Shopkeeper Chen was frightened and quickly retreated, breaking away from Zhang Tian's contact.

Xu Wen said: "It's really a good trick, one thing after another."

"First, he locked up my second uncle, and took advantage of the women in the family who were in a panic to force him to buy it."

"If he was more vicious, I'm afraid all the money for buying the store could be swindled."

Xu Jingye was shocked after hearing this: "Who is the person behind you? What happened to my family?"

Shopkeeper Chen shouted: "I didn't say it just now... It was a ghost playing a trick on me... I didn't say it... I didn't even open my mouth..."

Seeing that Shopkeeper Chen was a little crazy, Zhang Tian wanted to solve the problem before he got scared and said: "Bring him here."

Immediately, two yamen runners locked Shopkeeper Chen on both sides and dragged him in front of Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian put the smart bracelet against his forehead again and asked, "Who is your master behind the scenes?"

Shopkeeper Chen bit his lips tightly and didn't speak, but his stereo voice sounded around him: "Can't say...can't say...can't say..."

Zhang Tian frowned slightly. If he kept repeating these words in his brain, he might not be able to ask.

So he said, "Is your master behind the scenes in the court?"

Shopkeeper Chen's inner voice came out again: "No...can't say..."

Zhang Tian said again: "What rank is he?"

Shopkeeper Chen's inner voice: "Third did I say it out."

"There are not many third-rank officials. Tell me his name, tell me his name! Quick!!"

With the last "quick", Zhang Tian suddenly raised his voice, which scared Shopkeeper Chen.

The inner voice came out naturally: "Master Liu did I say it again...Master Liu...I'm sorry..."

Zhang Tian smiled leisurely, released his wrist, and sat back in his seat.

At this time, there was only the low cry of Chen the shopkeeper in the hall. Because of fear, he bit his lips tightly and could only make some sounds through his nose.

Such a contrast made the hall seem even quieter.

At this time, the officials were not concerned about who was the master behind the case, but Zhang Tian's miraculous means.

Such means can peek into people's hearts and make people feel cold!

If Zhang Tian came into contact with them, what secrets would there be?

Zhang Tian was not in a hurry. He drank a sip of tea slowly and methodically to give everyone time to react.

Only people who don't understand the principle can be scared by such means.

Once used too much, people will be defensive, and the effect will be much worse.

Just like the lie detector in later generations, it caused a sensation when it first came out, and people thought they had a magic weapon to solve the case.

As time went on, many people found that they could deceive the lie detector with just a little training.

This is not counting the error rate of the lie detector, the memory errors of the person being questioned, and the factors such as believing the false as the true.

Therefore, the test results of the polygraph can only be used as an auxiliary means to solve the case, not as legal evidence.

However, in this era, people will not think of any scientific principles, and naturally associate it with ghosts and gods, and their vigilance is much weaker.

Shi Shangshu said: "Alas... I didn't expect that Lord Liu looked so righteous, but his subordinates did such a despicable thing."

As he said, he bowed to Zhang Tianyi: "Mr. Zhang, did you perform the art of listening just now?"

Zhang Tian was a little confused and his expression did not move.

Seeing that his lines were taken by someone else, Xu Wen said with regret: "Legend has it that Di Ting is the mount of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

"Tiger head, horn, dog ears, dragon body, lion tail, unicorn feet, good at listening to people's hearts."

"It can distinguish the true and false of all things in the world, and can distinguish all the good and evil, wise and foolish in the world."

"It is said that when Di Ting distinguishes the true and false, it needs to touch people and things with the horn on its head."

"Just now, the immortal master touched Chen's forehead, which is very similar to the legendary Di Ting."

Zhang Tian finally knew what they were talking about, smiled slightly, and said: "I guess so."

Xu Wen bowed to the officials and said: "My lords, the immortal master never said his name when he performed the immortal magic, which may involve the taboo of heaven."

"So we can only rely on our guesses , the art of listening that the Minister said is very appropriate. "

Minister Shi also said: "Xu Xiucai is knowledgeable and even knows about such a rare beast as Di Ting. He is worthy of being the disciple of Master Zhang."

"I don't deserve such praise from the Minister..."

"Ahem." Zhang Tian interrupted the two people's business boasting, "My lords, now that the case is clear, how to judge it should be determined, right?"

Minister Shi said: "I didn't expect that Liu Fang, as a censor, would break the law knowingly, which is a waste of his usual integrity and uprightness."

Prime Minister Cai stroked his beard and said: "Mr. Teng, the case can be closed. You will present the details of today's trial to the emperor. I and the ministers are witnesses."


The governmentLord Yin Teng slammed the gavel and said, "Now that the case has been solved, Xu Jingye will be released without guilt. Chen and the other two will be imprisoned on the spot and sent to the prison to await trial."

"Xu Jingye's two original shops will be returned to him in full."

"In addition, since it involves a third-rank official in the court, it is not within the scope of my duties. I can only report the case truthfully and let the emperor decide."

Chen and the other two were taken away by the yamen runners in fear.

Prime Minister Cai, Shi Shangshu and others greeted Zhang Tian, ​​turned around and left, and headed towards the palace.

This matter involved a third-rank official in the court, and Zhang Tian personally intervened. The matter was very serious, so they had to go to the palace early to discuss it with the emperor.

Originally, they wanted to talk to Zhang Tian about staying.

But in this situation, it was obviously inappropriate.

After the officials left, Xu Jingye was still confused.

For the past six months, he has been locked up in the prison and has no idea of ​​any news from the outside world.

Just seeing a group of bigwigs from the court come to try his case in person was already extremely shocking.

I didn't expect to see the "art of listening" which was beyond imagination.

All I could think about was what kind of master my nephew worshipped?

I'm afraid this "immortal" knows everything I'm thinking at this moment.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian guessed what Xu Jingye was thinking and said, "Mr. Xu, don't worry too much, go home and see first."

Xu Jingye said, "I don't dare to call you Mr., Jingye is a businessman. If you don't abandon me, you can call me Manager Xu."

"Okay, Manager Xu. Go home and report the good news first, so that your family can rest assured. Other things, wait until you recover, and then talk slowly."

"Okay, thank you, Immortal."

Xu Wen helped Xu Jingye go back. Zhang Tian knew that it was not appropriate to go with him at this time, so he declined their invitation.

The next day, after dawn.

Xu Wen came to wake Zhang Tian again: "Master, the emperor invited us to the court."

"Okay, got it."

The emperor didn't dare to call someone to urge him in the middle of the night, so he had to wait until dawn to notify Xu Wen and let him call him.

It was just right that during this time, all the officials in the court could have a good discussion.

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