Zhang Tian said, "They are just two small satellites, launched into the sky, so that they can communicate with me."

Zhuo Ping didn't understand satellites, but he understood the words "sky" and "communication". He asked tremblingly, "Shangxian, who is talking to you? Is it the Jade Emperor?"

General Guo, Niu Er, Tie Dong, and other onlookers, their expressions were not much better than Zhuo Ping's.

Zhang Tian knew that they had misunderstood again.

However, Zhang Tian was not going to explain, and he couldn't explain it clearly. He turned around and left, letting them guess.

Zhuo Ping felt a little uneasy when he saw Shangxian ignoring him.

Did he say something wrong? Shangxian's face didn't look very good.

Is it because of the mention of the Jade Emperor?

Yes, Shangxian drove the immortal boat and smashed it from the sky to the ground. It didn't look like a normal descent, but it looked like it was shot down.

Could it be that Shangxian was demoted to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor?

So when the Jade Emperor was mentioned, his face looked bad.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Ping quickly took out a notebook, drew the scene just now, and wrote down his guess.

These were what the emperor and Prime Minister Cai asked him to do, and he dared not miss a single thing.

Zhang Tian was a little curious and glanced at what Zhuo Ping was writing.

As a result, he saw Zhuo Ping quickly draw a picture with a charcoal pencil, which was a bit like a later sketch, and a bit like a sketch.

The picture was the scene of Zhang Tian launching a small satellite just now. With just a few strokes, it was much more intuitive than the text description.

Then he wrote a few lines under the picture, writing down the Jade Emperor's guess.

Zhang Tian said unhappily: "What are you writing? This has nothing to do with the Jade Emperor. Erase it."

"This... Immortal..." Zhuo Ping hesitated.

Xu Wen said: "Master, this is for your own good, Zhong Guiren. This matter involves the secret of heaven. If there is a thunderbolt, how many can you withstand?"


Everyone took a breath.

At the time, Zhang Tian was struck by lightning twice in the military training ground of the general's mansion, which was witnessed by countless people.

The armory was also destroyed by the fire caused by the lightning.

Zhuo Ping naturally knew about this, and was so scared that he hurriedly erased the text and pictures.

Zhang Tian stopped him and said, "You don't have to erase this painting. Who did you learn sketching from?"

Zhang Tian remembered that sketching seemed to originate from the West, and there should be no sketching in China at that time.

Zhuo Ping said, "Sir, this is what I drew randomly. I call it charcoal drawing."

"When I was a child, my family was poor. I wanted to learn to draw pictures but couldn't, so I used charcoal to learn it randomly."

"Later, I was cleansed and entered the palace. Occasionally, when I went out of the palace to do business, I drew some small paintings for the emperor to see, so that the emperor could see things outside the palace to relieve his boredom."

"This time I came to invite you, the emperor also told me to draw what I saw and heard and return to the palace for him to check."

"Oh." Zhang Tian smiled slightly.

If Emperor Anyou was born in the future, he would definitely be a comics lover.

Zhuo Ping may have stood out from the eunuchs and caught the emperor's eye because of this unique skill.

It is already very impressive for a person to learn to this level by exploring out of thin air, and it has the shadow of sketching.

China has a long history, and such a simple painting method as sketching should have appeared earlier.

It may not have never appeared, but the painting level of ancient China was too high, which made this simple painting method not get the status it deserves and could not form a systematic knowledge.

Zhang Tian took the charcoal pencil and said, "This painting method is called sketching. Here... and here... the lines shrink a little, the sense of space will be stronger, and the whole subject will be more three-dimensional."

Zhang Tian added a few strokes to the half-erased painting and repainted the previous picture.

Suddenly, the supply ship seemed to emerge from the picture.

Zhang Tian's painting level is limited to the few art classes in the classroom.

But as a science man, he needs to design 3D parts, which requires a strong sense of space. His sketching skills are not good, but his sense of space in painting is first-class.

Zhuo Ping held the notebook, his eyes turned red, and tears fell from his eyes.

When I was a child, I was poor, there was no place to study, and I couldn't even eat enough, let alone buy rice paper and ask a teacher to learn painting.

When I entered the palace, although I had some status and money, I had no place to study.

Those who studied and became officials looked down on eunuchs, and they didn't dare to have anything to do with the emperor's harem eunuchs, so it was impossible for them to guide me.

I didn't expect that the first time I was guided by someone in my life was from an immortal above the nine heavens.

If Zhuo Ping didn't know that his status was not enough, he would have knelt down and asked to be his apprentice.

Zhuo Ping's tears fell uncontrollably, for fear of wetting the immortal's painting, and he quickly raised the notebook high, saying: "Thank you for the immortal's art, Xiao Zhuozi is grateful. I will be a cow in my next life."Be a slave..."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Tian interrupted, "It's just a painting, you don't have to work like a slave. Besides, what if you are reborn as a human in the next life?"

"Uh..." Zhuo Ping was speechless.

Zhang Tian could probably guess the reason for Zhuo Ping's excitement, and said: "If you are interested, I will give you a book on sketching when you are free. It will be much better than groping around on your own."

Zhuo Ping immediately knelt on the ground and said: "Thank you for the blessing, Immortal!"

Zhang Tian nodded: "You are much better than Xu Wen, you won't flatter others."

This sentence made Zhuo Ping think wildly.

Is the Immortal praising me for knowing the rules? Not taking the opportunity to become a disciple? Cultivating relationships?


It's finally time to say goodbye.

General Guo saw me off for three miles and clasped his fists: "Is Immortal, I can only take you here. As the garrison commander of Xiangyang, I can't stay away. ”

“Nianhan will be escorted by Niu Er and his men, and the rest of the trip will be arranged by Zhong Guiren.”

“If the Immortal has any questions, please tell Niu Er and Zhong Guiren.”

“Okay, take care!” Zhang Tian said, “If something big happens in Xiangyang and you can’t handle it, you can send someone to the flying boat and call my name, and I will hear it. I will definitely help if I can.”

In history, Xiangyang fell more than once or twice, and each time it was a disaster.

Since we landed in Xiangyang City, we must help within our ability.

General Guo said: “On behalf of the people of Xiangyang City, I would like to thank the Immortal for his blessing. But before calling the Immortal, do you need to offer three animals, fruits, tea and wine...”

Zhang Tian squinted and said unhappily: “If something big happens, do you still have time to do these empty rituals? "

General Guo was scolded, but he didn't care.

After these days of contact, General Guo knew that Zhang Tian didn't like the secular etiquette of the mortal world.

But the immortals can be indifferent, but I can't be in awe of them. It's always a good thing to ask more questions.

Xu Wen said on the side: "General Guo, act according to the emergency."

"If something big happens, call the immortal master first, and it won't be too late to worship after the situation is out of danger!"

"The immortal master doesn't eat incense, but the immortals in heaven always want it. As the saying goes, the more etiquette, the less gods will blame..."


Zhang Tian slapped Xu Wen on the head with a folding fan and scolded: "You kid, can't you think about something serious? You spread feudal superstition all day long, see how I will deal with you later!"

Xu Wen was not ashamed, and proudly took the blow, which made Zhuo Ping envious.

General Guo nodded and said: "Mr. Xu is still wise, we are indeed pedantic."

"Now that we have finished talking, let's go. "

The sadness that was originally created by the people in the city was completely destroyed by these two guys.

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