Xu's father said warmly: "Wen'er, even if it's for the sake of immortality, we must not accept this money that shouldn't be collected."

"Today you broke the rules for the sake of the Immortal, and your guard was broken. If you become an official in the future, wouldn't you be able to collect money for your superiors and powerful people?"

"No exceptions can be made for things like this."

"The Immortal first came to the mortal world and had no money. As a disciple, you should naturally solve the teacher's difficulties. You should have told your father that you still have some belongings at home, and you can take them all with you."

"You are a scholar after all. If you are tainted by such things, even if you are elected in the future, you will be looked down upon by your colleagues and your career will be affected."

"Your second uncle has resigned himself to depravity. He sold his land to become a businessman and got into a low-income family. I'm afraid it will be difficult for his children and grandchildren to stand up."

"You should follow Shangxian to Lin'an Mansion for this trip, and you can ask your second uncle for help. He is a businessman, and it is most appropriate for him to handle this money matter."

"Alas...he hasn't written a letter for a long time. I wonder if he still sees me as his elder brother?"

As he said this, Xu's father clasped his hands to Zhang Tianyi and said, "The lax tutoring makes the immortal laugh."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Tian was also a little surprised.

Father Xu's family wears coarse robes and lives in poverty, but they are still not tempted by the heavy gifts from the Zhang family.

This sentiment, regardless of whether he is pedantic or conservative, is indeed very good.

Many honest officials in history, such as Hai Rui, did not have any conspicuous political achievements in their lives, but their spirit inspired countless people in later generations.

Let future generations know that there are really people who can live a life of poverty and not join in the sleaze.

This spirit is like a beacon on the long river of history, allowing those who are struggling to move forward on the right path to receive guidance from their ancestors.

Therefore, although corrupt officials continued throughout the dynasties, there were countless honest and good officials who struggled with them to keep the fire of the Chinese spirit alive.

Just now I heard Xu Wen say that there are hundreds of acres of fields outside the city. Seeing that the tenants' harvests were not good, Xu's father did not force rent.

In this day and age, one can already be considered a Bodhisattva.

Tenants often only needed a small amount of rent to survive.

I often heard in historical stories that many ancient people were noble and upright, but I didn't expect to see them today. I immediately felt that this disciple had gained a lot.

Zhang Tiandao: "Xu Wen, you are interested. After returning from shopping last time, General Guo prepared a sum of money for me. I am not short of money for the time being."

"However, since I have sent you this gift, please accept it."

"I see that your family is not well-off, so you can keep it for yourself."

“Absolutely not!!”

Xu's father and Xu Wen stood up at the same time. There was a tacit understanding between the two father and son.

Xu Wen said seriously: "Master Immortal, this money is said to be given to the disciples, but it is actually given to you by the Zhang family. How dare we accept it? Master Immortal doesn't want it, so we have to send it all back."

"Okay, okay, then I'll take it." Zhang Tiandao, "I'll leave you a load. It's a gift from my master."

"This..." Xu Wen still wanted to refuse.

Finally, at Zhang Tian's insistence, a load was left for Xu Wen's family.

The other load was converted into banknotes, silver, etc., and Xu Wen was temporarily asked to keep it on his behalf for emergencies.

Over there with the Zhang family.

After receiving the news that Zhang Tian nodded and accepted the two heavy gifts, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Later, I prepared a large gift for Xu's father to thank him for his kind words in front of the immortal.

But at this time, Zhang Tian had already left Xiangyang City. Xu's father could not ask Zhang Tian's opinion, nor could he accept it. He retreated but could not go back, and was in a dilemma.


the next day.

A motorcade had assembled at the Jiangjunfu campus, waiting for the otaku Zhang Tian.

General Guo dispatched a team of guards to escort General Nianhan into Lin'an Mansion.

Including food, supplies used on the road, etc., there were nearly 30 carriages in total, which was a huge momentum.

In addition, hundreds of majestic war horses were selected and presented to the emperor as trophies.

In a battle with Nianhan's 30,000 cavalry, nearly 10,000 horses were captured, excluding the casualties and those who escaped.

This made Nan'an Dynasty, which had always been short of horses, suddenly become rich.

As Xiangyang City was an important defensive town, it was natural to give priority to keeping it for its own use. The hundreds of horses given were mainly for invitations to the emperor.

The escort was led by Niu Er.

He is a close confidant of General Guo and a school lieutenant. He has excellent military strength, so he is perfect for escorting General Nianhan.

Three poles in the sun.

Zhang Tian slept until he woke up naturally. After eating breakfast, he slowly came to the motorcade.

At this time, General Guo, Niu Er, Zhuo Ping, Xu Wen and others were already waiting and greeted them one by one.

However, among the entourage, Zhang Tian saw a sergeant with a broken arm, it was Tiedong who was rescued by him.

Zhang Tian asked strangely: "Your hand was broken not long ago and it's not completely healed yet. Why would General Guo send you on a trip?""

General Guo on the side said: "The emperor knows that the immortal's resurrection technique is extremely magical, and he wants to see Tiedong."

"After watching it, I turned from Lin'an Prefecture to my hometown."

Zhang Tian said: "Go back to my hometown? General Guo, you don't want such a warrior?"

Tiedong is one of the 500 warriors. He dared to attack 30,000 iron cavalry with 500. Whether in courage or force, he is the elite of the elite in the Xiangyang garrison.

Tiedong said: "Immortal, don't blame General Guo. My left hand is already disabled, and it is useless to stay in the army. After seeing the emperor, I went back to my hometown, just in time to go back to take care of my mother who I haven't seen for many years."

Many military equipment is designed for both hands, and it is necessary to form a military formation to fight against the Hu people's iron cavalry.

No matter how brave Tiedong was originally, in the army where teamwork is needed, one hand less will actually hinder his feet.

"Oh, what are your plans for returning home? "

Tie Dong said: "I have military merits. According to the law, the emperor will give us soldiers a few more acres of land. We just need to farm well when the time comes."

"If someone likes me, a disabled person, I will marry a wife, have a baby, and continue the family line. "

Although Tie Dong's hand is disabled, he can't help but be full of hope when he thinks of these future scenes.

The ancient army is different from the later generations. Soldiers are lowly and cannot leave for life. Their status is not as good as farmers.

What's more, the Nan'an Dynasty, like the original Song Dynasty, values ​​civil over military, and the status of soldiers is even lower than before.

It is the most ideal outcome for Tie Dong to go home and farm with military merits.

However, in Zhang Tian's view, it is a pity for such a veteran to go home and farm.

Zhang Tian said: "I just need someone to do chores around me. I wonder if you are willing to stay and help me?"

"Shang...Is the immortal willing to take in a disabled person like me?" Tie Dong's eyes widened.

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