Faced with such accusations, the envoy was not afraid and said, "As a disciple of the Immortal Sect, we naturally do not need to abide by these customs."

"However, the status of our Tianjin Kingdom and the Nan'an Dynasty cannot be confused."

Prime Minister Cai said angrily, "You Tianjin Kingdom dares to use the name of heaven. Have you ever asked heaven? Have immortals come down to earth with the will of heaven?"

"You are so bold that you dare to use the name of heaven in front of Mr. Zhang?!"

The envoy was not afraid and said, "The Tianjin Kingdom has the emperor star shining, which can still be seen every night in Zhongdu. What is there in the sky of the Nan'an Dynasty?"


The two sides exchanged verbal battles around the status of the country.

Zhang Tian watched with relish.

This was the first time he had watched such a national-level quarrel up close.

Although there were often such verbal battles between major countries in later generations, they were often carried out behind closed doors, and very few videos were leaked.

Most of them were just diplomats of the two countries talking to each other, which was much less exciting.

Looking at the focus of their arguments, the Nan An Dynasty just wanted to remove the word "Nan" and use the upright "An Dynasty" again.

Once "An Dynasty" was used again, it meant that they no longer had to call themselves "nephew emperors" to the Tianjin Kingdom, and they would at least be equal in status.

This status seemed useless.

Even to people in later generations who did not understand politics, it was a bit childish. Would it be a loss of meat for the emperors of the two countries to call each other uncle and nephew?

However, status is extremely important in any era.

As the saying goes, "If the name is not right, the words will not flow; if the words are not flowing... then the people will not know what to do."

This is a comprehensive suppression of another country in name and public opinion by one country.

After a long time, the people of the lower country would be invisibly lowered when they saw the people of the upper country, and they could not raise the idea of ​​resistance.

Just like the island countries in later generations facing the Eagle Empire on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the people were suppressed and lost their spirit.

As a political novice, Zhang Tian didn't understand these things at first.

However, after falling into this era, dealing with these people all day long, and with Xu Wen, Zhuo Ping and others explaining, he can see some of the tricks.

The envoy of Tianjin Kingdom was besieged by the ministers, although he was slightly at a disadvantage.

But he refused to change his words and held on to this title.

As a result, the ministers of Nan'an Dynasty were like a mouse pulling a tortoise, unable to start.

But as the two sides quarreled, Zhang Tian noticed a piece of information that he almost forgot - the Emperor Star!

This Emperor Star, which General Guo had mentioned to him before, was extremely magical.

It was its appearance that reversed the historical direction of an imperial dynasty and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Nan'an Dynasty.

However, the Emperor Star made him successful and the Emperor Star made him fail.

As the Emperor Star moved north, the original "An Dynasty" lost its morale, was repeatedly defeated by Tianjin Kingdom, and almost perished.

No wonder General Guo didn't dare to mention these to Zhang Tian at the time.

Talking about the Emperor Star moving northward and the Nan'an Dynasty losing its former imperial capital Kaifeng is equivalent to denying the foundation of the Nan'an Dynasty and its legitimacy.

How could the emperor tolerate such public opinion fermenting? Of course, it was strictly prohibited.

Zhang Tian asked Xu Wen in a low voice: "What is the Emperor Star?"

"Uh..." Xu Wen said, "It's a big star, and I haven't seen it either."

"But it is said that if you go north to the Sixteen States of Yanyun, you can see it. It is especially bright in Tianjin Kingdom."

"So strange?" Zhang Tian was a little puzzled.

The visible range is so small that it doesn't look like a natural star.

And it will run around and finally stabilize, and it doesn't look like a big meteorite passing by in the sky.

Zhang Tian whispered: "Xiao Jiu, help me check the astronomical data of this period in history. Especially those related to abnormal stars."

"Okay, Captain."

After a while, a piece of information appeared on Zhang Tian's retina.

The above is a record from an ancient document:

Volume 52 of Song Huiyao: In the first year of Zhihe... I saw a guest star appear, with a faint glow on it, yellow... It rose in the east in the morning, guarding the sky gate, and was seen as Taibai in the daytime, with horns in all directions, red and white in color, and was seen for 23 days... In the first year of Jiayou... the guest star disappeared...

Later astronomers inferred that this was a supernova explosion recorded in the Song Dynasty.

The meaning of the ancient text record is: In the first 23 days, this supernova was very bright and could be seen in the sky during the day, and then gradually dimmed.

According to the year and date calculation, this supernova lasted 22 months before disappearing from the naked eye.

