After these words, Qin Changshi's face was full of joy, knowing that General Guo was interested.

General Guo had been willing to risk going out of the city to fight for the sake of the people outside the city and stop the miscellaneous troops of the Hu people.

It can be seen that General Guo cares about the people.

Just based on this point, he is much better than Emperor An You in the court.

In addition, General Guo himself is a famous general with both wisdom and courage, otherwise the Nan'an Dynasty would not have sent him to guard Xiangyang City.

If General Guo can successfully replace him, the Han people will have hope for revival.

Of course, although the two hinted at rebellion, it is not a decision tonight and they will rise up tomorrow.

But once they make up their minds, they must start preparing and wait for the opportunity.

A war still takes months to plan.

If it is a major war, it may even take several years, including the time for logistics to prepare food and grass.

Rebellion, a dangerous act that will kill nine generations of the family, takes even longer to prepare.

The Sima family of the Jin Dynasty, starting from Sima Yi, to his son Sima Zhao, and then to his grandson Sima Yan, had endured for three generations before they finally seized the kingdom of Wei.

Finally, the Three Kingdoms ended and unified the country under the Jin Dynasty.

It can be said that they are the most capable family of rebels in history.

Qin Changshi waited for General Guo to make a decision. Once he started, he would offer advice and make secret preparations.

From the army to the court officials, he had to pull the right people into his control step by step.

He even had to secretly raise dead soldiers to wait for the uprising.

The "Book of Jin" once recorded the Sima family: secretly raising three thousand dead soldiers, scattered among the people, and gathered them one day, and no one knew where they came from.

Hiding three thousand strong men without being discovered, and no one reported it, you can see how much money and effort it takes? !

Each step of these preparations is a huge risk.

If any step is leaked and causes the emperor's suspicion, it may be a disaster of confiscation of property and extermination of the clan.

Moreover, preparation alone is not enough, and we have to wait for the right time.

If the Nan'an Dynasty is peaceful and the people live and work in peace, no matter how we prepare, it is unlikely to succeed.

Only in troubled times, there is a slight possibility.

Now the Nan'an Dynasty is in turmoil under the oppression of the Tianjin Kingdom, and the Tianjin Kingdom may be the "right time".

Especially General Guo guards Xiangyang City, with geographical advantages, and can even use "geographical advantages" to create this "right time".

Just like Wu Sangui in later generations, letting the Qing soldiers enter the pass is also a means of creating chaos.

Qin Changshi understands this truth, and General Guo also understands it.

The reason why Qin Changshi dared to hint like this is, on the one hand, he is dissatisfied with the cowardly Nan'an Dynasty today, and on the other hand, he looks at the present from history.

He thinks that General Guo may be the man of destiny who saves the Han people, comparable to Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.

In the past, Liu Xiu only needed a few meteors to defeat Wang Mang's army and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the case of General Guo, during the battle, a fairy boat descended from the sky and crushed countless Hu people, which was almost a replica of Liu Xiu.

There were even living immortals descending, and 500 people broke through 30,000 iron cavalry.

Its magical degree was even better than Liu Xiu.

Because of this, the more Qin Changshi thought about it, the more he felt that this was a hint from heaven, so he thought of hinting to General Guo in the name of reading.

If the rebellion was successful, he would be a founding hero, and he would not have to stay in the military camp all day long and do some miscellaneous work of paperwork.

However, they soon figured it out.

The key to all this is not General Guo, nor Qin Changshi himself.

It is Zhang Tian, ​​whom they worship as a fairy and believe in.

With him, one person can be as good as 100,000 iron cavalry, and can also win the hearts of the people of the world.

General Guo had figured out the key point, so he said: "Immortals are different from meteors."

Qin Changshi was also a little embarrassed. Zhang Tian was decisive, but they didn't know what Zhang Tian meant.

You can't just ask: Immortal, General Guo and I are going to rebel, will you join us?

