Please, It's A Scary World

144. Only Magic Can Defeat Magic

Brother Zifeng...

Hearing that sweet voice, Fang Ming instinctively looked down.

Sure enough, he saw a pretty red face looking at him pitifully, at this moment he was like a pink apple exuding a seductive color.

But at this time, in Fang Ming's eyes, Su Tao's message appeared.

Name: Su Tao

Identity: Evil Ghost Obsession Aggregator

Formation: After the seven evil spirits on the seventh floor endured extreme pain and conspired to kill, the aggregate of obsessions that was conceived is not weird, it is better than weird.

Features: No hierarchy, no self-awareness, all behaviors are instincts during life, and all men will become her spiritual slaves.

Suggestion: Don't believe anything she says, don't stare into her eyes, don't be tempted by anything she does, in short, don't pay attention to her.

Seeing Su Tao's message, Fang Ming's heart skipped a beat.

Evil ghost obsession aggregation?

This is another new species discovered.

And, it seems dangerous.

Will all men become her spiritual slaves?

Obediently, it seems that there is such a feeling.

Fang Ming thought about it carefully, it seemed that he had already hit the road from the moment he went up to the seventh floor.

From being hit by Su Tao's bicycle, to her every word, deed, and look, everything seems to be attracting him.

The image of her innocence was constantly deepening in his mind.

It gave him the illusion of "not marrying Su Tao".

Moreover, from the moment he went upstairs, he entered the so-called "Phantom Realm".

That is to say, the memory world of evil ghosts replaces evil ghosts and feels everything that happened in the past.

So, at this time, he should have replaced the so-called "Chen Zifeng"?

No wonder Fang Ming felt a sense of disobedience in the way he acted and spoke before.

"So, how did I wake up?"

"Is it because I accidentally crushed Su Tao?"

"Then Chen Zifeng became malicious towards me, and the system reacted."

"Well, it was...Xiao Hei who tripped me up?"

"So, even now, this Chen Zifeng still misses Su Tao. Even if I meet Su Tao by accident on his behalf, it makes him jealous."

"No wonder I've been with Su Tao for so long before, and I haven't even held hands with him.". "

Fang Ming calmed down, and slowly sorted out the context of the matter, and everything gradually became clear in his mind.

But Su Tao continued to be pressed by him, as the body temperature between the two continued to break.

Su Tao couldn't help shouting again in a low voice: "Brother Zifeng, you... can you get up?"

Fang Ming came back to his senses and looked down subconsciously.

I saw Su Tao's pitiful eyes and that little face that made people feel distressed.

Just like a lovable angel.

Compared with Xiaoxue, it makes people feel distressed.

Ignoring Su Tao seems to be the most excessive thing he has ever done in his life.

Fang Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up: "Sure enough."

Thinking of the system's reminder, he immediately turned his head to the side, and then got up from the ground.

Su Tao didn't seem to notice Fang Ming's abnormal behavior, but slowly got up from the ground, the skin on her delicate knees was scratched, and the bright red blood oozed out immediately.


Su Tao couldn't help opening her small mouth, and cried out in pain.

This sound made Fang Ming's blood surge even more.

A sense of guilt rose in my heart for no reason.

It seems that such a poor girl's knees are broken, but he stands aside and looks on, just like a cold-blooded steel straight man, he should be spit on by everyone.

If it were someone else, they would have picked her up and carried her to the infirmary in distress.

"When I was substituting Chen Zifeng before, I didn't have this feeling of being controlled by the mind at all, as if everything I did was as it should be.

"As a matter of course, give Su Tao the best care in the world, the most perfect love, the most meticulous care, and the most sincere feeling."

"Although it seems very reasonable, invisibly, it seems to be creating a kind of thinking inertia.

Fang Ming felt a slight chill in his heart.

At this moment, the students passing by all stopped.

All surrounded here one by one, and began to point and point.

"Is this man stupid? A girl was injured, and he just stood there in a daze?"

"Hehe, it's just a straight man made of sand and steel."

"This girl has really bad eyesight, and she actually found a boyfriend who has no eyes like him."

"That's right, such a cute girl should be taken care of in the palm of my hand."

"Oh, what a flower stuck in cow dung."

"I see, why don't we help that girl? If we dig the corner, we'll dig it. I don't feel ashamed. I'll take care of her.

Whether it is a man or a woman, everyone is responsible for Fang Ming.

Their voices don't sound loud, but they keep lingering in Fang Ming's mind like 3D surround sound.

It seemed that Fang Ming was really an unforgivable sinner.

He should immediately go over and hug Su Tao, comfort her warmly, and then carry her to the duty room. This is the most correct choice.

A terrifying sense of guilt kept rising in Fang Ming's heart.

At this moment, Su Tao came over from behind and hugged Fang Ming's arm.

The voice said softly: "Don't talk about it, Zifeng's big brother is not that kind of person. He was just too worried about me, so he was stunned for a while. I know it all."


The sound exploded directly in Fang Ming's head like a depth bomb.

It seemed as if he was going to blow up the rationality in his brain to pieces, and repainted Su Tao.

And at this moment, the system prompt sounded again.

[Chen Zifeng's friendliness -10, maliciousness increased by 50%]

[Jealousy makes people lose their minds, please keep a distance from Su Tao immediately

Fang Ming's expression was startled, and a refreshing feeling gushed out from the position of the heart, and began to spread to the whole body.

From the limbs to the heavenly spirit.

Fang Ming's whole body trembled, his gaze narrowed slightly.

"What a caring little baby from big brother."

"I almost lost my mind."

"Fortunately, she hugged me and aroused Chen Zifeng's jealousy and activated the system prompt."

"Now it should be the level 2 peace of mind that works."

He glanced at the disdainful students around him.

He took another look at Su Tao, who was holding his arm, with an affectionate and pure face.

At this moment, Su Tao is like a well-behaved, sensible, pure and heart-warming little girlfriend.

There is still a trace of sweetness and comfort in the eyes.

It was like a trump card constantly hitting Fang Ming's heart.

Trying to make Fang Ming fall completely.

What men want most is this kind of beautiful and understanding girl.

Especially, at this moment, it is she who is obviously wronged.

She came over and stood firmly behind you, trying to excuse you.

This feeling is absolutely unbearable for any man.

However, it gave Fang Ming a sense of familiarity.

Make him a little weird.

"Shouldn't this kind of heart-warming method be my best?"

"What the hell..."

Thinking of this, Fang Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mind gradually became clear.

"I know, if you want to get rid of this situation of being constantly pressured by the surroundings and Su Tao's invisible attack, you must turn passive into active and disrupt the rhythm of Su Tao's attack."

"It's magic defeating magic."

Fang Ming took a deep breath, suppressed all distracting thoughts in his heart, and then showed a smile on his face.

This smile is sunny and warm, just like a heart-warming big brother.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Su Tao's head, and then his eyes fell on everyone: "I'm sorry everyone, I made everyone worry, everyone is a very good person, I will take Taozi to the infirmary now, absolutely not It will hurt her a little, so don't worry."

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