Please, It's A Scary World

113. This Method Seems Familiar, The Paper Figurine Wailing Wall

"Open the door! Children ~ open the door~"

"Woooooo~ Open the door~ Woooo~~"

Wang Qinghe's bitter cries kept coming from outside the door.

The faces of everyone in the room became extremely ugly.


Wang Jiaojiao shouted.

Fang Ming knew what she meant.

They are asking what to do, whether to open the door.

But Fang Ming knew that the one outside was definitely not Wang Qinghe.

Just now he saw on the stairs that one of the paper figurines looked exactly like Wang Qinghe.

Even if Wang Qinghe was not killed, he must have been controlled.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Ming gritted his teeth: "No, the door cannot be opened yet."

But except for Chen Rou and Xiaoxue, the others did not see Wang Qinghe turning into a paper figurine.

Therefore, after hearing Fang Ming's words, complex expressions appeared on the faces of the others.

Fang Ming is the one who brings them light and hope.

But at this time Fang Ming chose to reject a person who broke up for them.

However, they did not speak or question Fang Ming.

Although they don't know why Fang Ming made such a choice, they choose to believe in Fang Ming.

Fang Ming...will definitely not let them down.

But the ghost babies in the room suddenly became irritable after hearing 06's cry outside the door.

Even though they were still weak and unable to move, they all opened their eyes, staring at the door and yelling something faltering in their mouths.

All of a sudden, the whole room became noisy.

It was as if he was responding to Wang Qinghe outside.

Outside the door, the voices of children seemed to be heard.

The cries became louder, sadder, and bitterer.

Even Fang Ming felt a little shaken in his mind.

It was as if Wang Qingyuan was really crying at the door.


Suddenly, a gong sounded again.

The cries outside the door paused for a second, then sounded again.

Only this time, it was accompanied by a weird child's voice.

"Tong! Thong! Thong! Thong!......"

It seems that many people are constantly banging their heads against the wall.

Hitting the wall is not enough.

The door finally slammed.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With a sound, weeping bitterly.

With his head, he was banging on the door.

"Open the door~ Open the door~ Children~"

"I miss you~ Open the door~"

Wang Qinghe's miserable voice kept rushing out of the door.

Although you can't see what's going on outside.

But almost everyone in the room could vaguely think of the situation outside.

All of a sudden, all the children in the room became a little manic.

Both eyes began to bleed.

Seeing this, Fang Ming frowned suddenly.

"This ability is a bit familiar."

"It should be that the existence outside took advantage of Brother Qinghe's ability."

"Brother Qinghe should be turned into a paper doll now, but it should only be temporary.

"If he really loses all consciousness, these ghost babies should go with him."

"The reason why the taboos outside do this is to shake our emotions on the one hand, and on the other hand it should be to lure ghost babies, create chaos or open the door directly.

"To spend so much time playing these ghostly tricks, it shows that my previous guess is correct, and this taboo may not be as strong as imagined.

"Otherwise, it would just smash the door and rush in."

"I definitely wouldn't do these small tricks so timidly."

"Or, there is a more terrifying existence in this building, which makes him afraid to take a direct shot."

"Anyway, no matter what, you must not sit here and wait for death."

Fang Ming looked at the gate, then turned around and glanced at the crowd who were comforting the baby ghost, he clenched his fists.

"It seems that we can only find a way to stabilize the emotions of the ghost babies."

'Then use the Ming Talisman to observe what's going on outside. "

"It's best to let other people see Brother Qinghe's state clearly, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

Apparently, Fang Ming also noticed that there was something wrong with everyone's mood just now.

All of these neighbors have had very tragic experiences and are extremely sensitive.

It's not like the old fox who hides his emotions.

Fang Ming knew what they were thinking with just a glance.

Getting along with them is much easier than getting along with people who have learned to pretend.

Thinking of this, Fang Ming let out a deep breath.

Turning around, she said to Wang Jiaojiao: "Sister Jiao, you are the strongest here now, you have to pay more attention to the situation of the children, I am afraid that the noise from outside will cause them accidents.

Wang Jiaojiao's charming face was already extremely dignified.

Hearing Fang Ming's words, she nodded: "Well, I will take care of the children."

Seeing that she agreed, Fang Ming prepared to let Hong Doudou use the Ming Talisman.

But as soon as he turned around, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and his body froze in place.

"Isn't the world of consciousness able to block out external voices?"

"Although Chen Rou was seriously injured, we still have Xiao Hei.

"Hey, why didn't I think of it earlier."

Fang Ming suddenly became excited.

He hurriedly turned his head and looked back, only to find that Hei didn't know when he hid in the corner by himself again. It was still his favorite action, sitting with his knees hugged to hide himself in the dark.


Seeing Fang Ming looking at him, he was stunned for a moment, then pointed to himself: "Ming...Brother...Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, come quickly, Xiao Hei."

Fang Ming smiled and waved to him.

When Hei came over, Fang Ming asked gently: "Xiao Hei, can you pull the children into your conscious world?"

Hearing what Fang Ming said, Rili Wang Jiaojiao seemed to have thought of something.

Her eyes lit up slightly: "This method is not bad."

Hei tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, yes, I'm afraid they are afraid of the dark.'

Hearing this, Fang Ming laughed immediately: "Do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. If you find something wrong with the children later, you will directly pull them into your conscious world."

"The cries outside have been affecting these children. I'm afraid they will not be able to stand the temptation and do some stupid things. We can't kill them directly. I'm afraid it will be troublesome then."

Hei nodded his little head wrapped in a black sweater, whispered, "Yes, I see." Then his whole body turned into a cloud of black 560 mist, which began to pervade the entire room.

Black mist immediately filled the entire room.

All the children and the small coffins were all shrouded in it.

As long as Xiao Hei has a thought, all ghost babies will be pulled into the world of consciousness by him.

Seeing that everything was ready, Fang Ming walked up to Hong Doudou, patted her head and said, "Doudou, use the Ming Talisman to see what kind of existence it is outside.

Seeing Fang Ming's gaze, Hong Doudou calmed down slightly.

Immediately nodded and took out a Ming Talisman from his bosom.

As before, Hong Doudou walked to the door with the Ming Talisman.

Because of the increase in strength, she didn't need to recite the mantra word by word, but just put the Ming Jian Talisman in front of her body, calmly focused, and said "Hurry up!"

The Ming Talisman in his hand burned automatically, and the ashes of the Talisman floated forward.

The space in front of him fluctuated.

Immediately, the situation outside the door appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Suddenly let everyone gasp.

I saw that there was a blood coffin at the door.

In the corridor, densely packed white paper figurines knelt in a row.

Some paper figurines keep hitting their heads against the wall,

Some paper figurines are beating their heads on the ground,

There were traces of bright red blood all over his forehead.

The seal runes on the walls and gates are constantly being stirred up.

They were all crying, but their faces were expressionless.

The most chilling thing is that the faces of all the paper figurines are all the same.

Everyone in the room knows this face, he is: Wang Qinghe!.

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