Seeing that no one spoke, Emperor Tianhui had to call out the name: "Zhang Jue, you Confucians do not believe in supernatural powers, what do you think about this?"

Zhang Jue felt helpless.

Confucius did not say supernatural powers, but he did not say what to do when encountering immortals and gods?

Oh... wait, Confucius seems to have said that.

Zhang Jue bowed and said confidently: "Your Majesty, Confucius once said: Respect ghosts and gods but keep them at a distance."

"According to intelligence, the first time the immortal Zhang Tian fell into the battlefield by mistake, the soldiers of Xiangyang City knelt down at that time, but our soldiers tried to kill the immortal, which was disrespectful."

"The next day, 30,000 cavalry arrived and wanted to tow away the immortal boat, angering the immortal. They were defeated by heaven's punishment, and Nianhan was also captured alive, which was disrespectful."

"Now, we have repeatedly sent spies to cause riots, Although the immortal was not hurt at all, it made him very unhappy, which is the third disrespect. "

"Confucius said respect to ghosts and gods, but we have repeatedly provoked the immortals."

"No wonder Zhang Tianxian was angry and used the sky to strike and warned him."

"Your Majesty, Zhang Tianxian has someone above him. We have been disrespectful many times, so why not... respect the teachings of Confucius, stop for now, and stay away from him?"

After saying this, Zhang Jue was slightly relieved.

It is not easy to persuade the emperor to be a turtle. You have to give the emperor a way out, but you can't appear incompetent.

Otherwise, if there is any change in the future, the persuader will be accused by political enemies and there may be disasters.

Zhang Jue beat around the bush and brought up Confucius, using the model teacher for all ages to give the emperor a way out. The emperor should feel comfortable with this way out, right?

However, there were still some Hu generals who were unhappy and said disdainfully: "Hmph, Han people are just cowards."

Zhang Jue was immediately furious: "Zhan Boli, you are so brave! If His Majesty is on a trip and is hit by a sky strike, will you come to stop it?"


Everyone's expression froze and they all took a breath.

The intelligence clearly stated that the sky and the earth shook with one strike, flames shot up into the sky, cliffs collapsed, and the sound spread for dozens of miles.

Of the more than a hundred spies, only a few escaped with their lives.

Such a powerful force, coming from the sky, was impossible to defend against.

If such a force came when the emperor was on a trip, who could resist it?

Not to mention blocking it, even escaping would be impossible, and the people accompanying him would probably be buried with him.

Zhan Boli was asked, but he refused to admit his mistake, so he could only snort coldly in response.

At this time, a Hu civil official stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, since you are going to give in, why don't we give in one more step."

Emperor Tianhui asked, "Walibu, how do we give in?"

Walibu said, "I think it is not enough to just stay away, it is better to show respect."

"Send an envoy to contact the Han immortal openly, present a heavy gift, ease the relationship, and then make plans based on the situation."

"Even if we can't make the immortal lean towards our Tianjin Kingdom, perhaps we can make the Nan'an Dynasty and the immortal feel resentful."

"If the emperor of the Nan'an Dynasty is suspicious and annoys the immortal, our chance will come."

Emperor Tianhui nodded, "Well, that makes sense. I'll leave it to you."

"However, this matter cannot be rushed. We have just been warned by the immortal. If we are too anxious, he may misunderstand. In addition, call all the spies back."

"As you wish."


Nan'an Dynasty, Lin'an Prefecture

Therefore, when it comes to the immortal entering the court, all the civil officials in the court are furious and ready to "die for remonstrance".

Emperor Anyou had to privately summon Prime Minister Cai An and several other trusted ministers in the imperial study to circulate the news about Zhuo Ping one by one.

Other matters involving heavenly communications and King Yama are not urgent for the time being. The most eye-catching thing now is the sentence "If anyone violates my majesty, the emperor will also kill him."

This includes Emperor Anyou.

Placing personal majesty above the emperor is definitely a taboo in the feudal dynasty.

Prime Minister Cai carefully figured out the emperor's thoughts and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty."

Emperor Anyou squinted: "Where does the joy come from?"