Qin Changshi finally said: "General Guo, since you understand this "Book of the Later Han", I think the immortal must also understand. I will find a chance to ask the immortal."

General Guo said: "The immortal comes from the nine heavens and may not participate in human affairs."

Qin Changshi smiled slightly: "If he didn't participate, how did the 30,000 iron cavalry of the Jin Kingdom perish that day?"

General Guo was moved, but still didn't nod.

He needed to think about such a big thing clearly, and Qin Changshi was not in a hurry, waiting quietly.

Just here, Niu Er's deliberately amplified voice came from outside: "Immortal, it's so late, why are you here?"

General Guo and Qin Changshi looked at each other and understood that Niu Er was passing on a message to them.

In this general's mansion, Niu Er can stop anyone.

Even the emperor's envoy can be stopped by Niu Er. Only after the announcement will the envoy be allowed in.

Zhang Tian is the only one that Niu Er can't stop.Dare not stop, can't stop.

Although Niu Er didn't know what General Guo and Qin Changshi were discussing, as a personal guard, he deliberately informed General Guo in this way.

Zhang Tian was a little puzzled: "Why are you shouting so loudly at night? I came to discuss something with General Guo."

Niu Er said: "General Guo is inside, please."

Zhang Tian walked over and entered the hall.

General Guo stood up to greet him: "Shangxian, it's so late, what's the matter? Just ask the sergeant to come and inform, no need to trouble you to come in person."

Zhang Tian glanced at Qin Changshi, he had seen him several times.

After the battle, he took paper and pen to record various numbers when cleaning the battlefield.

Many of the memorials sent by General Guo to Lin'an Prefecture were written by him.

"Qin Changshi, you are here too."

"Hello, Immortal." Qin Changshi bowed and said, "Just now I was reading to General Guo about war cases in history."

"Oh? General Guo is very studious. What cases did you talk about?"

Qin Changshi was secretly happy that the Immortal took the initiative to ask questions, which just gave him a way out, so he said: "Just now I was reading about the battle between Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu and Wang Mang's army."

"At that time, a meteor fell from the sky and hit Wang Mang's army. Wang Mang's army was defeated, and then Emperor Guangwu came into being."

"What do you think of this battle?"

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and said, "You are talking about the great magician and the son of the plane Liu Xiu. I have heard of this."

Because the "Book of the Later Han" recorded the outrageous records such as "there were meteors falling in the camp at night, and clouds like broken mountains during the day" on the eve of the Battle of Kunyang.

So many netizens in later generations joked that the meteorites must have been summoned by Liu Xiu, using the forbidden spell "Meteor Shower".

Therefore, rumors spread, and many netizens said that he was a great magician who traveled through time and space, and was the son of the plane at that time.

That's why he achieved the following achievements and continued the Han Dynasty for 195 years.

Of course, no one actually believed in the "great magician" and "son of the plane". It was just to express the magic and luck of Liu Xiu's life experience.

Niu Er asked curiously: "What is a great magician?"

"Uh..." Zhang Tian said, "This is a joke name from my side, no need to delve into it."

Qin Changshi was excited and asked: "Since the immortal knows. Then, the immortal and the immortal boat came to Xiangyang City, isn't it like God helping Liu Xiu?"

After saying that, he stared at Zhang Tian tightly.

The hint of this sentence is so obvious that it can't be more obvious. If it is spread out, this sentence alone is enough to confiscate the family and exterminate the clan.

Even General Guo, who has always been calm and composed, is nervous and can't hide it.

Anyone with a little political thinking will definitely understand Qin Changshi's hint.

Unfortunately, they met a geek from the future.

Zhang Tian couldn't even figure out the simplest office politics, so it was strange that he could understand Qin Changshi's hint.

Seeing their nervous expressions, he thought to himself: Are they thinking about heaven and gods again?

So he said: "Don't think about it, this has nothing to do with heaven's help. I was not sent by heaven, I just accidentally fell into Xiangyang City."

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