system model.

In the 17th century, Newton discovered universal gravitation and created calculus, which pushed his reputation to the extreme.

In his later years, Newton did not study science, but wrote countless theological works.

His behavior was despised by many friends, and some even suspected that he was mentally ill.

One day, a great scientist friend of Newton came to visit.

I saw a model of the solar system in the room, with a gold-plated sun in the center and the planets neatly arranged around it.

As soon as the handle was pulled, the major celestial bodies immediately rotated according to the orbit, which was exquisite.

Friend After playing with it for a long time, he exclaimed in amazement and asked who made it.

Newton said: No one made it, it became like this by chance.

The great scientist friend naturally didn't believe it and said: How could such a beautiful model be created by chance? It must be made by an extremely talented person.

At this time, Newton smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder and said: Since you don't believe that such a simple model is accidental, then why do you firmly believe that the real solar system and the universe that is countless times more exquisite than this have no designer and creator?

The friend was convinced by Newton and believed in God from then on.

After Newton, another epoch-making great scientist Einstein also often mentioned God.

He even left a famous saying-God does not play dice.

However, there is still a difference between the God in the eyes of scientists and the God in the eyes of theologians and believers.

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