The debris of this supernova explosion formed a very famous nebula in later generations - the Crab Nebula.

Scientists used the diffusion speed of the Crab Nebula to reverse and found that the time of its explosion was exactly during the Song Dynasty.

It is exactly the same as the time and phenomenon recorded in the literature.

Zhang Tian converted the time.

This supernovaAlthough it is about to explode, it has not yet exploded, so it is impossible to have anything to do with the "Emperor Star".

Not to mention the strange phenomenon of "Emperor Star moving north".

Such a strange phenomenon made Zhang Tian curious. Would it be related to his time travel to this era?

So, he gave an order: "Xiaojiu, control Satellite No. 1 to move north to observe the Emperor Star."

"Okay, Captain."

The balloon satellite moves slowly, and it is unknown how many days it will take to see the "Emperor Star".

However, if the two satellites acting as relays change their positions, the contact signal with the supply ship will not be so good.

There is even a risk of losing contact.

However, Tianjin Kingdom dare not make any more small moves at present. It is deep winter now, and it is estimated that nothing will happen for a while.

In the court.

The two parties quarreled until they were dry-mouthed.

Seeing Zhang Tian sitting on the side, sometimes smiling, sometimes whispering, as if he was saying something.

They had read the intelligence and knew that at this time, the immortals would often communicate with some immortals, ghosts and gods, and their hearts could not help but beat wildly.

Emperor Anyou reached out his hand to stop the quarrel between the two parties and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

In fact, Emperor Anyou hoped that Zhang Tian would intervene.

Even if he could not get back the title of "An Dynasty", he could make Tianjin Kingdom very afraid, and many negotiations would have an advantage later.

Zhang Tian said, "You just talked about the Emperor Star, but I have never seen it. I am also curious and have sent people to check it out."

Emperor Anyou and a group of officials were overjoyed.

No matter what the result of the inspection was, it would not be worse than now.

Maybe the immortals found something wrong with this star and asked the sky to take it back, which would be a major blow to Tianjin Kingdom.

Prime Minister Cai smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, if the trajectory of the Emperor Star is wrong, I wonder if it can be returned to the territory of Nan'an Dynasty?"

The face of the Tianjin Kingdom envoy changed drastically.

He had no doubt that Zhang Tian had this ability.

The inference drawn by Tianjin Kingdom based on intelligence is similar to that of Nan'an Dynasty.

Seeing that Zhang Tian can summon the King of Hell and command the Heavenly General, and his surname is Zhang, and his name is Tian, ​​it is speculated that Zhang Tian's status in the sky must be very high.

Even if there is no so-called "error in the trajectory", maybe a greeting from above can make the Emperor Star move.

At that time, where it will move to depends on the will of the immortals.

However, the temporary will of the immortals is almost a disaster for mortals to destroy the country.

Decades ago, Nan'an Dynasty overcame difficulties and rose briefly because of the Emperor Star.

Because the Emperor Star moved north, the people's hearts were unbalanced, the army lost morale, and declined rapidly, and even the original imperial capital Kaifeng could not be defended.

If the Emperor Star was moved away, the envoy dared not imagine what a miserable situation Tianjin Kingdom would be in.

The messenger bowed to Zhang Tian and said, "Goddess, our Tianjin Kingdom worships the Emperor Star day and night, and there is no disrespect. Don't believe what they say."

Emperor Anyou also said, "Even if the Emperor Star moves north, our Nan'an Dynasty has never stopped offering incense to the Emperor Star, and we are still worshiping it."

Shangshu Shi asked again, "Mr. Zhang, which immortal god did you send to check? Does he have a name? We, the people of Nan'an, can worship him day and night and offer incense..."

A group of ministers spoke one after another, expressing their respect for the Emperor Star, hoping to make Zhang Tian lean towards their side.

Zhang Tian was annoyed after hearing this, and had to say, "What is the Emperor Star? I don't know yet. I will tell you after the people I sent back to tell you."

As he said that, he stood up and greeted Emperor Anyou, saying, "Emperor, I will leave first if there is nothing else. You continue."

As he said that, he left the hall leisurely with Xu Wen.

Seeing Zhang Tian leave, the civil and military officials in the court no longer wanted to continue arguing with the messenger.

They didn't expect to change the country's name after a quarrel.

They just wanted to take advantage of the victory to ask for a high price and pay it back in order to gain the most political capital.

Now that Zhang Tian was able to check the Emperor Star, it was useless to argue more. They would wait until the result came out.

After the Tianjin Kingdom envoy left the court, he hurriedly sent urgent information to Emperor Tianhui in Zhongdu.

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