"The joy comes from heaven."

"Go on."

Cai An said: "This time the sky strikes, the mountains collapse and the earth cracks, the power is huge, it is definitely not in the mortal world."

Emperor Anyou and the other two ministers squinted at Prime Minister Cai. Do you still need to say this?

Cai An continued, "What does this mean? It means that Immortal Zhang Tian has someone in heaven."

"In front of him, King Yama is at his disposal to help the Su couple find a good birth, and in the back, the gods in heaven will listen to his orders and send down immortal attacks."

"Immortal Zhang Tian must have a high status in heaven."

"If we mortals are reincarnated in the future, we will be satisfied if we can let the immortal say hello to King Yama."

"But Your Majesty is the emperor of the world. Since the immortal has someone in heaven, in the future... maybe... like Huangdi, he will ride a dragon and ascend to the immortal class."

Emperor Anyou pondered for a moment and felt that there was a chance, and he was immediately delighted.

Lian YiFor ordinary couples, King Yama can be dispatched. In the future, when the immortals come to the court, I will mobilize the whole country to make friends with them. There is no reason for me not to say a few good words for myself.

Even if I can't become an immortal and enter reincarnation, it will be easier to deal with King Yama with the immortals around.

Maybe I can even be the second emperor.

Seeing this, Cai An guessed the emperor's thoughts and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for saying something disrespectful."

"I'm sorry, go ahead."

Cai An said, "Zhang Tianshangxian's words of authority are aimed at the emperor of Tianjin Kingdom. Your Majesty, you don't have to care."

"The immortals come from the nine heavens and have the majesty of immortals. They have been harassed by mortals many times, so they are angry. So they establish their authority on behalf of heaven and warn mortals."

"We, the Nan'an Dynasty, have a good relationship with the immortals. I think the immortals don't need to establish their authority with us."

"Yes." Emperor Anyou nodded.

He agreed with Cai An's statement and decided not to dwell on this issue.

Emperor Anyou asked again: "Prime Minister Cai, do you know which immortal god attacked from the sky that day?"

Cai An said: "According to Xiao Zhuozi's drawing, only half of the sphere appeared in the sky at that time. It is estimated that it was an immortal god who used a sledgehammer-like weapon."

"As far as I know, there are some immortal gods in Buddhism and Taoism who use sledgehammers."

"But the news said that only half of the sphere was seen, dark as gold, and the immortal god behind the scenes was not seen."

"I am not very knowledgeable and can't tell."

"Oh." Emperor Anyou didn't force it, "Do you know the origin of the immortal Zhang Tian?"

Cai An had to bow again: "I am ashamed. I have checked the "Biographies of Immortals" and the classics of Buddhism and Taoism, but I have not found the corresponding immortal Buddha."

After two questions without answers, Cai An felt embarrassed.

So he said: "Your Majesty, the immortal who can command King Yama and the gods in heaven must have a high status. I will ask Buddhism and Taoism later."

"Yes. But remember to avoid those civil officials. Don't let them bother me."

"I obey your order."


After the two courts received the news, they sent another wave of spies to verify it a few days later.

Two waves of spies, one bright and one dark, met on the cliff and fought fiercely, leaving a pile of corpses.

Finally, the spies of the Nan'an Dynasty won a tragic victory with the advantage of home court.

The surviving spies checked the terrain around the cliff and the impact on the surrounding snow-capped mountains and other areas, and recorded them.

He also took a few pieces of half-black "immortal-strike stones" that were blown up and went back to report.

Since then, this place has a new name - Immortal-strike Cliff.

The stones inside, as long as they are a little black, are collectively called "immortal-strike stones".

It is said that it is stained with fairy spirit and is very effective for warding off evil spirits.

As a result, people from a hundred miles around, if they have the conditions, will come to this "Fairy Cliff" to pull a stone back and bury it in the foundation.

Over time, the cliffs on both sides were flattened.

At this time, the Lei Feng Tower has been built. If there is a spirit, it will probably tremble when hearing this news.


Zhang Tian, ​​following the convoy, has arrived in Ezhou.

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